10 Lines on Gautama Buddha for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Gautama Buddha

10 Lines on Gautama Buddha: According to the Dashavatar or Ten incarnations concept, Lord Gautama Buddha is considered the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was born as Siddharth Gautama, in  Lumbini, Kapilvastu, which is present in modern Nepal. The name of his father was Shuddhodan, and the name of his mother was  Mahamaya. He was born into a wealthy family of King. Even being born in such a rich and royal family, he renounced all the material luxuries to attain spiritual happiness.

According to Gautama Buddha, a soul aims to detach himself from the birth cycle and attain moksha, or salvation. Such a transition in his thought process took place when he once out of his kingdom saw three people out of which one was an older person; the other person was suffering from some disease while the other was a deceased person. By seeing these people, he understood that one should renounce all the worldly pleasures to seek spiritual happiness. Thus, he founded Buddhism, to awaken people and lead them on a spiritual path. The teachings of the Buddha were initially made in the Pali language. He died in 483 BCE or 400 BCE aged 80, Kushi Nagar, Malla Republic.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Gautama Buddha for kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Gautam Buddha is said to be the founder of Buddhism.
  2. The name of his father was Shuddhodan, and the name of his mother was Mahamaya.
  3. Gautama Buddha was born in 563 B.C. at Lumbini, Kapilvastu Nagar, and The Kingdom of Nepal.
  4. Gautama Buddha had a wife named Yashodhara.
  5. The name of his son was Rahul.
  6. Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment by meditating for twelve long years.
  7. The teachings of Lord Buddha have been made and inscribed in the Pali language.
  8. Lord Buddha taught people to be kind to men and animals as well.
  9. According to Buddha, desire is the cause of all suffering.
  10. Lord Buddha was the most significant philosopher of all time.

10 Lines on Gautama Buddha 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Gautama Buddha for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism.
  2. His last name was Siddhartha before he left all the earthly pleasures.
  3. He was the Prince of Lumbini, Kapilvastu Nagar, born to the King Shuddhodan and his mother was Mahamaya who died
  4. just after seven days of his earth.
  5. He was brought up and raised by his stepmother Mahaprajapati.
  6. On seeing three kinds of people, including a diseased person, a dead body, and an older person, his mind changed to become an ascetic.
  7. He was married to Yashodhara, and they had a boy born out them named ‘Rahul.’
  8. Gautama Buddha got enlightenment under a Bodhi tree.
  9. Gautama Buddha is considered to be the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, according to the Hindu mythologies.
  10. Gautama Buddha was the preacher of peace in the world. According to Gautama Buddha, the ultimate aim of life is to attain salvation.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Gautama Buddha for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Gautama Buddha was a great philosopher and was the founder of Buddhism.
  2. Gautama Buddha was born in 563 BCE or 480 BCE Lumbini, Shakya Republic and died in 483 BCE or 400 BCE aged 80, Kushi Nagar, Malla Republic.
  3. Gautama Buddha was born to a king family in the Sankhya clan and was formerly known as Siddhartha Gautama before he renounced the world.
  4. He taught people about preaching peace and attaining moksha, that is, salvation as it releases the soul from the cycle of birth.
  5. Gautama Buddha said that expectations are the root causes of suffering, so one should not expect.
  6. Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment under a pipal tree known as “the Bodhi tree”— In Bodh Gaya, Bihar.
  7. Buddha, in the literal meaning, means “The awakened one”.
  8. He practised meditation by learning it from his teachers and taught his disciples about the same thing.
  9. The Jataka tales are a compilation of the stories of Buddha in his previous birth.
  10.  After, attaining Nirvana, Buddha could take complete control over his senses and abandoned desire, hatred, and ignorance.

10 Lines on Gautama Buddha 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Gautama Buddha

Question 1.
Where was Gautama Buddha born?

Siddhartha Gautama, the last name of Gautama Buddha, was born in 563 BCE or 480 BCE at Lumbini, the Shakya Republic presently in Nepal.

