The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword Essay | Essay on The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword for Students and Children in English

The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword Essay: The pen looks like a small ordinary object. It is not very costly and is not impressively built. Yet, it comprises of great power and strength. The holder of the pen is a learned person. He succeeds everywhere and is respected. The sword, on the other hand, is wielded forcefully against someone, with an intent to injure or kill. While sword can only be used by a physically fit person, even a frail person can shake the world with the power of a pen.

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The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword Essay

Short Essay on The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword Essay 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword Essay is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

The proverb originated from the play ‘Richelieu,’ by Lord Lytton. In the play, the character, Richelieu saved himself from enemies through his writings. He also helped his country to evade an alliance with another country.

Early man lived by the strength of his muscles. As civilisations progressed, reading and writing emerged. The fate of nations was shaped by wars. Gradually, man realised that weapons could not solve problems. Weapons could only kill and not bring about a change of heart.

The pen can be used to express personal views or public opinion. It represents the press, literature and other pieces of writings. The purpose of writing is to connect one’s mind with another and to persuade the reader to take up the writer’s views. But the reader is free to hold his own views. He may either agree or disagree with the writer. Thus, the pen represents peaceful means of propagating ideas.

Great writers and thinkers have inspired the masses, since times immemorial. French Revolution was boosted by the writings of Rousseau and Voltaire. Lenin, the leader of Russian Revolution was moved by Karl Marx’s ‘Das Capital.’ India’s newspapers, the Hindu, Kesari, Amrit Bazar Patrika etc., helped to campaign against the British rule.

On the other hand the victories of the sword are short-lived. Alexander’s desire to conquer the world remained unfulfilled. Hitler was eventually defeated in the Second World War. However, the plays and poems of Kalidas, Shakespeare and Wordsworth are still afresh among readers. The laws and theories of Newton and Darwin, evolved and propelled scientific knowledge, with their written forms.

Battles are fought for a certain period of time over a particular area. But the teachings of Buddha, Christ and Gandhi are universal in their appeal. Let us embrace the pen and throw away all swords and weapons of mass-destruction. This is the surest way of making brotherhood and humanity prevail in the world. Long live the pen!

The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Frail – physically weak and delicate
  • Evade – to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit
  • Propagating – spread, publish, promote
  • Propelled – to cause to move forward or onward

Essay on Where There is a Will There is a Way | Where There is a Will There is a Way Essay for Students and Children in English

Where There is a Will There is a Way Essay

Essay on Where There is a Will There is a Way: If a person pursues anything in life with firm determination and persistent hard work, then nothing in this world can stop that person from achieving what he has aimed for. It is a time-tested saying and is cent percent correct.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Where There is a Will There is a Way for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Where There is a Will There is a Way’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Where There is a Will There is a Way of 400-500 words. This long essay about Where There is a Will There is a Way is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Where There is a Will There is a Way of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Where There is a Will There is a Way Story 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Where There is a Will There is a Way Story of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

It is said that “life is for to be taken”. When a person has the will and the strong desire to achieve something, he also finds ways and means to overcome all the hurdles and obstacles. Even if the task seems impossible it can be achieved through persistent hard work. One should not be discouraged in face of difficult circumstances and adverse situations. One should not lose hope when the path seems difficult. Will-power of a person should be insurmountable and invincible. It is the greatest moving force in the world. The possessor of strong will wins half of the battle of his life.

The simple story of the thirsty crow who dropped pebbles into the half-filled pitcher of water, teaches us the lesson of having a strong will. There is another story of a spider and King Bruce. Seeing the spider repeatedly trying to weave its web, he got inspired and won his war after losing 13 wars, in succession.

History is replete with such instances where people have overcome all sorts of obstacles within and in the outer world to achieve success. People like Hitler and Mussolini too shook the entire political scenario of Europe by their sheer will. Abraham Lincoln came from humble parentage but with unwavering determination and persistent efforts, he rose to become the President of America. Napoleon never believed in the occurrence and existence of the word ‘impossible’.

Robert Bruce succeeded in liberating Scotland while Garibaldi strived with firmness to free his motherland Italy from the clutches of slavery. Continuous efforts led Columbus to discover America. Nelson Mandela fought for years against racial discrimination, also known as Apartheid, in his country.

Akbar was illiterate but was one of the most efficient emperor due to his sheer determination. It was the will and the perseverance of Eklavya to master the art of archery in the presence of Guru Dronacharya’s statue that paid. PT Usha proved that age and sex can never be a hurdle in front of a strong will. Mahatma Gandhi fought for the blacks in South Africa and liberated India from British rule, with his will-power. Martin Luther brought about tremendous changes in USA.

Nothing is unattainable in this world if there is a firm determination and a willing heart. People with a strong mind and a firm heart can never be moved even by the strongest and the most ferocious of the storms in their lives. They, unlike the weak-minded, do not believe in destiny, luck and fortune. They create their own fortune, make their own destiny and mould their luck with their efforts. To achieve something in life they do not rely on such external factors.

Even if they fail, they face it with courage and dignity. They never shy away from taking the responsibility in the case of defeat. Rather they have the strength to step up and say “I am sorry, I made a mistake” or “I was wrong, I apologise.” As the circumstances get difficult, their determination too increases manifolds and they continue moving towards their aims.

Germany and Japan were completely destroyed after the Second World War and yet they are, stronger than ever before only because the hearts of the people of these nations were swayed with love for their country, firm determination and strength of will. They must have been moved by similar emotions as expressed in Paradise Lost: Book I, by Lucifer after he was thrown down from heaven.

