10 Lines on Yoga for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Yoga

10 Lines on Yoga: The word “yoga” is descended from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” which means union. Thus yoga is the path that leads towards the harmony or union of mind, body and soul. Yoga is not just a class of exercise, but it’s an ancient practice to gain happiness, peace and wisdom.

“Yoga” also refers to the inner science that comprises various methods by which an individual can attain self-realization. It helps to overcome all kinds of suffering and leads us to a sense of freedom with good health, contentment and peace of mind. Yoga is a combination of components such as posture, breathing practices, meditation and deep relaxation.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Yoga for kids

  1. We are taught yoga to attain peace of mind and a healthy body.
  2. International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21st June.
  3. Yoga origins from Hinduism.
  4. Yoga is one of the most traditional physical disciplines in existence.
  5. Yoga disciplines an individual.
  6. Yoga brings a positive attitude to everyone.
  7. Yoga keeps our bodies healthy.
  8. “Pranayam” is a breathing exercise that falls under the practice of yoga.
  9. Yoga helps us connect our body with nature and feel like a part of it.
  10. Yoga, combines posture, breathing, and meditation and was initially practised as a form of healing.

10 Lines on Yoga 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Yoga for School Children

  1. Yoga is an art that unites body and soul.
  2. It is vital to practice yoga daily in the morning to experience a fresh start of the day.
  3. The practice of yoga from ancient times has been used to heal and attain mental peace.
  4. The best-selling book in English on yoga is Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika by B.K.S Iyengar.
  5. The knowledge of yoga transcends any religion or culture, although it has originated from Hinduism.
  6. Yoga corrects posture and alignment of the body and regulates digestive, endocrine and circulatory systems.
  7. Listening to calming music while practising yoga can enhance its effects on our body and soul.
  8. Yoga helps us reach within our inner-selves and form a spiritual connection with nature.
  9. The advantages of yoga are long term and can be fruitful in the future.
  10. Although yoga is optional; it should be opted by all.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Yoga for Higher Class Students

  1. Yoga helps us approach life with the union of mental, physical and spiritual paths.
  2. Yoga helps to relieve mental stress, improves flexibility, immune system and health.
  3. Yoga helps us establish a connection with our inner self and thus attain peace of mind.
  4. Regular yoga practice makes one more fit and healthy and exercises an overall positive attitude towards life.
  5. Yoga helps us release the toxins from our body and enhance energy flow.
  6. A feeling of saturation often haunts us as we keep following the same work routine every day, but incorporating yoga in our routine can bring freshness into everyday life.
  7. Young people are encouraged to do yoga to increase their focus and concentration on work and activities and eliminate all other unnecessary thoughts.
  8. Experts advise it that everyone should do at least 15-20 minutes of yoga daily.
  9. It is vital to maintain our yoga routine.
  10. Yoga is an art and should be practised as one.

10 Lines on Yoga 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Yoga

Question 1.
What is the importance of yoga?

Yoga helps us attain mental and spiritual peace. Yoga is essential to keep us healthy physically and maintain an overall positive attitude. Yoga keeps us fresh and energized throughout the day. Daily practice of yoga makes us less prone to diseases and lead a healthy and peaceful life. Thus, individual from all age-groups are advised to do yoga daily.

Question 2.
When was yoga originated?

Yoga was originated in ancient India and dated back to the pre-Vedic times.

Question 3.
What are the different yoga poses?

The essential yoga poses include; “Tadasana” or mountain pose, “Vrikshasana” or tree pose, “AdhoMukhoSvanasana” or downward-facing dog pose, “Trikonasana” or triangle pose, “Kursiasana” or chair pose, “Naukasana” or boat pose, “Bhujangasana” or cobra pose, “Paschimottanasana,” “Child’s pose” and “Sukhasana.”

Question 4.
How does yoga affect healthcare?

The practice of yoga is being incorporated into many health care centres as a complementary treatment for illness. Learning breathing exercises, meditation, stretching, and muscle relaxation is vital in health care and should be wisely focused. Even after recovering from a particular illness, one should continue to perform yoga daily.

10 Lines on Water Pollution for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Water Pollution

10 Lines on Water Pollution: The planet earth is known as the Blue Planet, for the water comprises about three-fourth of the surface; thus, it appears to be blue when seen from space. Water covers the earth’s body in the form of oceans, sea, springs, waterfalls, rivers, ponds, wells, and not forgetting the underground water.

