NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः

We have given detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Ruchira Chapter 6 सदाचारः Questions and Answers will cover all exercises given at the end of the chapter.

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Ruchira Chapter 6 सदाचारः

अभ्यास के प्ररनौं के उत्तर

प्रश्न 1.
सर्वान् श्लोकान् सस्वरं गायत।
छात्राः श्लोकान् स्वयमेव सस्वरं गायन्तु।

प्रश्न 2.
उपयुक्तकथनानां समक्षम् ‘आम्’ अनुपयुक्तकथनानां समक्षं ‘न’ इति लिखत
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः 1
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः 2
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः 3

प्रश्न 3.
एकपदेन उत्तरत
(क) कदा शय्यां त्यजेत् ?

(ख) कानि कृत्वा अध्ययनं कुर्यात् ?

(ग) किं ब्रूयात् ?

(घ) केन सह कलहं कृत्वा नरः सुखी न भवेत् ?

प्रश्न 4.
रेखाङ्कितपदानि आधृत्य प्रश्ननिर्माणं कुरुत
(क) प्रथमम् ईश्वरं स्मरेत्।
(ख) कलहं कृत्वा नरः दुःखी भवति।
(ग) पितरं कर्मणा सेवेत।
(घ) व्यवहारे मृदुता श्रेयसी।
(ङ) सर्वदा व्यवहारे ऋजुता विधेया।
(क) प्रथमं कं स्मरेत् ?
(ख) किं कृत्वा नरः दुःखी भवति ?
(ग) कं कर्मणा सेवेत ?
(घ) व्यवहारे का श्रेयसी ?
(ङ) कदा व्यवहारे ऋजुता विधेया ?

प्रश्न 5.
प्रश्नमध्ये त्रीणि क्रियापदानि सन्ति। तानि प्रयुज्य सार्थक-वाक्यानि रचयत
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः 4
(क) सत्यं प्रियं च ब्रूयात्।
(ख) वाचा गुरुं सेवेत।
(ग) सत्यम् अप्रियं च न ब्रूयात् ।
(घ) व्यवहारे कदाचन कौटिल्यं न स्यात्।
(ङ) श्रेष्ठजनं कर्मणा सेवेत।
(च) व्यवहारे सदा औदार्य स्यात्।
(छ) अनृतं प्रियं च न ब्रूयात्।
(ज) मनसा मातरं पितरं च सेवेत।

प्रश्न 6.
मञ्जूषातः अव्ययपदानि चित्वारिक्तस्थानानि पूरयत
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः 5

(क) भक्तः …………… ईश्वरं स्मरति।
(ख) असत्यं ………….. वक्तव्यम्।
(ग) प्रियं ……………. सत्यं वदेत्।
(घ) लता मेधा ……………. विद्यालयं गच्छतः।
(ङ) ……………. कुशली भवान् ?
(च) महात्मागाँधी ……………. अहिंसा न अत्यजत्।
(क) भक्तः सदा ईश्वरं स्मरति।
(ख) असत्यं न वक्तव्यम्।
(ग) प्रियं तथा सत्यं वदेत् ।
(घ) लता मेधा च विद्यालयं गच्छतः।
(ङ) अपि कुशली भवान् ?
(च) महात्मागाँधी कदाचन अहिंसा न अत्यजत्।

प्रश्न 7.
चित्रं दृष्ट्वा मञ्जूषातः पदानि च प्रयुज्य वाक्यानि रचयत
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः 6
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः 7
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः 8

1. सः शिक्षक: श्यामपट्टे प्रश्नं लिखति।
2. ते छात्राः कक्षायां पुस्तिकायाम् उत्तराणि लिखन्ति।

बहुविकल्पी प्रश्न

(i) कदा शय्यां त्यजेत् ?
(A) प्रातःकाले
(B) सायंकाले
(C) अर्धरात्रौ
(D) मध्याह्ने।
(A) प्रातःकाले

(ii) कानि कृत्वा अध्ययनं कुर्यात् ?
(A) दुष्कर्माणि
(B) नित्यानि
(C) कर्माणि
(D) नित्यकर्माणि।
(D) नित्यकर्माणि।

(iii) किं ब्रूयात् ?
(A) असत्यम्
(B) सत्यम्
(C) कटु
(D) कठोरम्।
(B) सत्यम्

(iv) केनं सह कलहं कृत्वा नरः सुखी न भवेत् ?
(A) कुमित्रेण
(B) मित्रेण
(C) चित्रेण
(D) शत्रुणा।
(B) मित्रेण

(v) प्रथमं कं स्मरेत् ?
(A) धनम्
(B) मित्रम्
(C) अध्यापकम्
(D) ईश्वरम्।
(D) ईश्वरम्।

(vi) किं कृत्वा नरः दुःखी भवति ?
(A) कर्म
(B) कलहम्
(C) परिश्रमम्
(D) अध्ययनम्।
(B) कलहम्

(vii) कं कर्मणा सेवेत ?
(A) पितरम्
(B) पितुः
(C) मातुः
(D) भ्रातरम्।
(A) पितरम्

(viii) व्यवहारे का श्रेयसी ?
(A) कटुता
(B) छलता
(C) मृदुता
(D) बलता।
(C) मृदुता

(ix) कदा व्यवहारे ऋजुता विधेया ?
(A) सर्वदा
(B) प्रातः
(C) सायम्
(D) रात्रौ।
(A) सर्वदा

Class 7 Sanskrit Chapter 6 सदाचारः Summary Translation in Hindi

1. यस्मिन् देशे य आचार: पारम्पर्यक्रमागतः।
वर्णानां सान्तरालानां स सदाचार उच्यते॥1॥

आचारः = व्यवहार।
पारम्पर्यक्रमागतः = परम्परा से प्राप्त ।
वर्णानाम् = समस्त वर्गों का।
सान्तरालानाम् = वर्गों के मध्य आए हुए समस्त उपवर्गों का।
सदाचारः (सत् + आचारः) = श्रेष्ठ व्यवहार, सदाचार।

सरलार्थ:-जिस देश में जो व्यवहार परम्परा से आया हुआ होता है उसी व्यवहार को समस्त वर्गों का तथा वर्गों के मध्य आए हुए समस्त उपवर्गों का श्रेष्ठ व्यवहार अर्थात् सदाचार कहा जाता है।

भावार्थः-सदाचार का अर्थ है श्रेष्ठ आचरण। यह आचरण समाज में हमें परम्परा से प्राप्त होता है।

2. प्रातःकाले त्यजेच्छय्यामीश्वरं प्रथमं स्मरेत्।
नित्यकर्माणि कृत्वा च कुर्यादध्ययनं ततः ॥ 2 ॥

शब्दार्थाः- त्यजेत् = छोड़ देना चाहिए।
त्यजेत् + शय्याम् = त्यजेच्छय्याम्।
शय्याम् = बिस्तर को, शय्या को।
प्रथमम् = सबसे पहले।
स्मरेत् = स्मरण करना चाहिए।
नित्यकर्माणि = नित्यकर्मों को, प्रतिदिन किए जाने वाले कर्मों को।
कुर्यात् = करना चाहिए।
अध्ययनम् = पढ़ाई-लिखाई, अध्ययन।
ततः = उसके बाद।

