Tamil Nadu History Books for UPSC Exam | List of Tamilnadu State Board History Textbooks

Tamil Nadu History Books

Are you looking for a one-stop destination where you can get Tamil Nadu History Books? If so, you have come the right way and you don’t have to fret as we have organized all of them efficiently here. History plays an integral part in the UPSC Exam both in Prelims & Mains. We know how important it is to clear the Civil Service Examination. For the sake of your convenience, we have curated the List of Tamilnadu History Textbooks Classwise and what to cover in them.

The majority of the Candidates refer to the NCERT Books instead of going through the TN Board History Textbooks and fumble at the end minute. Don’t be one among them and be on right track and make the most out of the Tamil Nadu State Education Board History Books provided here.

Tamilnadu History Books for UPSC Civil Service Exam Preparation

Tamil Nadu History Books are written in a simple and lucid language so that you can retain the concepts of the subject for a long time. At times, TN History Textbooks are very much useful compared to your New NCERT Books. However, preparing from the Tamilnadu State Education Board History Books is quite easy as they are more chronological. These Books can great for those who are clueless about the Kings and Kingdoms.

In fact, the Tamil Nadu State Board History Books cover the details like East India Company’s Governors-General like Dalhousie, Hastings, etc. which are not a part of the Regular NCERT Books. You can cover topics from both Textbooks as they complement each other. You can download the TN State Board History Textbooks for free of cost via quick links available and stand out from the crowd in UPSC CSE Examination.

Do Read Related Articles:

What to Read in History Textbooks of Tamilnadu State Education Board for UPSC Exam?

Class 6 Class 7
  1. Prehistoric Period
  2. Indus Valley Civilization
  3. The Vedic Period
  4. Jainism and Buddhism
  5. Rise of Kingdoms
  6. Kushana Empire
  1. Kingdoms in Rajasthan, Deccan, and South India, Vijaynagar, Bahmani
  2. Arab and Turkish invasions
  3. Delhi sultanate
  4. Bhakti, Sufi
Class 8 Class 9
  1. The Great Mughals
  2. Rise of Marathas
  3. Advent of Europeans
  4. Anglo-French Struggle (Carnatic wars)
  5. Rule of East India Company: Cornwallis, Hastings, Bentinck, and Dalhousie.
  6. Revolt of 1857
  1. Ancient Civilizations
  2. Intellectual Awakening in 6th Century B.C.
  3. Medieval Age
  4. Modern Age
  5. Industrial Revolution
Class 10 Class 11
  1. World history: imperialism, two world wars, UNO
  2. Freedom struggle in India
Ancient and Medieval Indian history- upto the coming of Europeans.
Class 12
  1. Indian History: From East India company to freedom struggle to India After independence
  2. World History: Imperialism, American Revolution, French Revolution, Nazism, Fascism Two world wars, UNO, Cold war.

Final Words

We wish the knowledge shared regarding the Tamil Nadu History Books has enlightened you to the possible extent. If you still have any queries feel free to reach us via comment box so that our expert team can guide you at the soonest. Stay connected to our site to avail latest updates on UPSC Books, Syllabus, Study Materials, etc. in no time.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम्

We have given detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Ruchira Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् Questions and Answers will cover all exercises given at the end of the chapter.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Ruchira Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम्

अभ्यास के प्ररनौं के उत्तर

प्रश्न 1.
उच्चारणं कुरुत
बहवीनाम – सङ्गणकस्य
चिकित्साशास्त्रम् – वैशिष्ट्यम्
भूगोलशास्त्रम् – वाङ्मये
विद्यमानाः – अर्थशास्त्रम्
छात्रा: एतेषां शब्दानाम् उच्चारणं स्वयमेव कुर्वन्तु

प्रश्न 2.
प्रश्नानाम् एकपदेन उत्तराणि लिखत
(क) का भाषा प्राचीनतमा ?

(ख) भारतीयसंस्कृतेः रक्षणं केन सम्भवति ?

(ग) चाणक्येन रचितं शास्त्रं किम् ?

(घ) कस्याः भाषायाः काव्यसौन्दर्यम् अनुपमम् ?

(ङ) शून्यस्य प्रतिपादनं कः अकरोत् ?

प्रश्न 3.
प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि एक वाक्येन लिखत
(क) भारतसर्वकारस्य राजचिह्न किं लिखितम्अस्ति ?
भारतसर्वकारस्य राजचिह्न, ‘सत्यमेव जयते’ इति लिखितम् अस्ति।

(ख) संस्कृतस्य वाङ्मयं कैः समृद्धमस्ति ?
संस्कृतस्य वाङ्मयं वेदैः, पुराणैः, नीतिशास्त्रैः
चिकित्साशास्त्रादिभिः च समृद्धम् अस्ति।

(ग) संस्कृतस्य सूक्तयः केन रूपेण स्वीकृताः सन्ति ?
संस्कृतस्य सूक्तयः ध्येयवाक्यरूपेण स्वीकृताः सन्ति।

(घ) अस्माभिः संस्कृतं किमर्थं पठनीयम् ?
अस्माभिः संस्कृतम् एतदर्थं पठनीयं येन
मनुष्यस्य समाजस्य च परिष्कारः भवेत्।

प्रश्न 4.
इकारान्त-स्त्रीलिङ्गशब्दरूपम् अधिकृत्य रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् 1
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् 2
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् 3

प्रश्न 5.
रेखाङ्कितानि पदानि अधिकृत्य प्रश्ननिर्माणं कुरुतः
(क) संस्कृते ज्ञानविज्ञानयोः निधिः सुरक्षितोऽस्ति।
(ख) संस्कृतमेव सङ्गणकस्य कृते सर्वोत्तमा भाषा।
(ग) शल्यक्रियायाः वर्णनं संस्कृतसाहित्ये अस्ति।
(घ) वरिष्ठान् प्रति अस्माभिः प्रियं व्यवहर्तव्यम्।
(क) संस्कृते ज्ञानविज्ञानयोः कः सुरक्षितोऽस्ति?
(ख) संस्कृतमेव कस्य कृते सर्वोत्तमा भाषा ?
(ग) शल्यक्रियायाः वर्णनं कस्मिन् अस्ति ?
(घ) कान् प्रति अस्माभिः प्रियं व्यवहर्तव्यम् ?

प्रश्न 6.
उदाहरणानुसारं पदानां विभक्तिं वचनञ्च लिखत
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् 4
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् 5
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् 6
प्रश्न 7.
यथायोग्यं संयोज्य लिखत
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् 7
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् 8

अस्मिन् पाठे संस्कृति-स्मृति-नीति-सूक्तिपरिस्थिति-पद्धति-दृष्टि-धृति-शान्ति-प्रीति-इत्यादयः शब्दाः प्रयुक्ताः सन्ति । एते शब्दाः गति-मति शब्दवत् स्त्रीलिङ्गे प्रयुक्ताः भवन्ति।

एतेषां शब्दानां चतुर्थी-पञ्चमी-षष्ठी-सप्तमीविभक्तिीनामेकवचने द्वे-द्वे रूपे भवतः। यथा-गत्यै। गतये, गत्याः/गतेः, गत्याम्/गतौ।
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् 9

बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न

(i) का भाषा प्राचीनतमा ?
(A) हिन्दीभाषा
(B) संस्कृतभाषा
(C) उडियाभाषा
(D) व्रजभाषा।
(B) संस्कृतभाषा

(ii) भारतीयसंस्कृतेः रक्षणं केन संभवति ?
(A) धनेन
(B) सैनिकेन
(C) वीरेण
(D) संस्कृतेन।
(D) संस्कृतेन।