Question 2.
What is the main aim of Buddhism?

Buddhism teaches that the ultimate aim of life is to attain salvation by getting detached from birth cycles.

10 Lines on Healthy Habits for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Healthy Habits

10 Lines on Healthy Habits: Good habits are those habits that one must inculcate in their lives that improve their personality and develop specific competencies. There are specified good habits that one must observe, and the key to having a successful, happy and contented life is to be consistent with the following of these good habits.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Healthy Habits for kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Patience, kindness and empathy are among the most crucial good habits that children should be taught about.
  2. Accomplished people such as Sachin Tendulkar, Bill Gates,  Amitabh Bachchan or Narendra Modi are disciplined and dedicated to their work.
  3. Good habits lead our society a better place to live in.
  4. Respecting elders is one of the good habits that should be taught to children’s fundamental for their childhood.
  5. Getting early to bed and early to wake up is a prescribed habit of preserving a healthy body and mind.
  6. Good habits such as taking a bath early in the morning, brushing your teeth twice a day, eating healthy food in a designated time are essential to teach and practise discipline in life.
  7. Schools and teachers should apply a certain kind of punishments for students who exhibit bad habits.
  8. Being disrespectful to elders, not following the lessons that are taught in class, skipping meals and eating junk food are a few bad habits
  9. Children should help their parents with household works such as washing clothes or utensils or getting grocery from the store.
  10. Children should always maintain cleanliness.

10 Lines on Healthy Habits 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Healthy Habits for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Good habits have the ability to change our overall personality and give a different outlook on life.
  2. Self-criticism and self-loathing is one of the bad habits to have because it affects our mental status.
  3. Good habits shouldn’t be forcefully implemented, and it should become our part of life as and when we practice it every day.
  4. Given the rising competitive atmosphere worldwide, it becomes essential for us to become a compassionate and kind society.
  5. Suicide rates in India are higher than the world, and this picture gives us a picture of the state of affairs of mental status in India.
  6. Due to distinct reasons beyond our control, most of us develop a few bad habits such as smoking and drinking, and it is never too late to give up mentioned bad habits.
  7. Medical and professional help is crucial to let go of bad habits, such as drinking and smoking.
  8. A disciplined life makes way for a clutter-free life and gives us mental peace in our daily activities.
  9. Accomplished people such as Jeff Bezos or Warren Buffet say that mental health is one of the most crucial things for proper decision making.
  10. It will be impossible to locate even one person on the planet who has no bad habits, and hence lousy habit is not the end of the life, and it can be eliminated through a systematic and disciplined way of life.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Healthy Habits for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Due to the growing social media platform engagement on the internet, cyberbullying has been hiked up in India’s countries.
  2. Cyberbullying is a new form of a bad habit that affects the mental health of not only kids but also adults worldwide.
  3. Increased utilization of smartphones and laptops will take a price on our mental health.
  4. Specific experts also say that radiation from our smartphones can hurt our mental and physical health.
  5. If a person has bad habits and an evil character in nature, they would likely find it hard to make friends and evolve a network in their professional career.
  6. Digital Detox or social Detox is a phrase that people utilize, to get away from the toxic and resentment-filled social media to make their minds clutter-free and peaceful.
  7. Financial discipline and managing money are among the most important good habits that are usually not part of our schools and colleges but are a crucial prerequisite to live a happy life.
  8. Helping others will provide a sense of purpose to our lives, and hence empathy and kindness should be taught in schools for children.
  9. As the saying tells, honesty is the best policy, and one should always speak the truth, no matter the consequences.
  10. Punctuality is something that we Indians can grasp from the Japanese, and being punctual is one way of showing respect to another.

10 Lines on Healthy Habits 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Healthy Habits

Question 1.
State any five good habits that one should teach in their life.

Punctuality, spirituality, gratitude, dedication and discipline are good habits that one should teach in their lives.

Question 2.
What are a few good habits to teach children?

