KPSC KAS Books | Syllabus, Notes, Study and Reference Materials


KPSC KAS Books: The KPSC KAS exam is officially known as the Gazetted Probationers Exam (GPE) to fill the Group A and Group B vacancies in the Karnataka State Administration.

The KPSC KAS examination is a two-step public service exam conducted by the Karnataka Government-

  • Preliminary stage and
  • Main stage

which tests aspirant’s conceptual and factual informational abilities.

For students aspiring to participate in the KPSC KAS examination, this article provides a detailed exam preparation strategy and a comprehensive booklist for the ongoing stages of the study.

KPSC KAS Books and Reference Materials

The KPSC KAS examination is an annual Gazetted Probationers Exam (GPE) conducted to select eligible contenders for the various Group I and Group II posts in the various administrative departments of the State.

The KPSC KAS examination tests candidates with questions related to the background of an event and the current affairs of the State and country. Therefore, participating candidates should pay more attention to the current affairs of the State and country.

The only way to ace the KPSC KAS examination is through thorough preparation. Books, reference materials, notes, and sample papers play a vital role in fostering a strong base. Therefore, candidates should understand and refer to all the topics that fall under the KPSC KAS curriculum before commencing with the preparation. Students can refer to the KPSC KAS books and study materials as a few topics under the curriculum may be confusing and also to guide their practice.

  • KPSC KAS Syllabus
  • KPSC KAS Notes and Books
  • KPSC KAS Study Materials
  • Conclusion

KPSC KAS Syllabus

The KPSC KAS exam, like the other civil service exams, offers a three-set curriculum- the Preliminary KPSC KAS paper, the Main KPSC KAS Paper, and the Interview set. The detailed and structured curriculum for both the steps of the KPSC KAS exam is as follows-

KPSC KAS Preliminary Paper

The KPSC KAS Preliminary Paper holds two generic papers- Paper I and Paper-II. Both the papers consist of objective type MCQ questions for 100 marks with 0.25 negative marking. Paper-I and Paper-II are for two hours.

The level of Mental Ability questions for the KPSC KAS Preliminary Syllabus will be of the SSLC level (standard X). The remaining questions in the prelims will be of the Degree level. The structured curriculum for KPSC KAS Prelims are as follows-

Paper One: General Studies Part-I

Paper-I holds two sections- Section-I comprises 40 questions from General Studies (both of National and International Importance). Section-II comprises 60 questions from Humanities. The detailed curriculum structure for Paper-I is as follows-

Subject Topics or Concepts
Indian History
  • Special Emphasis on Karnataka State and Government
  • Broad Understanding of the Economic, Cultural, Political, and Social aspects
  • Indian National Movement
Polity and Indian Economy
  • Social Sector initiatives
  • Economic Reforms
  • Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development
  • Political System in India
Current Affairs
  • The Hindu
  • Yojana Magazine
  • Stories of National and International Importance
  • PIB
Indian and World Geography
  • State Geography
  • Indian Geography
  • World Geography

Paper Two – General Studies Part-II

Paper-II holds three sections- Section-I comprises 40 questions based on General Studies (State Importance). Section-II Comprises 30 questions from General Science and Technology along with Environment and Ecology. Section-III Comprises 30 questions on General Mental Ability. The detailed curriculum structure for Paper-I is as follows-

Section-I Section-II Section-III
Current events based on the State Government
  • General Science and Technology
  • Contemporary issues or developments and their implications
  • Broad understanding of the subject and the encompassed topics
Important State Government schemes Environment and Ecology

  • Broad understanding of the generic issues on Climate change, Biodiversity, Health, and Ecology
Basic numeracy
Data interpretation and its concepts based on Charts, Data sufficiency, Graphs, Tables, etc.
Logical reasoning and analytical ability

KPSC KAS Main Paper

The KPSC KAS Mains holds a total of nine theory papers out of which two papers are Language paper- Kannada and English Language that are qualifying in nature. The remaining papers fall under the merit-ranking category. The structured curriculum for KPSC KAS Mains are as follows-

Qualifying Papers- Language papers- Kannada and English, fall under the Qualifying Category. Each paper holds 35 percent of the qualifying criteria and is for 150 marks for a period of two hours. Both the  Kannada and English Language qualifying papers aim to test the candidate’s ability to read, understand and express in the given language.

Kannada Papers English Papers
Precis writing
Short Essay Writing
Communicational Skills
Usage of words
Precis writing
Short Essay Writing
Communicational Skills
Usage of words

The merit-Ranking category consist of seven papers

  • Essay type Questions
  • General Studies Part-I
  • General Studies Part-II
  • General Studies Part-III
  • General Studies Part-IV
  • Optional Paper Part-I
  • Optional Paper Part-II

The Essay Paper is for 250 marks and a period of three hours. The Essay papers hold two questions- either for Kannada or English, each for 125 marks. The first topic will be on an issue of National or International Importance, and the second topic will be based on the State or Local issues.

