10 Lines on Cinderella for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Cinderella

10 Lines on Cinderella: Cinderella is a French girl and of mysteries that later are fruitfully rewarded with a fairy’s help. Cinderella’s story has too many French references and thus is considered a tale of French origin and originated in about 1st century BC. Even the nomenclature Cinderella has a French root word, Cendrillon, which means ‘little ash girl’ in English.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Cinderella for kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Cinderella is a princess.
  2. She was born to 2 lovely parents.
  3. Her mother dies early, and her father remarries.
  4. But the stepmother and Cinderella’s two stepsisters treated her like a servant.
  5. Cinderella meets the Prince once in the forest.
  6. She goes to the royal ball ceremony with the fairy godmother’s help and dances with the prince.
  7. The carriage, driver, horse, dress, etc., were all magical and would have returned to normal just after the clock struck midnight.
  8. In a hurry to leave the palace before midnight, Cinderella forgets her slippers.
  9. The prince traces her back by those slippers and marries her.
  10. They live happily ever after.

10 Lines about Cinderella

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Cinderella for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Cinderella was the name of a common French girl who later married the Prince of the province, named Prince Charming or also referred to as Prince Charles.
  2. Her father was a tradesman and therefore had to live away from home for many months.
  3. Her mother died when she was young of a terminal illness.
  4. Her father later married another woman who became stepmother to Cinderella and had two daughters.
  5. The mother and the daughters mistreated Cinderella.
  6. They banished all the servants and made Cinderella work for them, wash their clothes, prepare food, run the groceries, etc.
  7. Once when Cinderella drove to the forest, she met with the Prince of the province, who readily became her friend.
  8. The Prince, wanting to marry Cinderella, announced a ball ceremony for all the state maidens.
  9. Cinderella went to the ceremony with the help of her fairy godmother, who gave her a magical dress, a carriage, carriage driver, carriage men, and horses along with a pair of magical slippers.
  10. Cinderella loses the slipper in a hurry, used by the Prince to trace her back and marry her. They lived happily ever after.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Cinderella for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Among other Disney princesses, Cinderella has been deemed the oldest of them all, aged 19 years. It has been cast both in animation and Hollywood movies and dubbed into several languages to date.
  2. Cinderella’s story has too many French references and thus is considered a tale of French origin and originated in about 1st century BC. Even the nomenclature Cinderella has a French root word, Cendrillon, which means ‘little ash girl’ in English.
  3. There are hypotheses about the stepsisters of Cinderella being pecked by birds and losing their eyes. There are also instances in few stories as they cut off a few inches of their soles and feet and fit into the glass slippers and be the heir to the kingdom.
  4. The nomenclature of Cinderella actually branches off from Ella. The girl in the story is actually named Ella, but later on, when she is smeared with cinders from the stove, her stepmother and stepsisters ridicule her with Cinderella’s name.
    Cinderella is a brave yet kind girl who stays true to the promise she made to her dying mom.
  5. In the end, still keeping the promise, she rejuvenates her kindness and forgives her stepsisters and stepmother when she leaves her home for good. She does not sow revenge and hatred for them in her heart.
  6. The fairy godmother is a reference to hope, which works wonders, a reference to self-sufficiency, which is to look for the best in what we possess rather than what we could have, a hint of belief in the good things in life.
  7. Cinderella’s classic tale is the best example of the fact that kindness and sweetness should not be confused with meekness; rather, they are the perimeters of bravery and the foundation of a brave heart.
  8. The story has many plot holes as per the readers and viewers, but there is enough explanation for each one of them.
  9. The severest loophole to date has been that when everything else vanishes, how the slipper does stay on. It was just a trick played by the fairy to save Cinderella from the tyranny of her stepmother.
  10. The story ends on a note to people that every night has sunshine as every sunshine sets in the twilight.

10 Lines for Cinderella

Frequently Asked Questions on Cinderella

Question 1.
Why did Cinderella’s slipper not change back when other things did after midnight?

It was just a trick played by the fairy to save Cinderella from the tyranny of her stepmother.

Question 2.
What was the name of the stepmother of Cinderella?

Name of Cinderella’s stepmother was Lady Tremaine.

Life Essay | Short and Long Essay on Life for Students in English

Life Essay

Life Essay: Perhaps the most mainstream article points among understudies is “My Life” where each understudy attempts to portray his/her life in subtleties – which issues exist, what needs, and viewpoints he/she has, and so forth It can likewise be called a personal paper yet no in the unadulterated structure where you give the peruser self-portraying subtleties – when/where you were conceived, at what school you were examining, and so on It’s somewhat extraordinary.

You can read more Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

To compose a decent enlightening article about existence, you ought to have the option to depict some vital components of your life:

  • Outlook,
  • Climate,
  • Connections,
  • Regular exercises,
  • Diversions
  • Encounters and numerous different things make up your life.

Begin composing an essay on your life in the wake of perusing this article – it contains valuable data on what to expound on in the given exposition. It very well may be required for an affirmation paper or some other task at school, school, or college.

