NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Sanskrit Chapter 12 दशमः त्वम असि

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Sanskrit Ruchira Chapter 12 दशमः त्वम असि


पाठ का सम्पूर्ण सरलार्थ-

1. एकस्मिन् ग्रामे ………….. पश्यति स्म। (पृष्ठ-74)
हिन्दी सरलार्थ-
एक गाँव में कोई निर्धन युवक था। उसका नाम धनपाल था। वह प्रतिदिन भिक्षा के लिए गाँव-गाँव में घूमता था। भिक्षा में प्राप्त सत्तुओं से उसका घड़ा भर जाता था। वह घड़े को खूटी पर लटकाकर उसके नीचे चारपाई पर सोता था और सोते समय लगातार एकटक दृष्टि से घड़े को देखता था।

2. सः एकदा ……………… प्रहरिष्यामि। (पृष्ठ-79)
हिन्दी सरलार्थ-
उसने एक बार रात में इस प्रकार सोचा-मेरा यह घड़ा सत्तुओं से भरा हुआ है। जब अकाल पड़ेगा तब सत्तू बेचकर बहुत अधिक धन प्राप्त करूँगा। फिर उस धन से मैं दो बकरियाँ खरीदूंगा। दोनों बकरियों के बच्चों से मेरे पास बकरियों का समूह हो जाएगा। बकरियों को बेचकर गायों, भैसों और घोड़ों को खरीदूंगा। उनके बच्चों से बहुत सारे पशु हो जाएँगे। उनको बेचने से मेरे पास बहुत सारा धन आ जाएगा। धन से विशाल भवन का निर्माण करवाऊँगा। तब मुझे धनवान मानकर कोई मुझे सुन्दर कन्या दे देगा। उससे मेरा पुत्र (उत्पन्न) होगा उसका नाम मैं सोमशर्मा रलूँगा। कभी खेलता हुआ वह पुत्र मेरे पास आएगा। तब क्रोधित होकर मैं अपनी पत्नी को बोलूँगा-इस बालक को पकड़। वह घर के काम में लगी हुई मेरी बात जब नहीं सुनेगी, तब मैं पत्नी के ऊपर पैर से प्रहार करूँगा।

3. एवं स्वप्नेन ……………….. मनोरथैः इति। (पृष्ठ-80)
हिन्दी सरलार्थ-
इस प्रकार सपने से प्रेरित होकर उसने पैर से प्रहार किया। उससे सत्तुओं से भरा हुआ घड़ा भूमि पर गिर गया और टूट गया। टूटे हुए घड़े के साथ ही उसकी मन की इच्छाएँ भी टूट गईं। इसलिए कहा जाता है परिश्रम से ही कार्य पूरे होते हैं, मन की इच्छाओं से नहीं।

पाठ्य-पुस्तक के प्रश्न-अभ्यास

प्रश्नः 1.
कर्तृपदैः रिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत
यथा-बालकौ कन्दुकं क्रीडतः।।
(क) …………. पादप्रहारं करोति।
(ख) …………. कन्दुकेन क्रीडामः।
(ग) …………. सत्यं वदिष्यामि।
(घ) …………. तत्र किं किं करोषि?
(ङ) …………. कदा गृहम् आगमिष्यथ?
(च) …………. भोजनं पचन्ति।
(क) बालकः
(ख) वयम्
(ग) अहम्
(घ) त्वम्
(ङ) यूयम्
(च) ते

प्रश्नः 2.
अधोलिखितानां शब्दानां विलोमपदानि पाठम् आघृत्य लिखत-
दूरे – समीपे
(क) क्रयेण – ……………..
(ख) उच्चैः – ……………..
(ग) दिने अपूर्णः – ……………
(ङ) आकाशे – ……………..
(च) तदा – ……………..
(छ) धनिकः – ……………..
(क) विक्रयेण
(ख) नीचैः
(ग) रात्रौ
(घ) पूर्णः
(ङ) भूमौ
(च) यदा
(छ) निर्धनः

प्रश्नः 3.
निर्देशानुसारं लकारपरिवर्तनं कुरुत
यथा- प्रणवः उद्याने भ्रमति। (लुट्लकारे) प्रणवः उद्याने भ्रमिष्यति।
(क) सः लेखं लिखति। (लुट्लकारे) – …………………………………
(ख) अहं कथां चिन्तयिष्यामि। (लट्लकारे) – …………………………..
(ग) ते गृहे तिष्ठन्ति। (लुट्लकारे) – …………………………………
(घ) वृक्षात् पत्राणि पतन्ति। (लट्लकारे) – ……………………………..
(ङ) त्वं चित्रं द्रक्ष्यसि। (लट्लकारे) – …………………………………
(च) वयं दुग्धं पास्यामः । (लट्लकारे) – …………………………………
(छ) तत्र किम् अस्ति? (लुट्लकारे) – …………………………………
(क) सः लेख लेखिष्यति।
(ख) अहं कथां चिन्तयामि।
(ग) ते गृहे स्थास्यन्ति।
(घ) वृक्षात् पत्राणि पतिष्यन्ति।
(ङ) त्वं चित्रं पश्यसि।
(च) वयं दुग्धं पिबामः।
(छ) तत्र किम् भविष्यति?