सरलार्थः-प्रात:काल में ही बिस्तर छोड़ देना चाहिए, फिर सबसे पहले ईश्वर का स्मरण करना चाहिए। फिर नित्यकर्मों को करके उसके बाद पढ़ाई-लिखाई करनी चाहिए।

भावार्थ:–प्रात:काल जल्दी उठना चाहिए और फिर सबसे पहले परमात्मा को याद करते हुए उसका धन्यवाद करना चाहिए क्योंकि उसी प्रभु ने हमें यह सुन्दर अनमोल शरीर, सूर्य का प्रकाश, खाने के लिए अन्न, पीने के लिए जल तथा जीवन धारण करने के लिए प्राणवायु प्रदान की है। नित्यकर्म में, दाँत साफ़ करना, स्नान करना आदि आते हैं। इन्हें करने के पश्चात् अपने अध्ययन में जुट जाना चाहिए।

3. सत्यं ब्रूयात् प्रियं ब्रूयात् न ब्रूयात् सत्यमप्रियम्।
प्रियं च नानृतं ब्रूयात् एष धर्मः सनातनः ॥ 3 ॥

ब्रूयात् = बोलना चाहिए।
प्रियम् = मीठा, प्रिय।
अप्रियम् = दूसरों को अच्छा न लगने वाला।
नानृतम् (न + अनृतम्)। अनृतम् = झूठ।
सनातनः = जो सदा से चला आ रहा हो।

सरलार्थः- सत्य बोलना चाहिए, प्रिय बोलना चाहिए परन्तु अप्रिय सत्य कभी नहीं बोलना चाहिए। दूसरों को प्रिय लगने वाला झूठ भी नहीं बोलना चाहिए। यही सदा से चला आ रहा धर्म है।

भावार्थ:-सत्य बोलना अच्छी बात है परन्तु वह सत्य प्रिय होना चाहिए। जिस सत्य को बोलने से दूसरों के मन में दुःख पैदा हो ऐसा सत्य नहीं बोलना चाहिए। केवल दूसरों को खुश करने के लिए झूठ भी नहीं बोलना चाहिए। सत्य तथा प्रिय बोलना सदाचार का प्रमुख अंग है।

4. सर्वदा व्यवहारे स्यात् औदार्यं सत्यता तथा।
ऋजुता मृदुता चापि कौटिल्यं न कदाचन ॥ 4 ॥

शब्दार्थाः-सर्वदा = सदा, हमेशा।
औदार्यम् = उदारता।
सत्यता = सच्चाई।
ऋजुता = सरलता।
मृदुता = कोमलता।
कौटिल्यम् = कुटिलता, टेढ़ापन।
कदाचन = कभी।

सरलार्थ:-व्यवहार में सदा उदारता, सच्चाई सरलता तथा कोमलता होनी चाहिए। कभी भी व्यवहार में कुटिलता नहीं होनी चाहिए।

भावार्थ:-हमारा व्यवहार सदा ही उदारता, सत्यता से युक्त, सरल तथा कोमल होना चाहिए ऐसे व्यवहार से ही समाज में आदर मिलता है। कभी भी दूसरों के मन को दुखाने वाला या अपने मन में छल-कपट रखकर व्यवहार नहीं करना चाहिए।

5. श्रेष्ठं जनं गुरुं चापि मातरं पितरं तथा
मनसा कर्मणा वाचा सेवेत सततं सदा ॥5॥

श्रेष्ठं जनम् = अच्छे मनुष्य को, सज्जन को।
मनसा = मन से।
कर्मणा = कर्म से।
वाचा = वाणी से।
सेवेत = सेवा करनी चाहिए।
सततं = निरन्तर, लगातार।

सरलार्थः- सदा ही सज्जन, गुरु, माता तथा पिता की मन, कर्म और वाणी से सेवा करनी चाहिए।

भावार्थ:- सेवा करना सदाचार का महत्त्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। माता-पिता, गुरुजन तथा सज्जनों की सेवा सच्चे मन से, सच्चे व्यवहार से तथा आदरपूर्ण वचनों से अवश्य करनी चाहिए।

6. मित्रेण कलहं कृत्वा न कदापि सुखी जनः।
इति ज्ञात्वा प्रयासेन तदेव परिवर्जयेत्॥ 6 ॥

शब्दार्था:- मित्रेण = मित्र के साथ।
कलहम् = झगड़ा, कलह।
कृत्वा = करके।
कदापि = कभी।
प्रयासेन = प्रयत्नपूर्वक।
परिवर्जयेत् = छोड़ देना चाहिए।

सरलार्थ:- मनुष्य अपने मित्र के साथ झगड़ा करके कभी भी सुखी नहीं रह सकता। इस बात को जानकर मित्रों के साथ झगड़ने को प्रयत्नपूर्वक छोड़ देना चाहिए।

भावार्थ:- अच्छे लोग सदा प्रेम से रहते हैं कभी आपस में झगड़ते नहीं। मित्र के साथ तो कभी भी झगड़ा नहीं करना चाहिए। क्योंकि मित्र के साथ झगड़ने वाला सदा दुःखी ही रहता है।

Free Formal Letter Template, Samples | Tips for Formal Letter Writing | How to write a Formal Letter?

A Formal Letter is a letter written in formal language and follows a predefined format. These are written in general for official purposes to colleagues, seniors, and not to friends or family.  You need to keep several points in mind while drafting a formal letter and you can even find Formal Letter Examples and Format here. Try to write it as simple and as clear as possible. The language of the Letter should be quite professional and you need to present the letter in a formal way.

Refer to the Tips for Formal Letter Writing and Guidelines on How to write a Formal Letter in the later modules. You can get ideas by referring to the Samples over here and write one on your own as per the requirement.

Find Letter Writing Topics for formal and informal topics and learn different letter writing styles all in one place.

Types of Formal Letters

There are many types of letters depending on the scenario and we have jotted some of them. They are along the lines

  • Letter of Enquiry
  • Order Letter
  • Letter of Complaint
  • Reply to a Letter of Complaint
  • Promotion Letter
  • Sales Letter
  • Recovery Letters

Formal Letter Structure and Format

While drafting a Formal Letter you need to follow certain guidelines and points in mind. The standard format to keep in mind is as under. You need to include all the details provided below while drafting a formal letter.

Formal Letter Format

How to Write a Formal Letter? | What must be included in a Formal Letter?

A Formal Letter should follow certain rules and guidelines while drafting it. Following them will help you keep it in a Professional way. There are many formats that can be followed while writing a formal letter. For the sake of your convenience, we even jotted a common format to communicate these days. They are as follows

Sender’s Address: The Sender’s Address should be noted on the top left corner of the page. The address should be accurate and complete so that the recipient can get in touch with you further.

Date: Just below the address do note the date on which the letter is drafted. It is important as the formal letters are kept in records.

Salutation: Skip one line after the date and chose your salutation whether you know the recipient or not. If you know the name of the person use the salutation Dear followed by name of the person. If you aren’t aware of the name of the recipient you can use Dear Sir/ Madam.