All humanity and other plants and animals depend on this much part of the freshwater for their survival. But, it is a very sorry state of affairs that now, due to the exponential misuse and arrogance by humans and other natural factors, the water is getting polluted to a great extent. It might endanger life on earth. Hence, all of us must take the necessary steps to prevent water pollution.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Water Pollution for kids

  1. When any impurities from the surrounding get mixed with the water bodies, the water gets polluted, known as water pollution.
  2. water pollution is a great bane for nature as well as humanity.
  3. water pollution degrades the quality of the water in the water bodies.
  4. When humans, birds, and animals consume this polluted water, including aquatic animals, it dramatically affects their health.
  5. Water gets polluted because men and women dump domestic wastes directly into water bodies.
  6. Water gets polluted because many factories dump their wastes, including chemical wastes, directly into water bodies.
  7. The polluted water, when consumed, causes diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, jaundice, and other diseases.
  8. When men and animals bathe in water, it causes water pollution.
  9. The quality of drinking water should always verify from time to time to prevent epidemics.
  10. We must take all necessary steps to stop or prevent water pollution.

10 Lines on Water Pollution 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Water Pollution for School Children

  1. The addition of pollutants or contaminants into water bodies that lead to the degradation of water quality is known as water pollution.
  2. According to the World Health Organisation report, over 250 million people worldwide die every year by consuming contaminated water.
  3. The aquatic plants and animals also die due to the contamination of the river and seawater.
  4. The unnecessary use of freshwater has also depleted the groundwater table.
  5. water pollution has also resulted in a scarcity of fresh water.
  6. Industrial and human waste disposal is the main reason for water pollution.
  7. The urban wastewater should adequately treat before draining into the rivers and other water bodies.
  8. The environmental pollution also affects the water pollution as in the case of acid rain, which when it gets precipitated in water bodies, kills the aquatic life and contaminate water, making it very much unfavourable for animals and humans.
  9. Awareness should spread in villages and other rural areas regarding water conservation and water pollution prevention to make people aware of water pollution’s adverse effects.
  10. If water pollution is not checked from now, it will result in the extinction of life.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Water Pollution for Higher Class Students

  1. Water Pollution can be defined as the addition of pollutants or contaminants from domestic and industrial sources that result in depleting the quality of the water.
  2. Water Pollution has resulted mainly due to expansive industrialization where factories and industries directly dump the chemical wastes into water bodies without even treating them.
  3. Also, in the farms and the field of cultivation, chemical fertilizers containing Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium have affected the underground water.
  4. Humans and animals who excrete in running water bodies also contribute to water pollution.
  5. The chemical content in the river water is consumed by the aquatic animals, affecting the food chain.
  6. Immersion of idols in rivers causes water pollution.
  7. Water conservation should be our tool to combat water pollution. Water conservation is a process by which unnecessary utilization of water is curbed.
  8. Polythene bags and plastic goods should not dump in rivers or seas.
  9. The government should take necessary steps to prevent the direct disposal of waste into the water bodies.
  10. Water supports life; thus, it is our primary responsibility to save it from water pollution so that pure water is available to our future generations.

10 Lines on Water Pollution 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Water Pollution

Question 1.
How much freshwater is available on earth?

It is saddening to note that freshwater consists only of a very meagre part of the water resources: around 2.5% of the total water on the planet despite the water everywhere.

Question 2.
What are the two types of direct effects of water pollution?

Water Pollution results in scarcity of water and depletion of quality of water.

10 Lines on Mango Fruit for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Mango Fruit

10 Lines on Mango Fruit: The mango is a fruit which is also considered as stone fruit. The English word “mango” is derived from the Portuguese word “manga”, Malayan word “Mangga” and the Tamilian word “mankay”. The word man represents the mango tree, and the word kay means the fruit.

The mango fruit is produced from numerous species of tropical trees that belong to Mangifera species, a flowering plant. These species are mostly found as wild mangoes. Mangoes belong to the South of Asia, and they belong to the cashew family named Anacardiaceae. The Indian mango is known as the Mangifera indica, and it has been distributed worldwide.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Mango Fruit for kids

  1. Mango is the national fruit of India
  2. It is one of the pulpiest, juicy and luscious fruits.
  3. Ripe mangoes can be consumed in raw form or consumed in the form of juice, salads or pickles.
  4. Mango is known as the king of fruits.
  5. Mangoes come in various shapes and sizes.
  6. Mangoes are rich in vitamins and minerals.
  7. A mango mostly grows during the summer season and is a summer fruit.
  8. Mangoes have multiple health benefits and provide nutrition to a great extent.
  9. They are primarily found in green and yellow colours.
  10. They are sweet and sour flavoured.