(iii) चाणक्येन रचितं शास्त्रं किम् ?
(A) अर्थशास्त्रम्
(B) व्याकरणशास्त्रम्
(C) दर्शनशास्त्रम्
(D) चिकित्साशास्त्रम्।
(A) अर्थशास्त्रम्

(iv) कस्य भाषायाः काव्यसौन्दर्यम् अनुपमम् ?
(A) बाणभट्टस्य
(B) कालिदासस्य
(C) सुबन्धोः
(D) दण्डिनः।
(B) कालिदासस्य

(v) शून्यस्य प्रतिपादनं कः अकरोत् ?
(A) कालिदासः
(B) आर्यभट्टः
(C) बाणभट्टः
(D) भास्कराचार्यः
(D) भास्कराचार्यः

(vi) बह्वीनां भाषाणां जननी का मता ?
(A) संस्कृतभाषा
(B) अंग्रेजीभाषा
(C) फ्रेंचभाषा
(D) व्रजभाषा।
(A) संस्कृतभाषा

Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 13 अमृतं संस्कृतम् Summary Translation in Hindi

1. विश्वस्य सर्वासु भाषासु संस्कृतभाषा प्राचीनतमा भाषास्ति। भाषेयं बह्वीनां भाषणां जननी मता। अस्यामेव भाषायां ज्ञानविज्ञानयोः निधिः सुरक्षितोऽस्ति। यथोक्तम्’भारतस्य प्रतिष्ठे द्वे संस्कृतं संस्कृतिस्तथा’।

प्राचीनतमा = सबसे पुरानी।
भाषेयम् (भाषा + इयम्) = यह भाषा।
बह्वीनां भाषाणाम् = बहुत-सी भाषाओं की।
जननी = जन्म देने वाली, माता।
मता = मानी गई है।
निधिः = खज़ाना।
यथोक्तम् (यथा + उक्तम् ) = जैसे कि कहा गया है।
प्रतिष्ठे द्वे = दो प्रतिष्ठाएँ, सम्मान।

सरलार्थ – संसार की सब भाषाओं में संस्कृत भाषा सबसे पुरानी भाषा है। यह भाषा बहुत-सी भाषाओं को जन्म देने वाली मानी गई है। इसी भाषा में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का खज़ाना | सुरक्षित है। जैसे कि कहा गया है-“भारत की दो प्रतिष्ठाएँ हैं-संस्कृत और संस्कृति।”

2. अस्याः भाषायाः वैज्ञानिकतां विचार्य एव सगणकविशेषज्ञाः कथयन्ति यत् संस्कृतमेव सङ्गणकस्य कृते सर्वोत्तमा भाषा विद्यते। अस्याः वाङ्मयं वेदैः पुराणैः, नीतिशास्त्रैः चिकित्साशास्त्रादिभिश्च समृद्धमस्ति। कालिदाससदृशानां विश्वकवीनां काव्यसौन्दर्यम् अनुपमम्। चाणक्यरचितम् अर्थशास्त्रं जगति प्रसिद्धमस्ति। गणितशास्त्रे शून्यस्य प्रतिपादनं सर्वप्रथमं भास्कराचार्यः सिद्धान्तशिरोमणी अकरोत्। चिकित्साशास्त्रे चरकसुश्रुतयोः योगदानं विश्वप्रसिद्धम्। संस्कृते यानि अन्यानि शास्त्राणि विद्यन्ते तेषु खगोलविज्ञानं, वास्तुशास्त्र, रसायनशास्त्र, . ज्योतिषशास्त्र, विमानशास्त्रं च उल्लेखनीयम्।

विचार्य = विचार करके
सगणकविशेषज्ञाः = कम्प्यूटर के विशेषज्ञ।
सगणकस्य कृते = कम्प्यूटर के लिए।
वाङ्मयम् = साहित्य।
सर्वोत्तमा = सबसे उत्तम।
कालिदाससदृशानाम् = कालिदास जैसे।
विश्वकवीनाम् = विश्व कवियों का।
अनुपमम् = अतुलनीय, अनुपम।
सिद्धान्तशिरोमणौ = “सिद्धान्त शिरोमणि’ नामक ग्रन्थ में।
खगोलविज्ञानम् = अन्तरिक्ष विज्ञान।
रसायनशास्त्रम् = कैमिस्ट्री।

सरलार्थ:-इस भाषा की वैज्ञानिकता को विचार करके ही कम्पयूटर के विशेषज्ञ कहते हैं कि संस्कृत ही कम्पयूटर के लिए सबसे उत्तम भाषा है। इसका साहित्य वेदों, पुराणों, नीतिशास्त्रों तथा चिकित्साशास्त्र आदि से समृद्ध है। कालिदास जैसे विश्व कवियों का काव्य सौन्दर्य अतुलनीय है। चाणक्य द्वारा रचित अर्थशास्त्र संसार में प्रसिद्ध है। गणितशास्त्र में शून्य का प्रतिपादन सबसे पहले भास्कराचार्य ने सिद्धान्तशिरोमणि नामक ग्रन्थ में किया है। चिकित्साशास्त्र में चरक और सुश्रुत का योगदान विश्व प्रसिद्ध है। संस्कृत में जो दूसरे शास्त्र हैं उनमें अंतरिक्ष विज्ञान वास्तुशास्त्र, केमिस्ट्री, ज्योतिषशास्त्र और विमानशास्त्र उल्लेखनीय हैं।

3. संस्कृतस्य इदं वैशिष्ट्यं वर्तते यत् अस्याः वाङ्मये विद्यमानाः सूक्तयः अभ्युदयाय प्रेरयन्ति। वरिष्ठान् कनिष्ठान् च प्रति अस्माभिः कथं व्यवहर्तव्यम् इत्यस्य व्यावहारिक ज्ञान संस्कृतमेव ददाति। भारतसर्वकारस्य विभिन्नेषु विभागेषु संस्कृतस्य सूक्तयः ध्येयवाक्यरूपेण स्वीकृताः सन्ति । भारतसर्वकारस्य राजचिह्न प्रयुक्तां सूक्तिं ‘सत्यमेव जयते’ सर्वे – जानन्ति। एवमेव राष्ट्रियशैक्षिकानुसन्धानप्रशिक्षणपरिषदः ध्येयवाक्यं ‘विद्ययाऽमृतमश्नुते’ वर्तते।

वैशिष्ट्यम् = विशेषता।
अभ्युदयाय = आत्मिक उन्नति के लिए।
प्रेरयन्ति = प्रेरणा करते हैं।
वरिष्ठान् = बड़ों के।
कनिष्ठान् = छोटों के।
कथं व्यवहर्तव्यम् = कैसे व्यवहार करना चाहिए।
ध्येयवाक्येरूपेण = ध्येय/उद्देश्य वाक्य के रूप में।
स्वीकृताः = स्वीकार किए गए।
प्रयुक्ताम् = प्रयोग की गई।

संस्कृत की यह विशेषता है कि इसके साहित्य में विद्यमान सूक्तियाँ आत्मिक उन्नति के लिए प्रेरित करती है। बड़े और छोटे के प्रति हमें कैसा व्यवहार करना चाहिए इसका व्यावहारिक ज्ञान संस्कृत ही देती है। भारत सरकार के विभिन्न विभागों में संस्कृत की सूक्तियाँ ध्येय वाक्य के रूप में स्वीकार की गई हैं। भारत सरकार के राज चिह्न में प्रयोग की गई सूक्ति ‘सत्यमेव जयते’-‘सत्य की ही जीत होती है’ को सभी जानते हैं। इसी प्रकार राष्ट्रीय शैक्षिक अनुसन्धान प्रशिक्षण परिषद का ध्येय वाक्य है’विद्ययाऽमृतमश्नुते’-‘विद्या से अमृत प्राप्त होता है।।