Good habits that parents or teachers can educate children to admire elders, cleaning up their rooms, being responsible with money, dividing things with their friends and family and eating healthy food.

10 Lines on Monkeys for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Monkeys

10 Lines on Monkeys: Monkeys are primates and mammals and there are almost 200 hundred species of monkeys around the world. Some species include macaques, mandrills, bonobos, tamarins, sakis, marmosets, etc.

Monkeys can be broadly divided into Old World Monkeys and New World Monkeys, and the distinctions can be seen in the physical traits of the monkeys. Old World Monkeys have narrower noses while New World Monkeys have wider noses. Old World Monkeys also have cheek pouches where they can store food when they’re on the run to eat later, and they also have rump pads which they can sit on.

Monkeys are incredibly intelligent and have great fine motor skills which they can use to pick up stones and use them to break nuts, even throw them at people, and most of us are aware of the fact that monkeys can peel bananas before eating them. Below, there are three sets of 10 lines on monkeys which will be useful for students who are looking to write essays or write assignments about monkeys.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Monkeys for kids

The following set of 10 lines on monkeys will be useful for students and children who are in classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Monkeys are animals which come under the species of mammals.
  2. There are many kinds of monkeys, such as mandrill monkeys, macaque monkeys, tamarin monkeys, marmoset monkeys, etc.
  3. There are two main types of monkeys, Old World and New World Monkeys and they are differentiated using the shapes of their noses.
  4. New World Monkeys have wide and upward-facing nostrils, and Old World Monkeys have narrow and downward-facing nostrils.
  5. Monkeys usually live on trees, except for baboon monkeys which live on the ground.
  6. Monkeys evolved from apes, which is the same as humans, thus they can sit up and walk on two legs.
  7. Monkeys can use their front legs as hands and that’s why they can use their fingers for useful things like picking up objects and food.
  8. Monkeys are very intelligent as they have large brains and also really good vision.
  9. Monkeys can learn how to use tools such as stones (to break nuts and other hard food) and sticks (to collect food in a place).
  10. A group of monkeys is called a troop.

10 Lines on Monkeys 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Monkeys for School Children

The following set of 10 lines on monkeys will be useful for students who are in classes 6, 7, 8 and 9.

  1. Monkeys belong to the animal group of primates and they are classified as mammals, meaning that they give birth to their young rather than laying eggs.
  2. Monkeys have four limbs which they use to walk, but they can also stand up, sit up and even walk on only their two back limbs.
  3. There are almost 200 different species of monkeys, including but not limited to mandrills, macaques, baboons, langurs, durukulis, marmosets, tamarins, sakis, capuchins, etc.
  4. Monkeys can be broadly classified into two kinds, namely Old World Monkeys and New World Monkeys, and it is mostly the shape of their noses through which we differentiate them.
  5. New World Monkeys are called “flat-nosed” in Latin, and they have broad noses and nostrils which face outwards.
  6. Old World Monkeys are called “downward-nosed” in Latin, and they have narrower noses with nostrils facing downwards, similar to humans, alongside what resembles seating pads on their rumps.
  7. Monkeys are incredibly intelligent creatures owing to their large brains, highly developed visions and their ability to use their fingers to create tools for themselves.
  8. A group of monkeys is called a troop and the female monkeys in the troop are generally much closer to one another than the male.
  9. Male monkeys leave their troops upon reaching maturity, while the female monkeys consistently remain in the same troop throughout their lives.
  10. While monkeys are very similar biologically, there are several variations of habits, appearances, practices, etc. between different species.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Monkeys for Higher Class Students

The following set of 10 lines on monkeys will be useful for students who are in classes 10, 11 and 12.