Body: Next to the salutation leave one line and begin the body of the letter. Use Short, Clear, logical paragraphs to state your business.

Signature: This is the end of the letter. Skip one line after writing the last paragraph in the body of the letter. Type the closing followed by a comma. Mention a handwritten signature if it is an offline letter and type your name simply if it is an online letter.

Formal Letter Writing Samples

You can avail the samples for formal letter writing over here and download them free of cost. Use these ideas and create one as per your requirement. Referring to the Formal Letter Examples helps you have an idea of what and what not to include.

Sample Formal Letter 

Formal Letter Sample

Formal Invitation Letter Example

Formal Invitation Letter

Resignation Letter Sample

Formal Resignation Letter

Tips for Writing a Formal Letter

You might need to write a formal letter at some point or the other rarely. It is still necessary to write a format letter and express your opinion in a coherent and effective manner. To help you create an effective formal letter we have jotted some of the tips for Formal Letter Writing. They are along the lines

Be Concise: State the Purpose of you writing the letter and don’t deviate from the subject. Keep the Letter Short and straight to the point. Avoid using flowery language or long words.

Use an Appropriate Tone: Since it is a formal or business letter try to use slightly formal than regular language that you use. Be Polite and Respectful even if you are complaining.

Proofread: Proofreading is important and cross-check for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Check whether the sentences are grammatically correct or not and do complete them. Since it is a formal letter, take time while writing and don’t rush to finish it.

Use Proper Format and Presentation: Remember the first impression lasts and do use a proper format and presentation. Do address the receiver properly and don’t forget to sign at the end of the letter.

FAQs on Formal Letter

1. What is a Formal Letter?

A formal letter is a letter written in a formal language, in the stipulated format, for official purposes. It is used for official or professional communication.

2. What are the Tips for Formal Letter Writing?

Tips for Formal Letter Writing are as follows.

  • Be Concise
  • Use an Appropriate Tone
  • Proofread
  • Use Proper Format and Presentation

3. What is the Format of a Formal Letter?

The Format to keep in mind while drafting a formal letter is as such. They are along the lines

  • Sender’s Address
  • Date
  • Receiver’s Address
  • Subject(Purpose behind writing the Letter)
  • Salutation
  • Body of the Letter
  • Ending
  • Signature(Sender’s Name, Signature, Designation)

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Maths GK Questions for Grade 6

Here our team gathered the number of General Knowledge Question & Answers for Class 6 kids on Maths topics which tests your kid’s deep knowledge of basic concepts and improves their subject knowledge along with general knowledge. You can also find other General Knowledge topics on our site along with the list of GK Questions for Class 6 Maths Subject.

1. What is the square root of 169?

Answer: 13

2. What is the result for 65×65?

Answer: 4225

3. Which is the only even prime number?

Answer: 2

4. what is the shape of a dice?

Answer: Cube

5. How many seconds are there in an hour?

Answer: 3600 Seconds

6. How many decimal points can there be in a number?

Answer: 1

7. What is the name of these sequences?

1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, ……

Answer: Harmonic Sequence

8. What is the other name of the perimeter of a Circle?

Answer: The Circumference

9. Find the missing terms in multiple of 4: 4, —, 12, 24, 36,…?

Answer: 8

10. What is the next prime number after 5?

Answer: 7

Also Check: GK Questions for Class 1 

Science 6th Class GK Quiz Questions & Answers in English

Different classes of GK information make kids more intellectual beings, notable who is updated with worldly affairs. So, Class 6 Science GK Quiz Questions with Answers in English are provided here by our team which helps students and their parents to make them learn and memorize for their upcoming exams, or quizzes or competitive exams.

1. Colt is the name of which animal’s baby?

Answer: Horse

2. What is the name of Acid which is found in Lemon?

Answer: Citric Acid

3. Which travels the fastest among two Light & Sound?

Answer: Light

4. Which fish has no skeleton at all??

Answer: Jellyfish

5. Due to the presence of Chlorophyll the leaves changes into which Color?

Answer: Green

6. What energy emerges from motion?

Answer: Kinetic energy

7. What is the standard unit of measurement for energy?

Answer: Joule

8. What is the full form of ROM?

Answer: Read-Only Memory

9. Who is known as the Father of Pathology?

Answer: Rudolph Virchow

10. Where did plants originate?

Answer: Ocean

Do Refer: GK Questions for Class 2

Social Science GK Questions with Answers for Class 6

General Knowledge is an important subject in various competitive exams along with academic subjects like maths, science, English, etc. Without the proper knowledge, it is impossible to analyze the situations and understand the conditions happening around them. So, refer to the list of SS GK Quiz Questions for Class 6 and learn some of the interesting things about the world, the Indian constitution, famous personalities, important events, history, etc.

1. How many fundamental rights are given in Indian Constitution?

Answer: 6

2. Name the Grand Old Man of the Indian National Congress?

Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji

3. What is the largest forest in the world?

Answer: Amazon Forest of Brazil

4. Who wrote the ‘Life Divine’?

Answer: Sri Aurobindo

5. Who is known as the Machiavelli of India?

Answer: Chanakya

6. Which color symbolizes peace?

Answer: White

7. In which year was the Battle of Plassey fought?

Answer: 1757

8. Which nutrient plays an essential role in muscle-building?

Answer: Protein

9. What forms together with similar body cells group?

Answer: Tissues

10. Which Mughal emperor is called Zinda Pir?

Answer: Aurangzeb

Must Check: GK Questions for Class 3

Current Affairs GK Questions for Class 6 Students

Get access to the best GK Questions for Class 6 in English on Current Affairs and get updated information about the World, India, and general things. Also, the below list of Current Affairs General Knowledge Questions for 6th Class helps kids to score high in various upcoming competitive exams or quizzes.

1. What is the name of the Punjab folk dance?

Answer: Giddha

2. Who was the first president of the USA?

Answer: George Washington

3. Who is known as “Father of Computer”?

Answer: Charles Babbage

4. Who is the fastest man in the world?

Answer: Ussain Boult

5. Who wrote the National Anthem of India?

Answer: Rabindra Nath Tagore

6. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?

Answer: William Shakespeare

7. What is the most widely spoken language in the world?

Answer: Mandarin (Chinese)

8. WWW stands for what?

Answer: World Wide Web

9. In which year Indian Railways was founded?

Answer: 8 May 1845

10. When is the International Literacy Day?

Answer: September 8

Also Refer: GK Questions for Class 4

Sports General Knowledge Questions & Answers for Grade 6

Here is the list of Sports GK questions for Grade 6 Students. This list of Class 6 GK Quiz Questions on Sports covers the major international events such as Olympics & etc. and also other games like Tennis, Football, Cricket, etc.