Short Essay on Life in English

Life is excellent yet not in every case simple, it has issues, as well, and the test lies in confronting them with mental fortitude, letting the excellence of life behave like an emollient, which makes the torment endurable, during attempting times, by giving expectation

Joy, distress, triumph, rout, day-night are the different sides of the coin. Also, life is loaded with snapshots of bliss, joy, achievement and solace accentuated by hopelessness, rout, disappointments and issues. There is no person on Earth, solid, amazing, savvy or rich, who has not experienced, battle, enduring or disappointed.

Troubles test the mental fortitude, persistence, determination and genuine character of an individual. Affliction and difficulties make an individual solid and prepared to confront the difficulties of existence with poise. Everything comes with a cost in life. It is just when one works and works it out that achievement is supported and maintained.

In this way, life is and ought not to be only a walk in the park; thistles are additionally a piece of it and ought to be acknowledged by us similarly as we acknowledge the delightful side of life.

Essay on Life

Long Essay on Life in English


One significant part of Life is that it continues to go ahead. This amounts to nothing lasting. Subsequently, there ought to be motivated to remain in sadness. A glad event will happen, very much like a pitiful one. Most importantly, one should be hopeful regardless of how terrible things get. This is on the grounds that nothing will remain until the end of time. Each circumstance, event, and occasion will pass. This is surely a stunner of Life.

What does life bring to you?

Life is so natural, yet numerous individuals surge and miss what they need to accomplish throughout everyday life. Try not to surge throughout everyday life. Approach slowly and carefully. Each progression ought to be appropriately arranged prior to being dispatched. Consistent, equilibrium, imprint and shoot.

Every one of the incredible men of today, has for sure tasted the opposite side of life yet they didn’t fall down. All things being equal, they were reestablished to reclassify their objectives; they ride on with confidence, having faith in their latent capacity, zeroing in their brain on something, knowing completely well that in each dark cloud there is consistently a silver coating.

Numerous individuals become exceptionally tragic on account of disappointments. In any case, these individuals unquestionably neglect to see the splendid side. The brilliant side is that there is a justification for each disappointment. Consequently, every disappointment shows us an important exercise. This implies each disappointment fabricates insight. This experience is the thing that improves the abilities and proficiency of people.

Most likely countless people whine that Life is a torment. Numerous individuals accept that the word torment is equivalent forever. Nonetheless, it is a torment that makes us more grounded. Torment is unquestionably a phenomenal method of expanding mental versatility. Most importantly, torment advances the psyche.

The vulnerability of death is the thing that makes life so valuable. Nobody knows the hour of one’s passing. This presumably is the main motivation to make every second count. You are wasting your life if you remain in sorrow or just being a compulsive worker. One should surely appreciate the delightful favors of Life before death surpasses.

How to make a great life?

Generally significant, hopefulness is a definitive method of improving life. Hopefulness expands work execution, self-assurance, imagination, and abilities. An idealistic individual surely can defeat enormous obstacles.

Contemplation is another helpful method of improving Life quality. Contemplation presumably permits an individual to stay upon his past. This way one can stay away from previous oversights. It additionally gives significant serenity to a person. Moreover, contemplation lessens pressure and strain.

Seeking after a leisure activity is an ideal method to rejuvenate meaning. Without enthusiasm or interest, a person’s life would presumably be dull. Following a side interest unquestionably rejuvenates new energy. It gives a new desire to live and encounter Life.


Taking everything into account, Life isn’t something that one should underestimate. It’s unquestionably a disgrace to see people die their lives. We ought to be extremely appreciative for encountering our lives. Most importantly, everybody should attempt to make their life more significant.

FAQ’s on Life Essay

Question 1.
What is the major part of life?

The major part of life is experience. Since our birth, we are going through different phases of life and each phase has taught us something or other. Each experience counts in our life. It not only brushes us for a bright future but shapes our future too. The ups and downs of life are the key factors that groom us.

Question 2.
How to write a life essay?

To write an essay on your life you can include the following points:

  • Introduction (Explain what life is)
  • Your aim in life
  • Why is life important?
  • What are your experiences in life?
  • How do experiences matter in your life?
  • How to opt for the right goal?
  • Conclusion

Question 3.
What makes a happy life?

To be truly happy, a man should lead an honest and legitimate life. He should help his fellowmen and love them. A man cherished and regarded by others is consistently glad. To be guided by adoration in every one of the activities is the way to bliss.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 5

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter provides all needed topics and subtopics questions and answers in a detailed way for a better understanding of the concept. Thus, aims students score high in their board exams and competitive exams. Candidates who are pursuing class 12 can practice these NCERT Physics Solutions of Chapter 4 Magnetism and matter from this page for free.