4. केचन कथयन्ति यत् संस्कृतभाषायां केवलं धार्मिक | साहित्यं वर्तते-एषा धारणा समीचीना नास्ति। संस्कृतग्रन्थेषु मानवजीवनाय विविधाः विषयाः समाविष्टाः सन्ति। महापुरुषाणां मतिः, उत्तमजनानां धृतिः सामान्यजनानां जीवनपद्धतिः च वर्णिताः सन्ति । अतः अस्माभिः संस्कृतम् अश्यमेव पठनीय येन मनुष्यस्य समाजस्य च परिष्कारः भवेत्।

समीचीना = उचित, ठीक।
समाविष्टाः = सम्मिलित।
सामान्यजनानाम् = साधारण लोगों का, आम जनता का।
परिष्कारः = सुधार।
जीवनपद्धतिः = जीवन

कुछ लोग कहते हैं कि संस्कृत भाषा में | केवल धार्मिक साहित्य ही है। यह विचार ठीक नहीं है। संस्कृत ग्रन्थों में मानव जीवन के लिए अनेक प्रकार के विषय सम्मिलित हैं। महापुरुषों की बुद्धि, श्रेष्ठ लोगों का धैर्य और सामान्य लोगों की जीवन-शैली वर्णन की गई है। इसीलिए हमें संस्कृत अवश्य पढ़नी चाहिए, जिससे मनुष्य और समाज का सुधार हो जाए।

5. उक्तञ्च
अमृतं संस्कृतं मित्र !
सरसं सरलं वचः।
एकतामूलकं राष्ट्रे .

सरसम् = सरस, रसपूर्ण, रसभरी।
एकतामूलकम् = एकता की स्थापना करने वाली।
ज्ञानविज्ञानपोषकम् = ज्ञान विज्ञान को बढ़ाने वाली।

और कहा भी गया है हे मित्र ! संस्कृत भाषा तो अमृत स्वरूप है। यह रसभरी है। इसके वचन सरल है। संस्कृत भाषा राष्ट्र में एकता की स्थापना करने वाली तथा ज्ञान विज्ञान को बढ़ाने वाली है।

Footprints without Feet Class 10 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 5

Check the below NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 1 Footprints without Feet with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 10 English with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. We have provided Footprints without Feet Class 10 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well.

MCQ Questions for Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 5 Footprints without Feet with Answers

Question 1.
Who is the author of the story ‘Footprints Without Feet’?
a) H.G. Wells
b) James Herriot
c) John Keats
d) W.B. Yea


Answer: (a) H.G. Wells

Question 2.
“The two boys started in surprise at the fresh muddy imprints of a pair of ………… ”
a) barefeet
b) shoes
c) tyres
d) None of these


Answer: (a) barefeet

Question 3.
He was Leaving his imprints in
a) Paris
b) London
c) Iping
d) Canada


Answer: (b) London

Question 4.
What is the meaning of‘bewildered’?
a) Perplexed
b) Confused
c) Puzzled
d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 5.
Who were the boys following?
a) A scientist
b) A dog
c) A rat
d) None of these


Answer: (a) A scientist

Question 6.
What was he working on?
a) Making fake footprints
b) Making’human bodies invisible
c) Making a fool of children
d) All of the above


Answer: (b) Making human bodies invisible

Question 7.
“Brilliant scientist though he was, Griffin was rather a …………… person.”
a) lawless
b) lawful
c) good
d) rude


Answer: (a) lawless

Question 8.
What did Griffin do for revenge?
a) Burned himself
b) Burned the landlord
c) Burned the house
d) He didn’t do anything for revenge


Answer: (c) Burned the house

Question 9.
Griffin’s body became as transparent as ………………
a) glass
b) ice
c) air
d) None of the above


Answer: (a) glass

Question 10.
What suggests that he was a homeless wanderer?
a) No clothes
b) No money
c) Invisible
d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 11.
Why was it a bad time to wander in London?
a) It was mid-winter
b) He was without clothes
c) Both a. and B.
d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both a. and B.

Question 12.
Where was the theatrical company shop situated?
a) Dury lane
b) Drury lane
c) Druy lane
d) Druri Lane


Answer: (c) Druy lane

Question 13.
Instead of walking about the streets the scientist decided to slip into:
a) the nearby house
b) a big ship
c) the tent
d) a big London store


Answer: (d) a big London store

Question 14.
Where did he find comfort in London?
a) At the inn
b) A big store
c) Theatre store
d) None of these


Answer: (b) A big store

Question 15.
Where did Griffin go next?
a) At the inn
b) A big store
c) Theatre store
d) None of these


Answer: (c) Theatre store

Question 16.
What did Griffin take from there?
a) Food
b) Wine
c) Bandages
d) All of these


Answer: (c) Bandages

Question 17.
What did Griffin see when he panicked and began to run?
a) A bull
b) Some thieves
c) Two assistants
d) The houselady


Answer: (c) Two assistants

Question 18.
How did Griffin finally escape?
a) By hitting them
b) By taking off all his clothes
c) By running away as fast as he could
d) By hiding


Answer: (b) By taking off all his clothes

Question 19.
Where did Griffin go from theatre store?
a) Piping
b) Iping
c) Snowland
d) None of these


Answer: (b) Iping

Question 20.
What was an unusual event at an inn in winter?
a) A guest at the inn during winters
b) A guest at the inn during summers
c) A guest at the inn during spring
d) Nothing was unusual there


Answer: (b) A guest at the inn during summers

Question 21.
How did Griffin justify his disinterest in having a conversation with Mrs Hall?
a) Desired solitude
b) Didn’t want to be disturbed during work
c) Both a. and b.
d) None of the above


Answer: (c) Both a. and b.

Question 22.
What do you mean by the word eccentric’?
a) Uncommon
b) Extra
c) Catchy
d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Uncommon

Question 23.
Why does Mrs Hall find the scientist eccentric?
a) He visited during off season
b) His intention was only to work
c) He looked weird
d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 24.
Why was Mrs Hall prepared and ready to tolerate strange habits and irritable temper?
a) He had paid in advance
b) He was a scientist
c) Both a. and b.
d) None of the above


Answer: (a) He had paid in advance

Question 25.
What does the first encounter tell us about Mrs Hall?
a) She is not friendly
b) She is money-minded
c) She is disinterested in her guests
d) All of the above


Answer: (b) She is money-minded

Question 26.
What is being referred to as the “strange incident” that happened in the study?
a) Griffin stealing money while being invisible
b) Griffin arriving at the inn during off season
c) Griffin pretending to be waiting for a cheque
d) None of the above


Answer: (a) Griffin stealing money while being invisible

Question 27.
Who called the incident “an extraordinary affair”?
a) Clergyman
b) Clergyman’s wife
c) Mrs Hall
d) All of these


Answer: (a) Clergyman

Question 28.
What did she think had happened to her furniture?
a) Nothing
b) The scientist had put spirits in them
c) The scientist was playing with them
d) The furniture had gone mad


Answer: (b) The scientist had put spirits in them

Question 29.
What do you mean by the word “hysterics”?
a) An exaggerated reaction
b) A normal reaction
c) No reaction
d) None of the above


Answer: (a) An exaggerated reaction

Question 30.
What caused the villagers to suspect the scientist? .
a) The robbery
b) The furniture incident
c) Unexpected availability of cash on him
d) All of the above


Answer: (a) The robbery

Question 31.
“The scientist was always ; now he became furious.”
a) patient
b) quick-tempered
c) calm
d) None of these


Answer: (d) None of the these

Question 32.
What was easier said than done?
a) To see him
b) To talk to him
c) To hold him
d) None of these


Answer: (b) To talk to him

1. The two boys started in surprise at the fresh muddy imprints of a pair of bare feet. What was a barefooted man doing on the steps of a house in the middle of London? And where was the man? As they gazed, a remarkable sight met their eyes. A fresh footmark appeared from nowhere!
Further footprints followed, one after another, descending the steps and progressing down the street. The boys followed, fascinated, until the muddy impressions became fainter and fainter, and at last disappeared altogether.