Each General Studies Paper comprises three sections for 250 marks for three hours. The KPSC KAS curriculum for the General Studies papers in the Main exam is given in the table below:

General Paper-I Section I: Cultural Heritage and History of Karnataka and India
Section II: Political and Social Perspective
Section III: Planning, Indian Economy, Rural Development- Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation
General Paper-II Section I: Natural Resources and Physical Features
Section II: An Overview of the Indian Constitution
Section III: International Relations, Public Administration and Management
General Paper-III Section I: Role or Impact of Science and Technology in Indian Development, and the Information Technology in Public Domain
Section II: Modern trends and Advancements in Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Agriculture Science, Hygiene and Health
Section III: Issues and Challenges of Development on Ecology and Environment
General Paper-IV Section I: Ethics
Section II: Integrity
Section III: Aptitude

For optional papers, candidates have to choose any one of the subjects.

KPSC KAS Notes and Books

The KPSC KAS exam is a civil services examination conducted by the Karnataka Government to recruit eligible candidates for several Group A and Group B posts. The KPSC KAS exam is vital, and the standard of papers test the subject knowledge and current affairs of the participating candidates. With exemplary performance, the KAS officers can also be promoted to IAS officers.

The subject-wise break-up of the best books for Kannada medium aspirants that aid the preparation for the Karnataka state-related topics or questions in the KPSC KAS exam are as follows:

Subject Recommended Books
Internal Relations Book by N Halappa
  • The History Of Modern India (Adhunika Bharatada Itihasa) by Bipan Chandra and translated by HS Gopal Rao
  • Samagra Bhaarathada Ithihaasa book by K. Sadashiv
  • A Concise History Of Karnataka Book by Suryanath U Kamath
Environment and Ecology
  • Book by Dr. Ranganath and VS SomaShekar
  • Parisara Adhyayana pr the Environmental Studies Book by P.V. Bhyrappa
  • Gnana Sadhana
  • Spardha Vijetha Monthly Magazine
  • Geography of India Book by Dr. Ranganath
  • Geography of Karnataka Book by Dr. Ranganath
  • Book by PS Gangadhar
  • Book by KM Suresh

KPSC KAS Study Materials

The KPSC KAS exam is a civil services examination conducted by the Karnataka Government to recruit eligible candidates in various Group I and Group II posts in the State Administration. The KPSC KAS exam is vital, and the standard of papers tests a candidate’s knowledge on the subject and current events about State and the country.

Apart from subjects books, candidates should refer and practice various other study materials such as the NCERT Notes. Candidates can also download the NCERT notes from the official website for thorough preparation for the KPSC KAS exam. Given below are a list of a few of the recommended KPSC KAS preparation materials that aid the reference and practice:

  • Budget and Economic Surveys
  • State Board books
  • NCERT books

As stated earlier, NCERT books are of valuable help and are universally recommended for starters or beginners preparing for any of the Civil Services examinations. Candidates can even segregate and jolt down points from the NCERT books as it helps during the time of revision. A few of the recommended NCERT books for the KPSC KAS examination as are follows-

  • NCERT Notes on Ancient Indian History Notes
  • NCERT Notes on Art And Culture
  • NCERT Notes on Medieval Indian History Notes
  • NCERT Notes on Geography Notes
  • NCERT Notes on Modern Indian History Notes

Candidates can also refer to the subject-based notes either in English or Kannada such as

  • Environment Notes
  • Polity Notes
  • Science and Technology Notes
  • Economics Notes and
  • Other Vital Study Materials

are required for the holistic KPSC KAS exam preparation provided on credible websites.

Notes are essential sources for any of the civil service exams as well as for other State Service Exams as they provide a brief yet important take on every subject. Additional study materials make preparation easy and less confusing. A few of the available subject-based notes available below-

  • Polity Notes
  • Differences Between Articles
  • Economics Notes
  • Science and Technology Notes
  • Environment Notes

Current Affairs play a significant role in any of the civil service examinations. The golden rule for any of the State or Central-based civil service exam preparation is a daily dose of the newspaper and staying up-to-date with the State as well as current Central affairs.

A few essential sources for current affair preparation are-

  • Newspapers- The Hindu or The New Indian Express
  • Press Information Bureau
  • Rajya Sabha TV
  • Yojana Magazine
  • Daily News Analysis
  • Government Schemes

Conclusion on KPSC KAS Books

The KPSC KAS exam is a well-known civil service examination conducted by the Karnataka Administration for various Group I and Group II posts. A few of the best and highly recommended Books, Notes, and Study Materials mentioned above aim to help the aspiring candidates at the time of preparations. Candidates can refer and practice from the provided KPSC KAS Books, Notes and Study materials from this article.

FAQ’s on KPSC KAS Books

Question 1. 
What is the KPSC KAS examination?

The Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) is a well-known recruiting agency for various administrative service posts in the State of Karnataka. The KPSC KAS is an annual competitive and departmental examination conducted for filling the Group A, Group B, and Group C vacancies in the state machinery.

Question 2. 
How does one prepare for the current affairs in the KPSC KAS exam?

Current Affairs play a significant role in any of the civil service examinations. Candidates should have a daily update of the newspaper and stay up-to-date with the State as well as current Central affairs. A few essential sources for current affair preparation are

  • Newspapers- The Hindu or The New Indian Express
  • Press Information Bureau
  • Rajya Sabha TV
  • Yojana Magazine
  • Daily News Analysis
  • Government Schemes

Question 3. 
How many Papers do the Merit-Ranking paper in the KPSC KAS Mains paper hold?