Have a thorough subject knowledge from the solutions provided here and solve all types of problems and theoretical questions in the final exams with ease. For more practice, students can make use of some extra preparation resources like NCERT intext, exercises at the end of chapter 5 questions. You can download this helpful & needed NCERT Class 12 Physics Solutions for Ch 5 Magnetism and Matter PDF from here & access it in online & offline modes.

Class 12 Physics NCERT Solutions Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter

In Chapter 5, Students of Plus Two will deal with the concept of Physics called Magnetism And Matter. The previous concept magnetism expands to the fullest in this 5th chapter Magnetism And Matter. The topics covered in this NCERT Physics chapter Magnetism And Matter are Gauss’s law & magnetism, a bar magnet & earth’s Magnetism. A total of 7 topics are included that discuss the several materials’ magnetic properties & magnetic field lines properties.

Check out the CBSE NCERT Solutions of Class 12 Physics Ch 5 Magnetism and Matter Exercises in PDF format, and score high in the board exam and competitive examination like JEE, NEET, etc.

Class 12
Subject Physics
Book Physics
Chapter Number 5
Chapter Name Magnetism And Matter

NCERT Solutions for Class 12th Physics Ch 5 Magnetism and Matter – Solved Exercises

Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter NCERT Class 12 Physics Questions and Solutions are explained by subject experts and it is arranged based on CBSE Syllabus and NCERT guidelines. However, these NCERT Exercise Questions and answers of Class 12 Physics Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter are most helpful to the students for their Homeworks and Assignments also.

Question 1.
Answer the following questions regarding earth’s magnetism :
(a) A vector needs three quantities for its specification. Name the three independent quantities conventionally used to specify the earth’s magnetic field.
(b) The angle of dip at a location in southern India is about 18°. Would you expect a greater or smaller dip angle in Britain ?       (C.B.S.E. 1995)
(c) If you made a map of magnetic field lines at Melbourne in Australia, would the lines seem to go into the ground or come out of the ground ?
(d) In which direction would a compass free to move in the vertical plane point to, if located right on the geomagnetic north or south pole ? (C.B.S.E. 1995)
(e) The earth’s field, it is claimed, roughly approximates the field due to a dipole of
magnetic moment 8 x 1022 JT_1 located at its center. Check the order of magnitude of this number in some way.
(f) Geologists claim that besides the main magnetic N­S poles, there are several local poles on the earth’s surface oriented in different directions. How is such a thing possible at all ?

  1. Angle of dip or magnetic inclination, δ Galvanometer resistance, G = 12 Q The galvanometer can be converted into the voltmeter of range 0 to V (here V = 18 V) by connecting a high series resistance R given by
  2. Magnetic declination, θ
  3. Horizontal component of magnetic field of earth BH.

(b) It is about 70° in Britain because it is closer to the magnetic north pole of earth.
(c) The magnetic field lines due to the magnetism of earth would seem to come out of the ground at Melbourne in Australia because this region is in the Southern hemisphere of earth where north pole of earth’s magnet lies.
(d) Compass can point in any direction because it is free to move in horizontal plane but at magnetic poles the magnetic field of earth is exactly vertical so there will be no horizontal component of the magnetic field to effect the compass.
(e) Using the formula for magnetic field on the equatorial line of a magnetic dipole i.e.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5
This value tells the order of magnitude of magnetic field of earth.
(f) Geologists are correct to think so because it is an approximation to consider the magnetic field of earth to be a single dipole field. The magnetised mineral deposits can be treated as local dipoles on earth.

Question 2.
Answer the following questions :
(a) The earth’s magnetic field varies from point to point in space. Does it also change with time ? If so, on what time scale does it change appreciably ?
(b) The earth’s core is known to contain iron. Yet geologists do not regard this as a source of the earth’s magnetism. Why ?
(c) The charged currents in the outer conducting regions of the earth’s core are thought to be responsible for earth’s magnetism. What might be the ‘battery’ (i.e. the source of energy) to sustain these currents ?
(d) The earth may have even reversed the direction of its field several times during its history of 4 to 5 billion years. How can geologists know about the earth’s field in such distant past ?
(e) The earth’s field departs from its dipole shape substantially at large distances (greater than about 30,000 km). What agencies may be responsible for this distortion ?(f) Interstellar space has an extremely weak magnetic field of the order of 1012 T. Can such a weak field be of any significant consequence ? Explain.
(a) Although appreciable change can take a few hundred years yet change with time is very much there.
(b) Molten iron has a temperature more than Curie temperature so it is not ferromagnetic in nature.
(c) Probably radioactivity (i.e. emission of a, P and y particles from the nuclei) present in the interior of earth is responsible for it.
(f) During solidification of some rocks, the magnetic field of earth gets weakly recorded in these rocks. Geomagnetic history of these rocks can be traced by making analysis of such rocks.
(e) Ionosphere of earth consists of charged ions. Motion of these ions causes a magnetic field which affects the magnetic field of earth at large distances from earth. The magnetic field due to ions depends upon extra terrestrial disturbances like solar wind.
(f) At very-very large distances like interstellar distances the small fields can significantly affect the charged particles like that of cosmic rays. For small distances, the deflections are not noticeable for small fields but at very large distances the deflections are significant.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.1
clearly small value of B gives a very large value of radius R