(a) Why were the boys surprised to see a barefooted man in London? The boys were surprised as:
(i) it was an unusual sight to see someone this way.
(ii) everybody in London moved around in shoes.
(iii) it was pretty cold to move around barefeet.
(iv) only a person who is homeless and wandering does so.


Answer: (iii) it was pretty cold to move around barefeet.

(b) Pick out the option that is not related to ‘started’ as used in the extract:
Footprints without Feet Class 10 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 5 1
(i) Option (1)
(ii) Option (2)
(iii) Option (3)
(iv) Option (4)


Answer: (iv) Option (4)

(c) Pick the option that best describes how the boys are feeling / based on the extract.
(i) Enchanted, curious, puzzled
(ii) Captivated, curious, puzzled
(iii) Repulsed, curious, captivated
(iv) Enchanted, repulsed, curious


Answer: (ii) Captivated, curious, puzzled

(d) The boys felt that the footprints were:
(i) seen due to some magic trick.
(ii) a figment of imagination.
(iii) of a man who was invisible.
(iv) those of a mysterious man.


Answer: (iv) those of a mysterious man.

(e) Pick the option that best matches synonyms of the word gazed’.
(i) (1) gaped (2) gawked
(ii) (1) admired (2) disbelieved
(iii) (1) overlooked (2) stared
(iv) (1) surveyed (2) overlooked


Answer: (i) (1) gaped (2) gawked

(f) Pick the option that lists the correct direction of the footprints on the stairs, as noticed by the boys.
Footprints without Feet Class 10 MCQ Questions with Answers English Chapter 5 2
(i) Option (1)
(ii) Option (2)
(iii) Option (3)
(iv) Option (4)


Answer: (ii) Option (2)

2. As they gazed, a remarkable sight met their eyes. A fresh footmark appeared from nowhere!
Further footprints followed, one after another, descending the steps and progressing down the street.

(a) Who are ‘they’?
(i) Several people
(ii) Scientists
(iii) Two boys
(iv) None of these


Answer: (iii) Two boys

(b) The extract has been taken from:
(i) A Question of Trust
(ii) The Making of a Scientist
(iii) The Hack Driver
(iv) None of the above


Answer: (iv) None of the above

(c) Who is the author?
(i) Victor Canning
(ii) Robert Peterson
(iii) Sinclair Lewis
(iv) None of these


Answer: (iv) None of these

(d) The word ‘progressing’ means:
(i) continuing
(ii) hindering
(iii) retreating
(iv) obstructing


Answer: (i) continuing

(e) The antonym of‘remarkable’ is:
(i) outstanding
(ii) usual
(iii) wonderful
(iv) phenomenal


Answer: (ii) usual

3. The air was bitterly cold and he could not do without clothes. Instead of walking about the streets he decided to slip into a big London store for warmth.
(a) ‘He’is:
(i) a thief
(ii) a scientist
(iii) the author
(iv) the landlord


Answer: (ii) a scientist

(b) It was:
(i) mid-winter
(ii) early-winter
(iii) late-winter
(iv) raining


Answer: (i) mid-winter

(c) The name of the lesson is:
(i) The Making of a Scientist
(ii) A Triumph of Surgery
(iii) Footprints without Feet
(iv) The Necklace


Answer: (iii) Footprints without Feet

(d) The word ‘slip’ here means:
(i) fall down
(ii) enter quietly
(iii) hit (iv) lie down


Answer: (ii) enter quietly

(e) The antonym of‘bitterly’ is:
(i) mildly
(ii) extremely
(iii) severely
(iv) cuttingly


Answer: (i) mildly

4. As she and her husband turned away in terror, the extraordinary chair pushed them both out of the room and then appeared to slam and Lock the door after them.

Mrs Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits, and that the stranger had somehow caused these to enter into her furniture. “My poor mother used to sit in that chair,” she moaned! To think it should rise up against me now!

The feeling among the neighbours was that the trouble was caused by witchcraft.”

(a) Mrs Hall felt that the room was haunted by spirits because:
(i) she could see evil spirits.
(ii) she heard strange noise.
(iii) uncanny things happened there.
(iv) the door slammed shut.


Answer: (iii) uncanny things happened there.

(b) Pick the option that best describes how Mrs Hall must be feeling at the moment described in the extract.
(i) Stunned and furious
(ii) Shocked and outraged
(iii) Outraged and nervous
(iv) Stunned and agitated


Answer: (iv) Stunned and agitated

(c) Pick the sentence that brings out the meaning of ‘hysterics’ as used in the extract.
(i) My friend and I were in splits when we saw the clown’s antics.
(ii) I don’t know why I suddenly felt worried about flying home.
(iii) The sight of blood put the old man in a frenzy,
(iv) The people who had witnessed the accident were spellbound.
Ans. (iii) The sight of blood put the old man in a frenzy.


Answer: (i) routinely

(d) Pick the option that displays a cause -> effect relationship.
(i) Pushed and locked out-> hysterical
(ii) Rising of the chair.-> moaning
(iii) Troubled neighbours -> witchcraft
(iv) Stranger -> haunted spirits


Answer: (i) Pushed and locked out-> hysterical

(e) The neighbours thought it was ‘witchcraft’. This tells us that ‘ neighbours were:
(i) suspicious
(ii) superstitious
(iii) nervous wrecks
(iv) gossip-mongers


Answer: (ii) superstitious

(f) Pick the option that includes the correct matches of Column I with Column II.

Column I Column II
A. The stranger was (P) eccentric, lonely and callous
B. He had escaped (q) eccentric, callous and short-tempered
C. He had an uncommon appearance (r) from Iping to London
(S) as he wore bandages round his forehead

(i) (A)-q, (B)-s, (C)-r
(ii) (A)-p, (B)-r, (C)-s
(iii) (A)-r, (B)-q, (C)-p
(iv) (A)-q, (B)-r, (C)-s


Answer: (iv) (A)-q, (B)-r, (C)-s

(g) Look at the different meanings of ‘haunt’. Pick the option that does not correspond to its meaning.
(i) To be conscious of a strange phenomenon.
(ii) Be persistently and disturbingly present in (the mind).
(iii) (of something unpleasant) continue to affect or cause problems for.
(iv) A place frequented by a specified person.


Answer: (i) To be conscious of a strange phenomenon.

5. Suspicion grew even stronger when he suddenly produced some ready cash, though he had admitted not long before that he had no money.