The merit-Ranking category consists of seven papers

  • Essay type Questions
  • General Studies Part-I
  • General Studies Part-II
  • General Studies Part-III
  • General Studies Part-IV
  • Optional Paper Part-I
  • Optional Paper Part-II

The Essay Paper is for 250 marks and a period of three hours. The Essay papers hold two questions- either for Kannada or English, each for 125 marks. The first topic will be on an issue of National or International Importance, and the second topic will be based on the State or Local issues. Each General Studies Paper comprises three sections for 250 marks for three hours.

Question 4. 
What are a few preparation tips that aid the KPSC KAS exam preparation?

A few tips that boost the KPSC KAS exam preparation are

  • Practising and solving previous years’ question papers
  • Solving subject-wise MCQs for KPSC KAS Preliminary exam
  • Practising answer writing for KPSC KAS Main exam.

BSE International Finance Olympiad [BIFO] 2020 | Levels, Details, Reference Materials

BSE International Finance Olympiad [BIFO]

BSE International Finance Olympiad [BIFO]: The BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 is a joint initiative between the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the EduHeal Foundation to promote learning, application, advancement, and discovery of the commercial and financial world.

The BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 exam is designed for students from class IX, X, XI and XII of any school in India to discover, learn, explore, and become familiar with the need and art of managing money through analytical and problem-solving skills.

Get to Know More about other types of Silverzone Olympiads and their details from here.

Schools play a vital role through the introduction of creative and new ideas as a part of the BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 campaign and assist students in developing skills that will be essential to their career and future endeavours.

  • BSE International Finance Olympiad 2020
  • BSE International Finance Olympiad 2020 Levels
  • EduHeal BSE International Finance Olympiad 2020 Details

BSE International Finance Olympiad 2020

The EduHeal Foundation conducts the BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 annual examination to create awareness as well as to encourage students to learn, explore, and discover more about the financial world.

The BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 exam paper comprises 50 percent of the questions from general economics, aptitude, and financial literacy, while the remaining 50 percent revolves around other subjects of study.

The BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 is conducted for students from classes IX, X, XI, and XII who belong to the ICSE, CBSE, NIOS, or State Boards across India.

BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 Highlights
Full Exam Name BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO)
Conducting Body EduHeal Foundation
Frequency of conduction Annual
Last Date for Registration August 2020
Date of exam July 2020, to January 2021

Note: Schools have to set the date of examination within this period, to conduct the BIFO exam.

Date of Result Declaration February 2021
Mode of Exam Online mode
Languages English
Exam Duration Sixty-minutes
Exam-level State, National, Finals

BSE International Finance Olympiad 2020 Levels

The BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 examination is a three-level annual exam conducted for students from IX to XII.

The school charges a nominal fee amount of Rs 125 (USD 9). The school also sets an additional amount of Rs.25 (USD 1) for its expenses towards the conduction of the BIFO exam.

Details regarding the BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 examination is provided in the Registration forms forwarded to schools across India.

Level 1: City or State

The school organises the level one of the BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 examination. The nomination form is enclosed along with the prospectus, and each participating school is required to nominate three deserving aspirants each from classes IX to XII.

The school is eligible to conduct an intro-level school quiz to facilitate the selection of students. Sample quiz questions are enclosed.

Level-2: National 

The second-level of the BIFO exam is scheduled in the first week of January 2021. Students who top the level one of the BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 examination is selected for the second level BIFO exam.

The second-level of the BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 examination is an online mode of exam organised by the EduHeal Foundation at various online centres across India.

For the level-two of the BIFO exam, the mode of examination is a computer-based exam at the conducting school. Schools must ensure that there are enough computers with a stable internet connection. Each participating student will receive a unique question paper which comprises 50 percent on general economics, aptitude, and financial literacy. The remaining 50 percent of the question paper is from the other subjects at study.

The syllabus for the second-level exam is based on the CBSE, ICSE, State Boards and NCF (National Curriculum Framework).

Level-3: Quiz Finals

The third-level Quiz Finals of the BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination invites only 48 merit students across India, held in January 2021.

Upon completion, only the top three students from the lot will emerge as national winners of the BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 examination and will receive certificates and awards.


The top three rank holders or winners from each class division of IX to XII, each one of the nine zones, will receive a cash award of Rs. 12,000, Rs. 10,000, and Rs. 8,000, respectively, along with a medal and certificate.

Those students participating in the BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 will receive Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 12,000, respectively, based on rank and will receive a certificate along with the to and fro travel fare.

EduHeal BSE International Finance Olympiad 2020 Details

Given below are the details regarding the BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 examination:

BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) Process Details
BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 Examination Registration Form
  • The registration form will be sent to the school, the responsible conducting body, for interested candidates as no individual registrations are encouraged.
  • The students must submit the Registration form on or before August 2020.
  • The Registration Form must be filled and presented under the guidance of parents and school authorities.
BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 Examination Admit Card
  • The BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 admit card upon successful completion of the registration process.
  • The Admit Card will be available on the official website for students to download and hold a hard copy.
BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 Examination Syllabus
  • The BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 exam is conducted for students from IX to XII.
  • The BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 examination syllabus provides class-wise break-ups of the exam curriculum.
  • Students can download the BIFO curriculum for reference.
BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 Examination Sample Papers
  • The BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination sample papers give a class-wise break-up of BIFO solved sample papers to impart aspirants about the structure and type of questions asked in the BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination.
  • Through the practice of the sample papers, students receive a hand on analysis of the subject-specific documents.
BSE International Finance Olympiad(BIFO) 2020 Examination Results
  • The  BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination results will be declared by the end of February or March 2021 (tentative dates).
  • The results for the  BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination are enlisted on the official EduHeal Foundation website, and the list will be forwarded to all the participating schools across the country.
  • Students can check the  BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination results by entering the credentials ( school code-class-section-roll number).
  • Students can hold a hard copy of the BIFO exam result from the official website for future reference.