प्रश्नः 4.
लिङ्गपरिवर्तन कुरुत-
अश्वः – अश्वा
अजः – …………
………. – बालिका
……….. – छात्रा
मूषकः – ……….
………. – चटका
लेखकः – …………..
नायकः – …………..
पुल्लिङ्ग – स्त्रीलिङ्ग
अजः – अजा
बालकः – बालिका
छात्रः – छात्रा
मूषकः – मूषिका
चटकः – चटका
लेखकः – लेखिका
नायकः – नायिका

प्रश्नः 5.
प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि लिखत
(क) युवकः कीदृशः आसीत्?
(ख) युवकः घटं कुत्र अवलम्ब्य शयनं करोति स्म?
(ग) घटः कुत्र पतितः?
(घ) कार्याणि केन सिध्यन्ति?
(ङ) स्वप्नेन प्रेरितः युवकः किम् अकरोत्?
(क) निर्धनः
(ख) नागदन्ते
(ग) भूमौ
(घ) उद्यमेन
(ङ) पादप्रहारम्

प्रश्नः 6.
अधोलिखितानि वाक्यानि घटनाक्रमानुसार लिखत-
(क) युवकः धनपालः प्रतिदिनं ग्राम ग्रामं भ्रमति स्म।
(ख) कार्याणि उद्यमेन सिध्यन्ति।
(ग) एकस्मिन् ग्रामे एकः युवकः आसीत्।
(घ) सः अचिन्तयत्-मां धनिकं मत्वा कोऽपि रूपवती कन्यां मह्यं प्रदास्यति।
(ङ) सक्तुपूरितः घटः भूमौ पतितः।
(च) स्वप्नेन प्रेरितः सः पादप्रहारम् अकरोत्।
(ग) एकस्मिन् ग्रामे एकः युवकः आसीत्।
(क) युवकः धनपालः प्रतिदिनं ग्रामं ग्रामं भ्रमति स्म।
(घ) सः अचिन्तयत्-मां धनिकं मत्वा कोऽपि रूपवतीं कन्यां मह्यं प्रदास्यति।
(च). स्वप्नेन प्रेरितः सः पादप्रहारम् अकरोत् ।
(ङ) सक्तुपूरितः घटः भूमौ पतितः।
(ख) कार्याणि उद्यमेन सिध्यन्ति।

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Sanskrit

List of Largest Countries by Forest Area | Top Most Forest Areas Covered Countries in the World

Countries Ranked by Largest Forest Area: Can you answer these questions “What is the largest country in the world by largest forest area? Which country has the highest percentage of forest area in the world?” If not, then this is the correct page for you. Here we are listing out the countries rank by largest forest area along with the percentage of the forest cover in the world. This topic is very important for the students appearing in various competitive exams and general knowledge quizzes.

Forest Areas are the most crucial place for various living organisms. Also, it helps the environment maintained in a balanced condition and saves human lives from the upcoming disasters. But few forest cover areas are destroying due to advancements for humans. People in some forest areas cut the trees and made a variety of wood items & things and also used for various activities. Destroying the forest areas means threatening many endangered animal species. So, save forest areas and lead population-free life in the future.

Moreover, go through the below links and collect the information about the countries rank by largest forest cover together with the percentage of forest area in the world 2020.

This Article Contains:

Top 10 Countries With The Largest Forest Cover In The World

The largest country by the percentage of forest cover in the world is ‘Brazil’, but the world’s largest country by land area and forest area is ‘Russia’. Since 1990, the forest cover in this country is growing, all credits go to the Russian government. More than 20% of the world’s untouched forests are in the Russian Federation. On the other hand, nearly 20% of the great Amazon rainforest has been slaughtered in the last 40 years.

Also Check: Countries Ranked by Largest Land Area

The Amazon rainforest covers 9 countries, and approximately 60% of it is in Brazil. Thus, check the top 10 countries ranked by largest forest area from the below and remember each country’s details for answering various questions in bank or government or competitive exams.

  1. Russia (8,148,895 sq. km)
  2. Brazil (4,925,540 sq. km)
  3. Canada (3,470,224 sq. km)
  4. United States of America (3,103,700 sq. km)
  5. China (2,098,635 sq. km)
  6. Democratic Republic of Congo (1,522,665 sq. km)
  7. Australia (1,250,590 sq. km)
  8. Indonesia (903,256 sq. km)
  9. Peru (738,054 sq. km)
  10. India (708,604 sq. km)

top ten countries rank by largest forest cover

Do Check: 10 Lines about Forest for Students and Children in English

List of 150+ Countries with Percentage of forest cover in world 2020

Here is the list of 150+ countries by forest area in the world 2020 given in the tabular form for better preparation and having a good grip on general knowledge topics about the world.

