10 Lines on My House for Students and Children

10 Lines on My House

10 Lines on My House: I reside in my ancestral house or apartment with my grandparents, parents, and siblings. My house is at the very least, fifty years old. I admire the wonder of my house. The vintage vibes allow it to be a lot more beautiful. My grandparents have a tiny garden in the patio, which adds greenery to my house. Moreover, it also has two trees. One is just a pomegranate tree, and the other is a Henna tree.  My house has high ceilings as it was making several years back.

It’s vintage switchboards which give it a unique look. My house is located in the middle of four roads. It’s not joined to any house. My house has four entrances from each side. Whenever my friends come over to my house, they click lots of pictures. Even my relatives love your home’s interior, which is a mixture of modern and vintage architecture. My house is coloured in brown and beige colour, and it stands apart in our locality.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on My House for kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. My house is not very big.
  2. You will find three rooms at my house.
  3. Within my home, you will find two bathrooms, one kitchen.
  4. All the space at my house are well decorated.
  5. I enjoy green, so my room is green in colour with a nice painting.
  6. We’ve also a dining room.
  7. We have a large LED TV inside our dining room.
  8. In-front of our home, there is a garden.
  9. My Grandfather bought this house about two decades ago.
  10. I have a desire to create my house more royal.

10 Lines on My House 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on My House for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. My house is elegant and tidy.
  2. My house is big due to our extended family.
  3. There are 8 members within my family.
  4. We have 7 rooms in our home with 3 attached bathroom.
  5. Our home in not well decorated.
  6. There are a large number of trees surrounding our house.
  7. A few of these is a mango tree, palm tree, coconut tree etc.
  8. I really do gardening within my house garden.
  9. These trees also save us from plenty of environmental disasters.
  10. We love animals, so we’ve some domestic animals in our house.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on My House for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. I have a 2 storey house.
  2. My house is on the lender of a river.
  3. We often take a seat on the roof of our house to watch the vista around.
  4. The snow in the mountains can also be quite visible from my house.
  5. Within my house, there will be a lot of valuable furniture and painting.
  6. You will find four rooms in my own house.
  7. My dad has a personal library within our house.
  8. That’s also my reading room where I read every day.
  9. We also buy a home near this house.
  10. But I enjoy this old house and want to remain here.

10 Lines on My House 2

Frequently Asked Questions on My House

Question 1.
Why do we want a house?

House is really an investment which we live. All living beings, such as animals birds humans, need a destination for life. It keeps us safe from bad weather such as rain, sunlight, storm and other natural disasters. That’s why we want a home.

Question 2.
What’re the uses of houses?

A house is a building for individuals to reside in. It’s usually built for a household               (parents and their children). A modern house features a destination for cooked food, a spot to consume, places to sleep and a spot to wash.

Question 3.
What is your ideal house like?

I would enjoy the new air, and living there would be an ideal method to relieve stress.

Question 4.
Why residing in residence surpasses a flat?

In most cases, surviving in a house offers you a whole lot more space than you’d get with an apartment. Sometimes renting a house comes with a yard, which can be great when you have a dog. Residing in a home with several bedrooms also can translate to spending less of your money paying rent.

Question 5.
What will future houses be like?

Future house is full of energy systems and features like automatic decisions about security and even postal deliveries. They are also capable of the overtaxed energy grid. In all aspects, these are responsible for closed systems with metabolism, immune and anxious system.

10 Lines on Janmashtami for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Janmashtami

10 Lines on Janmashtami: Janmashtami is one of Hindu festivals that marks the celebration of the birth (janma) of Lord Krishna’s birth on the eighth (Ashtami) day of the night of the month of Bhadrapada which falls in August–September.

We observe this festival, especially in Mathura and Vrindavan (Brindaban), the scenes of Krishna’s childhood days. On the previous day, the occasion devotees keep a fast and not sleep until midnight, and this is the regular hour of Lord Krishna’s birth.