10 Lines on Mango Fruit 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Mango Fruit for School Children

  1. Since ancient times, the fruit mango is famous to the Indian citizens and has been growing in India for the past 5000 years.
  2. Mangoes are highly nutritious and consist of vitamin A, C, and D, and it is also rich in iron, zinc and calcium.
  3. Mango helps in bodybuilding since it is highly rich in vitamins.
  4. People make various pickles with the unripe mangoes, and pickle-making is one of India’s rising businesses.
  5. The most popular form of mango in India is the Alphonso mango, while the Himsagar mangoes are famous in the Eastern part of India.
  6. The other varieties of mangoes that are found are Dasher, Badami, Baganapalli and Langra.
  7. Uttar Pradesh is renowned for its largest production of mangoes
  8. The main types produced in Uttar Pradesh are, Gulab Khas, Amrapali and Langra.
  9. The mango has an ample seed which is inedible.
  10. The colour varies from green, yellow and red.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Mango Fruit for Higher Class Students

  1. Mango trees grow 35-40 metres with a crown radius of 10 metres.
  2. The ripe mango fruit varies in size according to the cultivar.
  3. The fruit’s shape varies from round, oval or kidney-shaped that ranges from 5 to 25 centimetres.
  4. The seeds of the mangoes are known as recalcitrant which do not survive freezing and drying.
  5. Mangoes usually grow with germination success highest when seeds are obtained from the mature fruits.
  6. Mango is cultivated in most of the frost-free tropical and warmer subtropical climates.
  7. Mangoes make eating healthy and a delightful sensory experience with its sweet and sour mix of flavours.
  8. Mango is a drupe that consists of an outer skin, a fleshy edible portion and a central stone-like seed.
  9. Mangoes travelled with humans from Asia to the Middle East, Africa and South America around 400 A.D.
  10. Buddha meditated under the cool shade of mango trees.

10 Lines on Mango Fruit 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Mango Fruit

Question 1. 
What is the sugar content in mangoes?

If the mango is served in a ¾ cup, it contains 17 grams of sugar. The naturally occurring sugar in mangoes helps it to make the king of fruits so delicious and tasty. The natural sugars, named fructose in the4 mango differs from the added sugars. Mangoes might taste like a treat, but they are filled with nutrients.

Question 2.
What kind of allergies occur due to mangoes?

Most allergies that occur due to mango are skin rashes resulting from touching the mango peel.

Question 3. 
What are the ideal mango growing conditions?

Mangoes usually prefer a frost-free climate with cool and dry winters. They typically grow on a wide range of soils but usually prefer light and well-drained soil with low fertility.

Question 4.
How do you identify a perfectly ripe mango?

There are multiple varieties of mangoes that are available throughout the year. Each type of mango has its characteristics, colour and size. The red or green colour in the mango is not an indicator of its ripeness. It should be kept in mind that the colour is not the best indicator of mango. Always judge the ripeness by feeling the texture of the mango. If the mango can be squeezed easily, it is ripe and ready to eat or make milkshakes and other delicacies.

10 Lines on Internet for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Internet

10 Lines on Internet: The advent of the Internet has completely transformed our lives into an easier and better form. Anybody in any corner of the world can now access all kinds of information and connect to the rest of the world in a spur of the moment.

It has incredibly enriched our lifestyle. However, there are some drawbacks as well of which we should take care of. In the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Internet kept people informed and aware of the various problems and helped them survive by staying connected. The Internet plays a crucial and fundamental role in our daily life.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Internet for kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. The Internet is probably one of the most useful inventions for humankind on earth.
  2. By using the Internet, we can connect to each and everyone across the globe.
  3. Internet has made communication very easier and swifter.
  4. By using the Internet, we can search and know about each and everything.
  5. The Internet has played a very amicable role in aiding educational institutions.
  6. People use the Internet in offices and other places to do their jobs.
  7. The Internet has created a platform for online shopping and adds to the economy of our country.
  8. By using the Internet, we can do money transactions online without any threat of insecurity.
  9. The Internet provides a great space to upload, download and share data.
  10. Internet is also used for entertainment.