S.No Country Total Forest Area Percentage of Forest Area
1 Russian Federation 8,450,487.791 49.4
2 Brazil 5,256,557.164 61.9
3 Canada 3,426,487.451 34.1
4 United States of America 3,173,720.996 33.3
5 China 2,100,915.088 22.3
6 Congo-Kinshasa 1,581,668.504 67.9
7 Australia 1,242,495.678 16.2
8 Indonesia 977,439.793 51.7
9 India 727,718.926 23.1
10 Peru 684,387.017 53
11 Mexico 650,665.949 33.3
12 Colombia 618,941.438 54.4
13 Angola 579,303.106 46.5
14 Bolivia 568,202.294 52.5
15 Zambia 497,232.336 66.3
16 Venezuela 475,417.132 52.1
17 Tanzania 350,298.43 37.3
18 Mozambique 343,490.345 43.7
19 Myanmar 322,569.065 48.2
20 Sweden 311,966.769 68.7
21 Argentina 297,849.04 10.7
22 Papua New Guinea 291,494.156 63.1
23 Japan 256,327.461 68.5
24 Finland 248,618.349 72.9
25 Congo-Brazzaville 225,083.193 65.6
26 Central African Republic 223,699.314 36.2
27 Gabon 212,470.445 81
28 Malaysia 204,435.874 62
29 Cameroon 194,563.679 41.7
30 Thailand 191,858.782 37.2
31 Spain 186,875.587 36.8
32 Paraguay 174,774.255 43.8
33 Chile 164,175.756 21.9
34 Guyana 163,160.885 77.4
35 France 161,071.646 29.2
36 Laos 156,148.939 67.9
37 Zimbabwe 154,115.706 39.5
38 Vietnam 148,095.036 45
39 Ethiopia 137,928.365 12.2
40 Suriname 137,543.845 94.6
41 Mali 127,928.677 10.2
42 Madagascar 126,525.694 21.5
43 Turkey 116,439.604 14.9
44 Chad 116,064.62 9.1
45 Botswana 114,319.876 19.8
46 Germany 114,116.408 31.8
47 Iran 110,644.917 6.8
48 Mongolia 110,000.043 7
49 Norway 108,449.231 27.8
50 Côte d’Ivoire 105,223.307 32.7
51 Cambodia 102,704.809 56.5
52 Ukraine 100,930.866 16.8
53 Ecuador 99,591.677 38.9
54 Poland 95,724.755 30.6
55 Italy 95,000.428 31.4
56 South Africa 92,496.571 7.6
57 Belarus 88,842.385 42.7
58 Nigeria 86,420.137 9.5
59 Senegal 86,002.053 43.8
60 New Zealand 84,075.452 31.4
61 Philippines 76,472.612 25.9
62 Namibia 72,375.157 8.8
63 Morocco 69,472.258 11.5
64 Romania 68,524.797 28.7
65 Somalia 67,104.802 10.6
66 Guinea 64,904.327 26.5
67 South Korea 64,437.684 63.9
68 North Korea 56,553.91 46
69 Burkina Faso 55,630.304 20.4
70 Honduras 50,809.222 45.3
71 Ghana 50,629.286 21.2
72 Benin 46,109.97 40
73 Turkmenistan 43,059.769 8.8
74 Liberia 42,837.255 44.6
75 Bulgaria 40,774.69 36.7
76 Greece 40,351.72 30.5
77 Malawi 40,295.91 34
78 Austria 39,667.126 47.2
79 Nepal 37,512.593 25.4
80 Guatemala 36,622.697 33.6
81 Kenya 35,485.916 6.1
82 Uganda 35,020.634 14.5
83 Latvia 34,987.516 54.1
84 Portugal 34,951.041 37.8
85 Uzbekistan 34,580.719 7.7
86 Bhutan 33,187.479 85.5
87 Kazakhstan 32,808.514 1.2
88 Panama 32,612.587 43.6
89 Nicaragua 32,517.011 25.3
90 Cuba 30,229.666 27.3
91 United Kingdom 29,258.818 11.9
92 Georgia 27,469.357 39.4
93 Sierra Leone 27,200.527 37.5
94 Czech Republic 27,162.5 34.4
95 Costa Rica 26,329.514 51.5
96 Serbia 24,558.69 31.6
97 Estonia 23,661.212 52.1
98 Lithuania 22,486.626 34.6
99 Solomon Islands 22,403.037 78.9
100 Bosnia and Herzegovina 21,937.907 42.8
101 Hungary 20,951.721 22.5
102 Slovakia 19,724.225 40.2
103 Uruguay 19,667.628 10.2
104 Dominican Republic 19,664.573 40.8
105 Croatia 19,454.051 34.4
106 Sri Lanka 19,429.223 29.4
107 Algeria 18,987.102 0.82
108 Guinea-Bissau 18,595.761 55.2
109 Pakistan 18,238.608 2.1
110 Eritrea 18,182.127 15.1
111 Bangladesh 15,581.844 11.1
112 Equatorial Guinea 15,547.52 57.5
113 Afghanistan 13,313.587 2.07
114 Belize 13,311.872 60.6
115 Switzerland 13,014.029 31.5
116 Slovenia 12,638.22 62.3
117 Niger 11,832.046 1
118 Fiji 10,431.302 55.7
119 Tunisia 10,225.792 6.6
120 Kyrgyzstan 10,143.702 5.1
121 Macedonia 10,140.993 39.8
122 Azerbaijan 9,712.391 11.3
123 Saudi Arabia 9,650.02 0.5
124 Iraq 8,293.528 1.9
125 Albania 8,111.109 28.19
126 Ireland 7,639.427 10.9
127 East Timor 7,309.94 49.1
128 Belgium 6,875.708 22.4
129 The Bahamas 6,182.815 51.4
130 Montenegro 5,612.022 40.4
131 Denmark 5,561.189 12.9
132 Swaziland 5,502.216 31.7
133 Syria 5,043.02 2.7
134 Gambia 4,940.096 43.9
135 Kosovo 4,549.391 41.7
136 Rwanda 4,549.145 18
137 Yemen 4,531.969 1
138 Vanuatu 4,408.917 36.1
139 Brunei 4,206.211 71.8
140 The Netherlands 4,171.591 10.8
141 Tajikistan 4,101.504 2.9
142 Moldova 4,033.198 11.9
143 Jamaica 3,413.078 31.1
144 El Salvador 2,811.794 13.6
145 Togo 2,788.802 4.9
146 Armenia 2,707.794 9.1
147 United Arab Emirates 2,698.538 3.8
148 Trinidad and Tobago 2,263.051 44
149 Mauritania 2,079.867 0.2
150 Burundi 1,766.008 6.6
151 Samoa 1,712.397 60.4
152 Cyprus 1,689.43 18.8
153 Libya 1,616.623 0.1
154 Israel 1,568.182 7.1
155 Lebanon 1,362.033 13.4
156 Egypt 1,001.628 0.1
157 Jordan 980.427 1.1
158 Haiti 970.307 3.6
159 Luxembourg 871.318 33.5
160 Cape Verde 853.063 21
161 Federated States of Micronesia 534.326 74.5
162 Saint Lucia 464.315 77
163 Lesotho 458.012 1.5
164 Dominica 444.857 59.2
165 Seychelles 410.756 88.5
166 Palau 406.777 87.6
167 Mauritius 347.784 17.3
168 Iceland 309.258 0.3
169 São Tomé and Príncipe 278.548 28.1
170 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 268.569 68.7
171 Turks and Caicos Islands 196.286 36.2
172 Niue 186.016 71.2
173 Grenada 176.973 50
174 Kiribati 164.956 15
175 Andorra 158.351 34
176 Cook Islands 157.38 64.6
177 Cayman Islands 139.97 52.9
178 Saint Kitts and Nevis 110.882 42.3
179 Marshall Islands 102.863 49.3
180 Antigua and Barbuda 100.624 22.3
181 Tonga 88.543 12.5
182 Barbados 83.998 19.4
183 Liechtenstein 69.196 43.1
184 Kuwait 69.039 0.4
185 Anguilla 48.2 61.1
186 Djibouti 43.364 0.2
187 British Virgin Islands 37.77 24.3
188 Pitcairn Islands 36.06 74.5
189 Isle of Man 34.937 6.1
190 Montserrat 25.683 25
191 Singapore 24.2 3.3
192 Comoros 23.135 1.4
193 Bermuda 10.844 20
194 Tuvalu 9.541 33.3
195 Maldives 7.026 3
196 Bahrain 5.433 0.7
197 Malta 2.844 0.9
198 Faroe Islands 1.402 0.1
199 British Indian Ocean Territory 0 0
200 Qatar 0 0