Lord Krishna’s statue is bathed in water mixed with milk, dressed in new clothes, and worshipped. We decorate temples and household shrines with leaves and flowers; sweets are first offered to the figure and then distributed as Prasada (the Lord’s leftovers, which carry his favour) to everyone.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Janmashtami for kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Janmashtami is also known as Gokul Ashtami.
  2. Janmashtami is one of the major festivals of the Hindu religion.
  3. Janmashtami always falls in August or September.
  4. “Dahi-Handi” Is an essential part of this celebration which is practised by everyone.
  5. People make a human pyramid and try to reach the clay vessel full of curd and hang high.
  6. Butter, curd and milk were favourites of Lord Krishna, which is why Dahi-Handi is celebrated with great excitement.
  7. It is celebrated in Mathura and Vrindavan where Lord Krishna spent his childhood.
  8. People who do not eat anything on this day drink Panchamrit in the middle of the night.
  9. Special ways of celebration are seen in all temples of Lord Krishna.
  10. Lord Krishna has been the symbol of our faith for ages.

10 Lines on Janmashtami 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Janmashtami for School Children

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. Janmashtami is a festival celebrated by everyone in India. Lord Krishna is one of the most powerful incarnations of Lord
  2. Vishnu, Hindus celebrate this festival with great joy and happiness.
  3. Janmashtami is celebrated all over India with great happiness, especially in states like Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Bihar etc.
  4. Lord Krishna is the 8th incarnation or avatar of Lord Vishnu.
  5. Lord Krishna was born to save the world from evils and remove all the sadness.
  6. He was born to play different roles to different people such as a teacher, mentor, lover, deity, friend, companion etc.
  7. On Janmashtami, the temples of Lord Krishna are filled with worshippers for prayer.
  8. Many people keep complete fasts while some only rely on fruits on Krishna Janmashtami.
  9. Krishna is considered to bring peace as he killed ‘Kansa’ the evil king of ‘Mathura’ and made people free from his evilness.
  10. After Krishna’s midnight hour of birth, people who keep fast break it by eating Prasad of panjiri. On this occasion, children also participate in various programs in memory of Lord Krishna and his naughty behaviour.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Janmashtami for School Children

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Krishna Janmashtami is a festival which is celebrated on the day when Lord Krishna was born. It is celebrated in August every year.
  2. People celebrate this festival wholeheartedly. People do many different things through which they try to please Krishna.
  3. Janmashtami is celebrated at midnight, so temples are crowded during midnight. The main reason behind celebrating it at midnight is because Lord Krishna was born in the dark.
  4. People celebrate Krishna Janmashtami by playing with butter as a sport.
  5. The way the sport is played is by filling a pot full of butter and tying it on a high rope referred to as Dahi-Handi. People make two teams and try to break the butter-filled pot.
  6. Janmashtami is a significant festival for those who practice ‘Vaishnavism”; where sadhus and sanyasis offer their prayers to the Lord for peace.
  7. On the occasion of Janmashtami, people keep complete fasting, or they eat food that does not include garlic or onion in it.
  8. Different bhajans and kirtans are performed to celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna at midnight.
  9. Radha-Krishna temples all over India are highly decorated with flowers, and lightings and devotees worship and seek blessings of their Lord.
  10. Raas-Lila, short acts based on the story of Shri Krishna’s childhood, is played by children, especially in Mathura.

10 Lines on Janmashtami 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Janmashtami

Question 1.
What is the deeper meaning of Janmashtami?

There is an exciting belief behind the story of Janmashtami, which gives us knowledge into its deeper meaning. Lord Krishna’s mother, Devaki symbolizes the body, while his father symbolizes prana, which means life force. Hence, Lord Krishna demonstrates love. His uncle, Kamsa, represents ego. When the ego takes the upper hand, it attempts to destroy love. The body is feeling uncomfortable, and life feels worthless. However, love also has the power to overcome the ego. When the ego is surrounded by love, they turn inwards, leading to real happiness and pure joy.

Question 2.
Is Krishna Janmashtami the same as Krishna Jayanthi?

Yes, it is. Krishna’s birth is called Krishna Jayanthi, which means star configuration.

  • Indian astronomers have kept unique names to lunar phases occurring at individual stars. The place where the moon occurs at Rohini star is called Jayanthi. As the moon was at Rohini star during Lord Krishna’s birth, his birthday is Krishna Jayanthi.
  • Jayanthi refers to ‘celebrations’, which is the perfect word for describing the environment during Janmashtami.