BSE International Finance Olympiad Reference Materials

The official EduHeal website has posted various reference materials and books on the official website for students appearing from IX to XII. The reference books for BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) is as follows:

  • Comprehensive book
  • Previous year question paper booklet
  • Excellence guide

FAQ’s on BSE International Finance Olympiad [BIFO]

Question 1.
When will the BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination be conducted?

The BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination is to be conducted by the participating school anytime between July 2020, to January 2021.

Question 2.
What is the registration process for the BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination?

The registration form for the BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 will be sent to the school, the responsible conducting body, for interested candidates as no individual registrations are encouraged. The students must submit the Registration form on or before August 2020. The Registration Form must be filled and presented under the guidance of parents and school authorities.

Question 3.
What happens in the first level of the BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination?

The school organises the level one of the BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination. The nomination form is enclosed along with the prospectus, and each participating school is required to nominate three deserving aspirants each from classes IX to XII.

The school is eligible to conduct an intro-level school quiz to facilitate the selection of students. Sample quiz questions are enclosed.

Question 4.
What are the different reference materials to refer to the BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) 2020 examination?

The official EduHeal website has posted various reference materials and books on the official website for students appearing from IX to XII. The reference books for BSE International Finance Olympiad (BIFO) is as follows:

  • Comprehensive book
  • Previous year question paper booklet
  • Excellence guide

10 Lines on APJ Abdul Kalam for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on APJ Abdul Kalam

10 Lines on APJ Abdul Kalam: APJ Abdul Kalam’s full name was Avul Pakir Nainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, and he was the 11th President of the Republic of India. He was in power for a period of 5 years, from the years 2002 to 2007, and was elected by NDA with support from its opposition parties as well. Being elected as President by a largely Hindutva ideological party despite being a Muslim speaks volumes to how influential he was.

Even before his presidency, Kalam was an important asset to the government of India for his contributions to the Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), where he was the scientific adviser of the defence minister of India. He is also known for contributing in research to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

For his contributions to the Indian defence ministry, Kalam won the title of “Missile Man” and also won several awards in the international as well as Indian spheres, such as the Padma Vibhushan and Bharat Ratna awards. Let us take a look at a few sets of 10 lines on APJ Abdul Kalam for all age groups which will help us to write essays and long paragraphs about the scientist and politician, and will also help us to improve our general knowledge.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 lines on APJ Abdul Kalam for kids

This set of 10 lines on APJ Abdul Kalam for junior school will be helpful for children who are students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. APJ Abdul Kalam is the most well-known for being the 11th President of India from the years 2002 to 2007.
  2. He was also the scientific advisor for the defence minister of India from 1992 to 1997.
  3. APJ Abdul Kalam earned his degree in aeronautical engineering, which is the building of aeroplanes from Madras Institute of Technology.
  4. After he got his degree, Kalam joined the DRDO, an organisation which researches defence in the country.
  5. Kalam helped to create several missiles while he was in the DRDO, which gave him the nickname “Missile Man”
  6. Kalam also joined ISRO, which is an organisation that researches space.
  7. At ISRO, Kalam helped the government build a machine called SLV-III, which is a machine used to launch a satellite into space.
  8. APJ Abdul Kalam created a plan called Technology Vision 2020 in the year 1998 to help bring development to India by the year 2020 through technology.
  9. APJ Abdul Kalam won the Padma Vibhushan award in the year 1990, the Bharat Ratna award in 1997 and also many international awards.
  10. APJ Abdul Kalam has also written many books, including Wings of Fire (his autobiography), I Am Kalam, etc.

10 Lines about APJ Abdul Kalam

Set 2 – 10 Lines on APJ Abdul Kalam for School Children

This set of 10 lines on APJ Abdul Kalam should be useful for students in middle school in classes 6, 7, 8 and 9.

  1. APJ Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India and he was in power from 2002 to 2007 from the NDA Hindutva government.
  2. While he was President, Kalam focused on technology to advance the level of development in the country and devised the Technology Vision 2020 plan for the development of India.
  3. Kalam was born in Rameshwaram, on October 15th 1931 and he passed away in Shillong on July 27th 2015.
  4. Kalam earned his degree in aeronautical engineering from the Madras Institute of Technology in the late 1950s.
  5. After attaining his engineering degree, Kalam joined the Defense Research and Development Organisation in 1958, which he left and joined back in 1982.
  6. When Kalam rejoined the DRDO, he became the scientific advisor to the defence minister, and he also became principal defence minister later on.
  7. Kalam made significant contributions to the engineering and creation of missiles in the country while being the scientific advisor, earning himself the nickname “Missile Man”
  8. Before rejoining the DRDO, Kalam joined ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and helped in the creation of the SLV-III, a satellite launch vehicle designed in India for the first time.
  9. Kalam won several awards for his work in the DRDO as well as the ISRO, including some of India’s highest awards like the Padma Vibhushan in 1990 and the Bharat Ratna in 1997.
  10. Kalam has written several famous books, including his autobiography, Wings of Fire.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on APJ Abdul Kalam for Higher Class Students

The following set of 10 lines on APJ Abdul Kalam for senior school is suitable for students in classes 10, 11 and 12.