Countries with the largest forest cover as a percentage of land area

  1. Suriname (98.3%)
  2. Micronesia (91.9%)
  3. Gabon (90.0%)
  4. Seychelles (88.4%)
  5. Palau (87.6%)
  6. American Samoa (87.5%)
  7. Guyana (83.9%)
  8. Laos (82.1%)
  9. Solomon Islands (77.9%)
  10. Papua New Guinea (74.1%)

Also, makes use of the below video to understand and learn easily about the World GK topic of Countries Ranked by Largest Forest Area.

FAQs on Largest Forest Area Covered Countries in the World

1. What percentage of forest cover in world 2020?

31 percentage of forests cover the global land area as of 2020.

2. Which country has the most Trees 2020?

Russia country is known as the world’s overall tree leader with 642 billion trees, as per the report of The Washington Post. Followed by two more other countries that fall in the list are Canada with 318 billion trees and Brazil with 302 billion trees.

3. What is the largest forest area in India?

The State of Madhya Pradesh has the largest forest cover in India, as per the 2019 Forest Survey report.

4. Name the highest percentage of forest area in the world?

The highest percentage of forest area in the world is Brazil with 61.90%.

5. Which country has the largest forest area across the world?

Russian Federation with a total forest area of 8,450,487.791 sq. km. is the first country ranked by the largest forest area.

Essay on Christmas for Kids | Short & Long Essay About Christmas in English Language

Essay on Christmas festival for kids & students

Christmas Essay for Students & Children: Hello Kids, we are back with another important & crucial Essay article on Christmas Festival 2020. Every year, people celebrate Christmas on December 25th to celebrate the Birthday of Jesus. Christmas is also called A Festival of Christians and it means “Feast day of Christ”. We have come up with a brief introduction about the Christmas celebration, history, and preparation to draft an effective essay on Christmas in every essay writing competition.

Children can find a short essay on Christmas, a Merry Christmas essay in English, My Christmas celebration essay, and how I spent my Christmas vacation essay here on this page. So, we are here to share with you an essay on Christmas for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11 & 12 students.

Short Essay On Christmas for Students | 200 Words Short Christmas Essay

“Christmas is celebrated on 25th December every year. This festival commemorates the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ – the Messiah of God. Although it is a Christian festival, people from different communities celebrate it with great fervour and enthusiasm.

A Christmas tree is an artificial pine tree that is decorated with lights, artificial stars, flowers, toys, and bells all over it. It looks beautiful when the decoration is complete. Churches are decorated with lights during Christmas and people hang star lanterns outdoors to mark the onset of the festive season. All members of the family sit and pray together in praise of Jesus Christ.

Kids are especially enthusiastic about Christmas as they expect Santa Claus to visit them and bring gifts to their homes on the night of Christmas Eve and the early hours of Christmas day. Presents are placed under the Christmas tree which is wrapped in gift boxes and opened on the day of Christmas.

Kids sing Christmas carols like, “Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle all the way” and perform various skits celebrating the auspicious day. Christmas is a festival which is cherished by people from all faiths and religions. It reminds us of the importance of sharing, exchanging gifts, and living in peace and harmony with our family and friends.”

300-400 Words Essay on Christmas Festival 2020


Christmas is the season of joy, peace, and happiness. It is the special season set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Though this was its original purpose, the celebration of Christmas has grown to become a symbolic time for living in peace and love.

Christmas is essentially a reminder of why we should stick to the deepest parts of our humanity. That is, through celebration, we are reminded that we should share, give to the less privileged, spend time with loved ones and have a positive outlook about life in general.

Origin of Christmas:

Many people assume Christmas is strictly a Christian celebration and they would be right if modern evidence is to be considered. However, with regards to its origin, this notion cannot be farther from the truth. In actual sense, Christmas originated a few decades after the birth of Jesus in the old Roman Empire.

Christmas emanated as the Pagan celebration of the concept known as Saturnalia. This celebration was aimed at celebrating the return of the sun and the end of winter. The celebration is usually a weeklong affair and is marked by lawless activity and a system of penal exemption from lawless acts such as housing breaking.