10 Lines on Tree for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Tree

10 Lines on Tree: Trees are the real friends of humans on the Earth. They provide us with food, fruit, clean air and also rain. It gives us oxygen for breathing and maintaining ecological balance and provides shelter, decreasing pollution. It acts as the lungs of the Earth. They are used to keep our mother earth healthy and sustainable. It plays a vital role in the existence of human beings and ecology.

Trees consume carbon dioxide and provide oxygen. Human beings and herbivores both depend on trees for food, fruits and vegetables for their survival. Apart from all those we get medicine, robber, Timber, wood, fibre and many other things from trees. It also fights with water pollution, soil erosion and air pollution .life could not be possible on Earth if trees are absent.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Tree for kids

Set 1 is helpful for the student of class 1,2,3,4 and 5

  1. Trees act as an integral part of the environment. It maintains and balances the ecosystem.
  2. It provides us with a shelter to stay and food to eat apart from them is a natural shelter for many birds. So that animals lose home when humans destroy forests.
  3. Some trees are worshipped in India. Trees are considered as part of God from ancient mythology.
  4. Some cultures also believe that trees are a powerful symbol of life, river and death.
  5. Trees and shrubs are placed in the park and garden, providing a pleasant environment.
  6. Apart from it also provides shades that are very important during summer days. Its value increases more in summer days.
  7. However, some trees which are thousands of years old act as a popular attraction or historical landmark.
  8. Without trees, the land would become Barren and lifeless.
  9. However the number of animals lives on trees called arboreal animals, and they spend their lives on trees from young feeding, sleeping and mating.
  10. If trees are destroyed, then the animal loses their life apart from animals. Thousands of species of spider and insect live in trees.

10 Lines on Trees 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Tree for School Children

Set 2 is useful for students of class 6,7 and 8

  1. Trees are essential natural resources on Earth. It is an integral part of the ecosystem as many animals depend on trees for shelter and food.
  2. It also provides resources. It is crucial for our survival. In the past trees provided firewood and used for cooking. Even today, some parts of India and other countries do not have access to gas electricity, so these people used firewood for cooking and getting warm.
  3. The root of the tree binds the soil, which prevents erosion, and the increased rate of deforestation now became the primary cause for the landslide.
  4. It is essential to understand trees’ value in our lives and save and protect the tree. Some National programs are organised to protect the environment by our government.
  5. Trees play an essential role in maintaining temperature and producing rainfall.
  6. The plantation can decrease the effect of global warming and can reasonably save our future.
  7. Some animals live in trees as their home, and if trees destroy the natural habitat of this animal, they get killed. It will affect the beauty of the creature and maintain ecological balance.
  8. Increase in forest cover leads to an increasing economy. From trees we get wood, rubber, paper, vegetables, and make houses, building our survival.
  9. If trees are destroyed, then we know we would not have shelter to live and paper to write it and even food.
  10. All this product from the tree will increase a country’s economy, so it is essential to promoting afforestation.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Tree for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of class 9,10,11,12 and competitive exams.

  1. For development, trees are cut down, which mainly affect the natural habitat and human society. This will result in a drastic change in the health of the environment.
  2. With an increase in population, the amount of greenhouse gases is increasing in the atmosphere if it is not reduced with time, then it will cause harm to the environment. Trees observe carbon dioxide and store it within themselves from those greenhouse gases, which acts as a cleaner for the environment.
  3. With time many trees have been cut down, so it is vital to raise our awareness of saving trees.
  4. With increasing numbers of infrastructure, factories and industries result in depletion of nature. The entire ecosystem gets harmful and imbalanced due to the cutting down of trees.
  5. Mountains lost their lustre, the slope looked naked, and the clouds floated away without raining, and the agriculture field seemed dried.
  6. Some trees are worshipped in our country. These trees are Neem, The banyan, the tulsi, the Ashok. These trees are forbidden to cut down. People of India worship the trees on different occasions.
  7. Trees maintain balance in carbon dioxide and oxygen. It helps soil formation and protects soil erosion and saves the healthy mineral of the soil from being washed away and saves rivers from getting silted, which may result in flooding in bank areas.
  8. It provides food and shelter for natural habitat and also controls landslides in the Mountain region.
  9. With the cutting down of trees, it affects the climate, rainfall and soil fertility. The area where forest gets depleted the topsoil gets washed out, and it takes thousands of years for the formation of topsoil, and the land becomes useless.
  10. Afforestation is now the only way to protect our mother earth.