1. Who won the most number of FIFA Football World Cup titles?

Answer: Brazil

2. How many players are there in an ice hockey team?

Answer: 6 Players

3. Ryder cup is associated with which sports?

Answer: Golf

4. What is the weight of a cricket ball?

Answer: 5.75 ounces

5. Which country is called the ‘father of the game of cricket’?

Answer: England

6. Donald Bradman was a great player of which game?

Answer: Cricket

7. How many medals did India win at the 2018 Asian Games?

Answer: 70

8. Olympics games are held after every?

Answer: 4 years

9. Who won India’s first medal in Wrestling at the Olympics?

Answer: KD Jadhav

10. Who won India’s first Olympic Bronze medal in Boxing?

Answer: Vijender Singh

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Final Words

We hope the presented list of GK Questions for Class 6 kids will benefit most efficiently to excel in academic and general awareness. If you want to check 100 Top GK Questions for Kids of all classes then make a visit to our web portal Ncertbooks.Guru and practice well for any quizzes or annual exams or competitive exams.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Sanskrit Shemushi Chapter 11 पर्यावरणम्

We have given detailed NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Sanskrit Shemushi Chapter 11 पर्यावरणम् Questions and Answers will cover all exercises given at the end of the chapter.

Shemushi Sanskrit Class 9 Solutions Chapter 11 पर्यावरणम्


प्रश्न 1.
अधोलिखितानां प्रश्नानामुत्तराणि संस्कृतभाषय लिखत –

(क) प्रकृतेः प्रमुखतत्त्वानि कानि सन्ति?
पृथिवी, जलं, तेजो, वायुः आकाशश्च।

(ख) स्वार्थान्धः मानवः किं करोति?
स्वार्थान्धः मानव: पर्यावरणं नाशयति।
(ग) पर्यावरणे विकृते जाते किं भवति?
पयावरणे विकृते जाते विविधाः रोगाः जायन्ते।

(घ) अस्माभिः पर्यावरणस्य रक्षा कथं करणीया?
अस्माभिः वृक्षारोपणैः स्थल-जलचराणां जीवाना रक्षणैः च पर्यावरणस्य रक्ष करणीया।

(ङ) लोकरक्षा कथं संभवति?
लोकरक्ष प्रकृतिरक्षया संभवति।

(च) परिष्कृतं पर्यावरण अस्मभ्यं किं किं ददाति?
परिष्कृत पर्यावरण अस्मभ्यं जीवनसुखानि, सद्विचाराणि माङ्गलिकद्रव्याणि च ददाति।

प्रश्न 2.
स्थूलपदान्यधिकृत्य प्रश्ननिर्माण कुरुत –

(क) वनवृक्षाः निर्विवेक छिद्यन्ते।
के निर्विवेक छिद्यन्ते।

(ख) वृक्षकर्तनात शुद्धवायुः न प्राप्यते।
कस्मात् शुद्धवायुः न प्राप्यते।

(ग) प्रकृति जीवनसुखं प्रददाति।
प्रकृति कि प्रददाति।

(घ) अजातशिशुः मातृगर्भे सुरक्षितः तिष्ठति।
अजातशिशुः कुत्र सुरक्षितः तिष्ठति?

(ङ) पर्यावरणरक्षणं धर्मस्य अङ्गम् अस्ति।
पर्यावरणरक्षणं कस्य अङ्गम् अस्ति?

प्रश्न 3.
उदाहरणमनुसृत्य पदरचनां कुरुत –
(क) यथा-जले चरन्ति इति चलचरा:

  1. स्थले चरन्ति इति ……………..
  2. निशायां चरन्ति इति ……………….
  3. व्योम्नि चरन्ति इति ………………..
  4. गिरौ चर्रान्त इति ………………….
  5. भूमौ चरन्ति इति ……………..


  1. स्थले चरन्ति इति – स्थलचराः
  2. निशायां चरन्ति इति – निशाचराः
  3. व्योम्नि चरन्ति इति – व्योमचराः
  4. गिरौ चरन्ति इति – गिरिचराः
  5. भूमौ चरन्ति इति – भूमिचराः

प्रश्न 3.
(ख) यथ-न पेयम् इति – अपेयम्

  1. न वृष्टि इति …………
  2. न सुखम् इति …………..
  3. न भावः इति …………..
  4. न पूर्णः इति ……………


  1. न वृष्टि इति – अवृष्टिः
  2. न सुखम् इति – असुखम्
  3. न भावः इति – अभावः
  4. न पूर्णः इति – अपूर्णः

प्रश्न 4.
उदाहरणनुसत्य पदनिर्माण कुरुत –
यथा – वि + कृ + क्तिन् = विकृतिः

(क) प्र + गम् + क्तिन् = …………….
(ख) दृश् + क्तिन् = …………….
(ग) गम् + क्तिन् = …………….
(घ) मन् + क्तिन् = …………….
(ङ) शम् + क्तिन् = …………….
(च) भी + क्तिन् = …………….
(छ) जन् + क्ति = …………….
(ज) भज् + क्तिन् = …………….
(झ) नी + क्तिन् = …………….
(क) प्र + गम् + क्तिन् = प्रगति:
(ख) दृश् + क्तिन् = दृष्टिः
(ग) गम् + क्तिन् = गतिः
(घ) मन् + क्तिन् = मतिः
(ङ) शम् + क्तिन् = शान्तिः
(च) भी + क्तिन् = भीति:
(छ) जन् + क्तिन् = जाति:
(ज) भज् + क्तिन् = भक्ति
(झ) नी + क्तिन् = नीतिः

प्रश्न 5.
निर्देशानुसार परिवर्तयत
यथा – स्वाथान्धो मानवः अद्य पर्यावरणं नाशयति (बहृवचने)।
स्वार्थान्धाः मानवाः अद्य पर्यावरण नाशयन्ति।

(क) सन्तप्तस्य मानवस्य मङ्गलं कुतः? (बहुवचने)।
सन्तप्तानां मानवाना मङ्गलं कुतः?

(ख) मानवाः पर्यावरणकुक्षौ सुरक्षिताः भवन्ति। (एकवचने)
मानवः पर्यावरणकुक्षौ सुरक्षितः भवति।

(ग) वनवृक्षाः निर्विवेक छिद्यन्ते। (एकवचने)
वनवृक्षः निर्विवेक छिद्यन्ते।

(घ) गिरिनिर्भराः निर्मल जलं प्रयच्छन्ति। (द्विवचने)
गिरिनिर्झरा: निर्मलं जलं प्रयच्छतः।

(ङ) सरित् निर्मल जलं प्रयच्छति (बहुवचने)
सरित: निर्मल जलं प्रयच्छन्ति।

प्रश्न 6.
पर्यावरणरक्षणाय भवन्तः किं करष्यिन्ति इति विषये पञ्च वाक्यानि लिखत ।
यथा – अहं विषाक्तं अवकरं नदीषु न पातयिष्यामि।

(क) ………………………।
(ग) ………………………।
(ख) ………………………।
(घ) ………………………।
(ङ) ………………………।
(क) अहं यत्र-तत्र वृक्षारेपणं करिष्यामि।
(ख) अहं कदापि वृक्षान् न छेत्स्यामि।
(ग) नद्याः जले कूपे वा अपशिष्टं न क्षेपयामि।
(घ) मलमूत्राय प्रसाधनकक्षे एवं गमिष्यामि।
(ङ) कदापि प्रदूषणोत्पादक वाहन न चालयिष्यामि।

प्रश्न 7.
(क) उदाहरणमनुसृत्य उपसर्गान् पृथक्कृत्वा लिखत –
यथा – सरंक्षणाय – सम्

  1. प्रभवति ………………….
  2. उपलभ्यते …………………
  3. निवसन्ति …………………
  4. समुपहरन्ति …………………
  5. वित्तरन्ति …………………
  6. प्रयच्छन्ति …………………
  7. उपगता …………………
  8. प्रतिभाति …………………


  1. प्रभवति – प्र
  2. उपलभ्यते – उप
  3. निवसन्ति – नि
  4. समुपहरन्ति – सम् + उप
  5. वितरन्ति – वि
  6. प्रयच्छन्ति – प्र
  7. उपगता – उप
  8. प्रतिभाति – प्रति

प्रश्न 7.
प्रति (ख) उदाहरणनुसृत्य अधोलिखितानां समस्तपदाना विग्रहं लिखत –
यथा- तेजोवायुः तेजः वायुः च।
गिरिनिर्झराः गिरयः निर्झरा: च।

  1. प्रतिभाति – ……………….
  2. लतावृक्षौ – ……………….
  3. पशुपक्षी – ……………….
  4. कीटपतङ्गो – ……………….