Question 3.
A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 30° with a uniform external magnetic field of 0.25 T experiences a torque of magnitude equal to 4.5 X 10-2 J. What is the magnitude of magnetic moment of the magnet ?
Using τ- MB sin θ, we get
vedantu class 12 physics Chapter 5.2

Question 4.
A short bar magnet of magnetic moment m = 0.32 JT-1 is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.15 T. If the bar is free to rotate in the plane of the field, which orientation would correspond to its (a) stable, and (b) unstable equilibrium ? What is the potential energy of the magnet in each case ?
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.3

Question 5.
A closely wound solenoid of 800 turns and area of cross section 2.5 x 10-4 m2 carries a current of 3.0 A. Explain the sense in which the solenoid acts like a bar magnet. What is its associated magnetic moment ?
Using M = NIA, we get
M = 800 x 3 x 2.5 x 10-4 = 0.60 JT-1.
The sense is determined by the direction of the current.

Question 6.
If the solenoid in Exercise 5.5 is free to turn about the vertical direction and a uniform horizontal magnetic field of 0.25 T is applied, what is the magnitude of the torque on the solenoid when its axis makes an angle of 30° with the direction of the applied field ?
Using x = MB sin θ, we get
x = 0.6 x 0.25 x sin 30
= 0.6 x 0.25 x 12
= 0.3 x 0.25 = 0.075 Nm
= 7.5 x 10-2 Nm.

Question 7.
A bar magnet of magnetic moment 1.5 JT-1 lies aligned with the direction of a uniform magnetic field of 0.22T.
(a) What is the amount of work required by an external torque to turn the magnet so as to align its magnetic moment, (i) normal to the field direction, (ii) opposite to the field direction ?
(b) What is the torque on the magnet in cases (i) and (ii)?
vedantu class 12 physics Chapter 5.4

Question 8.
A closely wound solenoid of 2000 turns and area of cross-section 1.6 X 10-4 m2, carrying a current of 4.0 A, is suspended through its center allowing it to turn in a horizontal plane.
(a) What is the magnetic moment associated with the solenoid ?
(b) What is the force and torque on the solenoid if a uniform horizontal magnetic field of 7.5 x 10-2 T is set up at an angle of 30° with the axis of the solenoid?
(a) Using M = NIA, we get
M = 2000 x 4 x 1.6 x 10-4
= 1.28 Am2
Direction of M is as per sense of current using the right handed rule.
(b) Torque, x = MB sin 0
= 1.28 x 7-5 x 10-2 x sin 30°
= 4.8 x 10-2 N m
Force is zero because of uniform field.

Question 9.
A circular coil of 16 turns and radius 10 cm carrying a current of 0.75 A rests with its plane normal to an external field of magnitude 5.0 x 10-2 T. The coil is free to turn about an axis in its plane perpendicular to the field direction. When the coil is turned slightly and released, it oscillates about its stable equilibrium with a frequency of 2.0 s_1. What is the moment of inertia of the coil about its axis of rotation ?
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.5
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.6

Question 10.
A magnetic needle free to rotate in a vertical plane parallel to the magnetic meridian has its north tip pointing down at 22° with the horizontal. The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field at the place is known to be 0.35 G. Determine the magnitude of the earth’s magnetic field at the place.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.7
Question 11.
At a certain location in Africa, a compass points 12° west of the geographic north. The north tip of the magnetic needle of a dip circle placed in the plane of magnetic meridian points 60° above the horizontal. The horizontal component of the earth’s field is measured to be 0.16 G. Specify the direction and magnitude of the earth’s field at the location.
Using BH = B cos δ, we get
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.8

Direction of B is 12° west of geographic meridian making upward angle of 60° with horizontal.

Question 12.
A short bar magnet has a magnetic moment of 0.48 JT-1. Give the direction and magnitude of the magnetic field produced by the magnet at a distance of 10 cm from the center of the magnet on (a) the axis, (b) the equatorial lines (normal bisector) of the magnet.
On axial line
vedantu class 12 physics Chapter 5.9

Question 13.
A short bar magnet placed in a horizontal plane has its axis aligned along the magnetic north-south direction. Null points are found on the axis of the magnet at 14 cm from the center of the magnet. The earth’s magnetic field at the place is 0.36 G and the angle of dip is zero. What is the total magnetic field on the normal bisector of the magnet at the same distance as the null-points (i.e., 14 cm) from the center of the magnet ? (At null points, Held due to a magnet is equal and opposite to the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field.)
Magnetic field at the equatorial line of the magnet is given
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.10

Question 14.
If the bar magnet in Exercise 5.13 is turned around by 180°, where will the new null-points be located ?
When magnet is turned around 180°, its south pole lies in the geographical south direction. Hence null point will lie on the equatorial line at a distance x from die center of the magnet.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.11