10 Lines on Trees 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Tree

Question 1.
How are trees useful for us?

It provides oxygen and increases air quality and gives life to do some animals and provide some useful material for both humans and animals.

Question 2.
How do you save trees?

We can save trees by afforestation.

Question 3.
Can life be possible without trees?

It is quite impossible to live life as there will be no food to eat.

10 Lines on Dog for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Dog

10 Lines on Dog: Dogs have been the companion animals of humans for almost 25000 years. All dogs have a wolf ancestor, as per the scientists. However, humans have now bred nearly a hundred types of domestic dogs. These domestic dogs cannot survive in the wild. Dogs are from the mammal family and omnivorous. Domestic dogs also share some habits of their wild ancestors. For example, domestic dogs urinate outside of the house to mark their territory. Dogs mainly communicate through physical movements.

For example, a happy dog wages the tail. The dog is called the best companion animal as dogs are very obedient to their human companions. Most of the dogs have a hunting instinct with a strong sense of smell. The loyal, friendly, affectionate, and protective nature of dogs have made them an essential animal in the western world. The rest of the world is also in line to follow the western world’s view of dogs. Dogs are among the few first domesticated animals.

Though dogs are used for hunting and guarding in some countries, the use of dogs for companionship is increasing. Dogs are faster and more robust than human beings. They also have a better sense of smell and sight than us. Human beings have bred different kinds of domestic dogs with different physical appearances. Though there are various physical structures in dogs, their instinct remains almost the same.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Dog for kids

This set is specially designed for students from classes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

  1. Dogs have been the companion animals of humans for almost more than 25000 years.
  2. Dogs have the same five senses as humans. However, some of their senses are developed than human beings.
  3. In ancient times, dogs were used for hunting, guarding livestock and houses.
  4. Many service dogs are used by the police department to track missing persons, explosive substances, drugs, and toxic substances.
  5. The loyal, friendly, affectionate, and protective nature of dogs has made them an essential animal in the western world. The rest of the world is also in line to follow the western world’s view of dogs.
  6. Dogs are four-legged mammals that are omnivorous as well.
  7. Dogs mainly communicate through physical movements. For example, a happy dog wages the tail.
  8. Dogs are faster and more robust than human beings. They also have a better sense of smell and sight than us.
  9. Dogs have sharp teeth, and they mainly prefer to eat meat. However, dogs can eat vegetarian food as well if appropriately trained.
  10. Dogs are of different sizes, colours, and weights. However, their instinct remains the same.

10 Lines on Dog 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Dog for School Children

This set is specially prepared for students from 6, 7, and 8.

  1. Dogs wage their tail when they are happy. They bark if they feel threatened. Dogs howl to attract the attention of other dogs or human beings.
  2. Dogs have been the companion animals of humans for almost more than 25000 years. Dogs have similarities with wolves.
  3. Most of the dogs have fur to keep them warm. They have tails of different sizes and sharp teeth.
  4. Domestic dogs also share some habits of their wild ancestors. For example, domestic dogs urinate outside of the house to mark their territory.
  5. Humans have now bred almost a hundred types of domestic dogs. These domestic dogs cannot survive in the wild.
  6. Dogs are from the mammal family and omnivorous. However, dogs can live on a vegetarian diet if appropriately trained.
  7. Many service dogs are used by the police department to track missing persons, explosive substances, drugs, and toxic substances.
  8. The eyesight of dogs is not as healthy as their sense of smell. Some dogs have poor colour perception.
  9. Dogs have a keen sense of touch. Humans can relax or stimulate them by touching them properly.
  10. The loyal, friendly, affectionate, and protective nature of dogs have made them an essential animal in the western world.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Dog for Higher Class Students

This set is specifically prepared for students from classes 9, 10, 11, and 12. Students preparing for competitive examinations can also follow this set.