  1. प्रतिभाति – पत्रम् पुष्पञ्च (पुष्पम् च)
  2. लतावृक्षौ – लता वृक्षश्च (वृक्षः च)
  3. पशुपक्षी – पशु पक्षी च
  4. कीटपतङ्गौ – कीट: पतङ्गः च


(क) विद्यालयप्राङ्गणे स्थितस्य उद्यानस्य वृक्षाः पादाापाश्च कथं सुरक्षिताः स्युः तदर्थं प्रयत्नः करणीयः इति सप्तवाक्येषु लिखत।

  1. वृक्षेषु पादपेषु च प्रतिदिन जलसेकः करणीयः।
  2. कदापि पादपस्य पत्रं पुष्पं च न आहरणीयः।
  3. उद्यानं परितः ब्रजः रोपणीयः।
  4. उद्याने अपशिष्ट न क्षेपणीयः।
  5. समये समये, पादपाना स्वस्थजीवनाय, अतिरिक्त पत्राणां शाखानांचकर्तन कर्त्तव्यम्।
  6. मूलेषु यदा कदा उत्खननक्रिया करणीया।
  7. पादपाः सवैरेव पुत्रवत् पालनीयाः।

(ख) अभिभावकस्य शिक्षकस्य वा सहयोगेन एकस्य वृक्षस्य आरोपणं करणीयम्। कृतं सर्व दैनन्दियां लिखित्वा शिक्षक दर्शयत।
ह्यः मया गृहस्य प्राङ्गणे एक: वृक्षः आरोपितः। ततः तस्य मूले मया जलं दत्तम्। मम पित्रा अपि अस्मिन् कार्ये सहयोगः दत्तः। तं परितः मया ईष्टिकामिः वजः निर्मितः। तत्र मूलें मया स्वल्पं उर्वरकमपि समुत्क्षिप्तम्। अहमति प्रसन्नतामनुभवे।

व्याकरणात्मकः बोधः

1. पदपरिचयः-(क)

  • समेषाम् – सम सर्व, शब्द, षष्ठी विभक्ति, बहुवचन। सभी की।
  • इयम् – इदम् (स्त्री.) शब्द, प्रथमा विभक्ति, एकवचन। यह (प्रकृति)
  • तानि – तत् (नपु.) प्रथमा विभक्ति, बहुवचन। थे।
  • कुक्षी – कुक्षि शब्द (स्त्री.) सप्तमी विभक्ति, एकवचन। गोद में)
  • अस्माभिः – अस्मद् शब्द, तृतीया विभक्ति. बहुवचन। हमारे
  • सरितः – सरित् शब्द, प्रथमा विभक्ति, बहुवचन। नदियाँ।
  • औषधकल्पम् – औषधे कल्पम्। दवा के समान। ‘कल्प’ शब्द सादृश्यार्थ में संज्ञा के साथ जुडता है।
  • विनाशकी – विनाश + कर्तृ + डीप। प्रथमा विभक्ति एकवचन। विनाशकारिका।
  • अपनोदिन: – अप + नुद् + इन्। प्रथमा विभक्ति, बहुवचन। दूर ले जाने वाले।
  • अपहारिण: – अप + हु + इन्। प्रथमा विभक्ति, बहुवचन। दूर ले जाने वाले।

(ख) यतते – यत् धातु (आ.प.), लट्लकार, प्र.पु.. एकवचन। कोशिश करती है।

  • पुष्णाति – पुष् धातु, लट्लकार, प्र.पु.. एकवचन। पुष्ट करती है।
  • आवियते – आ + वृ (कर्म.), लट्लकार, प्र.पु.. एकवचन। चारों ओर से ढकता है।
  • प्रभवति – प्र + भू धातु, लट्लकार, प्र.पु.. एकवचन। समर्थ होता है।
  • बदति – दाण् धातु, लट्लकार, प्र.पु., बहुवचन। देते हैं।
  • प्रयच्छन्ति – प्र. दाण् . लट्लकार प्र.पु. बहुवचन। दाण को यच्छ आदेश। प्रदान करते हैं।
  • वितरन्ति – वि + तु + लट्लकार, प्र.पु. बहुवचन। प्रत्येक को प्रदान करते हैं।
  • प्रतिभाति – प्रति + भा + लट्लकार, प्र.पु.. एकवचन। लगता है, दिखाई देता है। .
  • निपात्यते – नि + पत् + णिच् (कर्म), लट्लकार, प्र.पु. . एकवचन। गिरा दिया जाता है।
  • छिद्यन्ते – छिद् (आ.) (कर्म.), लट्लकार, प्र.पु. बहुवचन। काट दिए जाते हैं। (काट जा रहे हैं)

2. सन्धिकार्यम् (क)

  • सुरक्षितस्तिष्ठति – सुरक्षितः + तिष्ठति
  • उल्कापातादिभिश्च – उल्कापातादिभिः + च
  • गिरिनिर्भराश्च – गिरिनिर्भराः + च
  • मानवस्तदेव – मानवः + देव
  • वनपशवश्च – वनपशवः + च
  • जलचराश्च – जलचरा: + च
  • अपहारिणश्च – अपहारिणः + च

विसर्ग सन्धि का एक रूप –

  • जब विसर्ग के सामने त या थ आता है तो विसर्ग को ‘स’ कार हो जाता है।
  • जब विसर्ग के सामने च या छ आता है तो विसर्ग को ‘श’ कार हो जाता है।
  • जब विसर्ग के सामने ट या ठ आता है तो विसर्ग को ‘ष’ कार हो जाता है। जैसे-
    धनु + टङ्कारः = ध नुष्टङ्कारः

(ख) परसवर्णसन्धिः

  • सम् + कल्पम्-सङ्कल्पम्
  • आतम् + कितः-आतङ्कित:
  • सम् + कट:-सङ्कटः
  • अम् + केन-अङ्कन
  • पम् + क्तिः-पङ्क्तिः

पदान्त अनुस्वार को, जब सामने कोई भी व्यञ्जन हो (श्, ष्. स, ह को छोड़कर) तो उसको परवर्ती वर्ण (व्यंजन) का 5 वाँ वर्ण हो जाता है। अनुस्वार सहित। जैसे ऊपर के उदाहरणों में पूर्ववर्ती पदान्त ‘म्’ को उत्तरवर्ती वर्ण का पञ्चम वर्ण, अनुस्वार सहित हुआ है। इसी प्रकार से –
शम् + का = शङ्का,
त्वम् + करोषि = त्वङ्करोषि।

Class 9 Sanskrit Shemushi Chapter 11 पर्यावरणम् Summary Translation in Hindi

प्रकृति समेषां प्राणिनां ………………. क्व मङ्गलम्?