  1. Monkeys are mammals and belong to the order of primates, which means that they have relatively large brains, large craniums to support the large brains, five fingers (known as digits) where most species have thumbs and even sensitive fingers and palms, they have highly developed vision, amongst other features.
  2. There are almost two hundred species of monkeys all over the world, such as baboons, macaques, marmosets, durukulis, tamarins, mandrills, capuchins, mangabeys, etc. to name just a few.
  3. Monkeys are primarily arboreal, which means that they live in and amongst trees, other than a few species such as baboons and macaques which are terrestrial (live on land) and can easily move from one tree to another by jumping across.
  4. Monkeys are incredibly intelligent and can perform quite a few tasks with their paws of five fingers, such as using certain tools like rocks and stones to break nuts or throw around, climbing trees and jumping from one to another, sending messages vocally and through facial expressions, even grinning with their teeth showing.
  5. While it is known around the world that monkeys love to eat bananas, and some of us may have even seen a monkey peeling a banana before eating it (thus, adding to how intelligent they are), they also like to eat other things, such as leaves, flowers, vegetables, etc.
  6. A group of monkeys is called a troop and can consist of a few members, male as well as female, or even close to a thousand, but the number of monkeys in a single troop varies according to the species of the monkey at which we are looking.
  7. Within very large troops, monkeys may even form sub-groups called harems, where there are a single male member, several female members and the offsprings produced by the group.
  8. Monkeys can be categorically divided into two broad kinds; New World Monkeys have wide nostrils facing upwards, and have rather long tails capable of catching things with them or hanging from them; Old World Monkeys have narrower, downward-facing noses, and they also have cheek pouches inside their mouths to store food for longer, and they also have sitting pads on their rumps (backside).
  9. The character Rafiki in the animated film series The Lion King is one of the most famous monkeys in the world, and while he is referred to as a baboon in the films, the species of monkeys he belongs to is actually mandrill.
  10. In India, the most commonly seen monkeys are langurs and the various species of macaque monkeys, including the rhesus macaque, bonnet macaque, Assam macaque, Arunachal macaque, stump-tailed macaque, lion-tailed macaque and the pig-tailed macaque.

10 Lines on Monkeys 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Monkeys

Question 1.
How many species of monkeys are there?

There are almost 20 species of monkeys all across the world. To be precise, there are 196 species of monkeys around the world.

Question 2.
Are monkeys mammals?

Yes, monkeys are mammals, which means that they give birth to their young rather than lay eggs.

Question 3.
Which are the species of monkeys most commonly found in India?


  • Macaques (rhesus, bonnet, Assam macaque, Arunachal macaque, stump-tailed, lion-tailed, pig-tailed, white-cheeked,)
  • Langurs (black-footed grey langur, tufted grey langur, Kashmir grey langur, Tarai grey langur, Northern Plains and Southern Plains grey langur, golden langur, Nilgiri langur, capped langur, etc)
  • Phayre’s Leaf Monkey
  • Hoolock Gibbons, also the only species of apes in India.

Question 4.
Do monkeys really eat bananas?

It’s true that monkeys eat bananas, in the same way that they would eat other fruits and vegetables. Monkeys in the wild do not go seeking bananas in the wild, but if they do get it, they’ll eat it just as they would an apple or strawberry. Bananas are certainly not as much of a favourite of monkeys as television and film tell us they are. However, feeding bananas to a monkey is not advisable, as the bananas we get in the markets are sweetened for human likingness and that level of sugar is not good for them.

10 Lines on My Principal for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on My Principal

10 Lines on My Principal: The principal is the functional head of the school direction administrations. Indeed, even what the study hall teacher can do all alone shifts with the principal’s character, perspective, and direction information. A few teachers state, “I could accomplish more powerful direction if my principal should epitomize direction in his step by step staff relations with guardians, teachers, and understudies.