In the 4th century, Christians adapted the last day of Saturnalia to be the celebration of Christmas. The aim was to get the pagans to associate this period with positive things. Consequently, lots of pagans converted to Christianity on the promise that they could still celebrate their tradition in this day. Whether Jesus was actually born on the 25 of December is not substantiated by historical evidence.

Importance of Christmas:

Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why do we go the extra mile to celebrate, give and create an atmosphere of merriment? The answers to these questions are numerous but we would mention a few.

1. Christmas reminds us of the importance of giving and sharing with friends and family.

2. Christmas shows the importance of joy and happiness.

3. Through Christmas, we know that Jesus’ birth is the beginning of great things in the world.

4. It is also an opportunity to correct actions we aren’t proud of in our lives.

5. It is generally an opportunity to think about nature and the reason for our existence.


Whether you’re Christian or not, Christmas is an opportunity for you to put your biases and ill-thought behind in the celebration of a great cause.

Christmas Essay for Students and Children | 600-700 Words Essay on Merry Christmas


Christmas is a festival of Christians.

It is celebrated every year on the 25th of December.

But in today’s time, the festival of Christmas has surpassed the religious boundaries and became the symbol of the Holistic culture the winters in December carrier festive feeling.

Christmas is the season of joy, peace, and happiness.

It is the particular season set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Festival Christmas lasts for 12 days from 25th December (Jesus’s birth) to 6th January (Epiphany).

Preparations for Christmas:

Christmas is a cultural festival and tells a lot of preparation.

It is a public holiday, and so people get a Christmas break to celebrate it.

People do shopping on Christmas and decorative items like food, cake, sweets, decorating lights, and other things.

Many Schools and Churches prepare a song for skits to be performed on Christmas Day, which is usually about the stories of the birth of Jesus Christ as in the Bible.

The church and schools are also being decorated for this special event; traveling plans for families are also made with friends.

You would like to spend your Christmas holiday in a beautiful place.

Christmas eve is also a day when we are still preparing for Christmas. By packing gifts and decorating the tree and house.


Christmas Day is associated with a number of festivals all over the world, including numerous people who are generally known, Christian.

Activities on Christmas Day are usually very few because everything was prepared in advance on the eve the day begins with an account on at 11:59 p.m. whereby people shout in celebration when it gets to midnight, Christmas carols are played on radios and television to mark the day.

Most families start by going to Church where performances and songs are done, then later they join their families to exchange gifts and celebrate with food and music.

Happiness during Christmas is like nothing else.

Santa Claus or Father Christmas is a figure originating from the Western Christian culture, which is believed to bring gifts to disciplined children during Christmas.

Children tend to behave well as they anticipate gifts from Santa. Santa Claus is one of the critical parts of the celebrations of Christmas.

Santa gives gifts to the good children on Christmas eve, which is on the 24th December night for that children sleep early on this day hoping to get a gift from Santa Claus when they get up the next morning.

The famous poem Jingle Bell celebrates the coming of Santa to give away the gifts.

Countries Which Do Not Celebrate Christmas:

As Christmas is celebrated in many countries, there are few countries where Christmas is certainly not a formal festival which includes Afghanistan and Bhutan, Cambodia, China, except Hong Kong and Macau, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, The United Arab Emirates among others however with the changing times even people from these countries have started to celebrate this festival.

Christmas in India:

India has a substantial population of Christians; moreover, being a secular country festivals of all religions is being celebrated with equal charge and electricity.

Christmas is not different from festivals celebrated in India, people from all religions and Faith celebrate it.

Whether in India, there are many questions about this festival. It is made with full joy and happiness in India by everyone.


Christmas is a festival which is celebrated by people from all religions and Faith. World wide despite it being a Christian festival, it is the essence of this festival, which Unites the people so much.

We should learn the importance of such unity from this festival, and despite our religious differences, we should all celebrate the festival together.

Festivals are probably a medium that has the power to keep people United for the betterment of humanity in the future. In conclusion, Christmas is the best time of the year for both children and adults too.

Long Essay on Christmas in English for Students | 1000 Words Christmas Day Essay for School Kids


Christmas is a yearly festival which is celebrated on the birth of Jesus Christ, on December 25 by most people in the world. A few parts of Eastern Christians use the Julian system which marks it on January 7 on the Gregorian calendar, which is December 25 as indicated by their calendar. Armenian Churches have been celebrating Christmas on January 6 even before the Gregorian calendar started. Most Armenian Christians still use the Gregorian calendar and observe Christmas on January 6. In spite of all the controversies around the date, Christmas is regarded as a religious and social festival among people all over the world. It is the major Christian festival of the year.


The Nativity accounts of Matthew and Luke are noticeable in the accounts and early Christian authors recommended different dates for the start of this festival. The first recorded Christmas festivity was in Rome in the year 336. Christmas assumed a job in the Arian debate of the fourth century. In the early Middle Ages, it was dominated by Epiphany. However, it regained its popularity after the year 800, when Charlemagne was delegated as the head on Christmas Day.

Today, most Christians celebrate on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar, which has been received generally in the common calendars used by nations all through the world. Be that as it may, some Eastern Christian Churches observe this festival on December 25 of the more seasoned Julian timetable, which right now relates to January 7 in the Gregorian calendar. This isn’t a difference over the date of Christmas all things considered, but instead, an inclination of which schedule should be used to decide the day that is December 25. In the Council of Tours of 567, the Church, with its craving to be general announced the twelve days among Christmas and Epiphany to be one bound together festal cycle.


Christmas Day is associated with a number of celebrations all over the world including numerous people who are generally non-Christian. In some non-Christian regions, times of previous provincial guideline presented the festival such as Hong Kong. In others, Christian minorities or remote social impacts have driven people to celebrate this festival. Nations, for example, Japan, where Christmas is prevalent in spite of there being just a few Christians, have embraced huge numbers of the common parts of Christmas, for example, present-giving, decorations, and Christmas trees.

