NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Economics Chapter 3 Money and Credit

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Economics Chapter 3 Money and Credit

Textbook Exercises

Question 1.
In situations with high risks, credit might create further problems for the borrower. Explain.
The problems for the borrower, in
situation with high risks, may include
(a) The borrower may have to pay interest on principal as well as an interest to the lender.
(b) The lender may resort to court proceedings.
(c) The lender may invoke security agencies, banks etc.

Question 2.
How does money solve the problem of double coincidence of wants? Explain with an example of your own.
Money solves the problem of double coincidence of wants, a person repairs watches but he wants a shirt. It is through money, he repairs a watch and get money for his service. He goes to the market, and buys a shirt. If, let us suppose, there is no money so to act as instrument of exchange, how will the watch repairer buys-a shirt. He will have to search a person who wants his watch to be repairer, and then with money he gets, he will have to search another person who is selling shirts. Money solves the problems of the watch-maker and the seller of snirts.

Question 3.
How do banks mediate between those who have surplus money and those who need Money?
People who have surplus money want (a) earnings on their cash they have with them. So they deposit their money in the bank and get back interest on their deposits, and their money in the bank is safe against that if they would have their money to some private individuals and risk their money. On the other hand bank gives money on loan to some one who needs money and take interest from the borrower. Thus the bank solves the problem of one who has surplus money and of those who need money.

Question 4.
Look at a 10 rupees note. What is written on top? Can You explain this statement?
On a ten rupee note, the statement written by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India is that: I promise to pay the bearer the sum of ten rupees.

Question 5.
Why do we need to expand formal sources of credit in India.
We need to expand the formal sources of credit so-to reduce the dependence on informal sources of credit. Informal sources of credit have with them larger rate of interest.

Question 6.
What is the basic idea behind the SHGs for the poor? Explain in your own words.
SHGs stand for Self Help Groups. The basic idea behind the SHGs is that the poor are able to obtain loan from their own self-organised groups, and that too at a lower rate of interest. The SHGs help promote saving among the poor.

Question 7.
What are the reasons why the banks might not be willing to lend to certain borrowers?
The bank lends money to those who are able to give back the loan. To those who are unemployed or ill-employed, the bank would not be willing to give them loan. If it does, it may lose the interest as well as the principal amount.

Question 8.
In what ways does the Reserve Bank of India supervise the functioning of bank? Why is this necessary?
The Reserve Bank of India supervises the functioning of the banks in numerous ways. This is necessary as well. Some of the many ways through which the RBI supervises these banks are:

  1. The RBI monitors that the banks keep their account accurately;
  2. The deposits of the people are kept safely
  3. The RBI keeps drawing all informations from the banks the record which the banks possess.
  4. The RBI supervisor the banks that they function according to the rules prescribed by it.

The idea behind the supervision of the RBI is that the people’s money lay safe; that they keep all accounts of records accurately;

that the banks function according to the guidelines prescribed by the RBI.

Question 9.
Analyse the role of credit for development.
Money is required by the people for all that they do, especially in business, housebuilding, industries etc. Without money it is impossible to carry on with economic activities. Quite enough money, in cash, is not available. People resort to credit the role of the-credit. Is, indeed, very important. Credit helps arrange money in all economic activities, especially in development projects. Credit can be arranged through formal sources and informal sources. It is always better that the formal sources of credit should be used.

Question 10.
Manav needs a loan to set up a small business. What basis will Manav decide whether to borrow from the bank or the moneylender? Discuss.
Manav has to arrange money if he wants to set up a business. Even small business requires a lot of money. Money can be arranged through credit. He should take loan from the bank and not borrow money from any moneylender. The rate or interest on loan from the banks is always lower than interest of interest from the moneylender.

Question 11.
In India, about 80 per cent of farmers are small farmers, who need credit for cultivation.
(a) why might banks be unwilling to lend to small farmers?
(b) What are the other sources from which the small farmers can borrow?
(c) Explain with an example how he terms of credit can be unfavourable for the small farmer.
(d) Suggest some ways by which small farmers can get cheap credit.
(a) Small farmers may not be able to pay bank the money they borrow. The banks would not take any such risk.
(b) Small farmers can borrow money from the moneylender is or from the traders or the rich people
(c) If the small farmers borrow money from the informal sources such as moneylenders or traders, the terms of credit would be unfavourable for the small farmers? They will have to pay higher rate of interest than the one if they borrow from the formal sources of credit, say, the bank or the cooperative societies.
(d) Small farmers may get credit from (i) banks, (if) cooperative/agricultural banks, (iff) cooperative societies, (iv) self-help groups (SHGs).