प्रसङ्ग – प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हमारी संस्कृत की पाठ्य – पुस्तक ‘शेमुषी’ प्रथमोभागः से अवतरित हैं। इन पंक्तियों के धारक पाठ का नाम “पर्यावरणम्” है। प्रस्तुत पाठ हमें पर्यावरण प्रदूषण में हो रही वृद्धि के विरुद्ध सतर्क व सचेत करता है।

सरलार्थ – प्रकृति सभी प्राणियों के सरंक्षण हेतु प्रयत्नशील है। यह सभी का अनेक प्रकार से पोषण करती है और अनेकों सुख – साधनों से तृप्त (सन्तुष्ट) करती है। इसके प्रमुख अङ् है – पृथिवी, जल, तेज (अग्नि) वायु और आकाश, ये पांचा मिलकर या पृथक् रूप में हमारे लिए पर्यावरण का निर्माण करते हैं। जिसके द्वारा सब ओर से यह संसार आच्छादित है, वहीं पर्यावरण है। जिस प्रकार से अजन्मा शिशु माता के गर्भ में सुरक्षित रहता है, उसी तरह से मनुष्य प्रकृति के गर्भ में अर्थात पर्यावरण के अन्दर सुरक्षित रहता है। सब प्रकार से शुद्ध और प्रदूषण से रहित पर्यावरण हमारे लिए सांसारिक जीवन के सुख – सद्विचार, सत्यसङ्कल्प और मङ्गलदायक सामग्री प्रदान करता है। प्रकृति के कोप से आतङ्कित (पीडित) व्यक्ति क्या कर सकता है? जलभराव (बाढ़), अग्निकांडों, भूकम्पों, आंधियों और उल्कापात आदि (प्राकृतिक प्रकोपों) से पीडित मनुष्य को मङ्गल (सुखचैन) कहाँ

अतएव प्रकृतिरस्माभिः ……………….. ददति।

प्रसङ्ग – प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हमारी संस्कृत की पाठ्य – पुस्तक ‘शेमुषी’ प्रथमोभागः से अवतरित हैं। इन पंक्तियों के धारक पाठ का नाम “पर्यावरणम्” है। प्रस्तुत पाठ हमें पर्यावरण प्रदूषण में हो रही वृद्धि के विरुद्ध सतर्क व सचेत करता है।

सरलार्थ – इसलिए हमें प्रकृति की रक्षा करनी चाहिए। और उसी से पर्यावरण की रक्षा होगी। प्राचीन काल में लोक – कल्याण के उपासक ऋषि वनों में रहा करते थे। क्योंकि वन में ही उन्हें सुरक्षित पर्यावरण उपलब्ध हुआ करता था। विविध पक्षी अपने मधुर कूजन से वहां कर्णामृत दिया करते थे।

सरितो गिरिनिर्झराश्च ………….. वितरन्ति।

प्रसङ्ग – प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हमारी संस्कृत की पाठ्य – पुस्तक ‘शेमुषी’ प्रथमोभागः से अवतरित हैं। इन पंक्तियों के धारक पाठ का नाम “पर्यावरणम्” है। प्रस्तुत पाठ हमें पर्यावरण प्रदूषण में हो रही वृद्धि के विरुद्ध सतर्क व सचेत करता है।

सरलार्थ – नदियाँ और पहाडी झरने अमृत के समान स्वादिष्ट निर्मल जल प्रदान करते हैं। पेड़ पौधे और लताएं फल, फूल तथा बहुत सारी इन्धन की लकड़ियाँ हमें उपहार करती हैं। शीतल, मन्द और सुगन्धित पवने हमारे लिए औषधि के समान प्राणवायु देती हैं।

परन्तु स्वार्थान्धो ……………… चिन्तनीय प्रतिभाति।

प्रसङ्ग – प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हमारी संस्कृत की पाठ्य – पुस्तक ‘शेमुषी’ प्रथमोभागः से अवतरित हैं। इन पंक्तियों के धारक पाठ का नाम “पर्यावरणम्” है। प्रस्तुत पाठ हमें पर्यावरण प्रदूषण में हो रही वृद्धि के विरुद्ध सतर्क व सचेत करता है।

सरलार्थ – परन्तु स्वार्थ में अन्धा हुआ मनुष्य आज उसी पर्यावरण को नष्ट कर रहा है। लोग थोडे से लाभ के लिए बहुमूल्य वस्तुओं को नष्ट कर रहे हैं। कल – कारखानों का विषैला जल नदी में गिरा दिया जाता है जिससे मछली आदि जलजीवों का क्षण भर में ही नाश हो जाता है। और वह, नदी का जल भी अपेय (न पीने योग्य) हो जाता है। अपना व्यापार चलाने के लिए, बिना सोचे समझे वन के वृक्षों को काटा जा रहा है जिससे अनावृष्टि (सूखा) बढ़ती जा रही है और बेसहारा जंगली जीव (पशु) गाँवों में आकर उत्पात करते हैं। वृक्षों की कटाई से (आज) शुद्ध वायु का भी सङ्कट (अकाल, अभाव) उत्पन हो गया है। इस प्रकार से स्वार्ध में अन्धे मनुष्यों द्वारा विकृति (प्रदूषित) को प्राप्त प्रकृति ही उनके विनाश का कारण बन चुकी है। पर्यावरण के विकृत (प्रदूषित) होने पर विभिन्न रोग तथा अन्य भयङ्कर समस्याएं पैदा हो रही हैं। अत यह सब कुछ अब विचार करने योग्य लगता है।

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः ………………….. न संशयः।

प्रसङ्ग – प्रस्तुत पंक्तियाँ हमारी संस्कृत की पाठ्य – पुस्तक ‘शेमुषी’ प्रथमोभागः से अवतरित हैं। इन पंक्तियों के धारक पाठ का नाम “पर्यावरणम्” है। प्रस्तुत पाठ हमें पर्यावरण प्रदूषण में हो रही वृद्धि के विरुद्ध सतर्क व सचेत करता है।

सरलार्थ – “रक्षित धर्म ही मनुष्य की रक्षा करता है।” यह आद्य ऋषियों के वचन है। पर्यावरण की रक्षा करना भी धर्म का ही एक अङ्ग है” ऐसा ऋषियों के द्वारा प्रतिपादित (वर्णित) किया गया है। तभी तो वापी (तालाब) कुओं तथा तालाब आदि के निर्माण को और मन्दिर, तथा धर्मशालाओं, आदि के निर्माण को धर्म की सिद्धि के स्रोत (आधार) के रूप में स्वीकार किया गया है। (हमारे द्वारा) कुत्ते – सूअर – सौंप – नेवले आदि थलचरों (भूमि के जीवों) तथा मछली – कछुए तथ घडियाल आदि जलचरों (जल में रहने वाले जीवों) की रक्षा होनी चाहिए, क्योंकि वे भूमि के मल (गन्दगी) तथा पानी के मल को हटा कर दूर करने वाले हैं। “प्रकृति की रक्षा करने ही संसार की रक्षा हो सकती है” इसमें कोई सन्देह नहीं है।

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 3 Why Do We Need a Parliament

Why Do We Need a Parliament Class 8 Questions and Answers Civics Chapter 3

Civics Class 8 Chapter 3 NCERT Textbook Questions and Answers

Observe the image of the Parliament and answer the following questions :
NCERT Slutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 3 Why Do We Need a Parliament 1
Question 1.
What do you think the artist is trying to convey though the image of Parliament?
The image portrays that the Indian Parliament is based on the people’s strength and these people come from various religious and back grounds.