  1. APJ Abdul Kalam was born on 15th October 1931 in Rameshwaram and died on 27th July 2015 while in Shillong.
  2. APJ Abdul Kalam made significant contributions in the defence industry of India during his time spent at the DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) in the area of nuclear weapons such as missiles, thus earning him the nickname of “Missile Man”
  3. APJ Abdul Kalam was on the team of people who designed and built India’s first satellite vehicle launcher, the SLV-III.
  4. APJ Abdul Kalam acted as a scientific advisor through the years 1992 to 1997 to the defence minister, and later as the principal scientific advisor through the years 1998 to 2001.
  5. In the year 1998, APJ Abdul Kalam played a prominent role in the testing of nuclear weapons in India, which made him a hero in the eyes of the nation.
  6. In the year 2002, APJ Abdul Kalam became the 11th President of India and served as the same through the years 2002 to 2007.
  7. Kalam was elected as President by the NDA Hindutva alliance despite his religious identity, and also had the support of its opposition parties such as the Indian National Congress, which speaks volumes to how influential he was.
  8. APJ Abdul Kalam believed in advancing the country through means of technology and he emphasised upon this in his  Technology Vision 2020 plan to increase productivity in agriculture, for increasing economic growth and also using technology to better the medical and educational infrastructure for the country.
  9. APJ Abdul Kalam authored several inspirational books, one of which was his autobiography titled “Wings of Fire” and also “India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium” emphasizing his Technology Vision 2020 plan of 1998.
  10. APJ Abdul Kalam has received a high amount of international recognition and has also received Indian awards of the highest statures, such as the Padma Vibhushan in 1990 and the Bharat Ratna award in 1997.

10 Lines for APJ Abdul Kalam

Frequently Asked Questions on APJ Abdul Kalam

Question 1.
Which organisations was APJ Abdul Kalam associated with?

APJ Abdul Kalam was associated with the following organisations:

  1. Madras Institute of Technology, from where he graduated with a degree in aeronautical engineering.
  2. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) where he made significant contributions to India’s defence sector.
  3. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) where he was part of the team which designed the SLV-III.
  4. National Democratic Alliance (NDA) was his political affiliation when he became President of India.

Question 2.
Why was APJ Abdul Kalam known as “Missile Man”?

APJ Abdul Kalam was nicknamed the “Missile Man” because of his contribution to the development of missiles (nuclear weapons) in India and also for carrying out nuclear weapon testing in 1998 in India.

Question 3.
Which awards did APJ Abdul Kalam win?

APJ Abdul Kalam won several Indian as well as international awards:

  1. Padma Bhushan in 1981
  2. Padma Vibhushan in 1990
  3. Bharat Ratna in 1997
  4. Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration in 1997
  5. Ramanujan Prize in 2000
  6. King Charles II Medal in 2007
  7. International von Karman Wings Award in 2009
  8. Hoover Medal in 2009
  9. IEEE Honorary Membership in 2011
  10. Von Braun Award in 2013

Question 4.
What is Technology Vision 2020?

Technology Vision 2020 was a plan devised by APJ Abdul Kalam in the year 1998 to make India, a developing economy, a developed nation by the year 2020. He focused on the importance of technology in bringing development to India, such as in the agriculture sector, economic growth, and for getting better infrastructure.

10 Lines on Delhi for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Delhi

10 Lines on Delhi: Delhi is the capital of India and was recognised as a Union territory in the year 1956. It was officially declared as the capital of India after the Independence in 1947. Delhi has been a place of historical importance since the beginning when the Pandavas ruled in the city, which was then called Indraprastha.

Delhi is presently the second wealthiest city of the country after Mumbai. The Delhi-NCR region includes the neighbouring cities of Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad and Ghaziabad. Every year students and people of the working population come to Delhi in search of better opportunities. The city boasts some of the country’s finest universities and colleges.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Short Essay on Delhi

The NCT or National Capital Territory of Delhi is a city containing New Delhi, the capital of India. The city is bordered by Haryana on three sides and shares border with Uttar Pradesh on the eastern side. The total population of the city is roughly 30 million. The city is home to all the major bureaucrats and the high ranked government officials. The three arms of the government – the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary are located in the city.

Delhi also boasts some of the important cultural heritage sites of the country such as Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Humayun’s tomb, Jama Masjid, India Gate, Akshardham temple, Agrasen ki Baoli etc. The city is also home to the headquarters of almost all government agencies. Given below are sets of 10 lines about Delhi. Students or anyone can use this information in discovering more about the city.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Delhi for kids

The first set is meant for the students of primary classes from 1-5. It gives basic information about the city.