  1. The dog is called the best companion animal as dogs are very obedient to their human companions. Most of the dogs have a hunting instinct with a strong sense of smell.
  2. Most of the dogs are smart and easy to train. Though they are omnivorous, they can live on a vegetarian diet if appropriately trained.
  3. Though dogs are used for hunting and guarding in some countries, the use of dogs for companionship is increasing.
  4. Dogs can form a special affectionate bond with humans. For example, both the dog and his/her human companion feels happy to see each other after a long time.
  5. All dogs have a wolf ancestor, as per the scientists. However, humans have now bred almost a hundred types of domestic dogs. These domestic dogs cannot survive in the wild.
  6. Dogs mainly communicate through physical movements. For example, a happy dog wages the tail.
  7. Dogs are faster and more robust than human beings. They also have a better sense of smell and sight than us.
  8. Human beings have bred different kinds of domestic dogs with different physical appearances. Though there are various physical structures in dogs, their instinct remains almost the same.
  9. Pet dogs can easily fit into a domestic environment and lead a happy life. Dogs are social and loyal. Dogs are easy to train, as well.
  10. Domestic dogs also share some habits of their wild ancestors. For example, domestic dogs urinate outside of the house to mark their territory.

10 Lines on Dog 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Dog

Question 1.
What is the work of service dogs?

The police department uses many service dogs to track missing persons, explosive substances, drugs, and toxic substances.

Question 2.
How is the nature of dogs?

The loyal, friendly, affectionate, and protective nature of dogs have made them an essential animal in the western world.

Question 3.
What is the food habit of dogs?

Dogs are from the mammal family and omnivorous. Dogs have sharp teeth and prefer to eat meat. However, they are easy to train. So, they can live on a vegetarian diet if appropriately trained.

Question 4.
How is the eyesight of dogs?

The eyesight of dogs is not as healthy as their sense of smell. Some dogs have poor colour perception. Dogs can see better in lower lights.

Question 5.
How is the sense of smell in dogs?

Dogs have a stronger sense of smell than us. Their wet nose helps them to smell better. The police department uses many service dogs to track missing persons, explosive substances, drugs, and toxic substances.

10 Lines on Spring Season for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Spring Season

10 Lines on Spring Season: Spring is the season in the year which begins in March, right after winter gets over, and ends in April-May, right before the summer starts. It is called spring season because it is the season where all the flowers and plants spring into bloom.

Spring season is colourful and bright, and it has lovely weather, which is neither too hot nor too cold, and it is perfect to enjoy oneself. There are many festivals of joy and celebrations that take place during the spring season.

In different countries, the spring season is brought in by celebrating it in different ways. In Japan, the blooming of cherry blossom trees indicates the coming of the spring season, while in India, the festival of Holi marks the oncoming of spring. In Holland, a small town in Michigan, USA, the tulips begin to blossom as spring comes. Below, there are three sets of 10 lines on the spring season which will be useful for students who are looking to write essays or write assignments about one of the main seasons – spring season.

Enhance your vocabulary and writing skills with 10 Lines Essays available. Spark up the creativity in you and access various Topics on 10 Lines all in one place.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Spring Season for kids

The following set of 10 lines on spring season will be useful for students and children who are in classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Spring season is is the season which comes after winter and before summer.
  2. The spring season is different in the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere.
  3. In the northern hemisphere, the spring months are from March to May every year.
  4. In the southern hemisphere, spring usually comes in the months of September to November.
  5. In the winters, the leaves fall off the trees because of the cold, and when the leaves grow back, it is called the beginning of the spring season.
  6. During the spring season, all plants like flowers, fruit trees, etc. blossom and make everything look beautiful.
  7. Many baby animals are born in spring such as calves, piglets, foals, etc.
  8. The coming of spring is celebrated in different ways in different countries, such as with Holi in India, or with the cherry blossom trees in Japan.
  9. Many people consider the spring season as a way of starting a new beginning since it’s the end of winter and also many new animals are born.
  10. In the spring season, the days start getting longer and the nights become shorter.