Question 12.
Fill in the blanks:
(1) Majority of the credit needs of the ………….. households are met from informal sources.
(2) ………….. Costs of borrowing increase the debt burden.
(3) …………… issues currency notes on behalf of the Central Government.
(4) Banks charge a higher interest rate on loans than what they offer on ……….
(5) …………. Is an asset that the borrower owns and uses as a guarantee until the loan is repaid to the lender.
(1) poor
(2) Higher
(3) The Reserve Bank of India
(4) Deposits
(5) Collateral

Question 13.
Choose the most appropriate answer.
(i) In a SHG most of the decisions regarding savings and loan activities are taken by:
(a) Bank (b) Members
(c) Non-government organisation
(d) Formal sources of credit does not include
(a) Banks
(b) Cooperatives
(c) Employers
(i) Members
(ii) Employers.

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Economics Chapter 3 Money and Credit.

Vocation Class 6 MCQ Questions with Answers English Poem 7

MCQ Questions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 7 Vocation with Answers

Question 1.
A child wishes to
(a) take breakfast at noon
(b) be a watchman
(c) wash his dress
(d) get up early in the morning


(b) be a watchman

Question 2.
When no one checks him he will
(a) not get baked in the sun
(b) not spoil his clothes
(c) walk the street all night
(d) not indulge In gossip


(c) walk the street all night

Question 3.
The child wishes to become
(a) a doctor
(b) an engineer
(c) a hawker
(d) a teacher


(c) a hawker

Question 4.
The word giant’ is a
(a) noun
(b) gerund
(c) verb
(d) adjective


(a) noun

Question 5.
The hawker leads a
(a) pious life
(b) carefree life
(c) miserable life
(d) peaceful life


(b) carefree life

Question 6.
According to the poet, the gardener should
(a) plant only weeds
(b) be punished for soiling his clothes
(c) plant flowers and vegetables
(d) plant fruits


(b) be punished for soiling his clothes

Question 7.
When the mother sends him to bed the poet is
(a) unhappy
(b) happy
(c) revengeful
(d) jealous


(a) unhappy

Question 8.
When all seem free, the poet feels
(a) choked
(b) to Join them
(c) envious
(d) to go to sleep


(c) envious

Question 9.
The speaker seems to be disgusted with
(a) the gong
(b) the hawker
(c) the school
(d) the discipline


Answer: (d) the discipline

Question 10.
The speaker loves the gardener’s
(a) gardening
(b) digging
(c) freedom
(d) dress


Answer: (c) freedom

Question 11.
The one who is taken to task for getting baked in the sun is
(a) the gardener
(b) the bangle-seller
(c) the speaker
(d) the watchman


Answer: (c) the speaker

Question 12.
The watchman comes on duty when
(a) the child sleeps
(b) the gardener comes
(c) the bangle seller comes
(d) the sun rises


Answer: (a) the child sleeps

Question 13.
The street is lonely because
(a) People fear to come out
(b) people are asleep
(c) there is curfew
(d) nobody lives in this lane


Answer: (b) people are asleep


When the gong sounds ten in the morning and
I walk to school by our lane,
Every day I meet the hawker crying. Bangles.
crystal bangles!”
There is nothing to hurry him on. there is no
road he must take, no place he must go to, no
tune when he must come home.
I wish I were a hawker, spending my day in
the road, crying. ‘Bangles, crystal bangles !

Question 1.
The speaker of the passage is
(a) a baby
(b) a young man
(c) a school-going child
(d) a school teacher


(c) a school-going child

Question 2.
The speaker seems to be disgusted with
(a) the gong
(b) the hawker
(c) the school
(d) the discipline


(d) the discipline

Question 3.
The speaker seems to love
(a) his school
(b) the bangles
(c) the hawker
(d) the freedom


(d) the freedom

Question 4.
The passage has been taken from
(a) Vocation
(b) What if
(c) Beauty
(d) The Quarrel


(a) Vocation

Question 5.
The noun form of ‘spending is
(a) spend
(b) spender
(c) sperm
(d) spent


(b) spender


When at four in the afternoon I come back from the school.
I can see through the gate of that house the
gardener digging the ground.
He does what he likes with his spade, he soils
his clothes with dust, nobody takes him to
task, f he gets baked in the sun or gets wet.