  1. Delhi is the capital of India.
  2. The population of Delhi is roughly 30 million.
  3. Delhi has a number of cultural heritage sites such as Red Fort, India Gate, Lotus temple, Qutub Minar, Akshardham
  4. Temple, Jama Masjid, Ashoka pillar, Humayun’s tomb etc.
  5. The Delhi Metro is the lifeline of the capital and is the world’s tenth-largest metro system in terms of length.
  6. The bordering states of New Delhi are Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.
  7. The problem of Air Pollution in New Delhi is a major concern which makes it one of the cities with the highest level of air pollution.
  8. New Delhi is one of the oldest cities in the world and has a rich cultural significance throughout history.
  9. The Delhi- NCR region includes the cities of Noida, Ghaziabad, Faridabad and Gurgaon.
  10. Indira Gandhi International Airport is situated in New Delhi which serves as the aviation hub for the rest of northern India. The National Capital Territory covers an area of almost 1484 square kilometres.

10 Lines on Delhi 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Delhi for School Children

The second set gives a detailed analysis of the city. This set is meant for the students of class 6-10.

  1. Delhi is home to almost all the ministers and high-ranked officials such as Prime Minister, President, Cabinet ministers, ambassadors.
  2. The Supreme Court, The Parliament House, Indian Army headquarters are some of the major institutions in Delhi.
  3. IIT Delhi is among the top IITs in the country.
  4. The present Chief Minister of Delhi is Shri Arvind Kejriwal and the Lt. Governor of Delhi is Shri Anil Baijal.
  5. Delhi University is one of the most prestigious universities in the country and every year lakhs of students apply for admission in colleges like Hindu College, Hansraj College, SRCC, St. Stephens, LSR, Gargi College, Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies etc.
  6. The NCT or National Capital Territory of Delhi resembles a state with its own legislature, high court and a council of ministers.
  7. The administration powers in New Delhi are distributed between the central government and the local government of New Delhi.
  8. The city has been inhabited since the 6th century and has been home to different kingdoms in different periods.
  9. The city is bordered by Haryana on three sides and borders with Uttar Pradesh on the east side.
  10. The Delhi Transport Corporation and other public transport vehicles run entirely on Compressed Natural Gas.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Delhi for Higher Class Students

The third set provides an in-depth picture of the city and about its history. The set is meant for senior secondary students and higher.

  1. New Delhi was recognised as a Union territory in 1956.
  2. The local civic administration in New Delhi is divided among five bodies- the North Delhi municipal corporation, the South Delhi municipal corporation, the New Delhi municipal corporation and the Delhi cantonment board.
  3. According to a recent study, about 49% of the population of Delhi lives in slums and unauthorised colonies.
  4. Delhi is the second most populated city in the world.
  5. The Khari Baori Market in Delhi close to the Fatehpuri masjid is the largest spice market in Asia and has been in place since the 17th century attracting tourists and city dwellers.
  6. The Administrative powers of the union territory are distributed between the local government and the central government.
  7. New Delhi is home to several cabinet ministers, high-ranked bureaucrats, top-ranked officials, the Prime Minister and the President of India.
  8. On Republic day every year, a large parade is organised from the Rashtrapati Bhawan to the India gate moving on the Rajpath.
  9. The city also has a rich cultural heritage and includes sites of cultural importance such as India Gate, Red Fort, Qutub Minar, Jama Masjid, Akshardham Temple, Humayun’s tomb etc.
  10. New Delhi is the seat of the three important arms of the government- the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary.

10 Lines on Delhi 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Delhi

Question 1.
What are the main causes of air pollution in New Delhi?

The toxic quality of air in New Delhi is the effect of several reasons.

  1. Stubble burning by the farmers of the neighbouring states of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.
  2. Vehicular pollution and traffic menace is a major contributing factor in the city which leads to the degradation of air quality and the formation of smog.
  3. The situations worsen in Winter season as the dust particles remain locked in the air due to stagnant winds.
  4. Over-population is yet another reason for the declining levels of air quality in the capital.
  5. Less investment in Public transport and public infrastructure leads to more traffic and hence more pollution.
  6. Industrial pollution and garbage dumps add to the degrading quality of air.
  7. Large-scale construction in the Delhi-NCR region increases the dust particles in the air.

Question 2.
Comment on the Delhi metro rail system.

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation is the nodal authority responsible for the metro system in the capital. The first corridor opened in 2002 from Shahdara to Tis Hazari. The present metro system is 389 kilometres long with a total of 285 stations. The rail system moves underground, elevated and on the ground level in different regions.

The Delhi Metro Rail Network has expanded to the neighbouring regions of Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Bahadurgarh and Ballabhgarh. Apart from providing a reliable mode of the transport system to the people of the capital, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation also works to reduce the amount of air pollution in the air. It reduces greenhouse emissions by 6.3 lakh tons every year and also has solar panels set up on the roofs of stations.

Question 3.
What are some of the heritage sites located in Delhi?

New Delhi is home to several rich heritage sites of the world. Some of the well-recognised heritage sites are-

  1. Humayun’s Tomb- The heritage site sits on the banks of the river Yamuna and is an architectural marvel built during the Mughal period.
  2. Qutub Minar- The landmark sit built in the 13th century is the world’s tallest brick minaret. Qutub Minar attracts thousands of tourists every day being a UNESCO world heritage site.
  3. India Gate- The India gate is situated at the eastern end of the Rajpath and stands tall as a War memorial built-in 1921 in memory of the soldiers who laid down their lives in the First World War.
  4. Red Fort – The Red Fort or Lal Quila was the home of Mughals for a period of 200 years and was a place of hosting important ceremonies. Even today on Independence Day, the Prime Minister addresses the entire country from the Red Fort.
  5. Jama Masjid- Jama Masjid stands tall in the Old Delhi region built in the Mughal period by the emperor Shah Jahan.