10 Lines on Internet 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on the Internet for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. The Internet has made our life very much easier as it has provided access to everything with the least amount of cost and at any place of the work or residence and in any part of the world.
  2. With the Internet’s help, one can expand one’s business to a worldwide extent and get customers all across the globe.
  3. Many people use the Internet as a platform to showcase their talents as singers dancers, painters, cooks etc. and have an excellent source of income from it.
  4. The usage of Internet has introduced the e-Books which have reduced deforestation to a grand scale.
  5. The most used service on the Internet is the World Wide Web, also called the “Web” or “www”.
  6. The Internet has added to our entertainment purposes as one could see movies, cricket at any time one pleases to.
  7. The video calls are possible due to the Internet, which can connect friends and family worldwide, even if they are physically not together.
  8. The Internet is transforming this world into a digital world.
  9. But a critical thing to be remembered is there are other banes of the Internet, so it must use cautiously.
  10. However, the mishandling of the Internet has also resulted in some critical issues.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Internet for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, when the entire earth at its various countries was under the chains of shut down and lockdown, it was the Internet that held people together.
  2. The Internet has made our lives easier by transmitting information and knowledge in no time from one part of the world to the best part of the world.
  3. With the help of Internet-only, work from home could be possible during the Pandemic shutdown and lockdown.
  4. Internet is an integral factor in evolving the lifestyle of humans.
  5. The Internet has become so fundamental in everyone’s life, that it has also been declared an absolute right to have access to the Internet in many countries, including India.
  6. The advent of the Internet has paved way for online classes, webinars (online seminars), live streaming of events, thus, making lives more comfortable.
  7. The Internet was developed in the United States by the “United States Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency” (DARPA).
  8. The Internet was first connected in October of 1969 and was then called ARPANET.
  9. It is interesting to note that the Internet’s speed has dramatically increased from GPRS to 5G type of Internet.
  10. The Internet has reduced other modes of communication like a physical letters, telephones, fax, etc.

10 Lines on Internet 2

Frequently Asked Questions on the Internet

Question 1.
Should children be exposed to the Internet?

Yes, children should be exposed to the Internet to study; however, precautions should be taken off, to restrict them from being addicted.

Question 2.  
How has the Internet affected the lives of homemakers?

Now, the housewives, have gotten ample opportunities to do part-time jobs, learn new recipes or know anything that fascinates them.

10 Lines on Robot for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Robot

10 Lines on Robot: Today, the world is gradually evolving with new ideas and inventions. The artificial intelligence industry has been keen on developing human-like figures that follow orders and replace human efforts. Students who study robotics focus on the construction, design, and operation of robots.

The term robot is derived from Karel Capek’s play of 1920, known as “robots” which means forced labour. The mechanical possibility of humans has inspired generations to invent electrical humanoids. Not all robots look like humanoids, and some are machines with human-like attributes made for industrial purposes. Today a large factory requires robots or machines to do the job. It has become one of the important aspects of our living. Here we have assembled three sets of ten lines for students of all grades to determine a robot’s functions.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 lines on Robot for kids

The first set is for the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

  1. Robots are nothing but automated machines that make human work effortless and easy.
  2. Robots have their speed and do not make mistakes as they follow commands.
  3. Unimate was the first digitally operated robot that was designed and developed by George Devol.
  4. Today, we use robots like androids which look like humans.
  5. There are various machines available in industries that prefer to do repetitive works for humans.
  6. Did you know that there are swarm robots present which look like insects?
  7. Today artificial intelligence has advanced, and even robots can perform surgery with doctors’ assistance.
  8. Even in the army, robots are used to remove bombs and save human life.
  9. Agribot is a robot used in agriculture for reducing human effort.
  10. Robots help to increase work efficiency.

10 Lines on Robot 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Robot for School Children

The second set is for the students of classes 6, 7, and 8.

  1. With the help of science, human beings have managed to develop various machines to lessen their effort.
  2. Today, various machines are available for humans like dish washes, washing machines, and vacuum cleaners for making their daily chores easy.
  3. However, this wasn’t enough, with the innovation every day, people are looking forward to more and more developments.
  4. Human beings still managed to build a machine that can work just like humans.
  5. The humanoids, machine man, or simple terms “robots” were made by human beings, which look exactly like human beings and performed tasks on command.
  6. The history of robotics is age-old, and it is still uncertain to determine the first person to think and start working on human replacements.
  7. Leonardo da Vinci was a great painter and scientist of the fifteenth century who has worked on several machine designs and mechanics of human machines that could move head, jaw, and arms and even sit.
  8. Various scientists in Japan started to work on developing human machines. Karel Capak used the first robot for humans term in his drama “Rossum’s Universal Robots”.
  9. Ever since Karel Capak’s drama, modern mechanics was termed as ” robots”.
  10. Robot means forced labour and works for humans to perform tasks.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Robot for Higher Class Students

The third set is for the students of classes 9, 10, 11, and 12.