Question 1.
The author of this passage is
(a) R.N. Tagore
(b) Shel Silverstein
(c) L.M. Hall
(d) Eleanor Farjeon


(a) R.N. Tagore

Question 2.
The speaker loves the gardener’s
(a) gardening
(b) digging
(c) freedom
(d) dress


(c) freedom

Question 3.
The one who is taken to task for getting baked In the sun is
(a) the gardener
(b) the bangle-seller
(c) the speaker
(d) the watchman


(c) the speaker

Question 4.
The gardener’s tool is his
(a) trees
(b) plants
(c) soil
(d) spade


(d) spade

Question 5.
The noun form of ‘see’ is
(a) saw
(b) sight
(c) seen
(d) seeing


(b) sight


I wish I were a gardener digging away at the
garden with nobody to stop inc from digging.
Just as it gets dark in the evening and my
mother sends me to bed,
I can see through my open window the
watchman walking up and down.

Question 1.
The common point between a gardener and a watchman is
(a) job
(b) poverty
(c) age
(d) freedom


(d) freedom

Question 2.
The speaker wants to become
(a) gardencr
(b) watchman
(c) free
(d) bangle seller


(c) free

Question 3.
The watchman comes on duty when
(a) the child sleeps
(b) the gardener comes
(c) the bangle seller comes
(d) the sun rises


(a) the child sleeps

Question 4.
The speaker is
(a) an old man
(b) a young man
(c) a child
(d) a woman


(c) a child

Question 5.
The word dark’ is
(a) noun
(b) verb
(c) adjective
(d) adverb


(c) adjective


The Zane is dark and lonely. and the street
lamp stands like a giant with one red eye In its head
The watchman swings his lantern and walks
with his shadow at his side, and never once
goes to bed in his life.
I wish I were a watchman walking the street
all night chasing the shadows with my lantern.

Question 1.
The lamp is dark because
(a) it is night
(b) the people don’t like light
(c) the weather is cloudy
(d) there is no moon


(a) it is night

Question 2.
The street is lonely because
(a) people fear to come out
(b) people are asleep
(c) there is curfew
(d) nobody lives In this lane


(b) people are asleep

Question 3.
The word giant’ refers to
(a) the watchman
(b) the shadow
(c) lantern
(d) the speaker


(c) lantern

Question 4.
The speaker
(a) looks at the watchman
(b) is a friend of the watchman
(c) is afraid of the watchman
(d) likes the life of a watch man


(d) likes the life of a watch man

Question 5.
The adjective form of lonely’ is
(a) loneliness
(b) lone
(c) loner
(d) alone


(b) lone

The Wonderful Words Class 6 MCQ Questions with Answers English Poem 6

MCQ Questions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 6 The Wonderful Words with Answers

Question 1.
The words we speak
(a) are beautiful words
(b) bring out our thoughts
(c) should be high sounding
(d) should heal


(b) bring out our thoughts

Question 2.
English is
(a) a wonderful game of matching thoughts
(b) a foreigner
(c) the dress of soul
(d) a good language


(a) a wonderful game of matching thoughts

Question 3.
People are constantly trying
(a) to translate their thoughts
(b) to get a transfer
(c) to transform others
(d) to improve their performance


(a) to translate their thoughts

Question 4.
No thought should die
(a) due to arguments
(b) for want of proper words
(c) for want of good words
(d) due to clashes


(b) for want of proper words

Question 5.
Words mean
(a) vocabulary
(b) the food
(c) the dress of thoughts
(d) verbs


(c) the dress of thoughts

Question 6.
For many of the loveliest things
(a) have never yet been said
(b) have short life
(c) have been snatched away
(d) have not been seen


(a) have never yet been said

Question 7.
A beautiful thought is
(a) a marvelous surprise
(b) dies soon
(c) everlasting
(d) a blessing


(a) a marvelous surprise

Question 8.
The poet feels that English has enough words
(a) to express every idea
(b) for us to learn
(c) to confuse us
(d) to write any book


Answer: (a) to express every idea

Question 9.
To ‘loveliest things’ are
(a) money
(b) fame
(c) beauty
(d) great ideas


Answer: (d) great ideas

Question 10.
According to the poet, everyone wants to hear
(a) good music
(b) in the mind
(c) in the eyes
(d) new and noble thoughts