Teachers may anticipate that the principal should comprehend the idea of direction and dream of imagining a scenario where he may achieve, build up the direction program agreeably with his staff, and do the gathering’s desire. It is his obligation to choose new employees who have the direction perspective, instruct and acquire from his Board and the public the vital monetary assets, give total time, and deliver the creative energies of each individual from his staff.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on My Principal for kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Perceive the need and significance of an extensive direction program and give in his help.
  2. Make his staff mindful of the worth, capacities, and issues of direction.
  3. Give appropriate quarters and offices to the direct administration.
  4. Orchestrate the school plans so that directing assistance is feasible for all students.
  5. See that great time it took into account the advisor.
  6. Make a satisfactory arrangement in the spending plan for carrying on the direction program.
  7. Set up and keep an aggregate Record framework.
  8. Set up an arrangement of in-administration preparation for individuals from the staff.
  9. Offer uncommon incitements and acknowledgement to advisors in the direction program where extra-administrations and preparation are required.
  10. Work-out and arrange the direction program cooperatively with individuals from the staff.

10 Lines on My Principal 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on My Principal for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Our principal is capable, profoundly qualified, and dedicated. He is exceptionally respectable and fair. He looks into his work.
  2. He is the companion and guide of the understudies. We view him as our Guru. Other than being a decent teacher, he is a decent director.
  3. He is famous for his strategy for instructing. Understudies look into his group. He encourages us so pleasantly that we comprehend what he educates.
  4. In his grasp Hindi looks extremely intriguing. He has a total order regarding his matter. If we don’t see any point, he makes us under­stand it.
  5. He has an extraordinary love for his school and understudies. He pulls in us as the magnet draws in iron. We all are regularly set up to make his requests.
  6. He lives for the school and his understudies. We are his first love. We are his last love. His statement is the law for us.
  7. He first takes a series of the school. He sees that all the teachers are functioning admirably. He is a strict leaning.
  8. Our principal is sharp about games. He sees that each kid partakes in one game or the other.
  9. He has separated the school into differ­ent houses. He names them after Indian legends. In our school, Inter-House Tournaments are held. He is a genuine admirer of cricket.
  10. Our principal puts stock in an exacting order. He gives incredible impor­tance to great habits and character.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on My Principal for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. After the Morning Prayer, he talks about Dharma. He generally exhortation us to strive to accomplishes the objective of our life.
  2. He has made it his obligation to make us productive members of the society of free India.
  3. He sees that young men come in school uniform. He is extremely sharp about his dress. He generally wears a slick and clean dress.
  4. However, the principal is a man of high character. He is additionally intrigued by extra-curricular exercises, for example, shows, discussions, and talks.
  5. He deals with each little enumerating of the school and its whereabouts and attempts to ensure that it would not the slightest bit be a difficulty to the understudies or teachers.
  6. On the off chance that any parent needs to address the principal, they could do as such with no conventions, and our principal would tune in and discover an answer for the issue.
  7. Not just in the appearance of the school and scholastics, yet in addition to games, we are glad for our accomplishments.
  8. We are pleased with our principal, and we wish that we have had him for long years.
  9. With his quality, we are generally upbeat and have accomplished extraordinary records for our school in practically all exercises.
  10. Delicate, yet solid, is what our dear principle is, and we wish him achievement all through his life.

10 Lines on My Principal 2

Frequently Asked Questions about My Principal

Question 1.
What are the qualities of my principal?

He is a too exacting individual, yet an adorable individual as well. With regards to the standards and guidelines of the school, he is exacting.

Question 2.
Why do we respect our principle?

He ensures that each understudy goes ahead time, regardless of whether they have an issue, whether the staffs are on schedule and, if not, what the explanation was, and so on.

10 Lines on My Favourite Food for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on My Favourite Food

10 Lines on My Favourite Food: If someone asks me what my favourite food is, I never think of anything fancy and oily food. All it appears is a beautiful yellow coloured food studded with lots of vegetables and a bit of ghee prepared with rice, yellow lentil and turmeric.  That is Indian food, a superfood and we call it as “Khichdi”. Khichdi can be taken in breakfast, lunch as well as in dinner. Khichdi is a superfood and is made in a super easy and quick way. It is full of all nutrients that a human being requires daily.