10 Lines on Spring Season 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Spring Season for School Children

The following set of 10 lines on spring season will be useful for students who are in classes 6, 7, 8 and 9.

  1. Spring is the season which lies between the winter months and summer months, succeeding winter and preceding summer.
  2. In the northern hemisphere of the earth, spring is usually in the months of March to May, such as in the USA or the UK.
  3. In the southern hemisphere of the earth, such as in countries like Australia or New Zealand, the spring season is in the months of September to November.
  4. In India, the months of March to the end of April are considered the months where spring is in full bloom.
  5. In the spring season, the days start to become longer while the nights become shorter.
  6. Spring is often called the season of rebirth and rejuvenation and it is often treated as the season of new beginnings.
  7. The spring season is called the season of new beginnings because of the blossoming of flowers and fruits, and also the births of many baby animals.
  8. During the gloomy winters, the trees all remain bare as there are no leaves on them, and with the coming of spring, the leaves begin to grow again.
  9. Animals procreate in the spring months because of the longevity of daytime and the blooming plants provide them with enough time and resource to provide for their young ones.
  10. Different cultures celebrate the oncoming of spring with different festivals, such as the festival of colours Holi in India, the water throwing festival Songkran in Thailand, the Cherry Blossom festival in Japan, etc.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Spring Season for Higher Class Students

The following set of 10 lines on spring season will be useful for students who are in classes 10, 11 and 12.

  1. Spring is one of the seasons that takes place all over the world, as compared to a few others such as monsoon and autumn which do not.
  2. Spring season is the season which comes right up on the end of winter and subsides right before the summer season begins.
  3. While the spring season takes place the world over, it does not at the same time, meaning that the different vertical hemispheres experience the spring season during different periods of time in the year.
  4. In the northern hemisphere, spring takes place after the winter months, in the months between March and May.
  5. In the southern hemisphere, the spring season takes place during the months of September to November.
  6. During the spring season, several animals breed and many baby animals such as chicks, calves, lambs, etc. since the daytime is much longer than the nighttime, and this leaves a lot of time for the mothers to find food for their young.
  7. The spring season is characterised by the blooming of flowers and the fruits in trees, and the distinction becomes quite clear between the gloomy winter months and the highly contrasting spring months leading to the summer.
  8. Because of the growth of flowers in full blossom after the dim winters, as well as the births of several animals, spring has commonly come to be known as the season which signified rebirth and rejuvenation, and also the advent of new beginnings.
  9. The celebrations around springtime differ from one culture to another, where, in India, the festival of Holi is celebrated to welcome the season, in Thailand, it is the festival of Songkran, Japan celebrates the Cherry Blossom Festival, Mexico has its Mexican Carnival, Holland (a small town in the US in Michigan) celebrities the Tulip Time festival, among many others.
  10. The spring season is a time of beauty, joy, rejuvenation, rebirth and of high and blossoming spirits, and it must be celebrated so.

10 Lines on Spring Season 2

Frequently Asked Questions on Spring Season

Question 1.
Which months are the spring months?

The spring months differ according to the hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, the spring months are from March to the end of April, while in the southern hemisphere, the spring season is from September to November.

Question 2.
Which festivals are celebrated in spring season?

Many festivals are celebrated in spring season across the world, some of them are:

  1. Holi in India
  2. Songkram in Chiang Mai, Thailand
  3. Tulip Time Festival in Holland, Michigan, USA
  4. Cherry Blossom Festival in Japan
  5. Mexican Festival in Mexico

Question 3.
What does spring season signify?

Spring season signifies rejuvenation, rebirth and new beginnings because of the bloom of the flowers after winter, the births of many baby animals and the general growth of nature and plants after winter is over.

Question 4.
What happens in the spring season?

Many events in nature take place during the spring season, such as:

  1. The days become longer and nights become shorter, as compared to winter where it is the other way around.
  2. Many animals are born.
  3. The flowers spring into bloom, as do the fruits and such trees.
  4. Many festivals take place around the world when it is springtime.