Answer: (d) new and noble thoughts

Question 11.
The words can free a thought which is
(a) in a prison
(b) in the mind
(c) in the eyes
(d) nowhere


Answer: (b) in the mind

Question 12.
The real beauty is in
(a) new and beautiful ideas
(b) beautiful words
(c) beautiful expression
(d) surprising words


Answer: (a) new and beautiful ideas


Never let a thought shrivel and die
For want of a way to say it
For English is a wonderful game
And all of you can play it
All that you do is match the words
To the brightest thoughts in your head

Question 1.
The thoughts die when
(a) they are bad
(b) they are good
(c) they are beautiful
(d) they are not expressed


(d) they are not expressed

Question 2
To give expression to the thoughts one has to
(a) work hard
(b) think well
(c) find proper words
(d) study a lot


(c) find proper words

Question 3.
The poet feels that English has enough words
(a) to express every idea
(b) for us to learn
(c) to confuse us
(d) to write any book


(a) to express every idea

Question 4.
English is a game which is
(a) like cricket
(b) like playing cards
(c) for all persons
(d) for those who love to express themselves


(d) for those who love to express themselves

Question 5.
The adverb form of wonderful’ is
(a) wonder
(b) wonderfully
(c) wondered
(d) wondering


(b) wonderfully


So that they come out clear and true
And handsomely groomed and fed
For many of the loveliest things
Have never yet been said.

Question 1.
The passage is taken from
(a) The Wonderful Words
(b) Beauty
(c) A House. A Home
(d) The Kite


(a) The Wonderful Words

Question 2.
The author of the poem is
(a) L.M. Halli
(b) Mary O’ Neill
(c) Peter Dixon
(d) Shure


(b) Mary O’ Neill

Question 3.
The poem is about
(a) a groom
(b) a girl
(c) words
(d) beauty


(c) words

Question 4.
The loveliest things’ are
(a) money
(b) fame
(c) beauty
(d) great ideas


(d) great ideas

Question 5.
The noun form of ‘fed’ is
(a) feed
(b) feeding
(c) food
(d) feeling


(c) food


Words are the food and dress of thought
They give it its body and swing
And everyone’s longing today to hear
Some fresh and beautiful thing;
But only words cart free a thought
From its prison behind your eyes
May be your mind is holding now
A marvelous new surprise!

Question 1.
If the words are the body, the thought is its
(a) dress
(b) food
(c) soul
(d) swing


(c) soul

Question 2.
According to the poet. everyone wants to hear
(a) good music
(b) fine words
(c) a new poem
(d) new and noble thoughts


(d) new and noble thoughts

Question 3.
The words can free a thought which is
(a) In a prison
(b) In the mind
(c) In the eyes
(d) nowhere


(b) In the mind

Question 4.
The real beauty is in
(a) new and beautiful ideas
(b) beautiful words
(c) beautiful expression
(d) surprising words


(a) new and beautiful ideas

Question 5.
The word ‘longing’ is a
(a) gerund
(b) verb
(c) noun
(d) adjective


(c) noun

How much Sleep Do Students Need? | Why Sleep is Important and Lack of Sleep Effects

How much Sleep Do Students Need

Students are the backbone of a country; in essence, development depends on upcoming students, so all must take care of present students’ activities and provide the proper diet for their mental and physical health growth.

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Why Sleep is Important

  • It is essential to pay attention and learn in school to be healthy to improve athletic performance to naturally grow and develop. Lack of sleep can lead to low grades and relationship problems, and falling asleep while driving can lead to severe accidents.
  • It may cause health problems, just like heart disease, trouble for fighting infection, and emotional issues, which lead to depression.
  • It affects your academic performance. Sleeplessness is directly proportional to Brain drain. Research study proves that the students who had a better quality of sleep perform better in math and languages than others. It affects your Lifestyle. Lack of sleep leads to IQ loss, depression, and suicidal thoughts.
  • Who do not get enough sleep to have a high risk of diabetes and feeble mental health, obesity, other problems, and some behaviour changes?
  • Students who get enough sleep may have good attention in class than those who lack sleep.
  • In a survey, it is found that a middle school student grade 6 to 8 in 9 states about 6 to 10% do not get enough sleep on a school night while in high school students 7 out of 10 did not get enough sleep on a school night.
  • staying up late and all-night study sessions are not okay for long term plans. There are some significant reasons that our body and brain need to get the right amount of sleep.
  • Keeping our physical and mental behavior balanced.
  • Affected by light and darkness in our environment will change the physical and mental behavior of students. It may reflect hormone changes, eating habits, body temperature, digestion, and any other effect.
  • When you are sleeping, your brain always takes new information that you have long and always transfers it to your long term memory. It only happens during a 6 to 8 hour sleep hour.
  • If you want to remember what you are studying for your exam, you need the right amount of sleep, which will help your brain store information for long-term memory to recall it at the perfect time.
  • Students can be active well for the next day after getting a good night’s sleep. It leaves your mind better prepared for coming tomorrow. Students studying long hours at night do not get enough sleep, resulting in sleepiness and sloggers during the day, which becomes trouble concentrating and participating in-class tests.
  • Sleeping can help you to recognize anything for the long term.