Countries which do not celebrate It:

Countries in which Christmas is certainly not a formal festival include Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, with the exception of Hong Kong and Macau, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates among others. However, with the changing times, even people from these countries have started to celebrate this festival.

Christmas in India:

India has a substantial population of Christians. Moreover, being a secular country, festivals of all religions are celebrated with equal charm and anxiety. Christmas is not different from festivals celebrated in India. People from all religions and faith celebrate it. Schools organize special assemblies in order to make children aware of the importance of this festival. People decorate their homes and give gifts to children.


The activity of decorating the trees on this day has a long history. In the fifteenth century, it was recorded that in London it was the custom at Christmas for each house and all the area temples to be “decked with holm, coves, and ivy which at all the period of the year stood to be green”. The heart-molded leaves of ivy were said to symbolize the coming to earth of Jesus, while holly was viewed as a defense against witches. Its red berries and thistles represent the Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus at the execution and the blood he shed.

The Christmas tree was first used by German Lutherans in the sixteenth century, with records demonstrating that such a tree was put in the Cathedral of Strassburg in 1539, under the administration of the Protestant Reformer, Martin Bucer. The Moravians put lit candles on those trees. When finishing the Christmas tree, numerous people put a star at the highest point of the tree symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem, a reality recorded by The School Journal in 1897.

In the nineteenth century, it wound up prominent for individuals to likewise place an angel on the top of a tree. This was intended to symbolize the angels referenced in the records of the Nativity of Jesus. The Christmas tree is considered by some as Christianisation of agnostic convention and custom surrounding the Winter Solstice, which combined the use of evergreen limbs, and an adjustment of agnostic tree worship.

Traditional Cuisine:

Depending on the regions, there are different traditional cuisines on this day. A few regions have exceptional suppers for Christmas Eve, for example, Sicily, where 12 sorts of fish are served. In the United Kingdom and nations impacted by its customs, a standard dinner incorporates turkey, goose, or other expansive flying creature, sauce, potatoes, vegetables, now and again bread and juice. Extraordinary treats are likewise arranged, for example, pudding, mince pies, nutty surprise, and Yule log cake

Santa Claus:

Santa Claus is one of the key parts of the celebrations of Christmas. As per the legend, Santa Claus gives gifts to good children on the eve of Christmas which is the night of the 24th December. Children sleep early on this day hoping to get a gift from Santa Claus when they get up the next morning. They also keep cookies and milk near their beds for the Santa and a carrot for the reindeer of the Santa on which he rides as a part of the tradition. The popular poem Jingle Bells celebrates the coming of Santa to give away the gifts.


Christmas is such a festival which is celebrated by people from all religions and faith worldwide despite it being a Christian festival. It is the essence of this festival that unites the people so much. We should learn the importance of such unity from this festival and despite our religious differences; we should all celebrate the festivals together. Festivals are probably a medium that has the power to keep people united for the betterment of mankind.

Hindi Christmas Nibandh | Merry Christmas Essay in Hindi Language

क्रिसमस ईसाइयों का सबसे बड़ा त्योहार है। ईसाई समुदाय के लोग इस त्योहार को बहुत धूमधाम और उल्लास के साथ मनाते हैं। यह त्योहार हर वर्ष 25 दिसंबर को मनाया जाता है। इसी दिन प्रभु ईसा मसीह या जीसस क्राइस्ट का जन्म हुआ था।

जीसस क्राइस्ट एक महान व्यक्ति थे और उन्होंने समाज को प्यार और इंसानियत की शिक्षा दी। उन्होंने दुनिया के लोगों को प्रेम और भाईचारे के साथ रहने का संदेश दिया था। इन्हें ईश्वर का इकलौता प्यारा पुत्र माना जाता है। उस समय के शासकों को जीसस का संदेश पसंद नहीं था। उन्होंने जीसस को सूली पर लटका कर मार डाला था। ऐसी मान्यता है कि जीसस फिर से जी उठे थे।

क्रिसमस के दिन ईसाई लोग अपने घर को भलीभांति सजाते हैं। क्रिसमस की तैयारियां पहले से ही होने लगती हैं। लगभग एक सप्ताह तक छुट्‍टी रहती है। बाजारों की रौनक बढ़ जाती है। घर और बाजार रंगीन रोशनियों से जगमगा उठते हैं।

चर्च में विशेष प्रार्थनाएं होती हैं। लोग अपने रिश्तेदारों एवं मित्रों से मिलने उनके घर जाते हैं। सभी एक-दूसरे को उपहार देते हैं। इस दिन आंगन में क्रिसमस ट्री लगाया जाता है। इसकी विशेष सज्जा की जाती है। इस त्योहार में केक का विशेष महत्व है। मीठे, मनमोहन केक काटकर खिलाने का रिवाज बहुत पुराना है। लोग एक-दूसरे को केक खिलाकर पर्व की बधाई देते हैं। सांताक्लाज का रूप धरकर व्यक्ति बच्चों को टॉफियां-उपहार आदि बांटता है।

ऐसा कहा जाता है कि सांताक्लाज स्वर्ग से आता है और लोगों को मनचाही चीजें उपहार के तौर पर देकर जाता है।

10 Line Essay on Christmas Celebrations 2020 in English

  1. Every year Christmas is celebrated on 25th December.
  2. Christmas is celebrated on the eve of Jesus’s birthday or to commemorate the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ.
  3. Christians mostly celebrate this with joy.
  4. Christmas day is also known as Big Day or Bade Din.
  5. The main sweet or food on the eve of Christmas is cake.
  6. Santa clause gives/ offers chocolate and gift to the children.
  7. On the day, people decorate the Christmas tree at their home and church with colorful balloons, lights, and tips with many other decorative items.
  8. On Christmas eve people also celebrate it in the church by lighting the candle and worshipping Jesus.
  9. On the eve of Christmas, people go to their friend’s house and celebrate the day by sharing gifts and sweets with their friends and family.
  10. It is celebrated all over the country by Christians and by non-Christians also. In this modern era, non-christian people also celebrate Christmas with joy and enjoyment.