Question 15.
A short bar magnet of magnetic moment 5.25 x 10-2 JT_1 is placed with its axis perpendicular to the earth’s field direction. At what distance from the center of the magnet, the resultant field is inclined at 45° with the earth’s field on (a) its normal bisector and (b) its axis. Magnitude of the earth’s field at the place is given to be 0.42 G. Ignore the length of the magnet in comparison to the distances involved.
Normal bisector
(a) Let resultant magnetic field of a magnet at point P makes an angle θ= 45° with the earth’s field. Therefore,
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vedantu class 12 physics Chapter 5.13
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.14
Question 16.
Answer the following questions :
(a) Why does a paramagnetic sample display greater magnetisation (for the same magnetising field) when cooled ?               (C.B.S.E. 1991)
(b) Why is diamagnetism, in contrast, almost independent of temperature ?
(c) If a toroid uses bismuth for its core, will the field in the core be (slightly) greater or (slightly) less than when the core is empty ?
(d) Is the permeability of a ferromagnetic material independent of the magnetic field ? If not, is it more for lower or higher fields ?
(e) Magnetic field lines are always nearly normal to the surface of a ferromagnet at every point. (This fact is analogous to the static electric field lines being normal to the surface of a conductor at every point). Why ?
(f) Would the maximum possible magnetisation of a paramagnetic sample be of the same order of magnitude as the magnetisation of a ferromagnet ?
(a) At lower temperatures, the tendency of dealignment of magnetic dipoles with magnetising field is reduced because of decrease in their random thermal motion.
(b) The induced dipole moment in a diamagnetic sample is opposite to the magnetising field irrespective of the internal thermal motion of the atoms. Thus, diamagnetism is independent of the changes in temperature.
(c) It will be slightly less because bismuth is a diamagnetic substance.
(d) Permeability of a ferromagnetic material depends on applied magnetic field. Permeabliltiy is more for lower magnetic field.
(e) When two media are considered and one of these has μ > > 1, then magnetic field lines meet normally to this medium. Proof of this fact is available from the boundary conditions of magnetic fields (strength of magnetic field B and magnetising intensity H) at the interface of two media.
(f) The maximum possible magnetisation of a paramagnetic sample would be of the same order of magnitude as the magnetisation of a ferromagnetic sample but the paramagnetic sample requires very high magnetising field which may not be practically possible.

Question 17.
Answer the following questions :
(a) Explain qualitatively on the basis of domain picture the irreversibility in the magnetisation curve of a ferromagnet.
(b) The hysteresis loop of a soft iron piece has a much smaller area than that of a carbon steel piece. If the material is to go through repeated cycles of magnetization, which piece will dissipate greater heat energy ?
(c) ‘A system displaying a hysteresis loop such as a ferromagnet is a device for storing memory.’ Explain the meaning of this statement.
(d) What kind of ferromagnetic material is used for coating magnetic tapes in a cassette player, or for budding ‘memory stores’ in a modern computer ?
(e) A certain region of space is to be shielded from magnetic fields. Suggest a method.
(a) It can be observed from the given curve that magnetisation persists even when the external field is removed. This reflects the irreversibility of a ferromagnet.
(b) Heat dissipated per second is directly proportional to the area of the hysteresis loop so carbon steel piece will dissipate greater heat energy.
(c) Magnetisation of a ferromagnet depends upon the applied field as number of cycles of magnetisation given to it. Thus the value of magnetisation can indicate the number of cycles of magnetisation a sample has undergone or in other words the memory with respect to the cycles stands stored in the sample.
(d) Ceramics are used for this purpose. Ferrites which are specially treated barium iron oxides are commonly used.
(e) The space to be shielded is enclosed by soft iron rings. The magnetic field lines remain confined in the ferromagnetic material of the rings and the enclosed space will be free from magnetic effect.
Note. Magnetic shielding is not as effective as electrostatic shielding is.

Question 18.
A long straight horizontal cable carries a current of 2.5 A in the direction 10° south of west to 10° north of east. The magnetic meridian of the place happens to be 10° west of the geographic meridian. The earth’s magnetic field at the location is 0.33 G, and the angle of dip is zero. Locate the line of neutral points (Ignore the thickness of the cable). (At neutral points, magnetic field due to a current-carrying cable is equal and opposite to the horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field.)
Let neutral point lies at a distance x from the cable. Now, at neutral point, magnetic field due to cable is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction of the earth’s magnetic field.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.15