How Many Hours a Student Need

The amount of sleep depends on age. Students aged 6 to 12 years regularly need to sleep 9 to 12 hours, and teenagers should sleep 8 to 10 hours per day.

For College Student

College time is a busy time in your entire life from attending class to doing homework and getting a private part-time job. We all get less free time to sleep. A proper amount of sleep is vital as it allows our body to get enough time to rest and focus on our aim.

How much Sleep Do Students Need?

People have different moto. It varies from person to person. One who sleeps for 6 hours may perform well then who sleeps more than 8 hours. It is crucial to find the balance, for every cup of tea you consume we need to drink twice the amount of water to stay hydrated.

If you are consuming more than one cup of tea, then you are not receiving adequate rest. It is important to receive at least 7 hours of sleep at night.

How can You Get More Sleep?

  • Set a Regular Bed Time
  •  Try to sleep as per your schedule even on holidays.
  • Exercise Regularly 
  • Exercise can help you sleep faster but don’t try to exercise before Bed as exercise can make it harder for you to fall asleep.
  • Avoid Caffeine 
  •  Caffeine such as tea, coffee and soda, nicotine and alcohol can make a person restless.
  • Diet
  • For good sleep, you need your diet to be perfect. Don’t eat junk food before going to Bed. Drinking a glass of milk full of almonds can give you better sleep.
  • Keeping the Lights Low 
  • Generally, light signals our brain to wake up. Always stay away from the bright light, which helps your body to relax. Listen to the slow music. It will help you.
  • Don’t nap too much.30 minutes during the day. More than that keeps you away from falling asleep.
  • Environment
  • Change your sleeping environment if you find it hard to sleep at night then change your setting just like always free from noise and rest and relax.
  • Physically Activity
  • Being physically active in the day can help you sleep faster at night. Taking your caffeine in the afternoon and evening reduces your sleep. Do not eat big meals at night. Drinking less reduces the chance to get up in the middle of the night.
  • Use of Bed
  • Use your Bed for sleeping rather than studying instead of falling on your table, put your book away and give your brain time to relax, and keep your room dark and temperature cool.
  • Unplug Electric Things
  • Before going to bed, switch off the light. Light from your mobile phone computer, television can affect your sleep.
  • Scrolling through your social media late at night makes you challenging to raise. Turn off all this device and put it away half an hour before your sleep.
  • Quality Over Quantity
  • Make sure that your body gets rest. That is just the number of hours it does not matter, but the right amount of sleep is essential. Low quality of sleep ruins your good day.
  • If you can raise your blood pressure slightly, it will induce sleep. Long Street workout, just like a 30 to 60-minute walk, may increase your blood pressure and avoid sugar before going to bed. Try not to consume caffeine close to bedtime.

Effect of Lack of Sleep

If students receive less than 7 hours of sleep, they will experience impaired memory, difficulty solving problems, trouble focusing, depression and fatigue, weak immunity system and increased pain. Sleep deprivation can affect some hormones of our body. For particular attention in your study will have difficulty in focusing and remembering.

Reason for Lack of Sleep for Student

  • Nowadays the pressure of school performance is more intense, and it can’t be achieved without studying hard, and some students are also involved in sports and other extracurricular activities.
  • Nowadays using mobile phone computer tablets and using social media reduces the time of sleep. Some students go to Bed late by texting friends, watching videos and playing online games.
  • Early school is a reason to fall asleep in class. The students who sleep after midnight have to wake up early for school, which implies a lack of sleep in their habit.
  • As a student you need to focus on knowledge and be more productive test preparation school work and extracurricular activities will result in a lack of sleep.
  • If you are having trouble in sleep then there is some lack of magnesium. Magnesium is the most powerful relaxation mineral, which is useful for improving sleep. It helps in getting some hormones that control mood and which regulate sleep.
  • Students generally go late to Bed and which results in them falling asleep in class. During teenage, an internal biological clock is reset and guides a person to sleep late and wake late. This is due to a change in the hormone that is melatonin which is released at night. This makes it more challenging for teens to fall asleep early.