Question 2.
Give one reason why you think that there should be universal adult franchise.
These should be universal adult franchise in order to establish equality in the society and give everyone the opportunity to vote.

Question 3.
Do you think there would be any difference of the class monitor was selected by the teacher or elected by the students? Discuss.
A teacher selecting a class monitor is not a democratic process. The selected monitor by the teacher is not a representative of the students of the class. However, if the monitor is elected by the students it will be a democratic process and the monitor will be the representative of the whole class.
Look at the table given and answer the questions that follow :
Results of 8th Lok Sabha Elections (1984)

Political Party No. of MPs elected
National Parties

Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP)

Communist Party of India (CPI) 6
Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPM) 22
Indian Congress Socialist (ICS) 4
Indian National Congress (INC) 404
Janata Party (JNP) 10
Lok Dal (LKD) 3
State Parties

All India Anna DMK (AIADMK)

Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) 2
All India Forward Block (FBL) 2
Indian Congress (J) (ICJ) 1
Jammu & Kashmir Conference (JKC) 3
Kerala Congress (J) (KCJ) 2
Muslim League (MUL) 2
Peasants and Workers Party of India (PWP) 1
Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) 3
Telugu Desam Party (TDP) 30
Independents 5
Grand Total 514

Note : The Lok Sabha elections were not held in Assam and Punjab during 1984.

Question 4.
(a) Who will form the government? Why?
(b) Who will be present for discussions in the Lok Sabha?
(c) In this process similar to what you have read in class VII?
(a) The Indian National Congress (INC) will form the government because it has secured clear majority in the Lok Sabha.
(b) All the MPs
(c) Yes.

Question 5.
Look at the picture given on next page. It shows results from the 3rd Lok Sabha election held in 1962. Use the photograph to answer the following questions.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Understanding Secularism 3
1) Which state has the highest number of MPs in the Lok Sabha? Why do you think this is so?
2) Which state has the least number of MPs in the Lok Sabha.
3) Which political party has won the most seats in all states?
4) Which party do you think will form the government? Give reasons why.

  1. Uttar Pradesh. This state has the largest population as compared to other states. Thus, it has the highest number of MPs in the Lok Sabha.
  2. Manipur.
  3. The Congress Party
  4. The Congress Party will form the government because it has got clear majority in the Lok Sabha.

Question 6.
The following is an example of a question asked in the Parliament.
Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state :
(a) whether the National Commission for Protection of Child Right (NCPCR) has asked all State Governments to ban junk foods in schools and also for setting up of nutrition standards;
(b) If so, the details thereof;
(c) Whether the Union Government has ensured the compliance of the above standards by the States; and
(d) If so, the details thereof
(a) and (b) No, Sir, A letter was issued to the States by National Commission for protection of Child Right (NCPCR) to consider providing guidelines to schools to create a school nutrition policy.
(c) and (d) Does not arise.

Question 7.
(a) In the above questions, what information is being sought from the Minister of Women and Child Development?
(b) If you a Member of Parliament (MP), list two questions that you would like to ask?
(a) The information sought from the Minister of Women and Child Development is as follows :

  • Whether the National Commission for protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has asked all the State Governments for a ban of junk foods in schools and for setting up nutrition standards in school. If so, the details there of.
  • Whether the Union Government has assured the compliance of the above standards by the states. If so, the details there of.

(b) If I were a Minister of Parliament, I would ask the following question :
What steps has the government taken to ensure education to every child? Why is the government not giving equal status to women?

Question 8.
Looking at this table would you say that people’s participating the past 50 years has : decreased / increased / been stable after initial increase?

Lok Sabha Election Year Voter Turnout (%)
1st 1951-52 44.87
4th 1967 61.04
5th 1971 55.27
6th 1977 60.49
8th 1984 63.56
10th 1991 56.73
14th 2004 58.07

The people’s participation during the past 50 years is not stable. It is fluctuating from one election to another.

Question 9.
Why do you think there are so few women in parliament? Discuss.
In India we still have a male-dominating society. People still do not want women to rule the country. For this reason they avoid giving powrer to the women.

Question 10.
Why do you think the nationalist movement supported the idea that all adults have a right to vote?
The nationalist movement became successful only by the participation of people from all sections of society. With the coming of independence, it was felt that people from all sections of society should be allowed to vote in independent India. The government can only function properly if as it is sensitive to the demands and needs of the people. Thus, in the constitution of independent India, the first provision was the principle of universal adult franchise i.e., all adult citizens of the country have a right to vote. By providing this right adult people of all caste, religious sex, etc. would participate in the functioning of the government through their representative. This is true democracy.

Question 11.
In this 2004 map of Parliamentary constituencies alongside, roughly identify the constituencies in your State. What is the name of the MP from your constituency? How many MPs does your state have? Why are certain constituencies coloured green while others are coloured blue?
I live in the State of Delhi. The total number of the constituencies is 7. They are as following :

  1. East Delhi
  2. Chandni Chowk
  3. North-East Delhi
  4. New Delhi
  5. North-West Delhi
  6. West Delhi
  7. South Delhi.

Question 12.
You have read in chapter 1 that the ‘Parliamentary form of government’ that exists in India has three tiers. This indudes the parliament (central government) and the various state legislatures (state government). Fill in the following table with information on the various representative from your area :

State Government Central Government
Which political party/parties is/are currently in power?
Who (name) is the current representative from your area?
Which political parties currently form the opposition?
When were elections last held?
When will the next elections be held?
How many women representatives are there (from your state)?


State Government Central Government
Which political party/parties is/are currently in power? Congress UPA (United Progressive Alliance)

It is a coalition govt.

Who (name) is the current representative from your area? Mr. Ashok Kumar Walia Mr. Sandeep Dixit
Which political parties currently form the opposition? BJP NDA, BSP, CPH, BJP, etc.
When were elections last held? 2008 2009
When will the next elections be held? 2013 2014
How many women representatives are there (from your state)? 4 1

Note : You can take help of your teacher or parents to write the information related to above of your area.The above matter given is a sample solution for NCT Delhi (East Delhi parliamentary constituency).