The turmeric present in it has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-bacterial properties, which help cure the human body’s inner organs and infections. This superoxide is easy to be digested by every age group. Initially, being a child, we all hated to eat Khichdi, but with time we started loving it not only for its excellent health benefits but also for its taste. The Indian mothers no doubt make the tastiest Khichdi. Even infants after they attain six months age are fed Khichdi to help them grow into healthy individuals. Even the sick people are also fed Khichdi in the hospital and homes for a speedy recovery.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on My Favourite Food for kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. My favourite food is Khichdi.
  2. It is made up of rice, dal and many other vegetables.
  3. The vegetables may include beans, tomatoes, carrots, brinjal,  green peas and many other things.
  4. It is a very healthy dish.
  5. We should eat it regularly to stay healthy.
  6. It contains all the necessary nutrition that is required by the body.
  7. My Mom adds ghee to it st the ad which has a pleasing aroma.
  8. Taking Khichdi in meals during a time when a person is sick, helps us recover soon.
  9. Eating Khichdi keeps us full.
  10. My mother makes the best and most tasty Khichdi in our clean kitchen.

10 Lines on My Favourite Food 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on My Favourite Food for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. My favourite food is Khichdi which is Indian food.
  2. Many people in India cook and eat Khichdi, especially when they are ill or sick.
  3. It is easy to prepare the dish.
  4. It is made up of boiling all the vegetables, rice and dal in a pressure cooker and sizzling it with cumin seeds and ghee.
  5. The Khichdi has all the necessary nutrients that one should have in a day’s meal.
  6. It is a heavy meal and makes us full after eating it.
  7. This dish has now got recognition at the international level because of its very beneficial properties.
  8. It has no or minimum spices in it.
  9. Khichdi is easy to digest by every people.
  10. Eating Khichdi reduces blood sugar level.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on My Favourite Food for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Khichdi is my favourite food which is widely made in the kitchens of India.
  2. It is made up of boiled vegetables, yellow dal and rice with a tiny amount of oil or ghee and a pinch of salt and turmeric.
  3. It is seasoned with cumin seeds, which adds to the food item’s taste and aroma.
  4. The Khichdi is a very nutritious food item as it contains so many healthy ingredients; hence, it is fed to babies as well when they start eating cooked food.
  5. It is quickly cooked and can be easily digested by all age groups.
  6. Diabetic patients can also eat Khichdi as it helps in lowering blood sugar levels.
  7. Khichdi is an excellent source of macronutrients made from rice, lentil and vegetables.
  8. Eating Khichdi improves the health of the heart as well.
  9. The Khichdi is considered to be an ayurvedic food having all kinds of medicinal properties.
  10. The Khichdi is a perfect detox food.

10 Lines on My Favourite Food 2

Frequently Asked Questions on My Favourite Food

Question 1.
What is so tasty about Khichdi, as most persons find it boring?

The best thing about khichdi is that the raw taste of dal blends your in your mouth to give it a perfect and delicious taste.

Question 2.
Does Khichdi help in weight loss?

Yes, Khichdi does help in weight loss if the ghee is eliminated out of it and the major constituents are the boiled vegetables instead of rice. So, in a way, it helps in having proper weight. So, if one is lean and thin or underweight, eating Khichdi adds to your weight; on the contrary, if one is obese, Khichdi helps reduce weight.

10 Lines on Hard Work for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Hard Work

10 Lines on Hard Work: People say that when you work hard, you can achieve anything. Since childhood, it has been told to us, and maybe that is why it has lost its importance. Many of us think that we are working very hard, but the result is still zero. The problem lies in the perspective of hard work definition. We believe that getting good grades, a good job is hard work. However, what we do on top of all the things we are supposed to do is hard work. Hard work is what you do after your day is done. You think that going to school and getting your homework done is enough, however, did you ever think of studying a little more out of the syllabus or trying a new hobby that is not made for you. Hard work is what you do above and beyond.

Here, we have assembled three sets of ten lines on hard work that will help you reach your goal and understand its true meaning.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Hard Work for kids

The first set of hard work is for the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, which will help you understand the true meaning of hard work.