(a) Who is ‘he’?
(i) Mr Hall
(ii) Griffin
(iii) Clergyman
(iv) The Constable


Answer: (ii) Griffin

(b) ‘He’was suspected of:
(i) the burglary
(ii) a killing
(iii) Both (i) and (ii)
(iv) None of these


Answer: (i) the burglary

(c) Who is the author?
(i) Victor Canning
(ii) Robert Arthur
(iii) Ruskin Bond
(iv) H.G. Wells


Answer: (iv) H.G. Wells

(d) He had admitted that:
(i) he had money
(ii) he was a burglar
(iii) he had no money
(iv) he was a scientist


Answer: (iii) he had no money

(e) The synonym of suddenly’is:
(i) instantly
(ii) gradually
(iii) expectedly
(iv) anticipatedly


Answer: (i) instantly

Revision Notes

This story is an extract from a novel written by H.G.Wells, titled ‘The Invisible Man’. In this story the adventures of an invisible man at the village Iping are narrated.

Footprints without Feet Class 10 Summary

Griffin was a brilliant scientist. He had discovered a rare drug. It could make a man invisible. He swallowed that drug and his body became as transparent as a sheet of glass. However, Griffin was a lawless person. He was disliked by his landlord who wanted to eject him out of his house. Angrily, Griffin set the house of his landlord on fire. Then, he removed his clothes. This made him look invisible and thus he was able to escape without being seen by anyone. He became a homeless wanderer, without clothes, without money and quite invisible. However, he had chosen a bad time of the year to wander about London without clothes. It was mid-winter and the air was bitterly cold. So, Griffin decided to slip into a big London store. After the store closed, Griffin fitted himself with warm clothes and after becoming fully dressed he became a visible person. He ate to his fullest, drank wine and settled down to sleep on the pile of quilts.

Next morning, the assistants opened the store and found Griffin. He panicked and began to run. He managed to escape only by taking off his clothes. So, once more he was invisible and naked in the chilly January air.

He then decided to go to Drury Lane, to try to find clothing from theatrical companies found there. He found a suitable shop and made his way upstairs and came out a little later wearing bandages round his forehead, dark glasses, false nose, big bushy side whiskers and a large hat. To escape without being seen, he hit the shopkeeper from behind and stole his money.

Griffin then decided to leave London. He took a train to the village Iping. He hired two rooms in the inn of the village. He told the landlady, Mrs. Hall, that he loved solitude and therefore he should not be disturbed. When his stolen money was spent, he stole the money from a clergyman’s desk. The clergyman and his wife heard the chink of money being taken away. But they found no one in the room. The money was missing all the same.

Mrs Hall saw the door of Griffin’s room wide open next morning. She and her husband decided to investigate. They found that Griffin’s clothes and bandages were lying about the room. Mrs Hall then heard a sniff near her ear. Soon, the hat on the bedpost leapt up and struck her face. The chair rose up and pushed them out of the room.

The door was slammed and locked after pushing them outside. Mrs Hall was hysterical. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits and that Griffin was somehow responsible for all this.

People also began to suspect that Griffin had a hand in the theft at the clergyman’s house. Suspicion grew even stronger when he suddenly produced cash, though he had previously admitted that he had no money. A constable was secretly sent for. Meanwhile, Mrs Hall confronted Griffin. She asked him how he had managed to come out of an empty room and how he had managed to enter a locked room. Griffin became furious on being questioned in such a manner. He threw off bandages, whiskers, spectacles and even his nose. He was now a headless person. The constable arrived. He tried to arrest him but Griffin was becoming more and more invisible as he took off one cloth after the other. The constable found himself struggling with someone he could not see. People tried to help him but they found themselves being hit by blows that seemed to come from nowhere. In the end Jaffers was knocked unconscious and Griffin managed to escape.


This story conveys the message that in genuity and a sharp mind are appreciated and honoured only when they work for the betterment of society.

Maternity Leave Application Format | Maternity Leave Letter Samples in English & Hindi

maternity leave application format & samples

Maternity Leave Application: Maternity leave is the formal letter where a woman takes a certain period of time as a break from work because she is about to have, or has, or just had, a baby. Maternity leave is an important task to plan. Planning this maternity leave application at the perfect time helps the mother and her family experience no financial challenges so that she can enjoy beautiful baby moments & play most of the time with her baby.

For your comfort, we curated the complete information about maternity leave letter such as Format, What should be included, How to Write a maternity leave application along with Samples in the coming modules. Check out many Formal and Informal Letter Writing Topics and get acquainted with different letter styles so that you can write one on your own as per requirement.

How to Write a Maternity Leave Letter in English?

If you are unaware of How does a Maternity Leave Letter look? Then, refer to the below Format of Maternity Leave Application and take it as a reference while drafting your own. If you are confused about how to write a maternity leave letter, here are some precise steps you should consider:

  1. Add specific dates
  2. Include a recommendation for your work
  3. Address any communication during maternity leave
  4. Include requests regarding schedule changes

Along with these steps you can also take some help from the below Maternity Leave Letter Format as it is available in the sharable image and also in the text form for quick access.

Maternity Leave Application Format

Sender’s Name,

Date: XX-XX-XXX.

Receiver’s Name,

Subject: Request for Maternity Leave Application Letter for Teachers after Delivery

Sir/Madam (Respected Principal),

Body of the Letter (Describe the application for maternity leave after delivery)

Thanking you.

Your’s Sincerely,

Sender’s signature
Name of the sender

Email Format of Maternity Leave Application In English

maternity leave letter email format

Maternity Leave Letter Samples in English & Hindi

In this section, we have placed some images where you find sample maternity leave applications for your reference. You can use these samples & draft your own for required designations like Maternity leave application for private offices, Maternity Leave Letter for the School Principals, Maternity Leave Application for Teachers.

Maternity Leave Application for Manager/Boss of the Office – Sample 1

sample for private offices maternity leave application

Sample 2 – Maternity Leave Application Form for Teachers

maternity leave letter for teachers sample

मैटरनिटी लीव एप्लीकेशन लेटर इन हिंदी | Maternity Leave Application Sample in Hindi

sample of maternity leave application in hindi

FAQs on Maternity Leave Application Writing

1. What is a maternity leave letter?

A maternity leave letter is a formal letter that makes your employer know when you plan to take maternity leave and for how long.

2. What period will be the maternity leave for an employee?

The period of maternity leave alters in many countries and many organizations and usually carries both a legally enforceable maternity leave and maternity pay.

3. What is the rule of maternity leave?

According to the Act, maternity benefits are eligible to a woman who has been working as an employee in an establishment for a period of at least 80 days within the past 12 months.

How to Address a Letter? Details to Include in the Format of Addressing a Letter

how to address a letter with detailed information

How to Address a Letter: This generation of people are having numerous available sources to address the letter such as SMS, Phone, and Emails. Formal or professional people are using the SMS or email platforms to write a letter to the recipient & getting a response in return. However, professional letter writing is an outstanding skill when you’re job hunting, career networking, or sending other business-related correspondence.

Hence, the letter should follow all the rules of professional letter writing, especially the sender’s contact information, date, salutations, and recipient’s address. Studying & practicing how to write a letter the right way improves the sender’s stand out from the rest and creates a positive impression on the recipient.

So, read this article completely and learn how to address a letter perfectly. Also, you can explore more Letter Writing Topics both formal and informal from our site and get familiar with various letter writing styles.

What is the Format to Address a letter?

While writing a letter, ensure that you consider the proper address format for the envelope along with the letter itself. At the time of business or expert letter writing, one should follow a few things for the letter. Also, in the process of learning how to address a letter, below are part of the things to include in the letter:

  • Contact Details
  • Date
  • Name and Address of Recipient
  • Salutation

Dive into the below sections, and learn briefly about each point mentioned above:

1. Contact Details at the top: At first, knowing the person who you are addressing is a must, and want to write the person’s name, your designation, where you come from, and the address which will be used when replying to your letter. The sender’s contact information is as follows:

  • First line: Full name
  • Second line: Company name
  • Third line: Street address
  • Fourth line: City or town, followed by the state name and zip code. The state name can be shortened to its official postal two-letter abbreviation.
  • The address should appear under the sender’s name and must align to the left.
  • In case you are drafting the letter to another country person, then the name of the country should be in the fourth line.
  • In order to communicate easily, you should include an email address and phone number.