Parents Responsibility

Please help your child get the sleep they need. Parents can provide good sleep habits such as they should provide a consistent sleep schedule. During school and the weekend, going to Bed simultaneously and waking up at the same time.

Parents can limit their children’s use of electronic devices.

How to know You are Getting Required Sleep or not.

  • You may have problems waking up in the morning.
  • You may face trouble in concentrating.
  • You may fall asleep in class.
  • You may feel moody, sad, irritable or depressed in class.


More than 90% of high school students and nearly 70% of college students are chronically sleep-deprived. They are getting less sleep than recommended for a balanced diet. As the students are upcoming, every student needs to sleep 7 hours daily with a proper diet.

Where Do All the Teachers Go? Class 6 MCQ Questions with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Poem 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go? with Answers

Question 1.
The child poet wonders
(a) why the teachers do not have dress code
(b) if teachers live in ordinary houses
(c) If he could be a teacher
(d) if the teachers ever sleep


(b) if teachers live in ordinary houses

Question 2.
The poet refuses to believe
(a) that teachers go home after work
(b) that teachers are no superstars
(c) that they do not do domestic work
(d) that they watch movies


(a) that teachers go home after work

Question 3.
For him, teachers are
(a) weak
(b) strong
(c) perfect
(d) no role-models


(c) perfect

Question 4.
No teacher can ever
(a) be a role-model
(b) make mistakes in spellings
(c) be hardworking
(d) hit children


(b) make mistakes in spellings

Question 5.
It is only children who can
(a) wear unclean clothes
(b) shout like mad men
(c) never lose their books
(d) behave unruly


(a) wear unclean clothes

Question 6.
In stanza two, pick their noses means
(a) dig their noses
(b) use fingers to remove mucus from the nose
(c) touch their nose
(d) hit their nose


(b) use fingers to remove mucus from the nose

Question 7.
The things that normal people do are
(a) they do not live with their children
(b) they wear only formal dress
(c) they relax at home
(d) they get up early In the mornings


(c) they relax at home

Question 8.
The speaker finds it hard to believe that his teachers are
(a) great men
(b) ordinary people
(c) learned
(d) educated


Answer: (b) ordinary people

Question 9.
The speaker thinks that the teachers are always
(a) in pyjamas
(b) dressed like a teacher
(c) in party-wears
(d) shabbily dressed


Answer: (b) dressed like a teacher

Question 10.
The speaker feels teachers have no time for
(a) studies
(b) teaching
(c) learning
(d) teachers


Answer: (d) teachers

Question 11.
According to the poem the students are much impressed by their
(a) parents
(b) soldiers
(c) policemen
(d) teachers


Answer: (d) teachers

Question 12.
The speaker is discussing of the things for which the children are often
(a) praised
(b) punished
(c) awarded
(d) advised


Answer: (b) punished


Where do all the teachers go
When it’s four O’ clock?
Do they live in houses
And do they wash their socks?
Do they wear pajamas
And do they watch TV?

Question 1.
The name of the poet is
(a) Peter Dixon
(b) L.M. Haul
(c) Harry Behn
(b) Y-Yeh-Shure


(a) Peter Dixon

Question 2.
The poem is about what a child wants to know about
(a) his home
(b) his parents
(c) his teachers
(d) his school


(c) his teachers

Question 3.
The speaker finds it difficult to believe that his teachers are
(a) great men
(b) ordinary people
(c) learned
(d) educated


(b) ordinary people

Question 4.
The speaker thinks that the teachers are always
(a) In pyjamas
(b) dressed like a teacher
(c) in party-wears
(d) Shabbily dressed


(b) dressed like a teacher

Question 5.
The speaker feels teachers have no time for
(a) studies
(b) teaching
(c) learning
(d) entertainment


(d) entertainment


Arid do they pick their noses
The same as you and me?
Do they live with other people
Have they mums and dads?
And were they ever children
And were they ever bad?