Question 4.
Comment on the historical significance of New Delhi.

The capital of the country has a rich and significant historical background and has been ruled by some of the most powerful emperors. The historical pieces of evidence trace back to the Mahabharata Period. The city was called Indraprastha where the Pandavas used to live.

The city has gone from being ruled by Hindu kings to Muslim emperors from one ruler to another. In 1803, the Britishers claimed control over the city and later shifted their capital from Calcutta to New Delhi in the year 1911. After the Independence of India, New Delhi was officially declared as the capital of the country.

10 Lines on My School for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on My School

10 Lines on My School: School is the one of the two primary places that a child spends most of his or her time in, with the first one being the child’s home. Thus, it is of imperative importance that a student feels comfortable in the school.

School is where children learn their ABCs, 123s, and whatnot, and it is one of the most important experiences that any of us must ever have in our lives. School begins with teaching us our basic language, and then moves slowly to the levels of gaining deeper understandings of the different subjects that we all study by the end of class 12.

The role of school in any child’s life is to equipt the child with the skills and knowledge required to face the world. What we learn in school and how we learn this in our schools remains the base for whatever else we do in life. Everything we eventually boil down to our schooling, thus it is so very important. Here are a few sets of 10 lines on my school, which will help you formulate essays and other writings on your school.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 lines on My School for kids

This set of 10 Lines on My School for junior school will be suitable for children or students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. My school is where I go to everyday to learn new things.
  2. My school is called Bishop Cotton School and is located in the heart of the city where I live.
  3. There are four Houses in my school, which are blue house, red house, orange house and yellow house.
  4. The uniform in my school is green and white, but we have to wear our House t-shirt every Friday.
  5. My school has a huge ground where people can play football and cricket, and there is also a tennis court and basketball court.
  6. We have Sports Day every year where we can win lots of prizes for our Houses and even take a trophy home.
  7. My school has a lot of inter-school tournaments for all the sports.
  8. My school also has many events which are not related to sports such as fashion show, dance competitions, singing competitions, spelling bee, debate, etc. where students from other schools also come.
  9. The library in my school is big and has a big balcony where we can all sit and read.
  10. With our normal classes we also have moral studies classes in my school where we are told about the importance of having good values.

10 Lines about My School

Set 2 – 10 Lines on My School for School Children

This set of 10 Lines on My School for middle school will be suitable for students in classes 6, 7, 8 and 9.

  1. School is the most important place that students go to in their lives.
  2. My school is Dealy Public School and it is located amidst a busy town on the outskirts of the city.
  3. In school, there are not only classes, but also many extracurricular and cocurricular activities that we should take part in.
  4. Since my school is located on teh outskirts of the city, there is a lot of space available and it has many sports facilities, such as badminton, basketball, tennis, football, volleyball, cricket, etc.
  5. There are many societies in school which one can join, including the debate society, MUN society, performing arts society, fine arts society, etc.
  6. My school has four houses, which are Narmada House (blue house), Kaveri House (green house), Godavari House (yellow house) and Sindhu House (red house).
  7. On Sports Day, all four houses in my school fight for the main trophy and lots of people win medals in various events.
  8. My school’s Annual Day is conducted in December every year, where there are dance performances, musical performances, plays and dramas, etc.
  9. The library in my school has a huge collection of books ranging from science fiction, romance, drama and mysteries to all kinds of textbooks and reference books.
  10. My school has the boards CBSE as well as Cambridge and students can choose which one they would like to take.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on My School for Higher Class Students

This set of 10 Lines on My School for senior school will be suitable for students in classes 10, 11 and 12.

  1. School is a place where each individual must go compulsorily because it provides us with the knowledge and skills that are going to be the basis for our entire lives.
  2. Getting an education in school is not only about learning things from books, but it is also about learning how and when to utilise the same in our actual lives.
  3. Every school is required to have a social outreach programme, a moral values programme, and other such programmes to instill life skills in students before the enter the world when they leave class 12.
  4. My school has several co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for students to partake in, in order to ensure a holistic educational experience for all.
  5. My school often organises several inter-school competitions where students from other schools can come and participate in dance and singing contests, painting competitions, sports tournaments, debate competitions, Model UN conferences, etc.
  6. The sports ground on my school is there to play football and cricket, and beside it there are basketball, volleyball and tennis courts, while the building next to the ground has a huge badminton court inside and also a few chess boards.
  7. Every year, on Sports Day, students battle it out amongst each other for who will get the highest number of medals and which house will get the final trophy, and it is fun to participate as well as to watch the events.
  8. The library in my school has a hug selection books, with various genres as well as a huge number of academic research papers, reference books, papers written by teachers in our school, etc.
  9. The school plans a camping trip for each class every year to add to the hollistic schooling experience, where we stay in tents and cook our own food.
  10. My school has a lot of events where many famous public speakers come to address the students, which gives us all a lot of insight and inspiration.

10 Lines for My School

Frequently Asked Questions on My School

Question 1.
Why is school so important?

School is perhaps one of the most important experiences that any of us should successfully have under our belts. The importance of school lies in that it provides us with the knowledge and skill we need to build a base for our lives, and it also provides us with other important life skills in one consolidated place which we will not be able to get anywhere else. School also helps us find people our own age who we can be friends with, and this is important as well.