Question 19.
A telephone cable at a place has four long straight horizontal wires carrying a current of 1.0 A in the same direction east to west. The earth’s magnetic field at the place is 0.39 G, and the angle of dip is 35°. The magnetic declination is nearly zero. What are the resultant magnetic fields at points 4.0 cm below the cable ?
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.16
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Question 20.
A compass needle free to turn in a horizontal plane is placed at the center of circular coil of 30 turns and radius 12 cm. The coil is in a vertical plane making an angle of 45° with the magnetic meridian. When the current in the coil is 0.35 A, the needle points west to east.
(a) Determine the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field at the location.
(b) The current in the coil is reversed, and the coil is rotated about its vertical axis by an angle of 90° in the anticlockwise sense looking from above. Predict the direction of the needle. Take the magnetic declination at the place to be zero.
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Question 21.
A magnetic dipole is under the influence of two magnetic fields. The angle between the field directions is 60°, and one of the fields has a magnitude of 1.2 x 10-2 T. If the dipole comes to stable equilibrium at an angle of 15° with this field, what is the magnitude of the other field ?
Here B, = 1.2 X 10-2 T,θ1= 15°, θ2 = 45°.
vedantu class 12 physics Chapter 5.19
The dipole will be in equilibrium, if torque acting on dipole due to B1 is equal and opposite to the torque acting on dipole due to B2.
That is, MBsin = MB2 sin θ2
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Question 22.
A monoenergetic (18 keV) electron beam intially in the horizontal direction is subjected to a horizontal magnetic field of 0.40 G normal to the initial direction. Estimate the up
or down deflection of the beam over a distance of 30 cm (me = 9.11 x 10-19 Q.
[Note. Data in this exercise are so chosen that the answer will give you an idea of the effect of earth’s magnetic field on the motion of the electron beam from the electron gun to the screen in a TV set.]
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Question 23.
A sample of paramagnetic salt contains 2.0 x 1024 atomic dipoles each of dipole moment 1.5 x 10-23 JT-1. The sample is placed under a homogeneous magnetic field of 0.64 T, and cooled to a temperature of 4.2 K. The degree of magnetic saturation achieved is equal to 15%. What is the total dipole moment of the sample for a magnetic field of 0.98 T and a temperature of 2.8 K ? (Assume Curie’s law).
Magnetic dipole moment of sample,
M = 15% of M (1.5 x 10-23) (2 x 1024)
= 30 JT-1
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.30
Question 24.
A Rowland ring of mean radius 15 cm has 3500 turns of wire wound on a ferromagnetic core of relative permeability 800. What is the magnetic field B in the core for a magnetising current of 1.2 A?
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Question 25.
The magnetic moment vectors μs and μl; associated with the intrinsic spin angular momentum S and orbital angular momentum Z, respectively, of an electron are predicted by quantum theory (and verified experimentally to a high accuracy) to be given by :
μs= -(e/m)S,
μl= -(e/2m)l
Which of these relations is in accordance with the result expected classically ? Outline the derivation of the classical result.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 5.32

The NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Physics Chapter 5 PDF is covered with all the answers to the complicated & important questions. It helps students to ace up their exam preparation. Moreover, these NCERT solutions are simple & easy to understand as they are designed with detailed diagrams, formulas, equations, and neat explanations. Hence, Download CBSE NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Physics Chapter 5 Magnetism And Matter PDF & study offline.


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Leave Letter for School Format, Samples | How to write a Leave Application for School?

Leave Letter for School

Leave Application Letters for School are in general written to inform student’s absence for a certain period of time. Through this letter, it is to inform the school that students will not attend the school for personal reasons. Usually, Leave Application is written to take day/days off from School. At Some Point, we need to write a Leave Letter for School, and for that, you need to know on How to Write Leave Application Letter for School. Informing about Leave to School Authorities will create a good impression on you.

Students are advised to inform the Management if they intend not to attend the School for some reason. Thus, they will get into the habit of behaving professionally. Refer to the entire article to know more on How to Write a Leave Letter for School, Leave Application Letter Samples, Format, or Template for your reference.

Check out Letter Writing Topics and be aware of both formal and informal letter writing styles all under one roof.

Leave Application Types

There can be numerous reasons behind Students not attending the School. You may need to attend the wedding, funeral or have some health problem, etc. We have outlined a few of the Leave Applications for your comfort and they are along the lines.

  • Leave for Attending a Funeral
  • Leave for attending a wedding
  • Health Reasons
  • Going Out of Station

Leave Letter for School Template

School Leave Letter Template

Tips for Writing a Leave Application for School

Follow the simple hacks while drafting a School Leave Letter. They are in the following fashion

  • Write the Leave Application in a polite and respectful tone so that it looks genuine and also depicts the reason for taking leave.
  • Mention the Purpose of the Leave in a Clear Manner and Keep it Concise and Simple.
  • Proofread and Check for Spelling or Grammatical Mistakes.
  • Mention yours as well as Addressee’s Designation.