  1. With the help of science, human beings started inventing various machines to comfort themselves from everyday chores.
  2. Today, people make their machines as per their requirements and get various devices for different purposes.
  3. Today, robots are available to clean houses, wash dishes, clothes, and whatnot, and all for the urge of human beings to be more effortless.
  4. Even with the various invention, humans felt the lack of designs to support and replace them at work.
  5. Today various industries have made humanoids or machine men that could work as an alternative and complete huge tasks in less time.
  6. The term robotics first appeared in a science fiction story Runaround written by Issac Asimov in 1992.
  7. Some machines don’t look like humans, but the physical attributes and behaviour makes it a perfect device for industries.
  8. The Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a more controlled machine guided by sensors in the early 1970s.
  9. The electric arm was first designed by Victor Scheinman and was called PUMA.
  10. In 1954, Mobile industrial robots first appeared. Robots have been a part of human life since its invention and are evolving every day to decrease our workload and make our life better.

10 Lines on Robot 2

10 Lines on Peacock for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Peacock

10 Lines on Peacock: Peacock, technically speaking, is the male name of a peafowl. The female is called a peahen. However, both of them are commonly referred to as peacocks.

Peacocks are magnificent birds and are have blue skin with a wide spread of green feathers. They look royal. The male, i.e. the peacock, is usually more attractive than the female. The peacocks generally spread their feathers when dancing in the rain, known as their mating dance. You will be lucky if you ever witness a peacock dancing.

A peacock can be easily identified from any other bird because of their distinctive features. Peacocks are omnivorous creatures, eat from the ground and live on trees at night. Different species of peacocks are generally found around parts of India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Africa. Peacock termed as the national bird of India since 1963.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Peacock for kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Peacock is the male name for a peafowl.
  2. Peacocks are blue with magnificent green feathers on their tails.
  3. The tail is massive and can be spread out in the shape of a fan.
  4. The peacocks spread their feathers when dancing in the rain.
  5. A peacock, when dancing in the rain, is beautiful to watch.
  6. They are found in the regions of India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Africa.
  7. Peacocks eat insects and bugs from the ground.
  8. Peacocks go to live on trees at night.
  9. They cannot fly very high.
  10. Peacocks live up to ten to twenty-five years.

10 Lines on Peacock 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Peacock for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Different species of peacocks are found in other parts of India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Africa.
  2. As a peacock is the national bird of India, conservation of peacocks is crucial in the country. However, illegal poaching still takes place.
  3. Peacock, technically, is the male name for peafowl and their female name is Peahen.
  4. However, people refer to both peacocks and peahens, together as a peacock.
  5. People have been taming peacocks for years now.
  6. Peacocks are blue and green with a train of the tail with green feathers.
  7. The tail with green feathers spread out like an umbrella behind the peacock when mating.
  8. Due to selective breeding, some marvellous colours have been achieved in peacocks; however, their natural colour is magnificent enough.
  9. To protect itself from danger, peacocks go to live on trees at night.
  10. Peacocks are omnivores and are ground eaters; they eat plants, insects and any other small creature.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Peacock for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Peacocks are excessively exotic birds and too royal to look.
  2. They have a particular, rich shade of blue on their body and a trail of tail covered in green feathers.
  3. The bottom with the green feathers spread up and out like an umbrella behind their backs when they dance.
  4. The dance they do with their feathers spread out in the rain is a mating ritual.
  5. Over the years, the peacock has had many iconic representations in various cultures, including being declared as India’s national bird in 1963 and being depicted in mythology and temple art.
  6. The different parts of India where peacocks are found include Assam, the Indian Peninsula, Jammu, and Kashmir.
  7. Technically speaking, a peacock is a name for the male counterpart of peafowl, the female counterpart is called a peahen.
  8. In order to conserve the national bird, Indian law states that only shed feathers of peacocks are legal to collect.
  9. Peacocks, to gain natural protection from danger, live on trees at night.
  10. Peacocks are generally ground eaters who eat anything varying from plants to insects as they are omnivores.

10 Lines on Peacock 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Peacock

Question 1. 
Where are peacocks found?

Different species of peacocks are found in different parts of India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Africa. The blue peacock lives in India and Sri Lanka, the green peacock is found in Java, and the rare Congo Peacock is located around the African rainforests.

Question 2. 
What do peacocks eat?

Peacocks are omnivores in nature and eat from the ground. They eat all sorts of plants, insects and small creatures found on the ground.

Question 3.
What is a peafowl?

A peacock (male counterpart) and a peahen (female counterpart) together are called peafowls. However, generally, they together are commonly called a peacock.

Question 4. 
How do peacocks look like?

The peacocks are blue and green in colour. They have a long trail of tail behind them which is full of beautiful green feathers. These feathers spread out into the shape of an umbrella behind them when they are doing the mating dance.