10 Lines on Save Water for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on SaveWater

10 Lines on Save Water: Water is the second most essential resources after air that we need to sustain life on Earth, and we often use the word ‘life’ synonymously for ‘water’. The importance of water can be noticed from pre-historic times because our ancestors had build civilization, mostly near rivers. Water is not only necessary for drinking but also an essential component for agriculture, climate, humidity, marine life, industry, etc. The sea, ocean, river, and lake water is the habitation for the entire aquatic ecosystem. But most of us exploit water in one way or another. And this has resulted in excessive water pollution and scarcity.

Set 1 – 10 Lines on Save Water for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. Water is a necessity for all living things on this planet.
  2. Water is a blessing from Mother Nature.
  3. Water conservation is important because it is a necessity for life.
  4. Water-saving is the responsibility of everyone.
  5. Water is used for drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing, washing, etc.
  6. Our existence depends on water as 70% of the human body is made of water.
  7. Without water, we will have problems like drought, hunger, and poverty.
  8. Drinkable water is limited in the environment.
  9. Global warming is also increasing because of water pollution.
  10. Water can be conserved by reducing unnecessary wastage of fresh water.

10 Lines on Save Water 1

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Save Water for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. There is hardly anyone who is not aware of the importance of water in our life.
  2. For raising awareness about water conservation and its necessity, 22nd March is observed as the ‘World Water Day’.
  3. Some of the greatest civilizations like the Indus Valley Civilization, Harappan Civilization, Ancient Egyptian Civilization, etc. all developed on the banks of major rivers.
  4. The Save Water campaigns trigger the sense of how close scarcity of freshwater is soon.
  5. One way that water is being polluted is by contamination from wrongly disposed of toxic wastes.
  6. Water can be conserved by practicing simple habits that will help us stop the wastage of water during our daily activities.
  7. Social communities like NGOs and even the government is trying in the best way possible to reduce the wastage of water.
  8. A lot of freshwaters is also lost by being used in the industry during the manufacturing of several things.
  9. Sanitation will be one of the biggest problems when scarcity of water prevails on Earth massively.
  10. Deforestation, exploitation of natural resources, pollution, etc. are all responsible for freshwater exhaustion; therefore, we can save water by stopping such activities.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Save Water for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. Among things that man cannot live without, water will top the list right after oxygen.
  2. The water cycle of Earth will be completely damaged if the exploitation of water increases.
  3. Urbanization and industrialization have increased the demand for freshwater.
  4. Small steps in our daily chores like stopping the water flow from the tap while brushing or shaving, taking a bath with measured water of bucket than showering, bathing in a shower with a lower water flow pressure, etc.
  5. Washing machines and dishwashers require a lot of water hence to save water we should reduce the use of these.
  6. The Ministry of Water Resources of the Government of India has introduced eight missions for preservation and conservation of water, among which the ‘National Water Mission’ is mentionable.
  7. A lot of water is also required for irrigation in agricultural conditions, but with a measured use of water and recycling of water, we can save it.
  8. Circumstances for migration also arise because of the scarcity of water in a specific region.
  9. Water shortage has even caused the death of millions around the world, along with the extinction of several species of animals and plants.
  10. There is an estimation that if water preservation and conservation are not taken seriously in only five years, around three billion people will suffer because of water scarcity.

10 Lines on Save Water 2

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Save Water

Question 1.
How little amount of drinkable water left on Earth?

Even though our planet is covered mostly with water which is around 70% of water. But sadly, only 1.5% of freshwater is present on Earth, which is drinkable. The other amount of water is mostly saline and present in the oceans and seas, and some are also frozen in the form of glaciers.

Question 2.
How can students contribute to saving of water?

Students can practice methods of water preservation and conservation from a young age. And students can help by being aware of the surroundings and reporting any misuse or wastage of water and working towards making others informed about the benefits of water conservation.

Question 3.
How much percentage of water can be saved by adopting the means of water-saving features?

If the means of water conservation and water preservation are adopted in a household the around five thousand gallons of water can be saved every year, which is approximately 35%.

Question 4.
What happens on the intake of contaminated water?

Intake of contaminated unsafe water gives rise to several diseases, and sometimes it can also be fatal if toxic compounds are present in the water. In India, around 20% of illnesses are caused because of the infections resulted from the intake of unsafe water.