  1. Success and knowledge are one’s own, and no one can steal them. However, that only comes with work one puts in his work.
  2. Completing your daily tasks will not help you to reach your goal; it is the little extra effort you put on every day after your work is completed.
  3. It is impossible for a lazy person to reach their goal and is a curse; on the contrary, hard work is a boon.
  4. Some people consider it their good luck when they easily achieve success; however, it is a short-lived success. With hard work, one can achieve permanent success and happiness.
  5. When a person makes it his purpose to work hard under any circumstance and doesn’t stop under any king of influence, he is truly the one to achieve success truly.
  6. We have always been taught to keep on trying and never stop believing in ourselves, as hard work is the definition of not, not trying until you reach your goal.
  7. It is important to have a target before you start working hard, aimlessly working towards nothing will take you nowhere.
  8. Human beings are the best creation of God, but the same person turns lazy on himself.
  9. There are many living examples of extremely poor people, but with hard work and dedication, they could change their fate.
  10. Is not only an individual but also a developing country like China could turn its fate with hard work and is now next to the United States of America.

10 Lines on Hard Work 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Hard Work for School Children

The second set of hard work is for the students of classes 6, 7, and 8.

  1. It takes a lot of hard work to grow crops and grains in fields by the farmers.
  2. In India, the Britishers ruled for two hundred years until our freedom fighters worked hard to free us from slavery.
  3. Hard work is always challenging, and worldly pleasures will still want to bring you down and distract, but it is not impossible to do hard work.
  4. Determination, honesty, and dedication will help people reach their goal easily and work hard in life.
  5. It takes a lot of passion for working hard towards your target, and it is not easy to achieve anything without determination. The man who works with vigour and love is sure to achieve their goals.
  6. An optimistic man can easily reach their goal, and his character and purpose resemble the type of person he becomes in the long run.
  7. It is not hard to achieve happiness in life; however, if you aim for success, you might need a lot of hard work.
  8. A lazy man will eventually lead to a life of sorrow and sluggishness. However, the same man can earn a lot with hard work and dedication to a particular goal.
  9. Hard work can get you to respect society and success, it will raise your social status, and people will listen to you.
  10. A hard-working person can achieve her goal and become successful. She can also inspire others to work hard with dedication and set goals in life.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Hard Work for Higher Class Students

The third set will help the students of classes 9, 10, 11, and 12. It will help them to focus on their studies and work hard in life.

  1. It takes a lot of hard work to focus on studies and become successful in life.
  2. Every child must be taught the importance of hard work in every sector of life, and they must understand the concept of it to earn respect and get happiness in life.
  3. Hard work is a lot more than getting good grades, getting a job, doing your daily chores, and be a good child to your parents, it is about the extra effort you put into becoming better than others.
  4. Every child needs to have a goal in life that will help them to focus and work hard. It will also give them a purpose to wake up every day with a purpose in life.
  5. Students with mediocre grades and intelligence can also reach success, but they need to work hard and focus on life.
  6. Planning, vision, and aim are the three main components of hard work that will help a person to be successful in life and focus on what is important.
  7. Any work that you do beyond your time of daily work is known as hard work.
  8. Many people work in mills and mines and work double shifts to earn extra money, which can be considered hard work.
  9. Students who focus on their goal and are determined to achieve it, never fail to become successful.
  10. If a person is working hard, they will require everyday motivation to do so, and who else can provide that best other than parents.

Hard work requires inspiration, dedication, focus, and a never give up attitude. It takes a lot of determination to stand on your thoughts and reach your goal.

10 Lines on Hard Work 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Hard Work

Question 1.
What is hard work?

The passion and vigor that a man puts to get a job done are called hard work.

Question 2.
How is hard work and success relatable?

Hard work and success is very much relatable as without hard work, it is not possible to become successful.

Question 3.
“Hard work leads to success”- Is it true?

Working hard has its way of rewarding oneself and success is the ultimate gift.