Question 1.
They’ In the passage refers to
(a) teachers
(b) students
(c) parents
(d) villagers


(a) teachers

Question 2.
According to the speaker plucking nose’ is
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) serious
(d) ill-mannered


(d) ill-mannered

Question 3.
The speaker finds It difficult to believe that the teachers are
(a) great people
(b) ordinary people
(c) very learned
(d) rich


(b) ordinary people

Question 4.
The passage shows that the students are much Impressed by their
(a) parents
(b) soldiers
(c) policemen
(d) teachers


(d) teachers

Question 5.
The phrase pick nos& means to
(a) touch the nose
(b) blow the nose
(c) pull mucus from the nose
(d) scratch the nose


(c) pull mucus from the nose


Did they ever. never spell right
Did they ever make mistakes?
Were they punished in the comer
If they pinched the chocolate flakes ?
Did they ever lose their hymn books
Did they ever leave their greens?
Did they scrabble on the desk tops

Question 1.
In the passage we have some one talking about
(a) the children
(b) the teachers
(c) how the children think
(d) what the teachers think


(c) how the children think

Question 2.
The speaker is talking of the things for which the children are often
(a) praised
(b) punished
(c) awarded
(d) advised


(b) punished

Question 3.
The speaker seems to think that the behaviour of the teachers is such that they appear to be the people who are
(a) good
(b) bad
(c) decent
(d) out of the world


(c) decent

Question 4.
The passage shows that the students have a habit of writing on
(a) paper
(b) books
(c) walls
(d) desks


(d) desks

Question 5.
The words ever’ and never’ are
(a) adverbs
(b) verbs
(c) nouns
(d) adjectives


(a) adverbs


Did they wear old dirty jeans ?
I’ll follow one back home today
I’ll find out what they do
There I’ll put it in a poem
That they can read to you.

Question 1.
This passage has been taken from the poem
(a) A House, A Home
(b) The Kite
(c) Beauty
(d) Where do All the Teachers Go?


(d) Where do All the Teachers Go?

Question 2.
The speaker of this passage is
(a) the poet
(b) Achilles
(c) a student
(c) the headmaster


(c) a student

Question 3.
They’ In the poem refers to
(a) the teachers
(b) the people
(c) the children
(d) the students


(a) the teachers

Question 4.
‘You’ In the poem refers to
(a) the teachers
(b) the people
(c) the children
(d) the students


(d) the students

Question 5.
The adjective form of ‘poem’ is
(a) poet
(b) poetic
(c) poetry
(d) poems


(b) poetic

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Gender Religion and Caste

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Gender Religion and Caste

Textbook Exercises

Question 1.
Mention four different aspects of life in which women are discriminated or disadvantaged in India.
Some of the factors where women lag behind men are:
i) Education :
The literacy rate of women is still lower than men. Only 54% of the women are literate against 76% literacy among men. This is because a boy’s education is still preferred over sending girl child to the school. Spending money for boy’s education is considered more important than spending money on a girl’s education. Because of this very small percentages of girls go for higher education and the drop-out rate is higher among the girls.

ii) Proportion of Women in Paid Jobs :
Women still have a small share in the highly paid jobs. Even if a woman works for more number of hours than a man, her work is not given importance. This results in low paid jobs and low valued jobs for women.

iii) Preference for Male Child:
Indian parents prefer to have male child over a female child in the family. A female child is considered as a burden as the parents will have to earn for her dowry to marry her. While, a boy child is considered as an asset for the family who will earn and increase the family income. This preference has resulted in social crimes such as female-feticide where a girl child is killed even before she is born.

iv) Crime Against Women:
There are various instances of crime against women. Women are exploited and harassed at the work place and at the home. There are cases of domestic violence against women which make her unsafe even in her family.

All these factors have prevented the women from actively participating in the work outside their homes and have confined her to house. Any role played by women outside the household work is not respected and recognised by the society.

Question 2.
State different forms of communal politics with one example each.
Communalism can take various forms in politics :
i) The most common form of communalism is in everyday religious ideas of people. People often believe that the ideas of their religion are superior to the ideas of other religions. The ideas, ideals and interests of a particular religion are given more importance. The demands of a religious group are against the demands of other religious groups.

ii) People of a particular religion often want the maximum representation of their religion in the politics. They want elected representatives in the political system from their religion. This often results in domination of those belonging to the majority community. People of the minority community, then demand a separate state for themselves

iii) Communalism in politics sometimes takes the shape of political mobilization on communal lines. It involves the use of sacred religious symbols and religious leaders to appeal to the people of that religion. It attempts to bring all the people of one religion together. The political leaders pay special attention to the demands of their own religion at the cost of the other religions.

iv) In its most ugly form, communalism leads to riots and violence. People from various religions are in opposition to each other and they use violence to show the domination of their religion.