2. Date: After addressing the contact information, one more important details that you need to follow is to write the date on which the letter was sent, and align it to the left or right margin. For instance, the date can be written as December 15, 2020, or 15-12-2020.

3. Recipient’s Name and Address: Once you have entered the sender’s address and date to the left margin, the recipient’s name and address should appear. Here, you have to enter the name and mailing address of the intended recipient. Also, you can write the title or degrees that the recipient holds.

For instance, you’re drafting a letter to the professor, then you have to address the recipient’s address as “John Jones, Ph.D.” Under the name, write the company name on the second line following with the rest of the address like street and city, and state and zip code in the last line. If the recipient is in another country, indicate the name of the country in the fourth line.

4. Salutations: After the recipient’s address, leave one line and write the greeting/salutation. The choice of salutation depends on the recipient of the letter. If you know the recipient then you can use this salutation as “Dear,” and is advised if you’ve never met the recipient of the letter. The salutation is followed by the person’s name and punctuated with a colon or comma.

In case you don’t have any idea about the recipient is a man or a woman, then make use of this “Dear Sir or Madam” followed by a colon. If the recipient is a woman and doesn’t know the material status then use “Ms.” in the salutation. This rule is the same for the professional titles as well so you can use Dr., Professor, and Honorable. Examples of salutations include:

  • Dear Mr. Jones
  • Dear Ms. Jones
  • Dear Dr. John
  • Dear Professor Markle

Sample of Addressing a Letter

The following sample letter in the box will help you understand how to address a professional letter:

Rohit Malkani


Your City, State Zip Code

Phone: 999XXXX999

Email: [email protected]

Date: January 10, 2021



XYZ company


City, State Zip Code

Dear Mr.Praneet,

I’m writing regarding your institute’s upcoming career development event. I would like to book a booth as we are looking to hire two assistant software professionals.

We are from the Web DTA Designs company, and we would like to get in touch with some of your computer science students who are in their final years. We work in the web development field.

Kindly let me know if you can reserve a room at your event. You can get in touch with me through my mail id or phone number, anytime.


Signature (if required)

Rohit Malkani

FAQs on Addressing a Letter both Formal and Informal

1. How do you address a letterhead?

Usually, the sender’s address is entered on the letterhead. When you’re not using any letterhead, the sender’s address to be included at the top of the letter one line above the date. All the way what you need to include in the sender’s address is the street address, city, and zip code.

2. How do you address a letter when you don’t know the recipient?

Technically the correct way to address a letter when you don’t know the recipient’s name is ‘Dear Sir’, but nowadays people are preferring ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ to address the letter.

3. How do you properly address a letter?

While writing a letter to someone professional or informal, you should follow the below format of addressing the letter:

  • Recipient’s name.
  • Business’s name (if applicable)
  • Street address (with apartment or suite number)
  • City, State, and ZIP code (on the same line)*
  • Country*

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 8 संसारसागरस्य नायकाः

We have given detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Sanskrit Ruchira Chapter 8 संसारसागरस्य नायकाः Questions and Answers will cover all exercises given at the end of the chapter.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Sanskrit Ruchira Chapter 8 संसारसागरस्य नायकाः


प्रश्न 1.
एकपदेन उत्तरत-
(क) कस्य राज्यस्य भागेषु गजधरः शब्दः प्रयुज्यते?

(ख) गजपरिमाणं कः धारयति?

(ग) कार्यसमाप्तौ चेतनानि अतिरिच्य गजधरेभ्यः किं प्रदीयते स्म?

(घ) के शिल्पिरूपेण न समादृताः भवन्ति?

प्रश्न 2.
अधोलिखितानां प्रश्नानामुत्तराणि लिखत-
(क) तडागाः कुत्र निर्मीयन्ते स्म?
तडागाः सम्पूर्ण देशे निर्मीयन्ते स्म।

(ख) गजधराः कस्मिन् रूपे परिचिताः?
गजधराः वास्तुकाराणां रूपे परिचिताः।

(ग) गजधराः किं कुर्वन्ति स्म?
गजधराः नगरनियोजनात् लघुनिर्माणपर्यन्तं सर्वाणि कार्याणि कुर्वन्ति स्म।

(घ) के सम्माननीया:?
गजधराः सम्माननीयाः।

प्रश्न 3.
रेखाङ्कितानि पदानि आधुत्य प्रश्न निर्माणं कुरुत-
(क) सुरक्षाप्रबन्धनस्य दायित्वं गजधराः निभालयन्ति स्म।
कस्य दायित्वं गजधराः निभालयन्ति स्म?

(ख) तेषां स्वामिनः असमर्थाः सन्ति।
केषां स्वामिनः असमर्थाः सन्ति?

(ग) कार्यसमाप्तौ वेतनानि अतिरिच्य सम्मानमपि प्राप्नुवन्ति।
कार्यसमाप्तौ कानि अतिरिच्य सम्मानपमपि प्राप्नुवन्ति?

(घ) गजधरः सुन्दरः शब्दः अस्ति।
कः सुन्दरः शब्दः अस्ति?

(ङ) तडागाः संसारसागराः कथ्यन्ते।
के संसारसागराः कथ्यन्ते?

प्रश्न 4.
अधोलिखितेषु यथापेक्षितं सन्धि विच्छेदं कुरुत-
(क) अद्य + अपि = ___________
(ख) ___________ + ___________ = स्मरणार्थम्
(ग) इति + अस्मिन् = ___________
(घ) ___________ + ___________ = एतेष्वेव
(ङ) सहसा + एव = ___________
(क) अद्य + अपि = अद्यापि
(ख) स्मरण + अर्थम् = स्मरणार्थम्
(ग) इति + अस्मिन् = इत्यस्मिन्
(घ) एतेषु + एव = एतेष्वेव
(ङ) सहसा + एव = सहसैव

प्रश्न 5.
मञ्जूषातः समुचितानि पदानि चित्वा रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत-
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 8 संसारसागरस्य नायकाः Q5
(क) छात्राः पुस्तकानि ________ विद्यालयं गच्छन्ति।
(ख) मालाकाराः पुष्पैः मालाः ________।
(ग) मम मनसि एका ________ वर्तते।
(घ) रमेशः मित्रैः ________ विद्यालयं गच्छति।
(ङ) ________ बालिका तत्र अहसत।
(क) छात्रा: पुस्तकानि गृहीत्वा विद्यालयं गच्छन्ति।
(ख) मालाकाराः पुष्पैः माला: रचयन्ति।
(ग) मम मनसि एका जिज्ञासा वर्तते।
(घ) रमेशः मित्रैः सह विद्यालयं गच्छति।
(ङ) सहसा बालिका तत्र अहसत।

प्रश्न 6.
पदनिर्माणं कुरुत-
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 8 संसारसागरस्य नायकाः Q6
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 8 संसारसागरस्य नायकाः Q6.1
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 8 संसारसागरस्य नायकाः Q6.2