Final Words

We hope this article will help both parents & kids to understand about the festival and celebrate with full of joy and happiness by winning the essay writing competitions at schools & colleges. So, check out the Essay on Christmas Celebrations and enjoy the Festival of Christians. Also, you can find a Paragraph on Christmas Festival, 10 lines about Christmas from our site Ncertbooks.Guru

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Resource and Development

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Resource and Development

Textbook Exercises

I. Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Which one of the following type of resource is iron ore?
(a) Renewable
(b) Flow
(c) Biotic
(d) Non-renewable
(d) Non-renewable.

Question 2.
Under which of the following type of resource can tidal energy be put?
(a) Replenishable
(b) Abiotic
(c) Human-made
(d) Non-recyclable
(a) Replenishable.

Question 3.
Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in Punjab?
(a) Intensive cultivation
(b) Over irrigation
(c) Deforestation
(d) Overgrazing
(a) Intensive cultivation

Question 4.
In which one of the following states is terrace cultivation practised?
(a) Punjab
(b) Haryana
(c) Plains of Uttar Pradesh
(d) Uttarakhand
(d) Uttarakhand

Question 5.
In which of the following states is the black soil found?
(a) Jammu and Kashmir
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Gujarat
(d) Jharkhand.
(c) Gujarat.

2. Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

Question 1.
Name three states having black soil and the crop which is mainly grown in it.
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh. Cotton is the crop which is mainly grown in the black soil.

Question 2.
Which type of soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast? Give three main features of this type of soil.
Alluvial soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast.
The three main features of this type of soil are;

  1. It contains proportions of sand, silt and clay;
  2. It is highly fertile land; and
  3. It contains proportion of potash, phosphoric, acid and lime.

Question 3.
What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas?
The following steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas:

  • Deforestation should be stopped;
  • Over-grazing needs to be controlled; and
  • Steps can be taken to control the running water.

Question 4.
What are the biotic and abiotic resources? Give some examples.
Biotic resources are those which are obtained from biosphere. Such resources have life. Some examples of biotic resources are: human, flora and fauna, fisheries, livestock etc.
Abiotic resources are all those which are composed of non-living things. These include rocks and metals.

3. Answer the following questions in about 120 words.
(a) Explain land use pattern in India and why has the land under forest not increased much since 1960-61?
Land utilization is useful for vegetation, wildlife, human life and economic activities. The land resources are used for forest, farming, pastures, industries and the like. The land use pattern in India can be stated through the following figure: Figure.: 1 indicates the land use pattern in 2003-04 and Figure: 2, that of 1960-61 Figure 1: General land use categories 2000-2003.

Area under non-agricultural use
Barren and wasteland
Permanent Pastures and Grazing land
Area under misc. Tree crops and Groves
Culturable Waste
Fallow other than Current Fallow

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Resource and Development 1

  • Current Fallow
  • Net Sown Area

Figure 2: General land use categories 1960-61 Forest
Area under non-agricultural use
Barren and wasteland
Permanent Pastures and Grazing land
Area under misc. Tree crops and Groves ‘
Cultural Wasteland
Fallow other than current Fallow’
Current Fallow

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Resource and Development 2
(b) Net Sown Area – The land use under the forest cover has, since 1960-61, increased 4.56%, though land under forest cover has to be around one-third of the total land. Indeed, the increase has not been much. The main reasons are: over-grazing still continues and forest land is oftenly made use of for purposes such as farming and industries.

(ii) How have technical and economic development led to more consumption of resources?
As we develop economically and technically, the consumption of our natural resources increase. Resources help us develop and this development is possible only through the development of oitr technology techniques and machines. More we use technology, more we exploit out natural resources and more we consume them which ultimately lead us to development.

The availability of resources is no guarantee for development of people. Development requires development of technology technote to use and consume our resources. Resources contribute to our development only when they are accompanied by appropriate technological development. The use and consumption of resource constitute the use of technology on the one hand and the resultant development of the society on the other.

Project Activity

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Resource and Development 3

Question 1.
Natural endowments in the form of land, water, vegetation and minerals.

Question 2.
A type of non-renewable resource.

Question 3.
Soil with high water-retaining capacity.
black soil.

Question 4.
Intensively leached soils of the monsoon climate.

Question 5.
Plantation of trees on a large scale to check soil erosion.
Coricour, gullies.

Question 6.
The Great Plains of India are made up of these soils.

These Solutions are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 Resource and Development.

Confirmation Letter Format, Samples, Template | How to Write a Letter of Confirmation?

A Confirmation Letter is an official letter given to the employee when he/she is moved from a probation period to a confirmed position in an organization. It should be in a congratulating tone so that it boosts and motivates the employee. We have attached a Confirmation Letter Format for your convenience so that you can know the details on what to include, etc. You can use the Letter of Confirmation Samples available to draft one on your own.

The majority of the Confirmation Letters are formal. However, there can be some informal letters depending on the familiarity between sender and receiver. This is possible when it;’s between peers, friends, professional acquaintances, etc.

Refer Letter Writing Topics for all kinds be it formal or informal and know how to write different letters on your own.