Question 3.
State how caste inequalities are still continuing in India.
Under the caste work is divided among people on the basis of their caste. Occupations are passed from generation to generation. Every caste group has its own occupation. Members of same caste are considered to be from the same community. They are generally not allowed to marry outside their caste and cannot even eat with the members of other castes.

SCs and STs are accorded special status by the Constitution of India. The SC communities were considered ‘Outcastes’ in the Hindu social order, they have been denied access to various resources and are given only low status work. The STs included those communities who were self sufficient and lived in hills and forests. They were not allowed to live with the rest of the society and still they are not given equal opportunities of work.

Question 4.
State two reasons to say that caste alone cannot determine election results in India.
Politics is not only about the castes. Even though attention is given to the caste groups, the political system is not all about the caste system. The reasons are:
i) No state legislature in the country has a majority of any caste group. Every caste group has its presence in the Parliament. It means that no caste group can be ignored and every citizen’s vote is necessary to win the elections.

ii) It is not necessary that people of the same caste vote for the same political party. They have different demands and vote according to their choice. It means that no political party represents only one caste.

iii) It does not happen that there are candidates from every caste. It might happen that all the candidates are from one caste. It might also happen that there are more than one candidate from one caste and no candidate from the other caste

Question 5.
What is the status of women’s representation in India’s legislative bodies?
In India the women’s participation in the political area is very low. The women strength in the Lok Sabha is not even 10 percent. Their share in state assemblies is as low as 5 percent. The share of women in india is behind those of several developing countries of Latin America and Africa.

One probable solution to increase the women participation in the political system is to make laws far the minimum number of seats to be filled by the women candidates.

In the Panchayats and municipalities it is legally binding to fills one-third of the seats by women candidates. This has resulted in 10 lakh elected women representatives in the local government a bodies.

Question 6.
Mention any two constitutional provisions that make India a secular state.
The constitutional provisions that make India a secular state are as follows:
i) There is no official religion of India. Every religion is given the same importance. Even though Hindus constitute 80% of the population, all religions are treated equally by the Constitution.

ii) The Constitution gives freedom to people to follow any religion of their choice. People are free to follow, preach and propagate the ideas of any religion they like.

iii) The Constitution does not allow any discrimination on the basis of religion.

iv) The states have the powers, given by the constitution, to intervene in religious matters if they threaten the peace of the state. They are allowed to intervene to ensure equality among different religious communities.

Question 7.
When we speak of gender divisions, we usually refer to:
(a) Biological difference between men and women
(b) Unequal roles assigned by the society to men and women
(c) Unequal child sex ratio
(d) Absence of voting rights for women in democracies
(b) Unequal roles assigned by the society to men and women

Question 8.
In India seats are reserved for women in:
(a) Lok Sabha
(b) State legislative assemblies
(c) Cabinets
(d) Panchayati Raj bodies
(d) Panchayati Raj bodies

Question 9.
Consider the following statements on the meaning of communal politics. Communal politics is based on the belief that:
(A) One religion is superior to that of others.
(B) People belonging to different religions can happily live together as equal citizens.
(C) Followers of a particular religion constitute one community.
(D) State power can be used to established the domination of one religious group over others.
Which of the statements is/are correct?
(a) A, B, C, and D
(b) A, B, and D
(c) A and C
(d) B and D
(c) A and C

Question 10.
Which among the following statements about India’s Constitution is wrong? It
(a) prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion
(b) gives official status to one religion
(c) provides to all individuals freedom to profess any religion
(d) ensures equality of citizens within religious communities.
(b) gives official status to one religion

Question 11.
Social divisions based on …………… are peculiar to India.

Question 12.
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists:

List I List II
1. A person who believes in equal rights and opportunities for women and men A. Communalist
2. A person who says that religion is the principal basis of community B. Feminist
3. A person who thinks that caste is the principal basis of community C. Secularist
4. A person who does not discriminate others on the basis of religious beliefs D. Castiest

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Gender Religion and Caste 1
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Gender Religion and Caste 2

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Gender Religion and Caste.