प्रश्न 7.
कोष्ठकेषु दत्तेषु शब्देषु समुचितां विभक्तिं योजयित्वा रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत-
यथा- विद्यालयं परितः वृक्षाः सन्ति। (विद्यालय)
(क) ________ उभयतः ग्रामाः सन्ति। (ग्राम)
(ख) ________ सर्वत: अट्टालिकाः सन्ति। (नगर)
(ग) धिक् ________। (कापुरुष)
यथा- मृगाः मृगैः सह धावन्ति। (मृग)
(क) बालकाः ________ सह पठन्ति। (बालिका)
(ख) पुत्रः ________ सह आपणं गच्छति। (पितृ)
(ग) शिशुः ________ सह क्रीडति। (मातृ)
यथा- विद्यालयं परितः वृक्षाः सन्ति। (विद्यालय)
(क) ग्रामम् उभयतः ग्रामाः सन्ति। (ग्राम)
(ख) नगरं सर्वतः अट्टालिकाः सन्ति। (नगर)
(ग) धिक् कापुरुषम्। (कापुरुष)
यथा- मृगाः मृगैः सह धावन्ति। (मृग)
(क) बालका: बालिकाभिः सह पठन्ति। (बालिका)
(ख) पुत्रः पित्रा सह आपणं गच्छति। (पितृ)
(ग) शिशुः मात्रा सह क्रीडति। (मातृ)

अनुपम मिश्र- जल संरक्षण के पारंपरिक ज्ञान को समाज के सामने लाने का श्रेय जिन लोगों को है श्री अनुपम मिश्र (जन्म 1948) उनमें अग्रगण्य हैं। ‘आज भी खरे हैं तालाब’ और ‘राजस्थान की रजत बूंदें’ पानी पर उनकी बहुप्रशंसित पुस्तकें हैं।

सामान्य रूप से दो प्रकार की विभक्तियाँ होती हैं-

  1. कारक विभक्ति
  2. उपपद विभक्ति।

कारक चिह्नों के आधार पर जहाँ पदों का प्रयोग होता है उसे कारक विभक्ति कहते हैं। किन्तु किन्हीं विशेष पदों के कारण जहाँ कारक चिह्नों की उपेक्षा कर किसी विशेष विभक्ति का प्रयोग होता है उसे उपपद विभक्ति कहते हैं, जैसे-
‘सर्वतः अभितः, परितः, धिक्’ आदि पदों के योग में द्वितीया विभक्ति होती है।
(क) विद्यालय परितः पुष्पाणि सन्ति।
(ख) धिक् देशद्रोहिणम्।
‘सह, साकम्, सार्द्धम्, समं’ के योग में तृतीया विभक्ति होती है।

(क) जनकेन सह पुत्रः गतः।
(ख) दुर्जनेन समं सख्यम्।
‘नमः, स्वस्ति, स्वाहा, स्वधा’ के योग में चतुर्थी विभक्ति प्रयुक्त होती है-

(क) देशभक्ताय नमः।
(ख) नमः एतादृशेभ्यः शिल्पिभ्यः।
(ग) जनेभ्य: स्वस्ति।
‘अलम्’ शब्द के दो अर्थ हैं-पर्याप्त एवं मत (वारण के अर्थ में)। पर्याप्त के अर्थ में चतुर्थी विभक्ति होती है जैसे-देशद्रोहिणे अलं देशरक्षकाः।
मना करने के अर्थ में तृतीया विभक्ति होती है, जैसे- अलं विवादेन।

विना के योग में द्वितीया, तृतीया एवं पञ्चमी विभक्तियाँ होती हैं, जैसे-परिश्रम/परिश्रमेण/परिश्रमात् विना न गतिः।

निम्नलिखित क्रियाओं के एकवचन बनाने का प्रयास करेंआकलयन्ति, संगृह्णन्ति, प्रस्तुन्वन्ति।

जिज्ञासा-जानने की इच्छा। इसी प्रकार के अन्य शब्द हैं- पिपासा, जिग्मिषा, विवक्षा, बुभुक्षा।

अगर हम ध्यान से देखें तो हमारे चारों तरफ ज्ञान एवं कौशल के विविध रूप दिखाई देते हैं। इसमें कुछ ज्ञान और कौशल फलते-फूलते हैं और कई निरंतर क्षीण होते हैं। इसके कई उदाहरण हमारे सामने हैं। पानी का व्यवस्थापन संरक्षण और खेती-बाड़ी का पारंपरिक तौर-तरीका, शिल्प तथा कारीगरी का ज्ञान दुर्लभ और विलुप्त होने के कगार पर है। वहीं अभियान्त्रिकी एवं संचार से संबंधित ज्ञान नए उभार पर हैं। दरअसल किस तरह का ज्ञान और कौशल आगे विकसित और प्रगुणित होगा और किस तरह का ज्ञान एवं कौशल पिछड़ेगा, विलुप्त होने के लिए विवश होगा यह इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि देश और समाज किस तरह के ज्ञान एवं कौशल के विकास में अपना भविष्य सुरक्षित एवं सुखमय मानता है।

आने वाली छुट्टियों में अपने आस-पास के क्षेत्र के उन पारंपरिक ज्ञान एवं कौशलों का पता लगाएँ जिनका स्थान समाज में अब निरंतर घट रहा है। उन्हें कोई उचित प्रोत्साहन नहीं मिल रहा है या वे विलुप्त होने के कगार पर हैं। उनकी एक सूची भी तैयार करें और उनके लिए प्रयुक्त होने वाले संस्कृत शब्द लिखें। अपने और अपने मित्रों द्वारा तैयार की गई अलग-अलग सूचियों को सामने रखते हुए इन पारंपरिक कौशलों के विलुप्त होने के कारणों का पता लगाएँ।

Class 8 Sanskrit Chapter 8 संसारसागरस्य नायकाः Summary

जल संरक्षण पर कार्य करने वालों में श्री अनुपम मिश्र (जन्म 1948) का नाम बड़े आदर से लिया जाता है। आपकी रचनओं में तालाबों पर एक प्रमुख कृति है-“आज भी खरे हैं तालाब”। प्रस्तुत पाठ इसी रचना के ‘संसार सागर के नायक’ नामक अध्याय से लिया गया है। इसमें विलुप्त होते जा रहे पारम्परिक ज्ञान, कौशल एवं शिल्प के धनी गजधर क सम्बन्ध में चर्चा की गयी है। पानी के लिए मानव निर्मित तालाब, बावड़ी जैसे निर्माणों को लेखक ने यहाँ संसार सागर के रूप में चित्रित किया है। लेखक का कार्य अत्यधिक सराहनीय है।

के आसन् ते अज्ञातनामानः?
शतशः सहस्त्रशः तडागाः सहसैव शून्यात् न प्रकटीभूताः।
इमे एव तडागाः, अत्र संसारसागराः इति। एतेषाम् आयो जनस्य नेपथ्ये निर्मापयितृणाम् एककम्, निर्मातीि च दशकम् आसीत्। एतत् एककं दशकं च आहत्य शतकं सहस्रं वा रचयतः स्म। परं विगतेषु द्विशतवणेषु नूतनपद्धत्या समाजेन यत्किञ्चित् पठितम्। पठितेन तेन समाजेन एककं दशक सहस्त्रकञ्च इत्येतानि शून्ये एव परिवर्तितानि। अस्य नूतनसमाजस्य मनसि इयमपि जिज्ञासा नैव उद्भता यद् अस्मात्पूर्वम् एतावतः तडागान् के रचयन्ति स्म? एतादृशानि कार्याणि कर्तुं ज्ञानस्य यो नूतनः प्रविधिः विकसितः, तेन प्रविधिनाऽपि पूर्व सम्पादितम् एतत्कार्यं मापयितुं न केनापि प्रयतितम्।