Roles of Confirmation Letter

A Letter of Confirmation plays the following roles and they are outlined for your knowledge.

  • Enables Review of an Agreement.
  • Adds Value to an Oral Agreement.
  • It indicates the individual regarding their responsibilities towards a certain arrangement.
  • Rectifies Misunderstanding on Part of both Recipient and Sender thereby enabling trust between them.
  • Reminds Both the Parties Involved regarding the legal bindings that they share with each other.
  • Letter of Confirmation enables the full benefits from a correspondence, event, or product owing to the correctness of the information.
  • Enables smooth functioning of any enterprise through clarity of information.
  • Informs the individual about his/her achievements and status in an establishment.

How to write a Letter of Confirmation?

Keep the following points in mind before drafting a Confirmation Letter. They are along the lines

  • Offer a polite, appreciative response that helps clarify their doubts and to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.
  • Repeat the details of the agreement so as to clear any doubts that are arisen.
  • Clarify or Change the Terms of Agreement if any needed.
  • Be accurate and cross-check your facts before sending the letter.
  • Choose your tone carefully as they are formal letters and maintain them briefly.
  • Send the letter as early as possible after receiving the original letter.
  • Notify all of them after receiving the confirmation letter so they can be up to date.

Sample Confirmation Letters

Employment Confirmation Letter Sample 

Employment Confirmation Letter Sample 

Letter of Confirmation on Marital Status

Letter of Confirmation on Marital Status

Letter of Confirmation for Residence

Letter of Confirmation for Residence

FAQs on Confirmation Letter

1. What is a Confirmation Letter?

A confirmation letter is an official letter handed to the employee confirming his/her employment at the organization once the probation period is completed.

2. What are Tips for Letter of Confirmation Writing?

  • Be Brief and remember you are just writing to confirm the information and not for sharing information.
  • If you are verifying something be formal and try to add a signature in the letter to reflect the same.
  • Be Clear on what is being confirmed and make a note of dates, time, places and official titles, etc.
  • Remember a Confirmation Letter is not an agreement or contract. In fact, it is a confirmation of the previous agreement or contract made.

3. Why is a Confirmation Letter Important?

A Confirmation Letter is important to tell the employee that their position is confirmed and needs no probation period extension. It even highlights the change n designation, role, salary increment, etc.

Download Letter to Bank Manager Format & Samples | Know Writing Tips & Reasons for Letter to Bank Manager

letter to bank manager format and samples

Letter to Bank Manager: Banks are playing a leading role in our society. Almost, everyone in this world holding a bank account to get facilities such as ATM Services, net banking, loans, and many more. In order to get these kinds of services, you should visit the bank near you and open one bank account. To avail some facilities, you should write a hand-written letter or email to the manager of a bank.

A Letter to Bank Manager is a formal document where people request some bank-related services to be enjoyed from the bank like ATM, Bank Statements, Cheque Books, etc. Explore more about this letter to the bank manager and learn how to write an application letter to your bank manager and request the concerned facility.

Attain Other Formal and Informal Types of Letter Writing Formats and Samples from our website @ and make your own letter even more effective & attractive.

Tips & Guidelines on How to Write Letter to Bank Manager?

The following are the tips & guidelines that you should remember while drafting a Letter to Bank Manager. They are as such,

  • Mention the name of the bank and the branch where your account is held.
  • Make sure that the subject line in your letter is included or not.
  • Also, ensure that the subject line is succinct and on point.
  • You may also need to provide your name as per the bank records.
  • Your bank account number must also be specified in the request letter.
  • Though this is a request letter, all other formal letter writing details to be included such as headings, salutations, complimentary close, and signature line.
  • Also, you should include enclosures or attachments if necessary (or as supporting evidence).

Also Check: 

Reasons to Write a Letter to the Bank Manager

People will have several reasons to write a letter to a bank manager because everything in the country is running on digital transactions. The bank plays a vital role in digital transactions. There are some scenarios mentioned below that will make you draft the Letter to Bank Manager. They are as follows:

  • Request to issue a new ATM card
  • Request to issue a bank statement
  • Asking to issue a bank passbook
  • Request to issue a Cheque book
  • Request to transfer bank account
  • Other formal communication (such as submission of documents/ supporting evidence)

Format/Template of Letter to Bank Manager

The below-given information will be included in the Letter to Bank Manager. So, refer to this Application to Bank Manager Letter Format and request any required documentation related to the bank from the Bank Manager:

Letter to bank manager format

Free Download of Letter to Bank Manager Samples

Here are a few samples of Application to Bank Manager which follows all guidelines and formal structure. As per your requirement, you can edit or choose a particular letter to bank manager sample and draft a perfect letter while issuing any document in the bank.

Also Check: 

Application to Bank Manager for New ATM Card – Sample 1

Sample letter to bank manager for ATM card

Sample 2 – Issuing Bank Passbook Letter to Bank Manager

letter to bank manager for issuing bank account passbook sample

FAQs on Writing Letter to the Bank Manager

1. What should include in Requesting Letter to Bank Manager?

  • The bank’s address.
  • The addressee, who is commonly the Branch Manager.
  • A subject stating the nature of the request.
  • Explanation of your request.
  • Account information: Account name and number.
  • Other Necessary Information.
  • Your address.
  • Your contact information.

2. How do you start & end a formal letter to a bank manager?

If you know your bank manager, you can write to him/her by name. (Dear Mr / Ms. XX and end Yours sincerely). If you don’t know the name, write “Dear Sir / Madam” and end “Yours faithfully”.

3. Which type is the Letter to Bank Manager?

Letter to Bank Manager is a formal letter type where people request or issue bank account related topics to a bank manager. Well, she/he accepts the letter if it is a valid one and matched all bank norms.