Points to Keep in Mind while drafting a School Leave Letter

There are certain points to keep in mind before beginning your Leave Application Letter for School. They are as such

  • Greeting
  • Subject
  • Reason behind asking for leave
  • Length of the leave by mentioning the dates to and from which you want the leave to be granted
  • The workload that will be disrupted by your absence
  • Contact information, usually in the form of a phone number or email
  • Signature of yours

Leave Application Letter for School Samples

Have an idea on How to draft a School Leave Letter we have compiled few letter samples below. Refer to them as a guide and start drafting one on your own as per your specific reason. They are along the lines

Leave Application Letter for School due to fever

Leave Letter for School due to fever

School Leave Application Letter for Marriage

Leave Letter for School for Marriage

Leave Application Letter for Emergency

Leave Letter for School for Emergency

FAQs on Leave Letter for School

1. Where do I get Leave Letter for School Template or Format?

You can get Leave Letter for School Template or Format for free on our page.

2. What are the Tips for Writing School Leave Letter?

Follow the simple hacks mentioned below while writing Leave Letter for School. They are as follows

  • Greeting
  • Subject
  • Reason behind asking for leave
  • Length of the leave by mentioning the dates to and from which you want the leave to be granted
  • The workload that will be disrupted by your absence
  • Contact information, usually in the form of a phone number or email
  • Signature of yours

3. Whom Should We Address while writing a Leave Application Letter?

You need to address the School Headmaster/ Principal while writing the Leave Letter for School.

10 Lines on Dussehra for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Dussehra

10 Lines on Dussehra: Dussehra is a Hindu festival celebrated all over India. It is observed in the memory of Lord Rama. On this day, Ram defeated the evil soul Ravana who was the king of Sri Lanka. On this day people burn a demon-like structure of Ravan which is made up of wood and crackers. And other beliefs regarding this day are that West Bengal people believe that Maa Durga came to visit her father’s house on earth. Maa Durga defeated Mahishasura on this day. It is a festival showing the greatness of good over evil, light over dark, and increases God’s belief.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Dussehra for kids

Set 1 is helpful for the student of class 1,2,3,4 and 5

  1. Dussehra is one of the Hindu festivals celebrated in India.
  2. It is the festival of Hindus all over India but celebrated by all religions in different regions.
  3. It is also known as Vijayadashami.
  4. It is a festival celebrated with immense enthusiasm, happiness and joy all over the country.
  5. It begins with Navratri, and it is a ten days long festival.
  6. Students get ten days long holidays to enjoy the festival.
  7. This is the festival to celebrate the belief of good over evil.
  8. People of all ages want this festival it Unites the people.
  9. On this day people wear new saree and cloth and visit several places and enjoy street food.
  10. On this day, sweets are prepared and distributed and exchanged gifts with family and friends.

10 Lines about Dussehra

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Dussehra for School Children

Set 2 is useful for students of class 6,7 and 8

  1. Dussehra is a Hindu festival celebrated all over India.
  2. It is observed in the memory of Lord Rama. On this day Ram defeated the evil soul Ravanwho was the king of Sri Lanka.
  3. On this day people burn a demon-like structure of Ravan which is made up of wood crackers.
  4. And other beliefs regarding this day are that West Bengal people believe that Maa Durga came to visit her father’s house on earth.
  5. People in North India celebrate Ram Leela by burning effigies of Ravana. Effigies are filled with explosive crackers, and someone aims an arrow to the effigies and catches fire.
  6. Dussehra celebrated two or three weeks before Diwali. It is valley Falls around September to October everyone waited for this festival eagerly.
  7. The main motto of the festival is the victory of good over evil. People all over India celebrate Dussehra with enthusiasm, pomp and show. The different cultures do not harm the celebration of festivals.
  8. Dussehra marks the victory of Lord Rama and Ravana. Thus people assume that battle was for ten days between them.
  9. All the family members spend time with each other and eat good food and watch Firework.
  10. In this festival, some local theatres celebrate the play of Ramleela, which is based on Ramayana.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Dussehra for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of class 9,10,11,12 and competitive exams.

  1. Dussehra is celebrated on the 10th day of Shukla paksha of Ashwini month. Dussehra is the final day of Navratri celebration of Dussehra making a massive contribution to a country’s economy and became a source for people involved in statue making local shop decorator and vendors.
  2. All the family members dressed well in new beautiful clothes. In some areas, some little festivals are organised to celebrate the beauty of the day.
  3. All the people get an opportunity to work for this festival. The Government of India carries the responsibility of cleaning the area and maintaining during the celebration.
  4. Dussehra is one of the highly celebrated holidays in India. It is mainly a Hindu festival, but in India, people of various regional religions enjoy themselves. All the streets are decorated with flower lights and songs.
  5. In some places, statues of Maa Durga and Mahishasura are made which catch the eye of visitors.
  6. In some cases, Dussehra is celebrated at Vijaya Dashami while Bengal and Odisha are marked as a Dussehra. On this day people say goodbye to Maa Durga and welcome Maa Kali.
  7. This festival adds a lot of rituals and worship ceremonies. Some people fast for all nine days while some fast only on the first and last days they worship goddess Durga to get the blessing on the tenth-day people to celebrate Dussehra in Lord Rama’s joy.
  8. Different religions and regions of the country have different customs and traditions for celebrating Dussehra. In some places, it is celebrated for a full ten days with mantras and stories from Ramayana while in some days it is celebrated for three days.
  9. 9th days of Navratri is known as Durga Puja on who is Goddess Durga worshipped in her nine forms; stop the Ramleela reminding of the history of Sita subduction and Ram’s victory and the defeat of Ravana and his son Meghnath and his brother Kumbhakarna.
  10. There is a belief regarding this Dussehra celebration that Goddess Durga defeated mahishasura and killed his evil from the earth. Another believes that lord Rama won a victory over Ravana.