Question 2.
What are houses in school?

Some schools divide all of their students into what we call Houses. While most schools have about four houses, there may also be schools which have more than four. All houses have different colours, and they act as a team in terms of intra-school competitions and such events. Being in a house in a school builds a kind of team-spirit which is important for individuals to have from a young age.

Question 3.
What are extracurricular and cocurricular activities?

Extracurricular activities are those activities which we partake in when we are in an educational institute like school, which do not necessarily help with our academics in any way, such as art, music, etc. Cocurricular activities are those activities which we do in schools which, in some way, help with our academics, such as debate and MUNs, because they help our knowledge in some subjects in school.

Question 4.
What are the qualities which we can learn at school other than studies?

Schools are not only responsible for our studies, but they also teach us several qualities which we should take with us through life. School teaches us the qualities of cleanliness, punctuality, obedience, etc.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 15 Communication Systems

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 15

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 15 Communication Systems are available here in PDF Format. So, Candidates of state and central boards like UP, MP, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, CBSE should follow them to ace up your preparation. These solutions are specially designed in both Hindi and English mediums to make it easy while learnings.

You all can avail NCERT Class 12 Physics Ch 15 Solutions in PDF Download links for easy download & access offline. The smartest way to get familiar with the concept of Communication systems by preparing with the NCERT Solutions material. These prevailing NCERT Solutions covers the practice problems so that you can understand all the concepts easily.

Class 12 Physics NCERT Solutions Chapter 15 Communication Systems

In this chapter, the 12th class students will come to learn about the communication systems concept. The introduction of the communication system is nothing but sending and receiving the data and information from one place to another. This last chapter in NCERT Solutions Class 12 Physics textbook talks all about covered 10 topics of communication systems.

Besides, this chapter goes in detail about the elements called the channel, the transmitter, and the receiver. Also, they will study some other important concepts like the bandwidth of various transmission mediums, the bandwidth of signals, amplitude modulation, the necessity of modulation, propagating electromagnetic waves, etc.

Class 12
Subject Physics
Book Physics
Chapter Number 15
Chapter Name Communication Systems

NCERT Exercise Questions with Solutions of 12th Physics Ch 15 PDF

These NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 15 aims to introduce the learners to the communication concept. Besides, an explanation of each and every question in NCERT Solutions PDF includes charts, diagrams, examples, and illustrations to understand the concept in an interesting and easy to learn.

Question 1.
At which of the following frequency/frequencies the communication will not be reliable for a receiver situated beyond horizon:
(a) 10 kHz
(b) 10 MHz
(c) 1 GHz
(d) 1000 GHz
(b) is correct. Here (c) and (d) frequencies have high penetration power so the earth will absorb them. Radiation (a) of 10 kHz will suffer from the problem of size of antenna.

Question 2.
Frequencies in the UHF range normally propagate by means of
(a) ground waves
(b) sky waves
(c) surface waves
(d) space waves.
(d) space waves.

Question 3.
Digital signals (i) do not provide a continuous set of values, (ii) represent values as discrete steps, (Hi) can utilize only binary system, and (iv) can utilize decimal as well as binary system. Which of the following options is true :
(a) Only (i) and (ii).
(b) Only (ii) and (iii).
(c) Only (i), (ii) and (iii), but not (iv).
(d) AH the above (i) to (iv).
(c) is correct because decimal system is concerned with continuous values (i) to (iii).

Question 4.
Is it necessary for a transmitting antenna to be at the same height as that of the receiving antenna for line- of-sight communication ? A TV transmitting antenna is 81 m tall. How much service area can it cover if the receiving antenna is at the ground level?
For line-of-sight communication it is necessary that the transmitting antenna and receiving antenna should be eye to eye but it is not necessary that they should be at the same height.
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 15
Question 5.
A carrier wave of peak voltage 12 V is used to transmit a message signal. What should be the peak voltage of the modulating signal in order to have a modulation index of 75% ?
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 15 Communication System.1
Question 6.
A modulation signal is a square wave as shown in figure. The carrier wave is given by
C(t) = 2 sin(8πt) V
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 15 communication System.2
(a) Sketch the amplitude modulated waveform.
(b) What is the modulation index ?
tiwari academy class 12 physics Chapter 15 Communication System.3
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 15 Communication System.4

Accordingly, the amplitude modulated waveform is shown ahead:

Question 7.
For an amplitude modulated wave, the maximum amplitude is found to be 10 V while the minimum amplitude is found to be 2 V. Determine the modulation index μ.What would be the value of μ if the minimum amplitude is zero V ?
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 physics Chapter 15.5
Question 8.
Show that if a device is available which can multiply two signals, then it is possible to recover the modulating signal at the receiver station.
Let there be two signals represented by
Ac cos ωct and A0 cos(ωc + ωm)t where Ac is the
amplitude, ωc is the angular frequency of a carrier wave at the receiving end and A0 is the amplitude, (ωc+ ωm) is the angular velocity of the modulated wave.
Multiplying these signals, we get
tiwari academy class 12 physics Chapter 15.6

Our experts designed each topic in the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 15 Communication Systems in a more simplistic manner. Additionally, we have also combined some extra traits that add to your learning like valuable notes, question papers, live classes, proficient help, etc for better preparation. So, kickstart your learnings & score high marks.


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