अद्य ये अज्ञातनामानः वर्तन्ते, पुरा ते बहुप्रथिताः आसन्। अशेषे हि देशे तडागाः निर्मीयन्ते स्म, निर्मातारोऽपि अशेषे देशे निवसन्ति स्म।

गजधरः इति सुन्दरः शब्दः तडागनिर्मातीि सादरं स्मरणार्थम्। राजस्थानस्य केषुचिद भागेषु शब्दोऽयम् अद्यापि प्रचलति। कः गजधरः? यः गजपरिमाणं धारयति स गजधरः। गजपरिमाणम् एव मापनकार्ये उपयुज्यते। समाजे त्रिहस्त परिमाणात्मिकीं लौहयष्टिं हस्ते गृहीत्वा चलन्तः गजधराः इदानीं शिल्पिरूपेण नैव समादृताः सन्ति। गजधरः, यः समाजस्य गाम्भीर्य मापयेत् इत्यस्मिन् रूपे परिचितः।

गजधराः वास्तुकाराः आसन्। कामं ग्रामीणसमाजो भवतु नागरसमाजो वा तस्य नव-निर्माणस्य सुरक्षाप्रबन्धनस्य च दायित्वं गजधराः निभालयन्ति स्म। नगरनियोजनात् लघुनिर्माणपर्यन्तं सर्वाणि कार्याणि एतेष्वेव आधृतानि आसन्। ते योजना प्रस्तुन्वन्नि स्म, भाविव्ययम् आकलयन्ति स्म, उपकरणभारान् संगृहन्ति स्म। प्रतिदाने ते न तद् याचन्ते स्म यद् दातुं तेषां स्वामिनः असमर्थाः भवेयुः। कार्यसमाप्ती वेतनानि अतिरिच्य गजधरेभ्यः सम्मानमपि प्रदीयते स्म।
नमः एतादृशेभ्यः शिल्पिभ्यः।

सहसैव = सहसा + एव।
किञ्चित् = किम् + चित्।
सहस्रकञ्च = सहस्रकम् + च।
इत्येतानि = इति + एतानि।
नैव = न + एव।
यद् अस्मात् = यत् + अस्मात्।
यो नूतनः = यः + नूतनः।
प्रविधिनाऽपि = प्रविधिना + अपि।
केनापि = केन + अपि।
निर्मितारोऽपि = निर्मितार: + अपि।
स्मरणार्थम् = स्मरण + अर्थम्।
केषुचिद् भागेषु = केषुचित् + भागेषु।
शब्दोऽयम् = शब्दः + अयम्।
अद्यापि = अद्य + अपि।
इत्यस्मिन् = इति + अस्मिन्।
समाजोभवतु = समाजः + भवतु।
समाजो वा = समाज: + वा।
एतेष्वेव = एतेषु + एव।
तद्याचन्ते = तत् + यान्चन्ते।

इयमपि = इयम् + अपि।
समादृताः = सम् + आदृताः।
सम्मानमपि = सम्मानम् + अपि।

सहसा = अचानक (अकस्मात्)।
तडागाः = तालाब (सरांसि)।
निर्मापयितृणाम् = बनाने वालों की (रचयितृणाम्)।
एककम् = इकाई।
सहस्रकम् = हजार (दशशतकम्)।
जिज्ञासा = जानने की इच्छा (ज्ञातुमिच्छा)।
उद्भता = उत्पन्न हुई (भूता, जाता)।
पूर्वम् = पहले (पूर्व, प्राक)।
मापयितुम् = मापने/नापने के लिए (मापनार्थम्)।
प्रयतितम् = प्रयत्न किया (प्रयतितवान्)।
बहुप्रथिताः = बहुत प्रसिद्ध (सुविख्याता:)।
अशेषे = सम्पूर्ण (सम्पूर्णे, समग्रे)।
निर्मातारः = बनाने वाले (रचयितारः)।
गजधरः = गज (वाली छड़) को धारण करने वाला (गजधारक:)।
लौहयष्टिम् = लोहे की छड़ को (अयोयष्टिम्)।
समादृताः = आदर को प्राप्त (सम्मानिताः)।
गाम्भीर्यम् = गहराई (अगाधत्वम्)।
वास्तुकाराः = राज मिस्त्री लोग (भवननिर्मातारः)।
कामम् = चाहे (नु, यद्वा)।
निभालयन्ति स्म = निभाते थे (निर्वहन्ति स्म)।
आकलयन्ति स्म = अनुमान करते थे (अनुमीयन्ते स्म)।
उपकरणसम्भारान् = साधन सामग्री को (साधनसामग्रीम्)।
प्रतिदाने = बदले में (प्रतिग्रहणे)।
अतिरिच्य = अतिरिक्त, अलावा (अन्यथा, पृथक्)।
प्रदीयते स्म = दिया जाता था (ददाति स्म)।

कौन थे वे बिना नाम वाले?
सैंकड़ों, सहस्रों (हजारों) तालाब अचानक (स्वयं) प्रकार नहीं हुए। ये तालाब ही यहाँ संसार-सागर कहे गए हैं। इनके आयोजन के नेपथ्य में निर्माण कराने वालों की इकाई (एक-एक) तथा निर्माण करने वालों की दहाई (दस-दस) थी। इस इकाई और दहाई को जोड़कर सैकड़ा या हजार रचते थे। परन्तु पिछले दो शतकों में नई रीति से समाज ने जो कुछ पढ़ा। उस पढ़ाई से समाज ने (उस) इकाई, दहाई और हज़ार को शून्य में बदल दिया।

इस नूतन समाज के मन में यह जिज्ञासा भी उत्पन्न नहीं हुई कि इससे पूर्व इतने तालाबों को कौन रचते थे? ऐसे कार्यों को करने के लिए ज्ञान की जो नई विधि विकसित हुई, उस विशेष पद्धति के द्वारा भी पहले किए गए इन कार्यों को मापने के लिए किसी ने भी प्रयास नहीं किया।

आज जो अज्ञात नाम वाले हैं, पहले वे बहुत प्रसिद्ध थे। पूरे देश में तालाब बनाए जाते थे। बनाने वाले भी पूरे देश में रहते थे।

‘गजधर’ यह सुन्दर शब्द तालाब बनाने वालों के सादर स्मरण के लिए है। राजस्थान के कुछ भागों में यह शब्द आज भी प्रचलित है। गजधर कौन? जो ‘गज’ की माप को धारण करता है वह ‘गजधर’ है। गज की माप दी मापने (नापने) के काम में प्रयुक्त होती है। समाज में तीन हाथ (तीन फुट) की नाम वाली लोहे की छड़ी को हाथ में लेकर चलने वाले गजधर अथ शिल्पी के रूप में सम्मानित नहीं हैं। गजधर, जो समाज की गहराई मापे इस रूप में परिचित है।

गजधर ही वास्तुकार थे। चाहे ग्रामीण समाज हो या नगरीय समाज उसके नवनिर्माण और सुरक्षा की व्यवस्था का दायित्व गजधर ही निभाते थे। नगरीय व्यवस्था से लघु निर्माण तक सारे कार्य इन्हीं पर आधारित थे। वे योजना प्रस्तुत करते थे, होने वाले व्यय का आकलन (अनुमान) करते थे, साधन-सामग्री का संग्रह (भी) करते थे। बदले में वे वह नहीं माँगते थे जो उनके स्वामी देने में असमर्थ होते थे। काम की समाप्ति पर वेतन के अलावा गजधरों को सम्मान भी दिया जाता था।

नमस्कार है ऐसे शिल्पियों को।