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science

How to Become a Forensic Scientist in India? | Skill Set Required, Job, Roles and Responsbilities

How to Become a Forensic Scientist in India?: Forensic science might not be as popular as other branches of science. However, with an increase in crime, guides in forensic science are in high demand. In forensic science, laboratory tests and analysis are used to uncover crime or perform crime investigations. Forensic science includes physics, chemistry, psychology, biology (and botany), and virtual & cyber forensics. In this elaborative article, we have discussed everything about the career as a forensic scientist and mentioned what a forensic scientist do? In this article, we will cover the topics related to becoming a forensic scientist in India. Happy reading!

Refer to Course Details to know more about related courses and find details like Admission Process, Eligibility Criteria, etc.

What does a Forensic Scientist Do?

Forensic scientists normally acquire, keep and scientifically analyse proof or items found during an investigation procedure. Forensic scientists regularly visit the scene of the crime to collect proof. They also research in a medical laboratory to evaluate the evidence, performing scientific tasks on one-of-a-kind objects to reveal details hidden to the attention. Forensic technology is intellectually profitable but a very annoying profession as it entails the character to work on minute info meticulously. Sometimes the work involves handling corpses, which could appear to be stressful to some.

How to Become a Forensic Scientist in India?

Forensic science is a disciple of technology used to research bodily crimes and their evidence. It is used around the sector to shield public fitness, enforce laws and rules, and resolve civil disputes. Forensic science uses many scientific and mathematical methods to determine if a crime has been committed against the law. A forensic scientist works for the government, the state, and nearby ranges. This career is for human beings with notable verbal exchange skills, in addition to the ability to note even the tiniest info. A forensic scientist or a forensic technology professional must be professional and interested in decoding clinical proof and information.

Step-By-Step Guide for Becoming A Forensic Scientist

Step 1 – Choose A Relevant Academic Program

To become a Forensic Scientist, you should possess an applicable instructional qualification or diploma! There exists UG (Undergraduate), PG (Postgraduate), and Doctoral diploma courses! Different forensic guides exist in India.

Candidates who’ve passed twelfth widespread may also choose UG level guides. Bachelor’s degree holders might also select PG degree publications. Bachelor degree holders may fit for Doctoral degree guides.

Right here are some first-rate UG courses available in India – B.Sc. in Forensic technological know-how, B.Sc. in computer technological know-how and virtual Forensics, B.Tech. in laptop technology and digital Forensics, B.Sc. in Digital Forensics.

Here are some extremely good PG publications – M.Sc. in Forensic science, M.Sc. in digital Forensics, M.Sc. in Forensic Chemistry, M.Sc. in Forensic Pathology, PG degree in Forensic technological know-how, PG degree in virtual Forensics.

Step 2 – Satisfy The Eligibility Criteria

Primarily based on your instructional qualification, you’ve decided on a perfect direction. However, are you eligible to pursue this direction? Here are eligibility standards related to each sort of route –

UG courses – 10+2 passed with science movement from a diagnosed board.

PG courses – finished relevant Bachelor’s degree direction from a recognised university/college.

Doctoral degree guides – finished relevant master’s diploma direction from a diagnosed university/college.

Step 3 – Secure Admission And Complete The Academic Program

The next step is – securing admission. Maximum schools comply with advantage-based total admission procedures. If you want to secure admission, you must rate nicely in relevant front examination and selection interviews. After securing admission, ensure that you complete the educational program. In addition, check – how to grow to be a corporation Secretary in India.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Forensic Scientist

Check the key roles and duties of a Forensic Scientist:

  • Probing and amassing evidence and accumulating applicable gadgets from the crime scenes.
  • Drafting comprehensive reports of evidence.
  • Authentication concerning the validity of vital files.
  • Testing fluid samples like saliva to look at any intake of medicine or poisonous substances by the sufferer.
  • Analysing stains and marks at the accrued evidence.
  • Supplying and defending the findings concerning the evidence before the judiciary.
  • Retrieving facts from devices and gadgets discovered on a criminal offence scene.
  • Using felony and suitable scientific approaches during proof evaluation.

Skills Required for Forensic Scientist

In view that this field demands one to have a top-notch clinical genius, it’s necessary to be extraordinarily interested in technology. Moreover, one should explain even the most elaborate scientific information to human beings not familiar with the technology. right here are the maximum vital abilities required to become a Forensic Scientist:

  1. Rational and highly logical bent of mind.
  2. Conscientiously attentive to info.
  3. Splendid written and oratory talents.
  4. Discreet and rather objective while managing sensitive and secretive content material.
  5. Extraordinarily able to work in strain situations.
  6. Patient to paintings with consistency at some point of the research.
  7. Tenacious to cope with mental strain.
  8. Confidence and belief in your very own conclusion.

Job Prospects in the Field of Forensic Science

There is no place in the world where forensic scientists aren’t needed. Calls are usually in proportion to the crime rate in a particular area. In India, the fundamental urban centres tend to have a better call for forensic scientists. Mumbai has the very best variety of employed forensic technicians in use.

In India, most applicants work with law enforcement agencies like research offerings, police, and legal departments of principal and national government agencies. Most of the aspirants decide to sign up for the Intelligence Bureau (IB), the imperative Bureau of research (CBI), and so forth. other than those, there are many greater other task roles from numerous departments like –

Forensic Pathologists: Forensic pathologists assist in figuring out the time and reason of death in police instances.

Forensic Anthropologists: Forensic Anthropologists help identify individuals for cases like murders or disasters like aircraft crashes, explosions, fires, and many others. Forensic Anthropologists also understand the age, intercourse, ancestry, stature, and specific features of the lifeless character.

Clinical Forensic medicinal drug professionals: Forensic scientific experts work because the examiner of sufferers or the useless individual who have injuries while committing a crime and offer sure conclusions regarding the time of the crime.

Forensic Serology professionals: They help read the blood organisations, blood samples, and different frame fluids and carry out DNA tests to pick out the sufferer of the crime.

Forensic Chemists: Forensic chemists help detect and identify traces and evidence of illicit capsules that might be utilised in certain cases like explosions and gunshot residues, and so on.

Forensic Linguists: Forensic linguists analyse the content of all victims’ written or oral statements, culprits, and so on accrued through the police and investigators.

Toxicologist: specialists in chemistry or biochemistry paintings in police departments whilst detecting and identifying the medicine, poisons, toxin tiers, and so forth inside the body.

Forensic professional/ Scientists: Forensic scientists paint as part of evidence groups and work with the police and investigators even to investigate the crime to get major crime proof.

Salary of a Forensic Professional

According to the annum, the revenue of a Forensic Scientist in India is somewhere around Rs 7-8 lakh, relying on whether you’re making use of any branch or a department beneath the jurisdiction of critical authorities in which you comparatively obtain a higher salary.

Conclusion on How to Become a Forensic Scientist in India?

Optimistically, this blog has furnished you with comprehensive info concerning the way to grow to be a Forensic Scientist. The demand for Forensic scientists in India is increasing day by day due to crimes taking place. That’s why today’s youth can try to make a good career in this field. You have known everything about forensic scientists, such as what they are, what they do, how to become a forensic scientist, salary, etc. So this information will help you make better decisions to make a career in this field. If you liked this post, share it with everyone through your social media platforms so that others can also get to know about forensic scientists.