10 Lines for Dussehra

Frequently Asked Questions on Dussehra

Question 1.
What is the main motto of Dussehra?

It is a festival which signifies the win of good over evil.

Question 2.
How do people celebrate Dussehra?

People all over India celebrate Dussehra in their different ways with wearing new sarees and burning of Ravan and brothers.

Question 3.
When does Dussehra occur?

Dussehra is celebrated on the 10th day of Shukla paksha of Ashwini month. Generally, it is in September or October month.

Question 4.
What is the mythological history behind Dussehra?

There is a belief regarding this Dussehra celebration that Goddess Durga defeated mahishasura and killed his evil from the earth. Another believes that lord Rama won the victory over Ravana.

How to Write a Effective Sponsorship Letter & Grab the deal? Guidelines & Samples for Sponsorship Letter Writing

sponsorship letter writing format, template, and samples

Sponsorship Letter: Getting Sponsorship is a big challenge for every kind of organization owner or employer. Ultimately, A sponsorship letter is a formal letter where employees or students, or business peoples sent to some X company for financial assistance for an event or project. This sponsorship letter conveys your purpose and event details and why you should sponsor the event. The main aim of writing a sponsorship letter is to get sponsors for the project and run the event without any hurdles and also sponsored company can attain the benefits of increasing brand awareness and recognition.

Here, we have tried to mention all about the Sponsorship Letter starting with How to write a sponsorship letter in 5 steps and writing tips or guidelines for perfect letter writing to sponsors for your reference. Check out this page completely and also find the needed details such as Sponsorship Letter Format and Samples and make your draft even more effective & grab the deals immediately. Keep all your focus on writing an effective Sponsorship Letter by referring to these best samples & avoid any mistakes before sending or mailing the letter.

Avial many Formal & Informal Letter Writing Topics from our website Ncertbooks.Guru and discover complex styles of letter writing samples for better communication.

How to Write a Sponsorship Letter?

Points to be noted & followed while writing a letter of sponsorship for special events are as follows:

  1. Open a Word Document
  2. Details of the Company and Recipient
  3. Body of the Letter
  4. Closing Statement
  5. Sender Information

Guidelines and Writing Tips for Sponsorship Letter Writing

Below are some of the important Sponsorship Letter Writing Tips & Guidelines to keep in mind while drafting the letter:

  • Describe the event and its purpose, theme, dates, and location.
  • Tell some information regarding your organization (which conducts the event).
  • Highlight the publication and the free branding that can connect with the event.
  • After that, use the best practices to influence the sponsors that fit in and their suggestions for the event.
  • Give options – a sponsorship letter should have to write in various levels of available sponsorships together with its respective purposes and advantages.
  • Explain directly and the exact purpose of the event and make sure to give a high-level summary of the event.
  • Begin sending the sponsorship letter to previous sponsors who invested in your past events.
  • Finally, this letter should be in a formal way so use all formal letter writing tips and format and make conventions.
  • One more main thing you need to do is proof-read the letter for factual or grammatical errors.

Various Sponsorship Letter Samples | Examples for Sponsorship Letter Writing

Here we have given a few sample letters for writing a perfect sponsorship letter and get a great sponsor for your various scenarios:

Corporate Sponsorship Letter Sample

sample letter for corporate sponsorship

Sample Sponsorship Letter for College Fest

College fest sponsorship letter sample

Sample Sponsorship Letter for Food

food sponsorship letter writing sample

FAQs on Writing a Letter of Sponsorship

1. What are the Types of Sponsorship Letters?

Below is the list of sponsorship letter types, that you can draft:

  • For Events
  • For Food
  • For Corporate Requests
  • For Schools
  • For Explaining Sponsorship Levels
  • For Sports Clubs
  • For Requesting Monetary Donations
  • For Requesting Volunteers
  • For Auction Items
  • For In-Kind Donations
  • For Churches

2. How to write a Sponsorship Letter?

The following manner helps people to write a perfect Sponsorship letter:

  • Place yourself and your opportunity
  • Mention why you got in touch and the request for sponsorship
  • Explain them regarding your audience
  • Express your activation possibilities
  • Specify when you will follow up and do so, strictly.

3. How do you request sponsorship for any event?

Take a look at the below points and get an idea about a great sponsor proposal:

  • Begin with a story.
  • Describe what you do.
  • Benefits.
  • Describe your demographics.
  • Create an advisory board.
  • Ask for the money.
  • Promise deliverables.
  • Don’t sell yourself short.