“What though the field be lost?
All is not lost: the unconquerable will
And courage never to submit or yield”.

Essay on Where There is a Will There is a Way

Short Essay on Where There is a Will There is a Way Story 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Where There is a Will There is a Way  Story is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

In today’s times, we see many students from under priviledged sections of the society topping in competitive exams. They realise their dreams with their indomitable spirit and never give up attitude. Our former President APJ Abdul Kalam used to sell newspapers in childhood, while current Prime Minister Narendra Modi worked in a tea-stall. They are what they are today, only due to their perseverance and ambition.

A man of weak will and dampened enthusiasm can never achieve his goals. If a person gets discouraged easily or wavers from pursuing his goal in the face of difficulties and challenges, then he can’t achieve success. Success cannot be achieved in a single day. One has to work hard daily, burn the midnight oil for days together to achieve one’s goal and fulfil one’s dream.

A strong resolution and sustained endeavour can lead a person to his aims. No obstacles, hurdles, hindrances or impediments can stand in the way of a person armed with firm determination and strong will.

A strong will is the most precious asset in the life of an individual as well as a nation. That is why all of us should try and cultivate this quality in us if we want to achieve success. People with will and courage never run away from responsibilities and challenges. For them, every task is full of great possibilities and they try to give their very best to everything that they do. Life is all about working hard and turning every hurdle into a milestone while climbing the peak of success.

Where There is a Will There is a Way Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Persistent – continuous, constant, relentless
  • Insurmountable – incapable of being overcome
  • Invincible – Incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable
  • Replete – abundantly supplied, filled
  • Unwavering – marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
  • Perseverance – persistence, resolution, determination
  • Tremendous – extremely large in amount, extent, or degree; enormous
  • Ferocious – fierce, violent, savage
  • Manifolds – numerous, many, various, varied
  • Indomitable – incapable of being overcome, subdued, or vanquished; unconquerable
  • Dampened – subdued, weak
  • Endeavour – to try (to do something); an effort to do or attain something
  • Impediments – obstacle, barrier

All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay | Essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold for Students and Children in English

All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay: Appearances are often deceptive. Many things may superficially appear very attractive but when they are examined from close quarters, they prove to be disappointing. One cannot judge the quality of a thing by seeing its exterior portion only. Every shinning metal is not gold.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Long and Short Essays on All That Glitters is Not Gold for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘All That Glitters is Not Gold’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold of 400-500 words. This long essay about All That Glitters is Not Gold is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

In reality, many times it is the fake one that glitters more. Even that useless broken piece of a glass that can do nothing but cut through flesh and make it bleed will shine with great glory as the sun rays fall and dance upon its surface. But that reflection of prismatic colours do not change that wounding piece of glass into gold.

“All that glitters is not gold”, is a popular saying, which means that not everything that looks valuable or true, turns out to be like that. This applies to people, places or things that claim to be more worthful than they actually are. This expression was used by William Shakespeare in his famous play, ‘The Merchant of Venice’.

Looks can be greatly beguiling. Gold is a valuable metal. It has an attractive shine to it but it is not necessary that everything which shines like gold is precious. Some of the pale dull things may also possess immense value. This is true in case of humans too. A person may put up false show of kindness, charity, love, respect and other kinds of virtues. People even get swayed by that artful pretence of such people showing their true colours.

Very often, things are not what they seem to be. We often form our opinion about objects on the basis of superficial impression. One should always try to find out the true nature of things. We should try to find out the reality hidden behind their glittering facade. A book with a beautiful cover has no guarantee of its being interesting.

A person may pretend to be noble, hiding his defects. One cannot judge a person from his smiling face or cheerful appearance. Most of the times, they are covered by false masks, faces and appearances. In fact, history has repeatedly proved that people have worn multiple masks in order to reach the highest ladder of success. People often make use of trickery, cunningness, hypocrisy and flattery in order to achieve their dreams. They belie their inward reality of shallowness and hollowness by a fantastic and blinding show of grave morality.

And due to such false appearances, morally depraved have easily passed as great moralists before the world, fools have passed as wise, dishonest people have been thought of as honest, liars as great protectors of truth, wicked as sincere friends and traitors as great patriots. The garb of fine dresses, good manners, sweet voice, kind behaviour and honey-dripping personality works out well with such persons as people at large are often swayed by such sweetness. But rarely do they realise that under this rosy appearance lies the serpent quietly coiled up ready to sting at the slightest provocation.

It is in fact very easy to be fool and misguide people by putting on a garb of goodness by means of fine dresses and speeches. People fall prey to good manners and good appearances. Human mind is gullible and foolish. It is often taken captive by what is shown and does not care to see what lies behind. Hence, people are often deceived because of such appearances. A thirsty traveller in a desert mistakes the sand shining under the sun for an oasis of water. If mother nature can play games with humans, then humans, no doubt, can take their fellow humans for a ride.

Sycophancy and hypocrisy can, of course, help people for sometime to climb the social and economic ladder but concealment cannot work for long. Gold proves itself as purer than ever before when tried and tested, but it is the fake one that fails at the slightest touch of test.

Thus, it has been rightly and aptly said that everything is not exactly as it seems. A shiny piece of metal shining gloriously in the sun from afar, turns out to be a useless piece of sharp-edged tin if examined closely.

All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay

Short Essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on All That Glitters is Not Gold is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

With consumerism on the rise in today’s times, we find so many products to choose from, in the market. A beautifully packaged product, advertised aggressively attracts more number of customers. However, more often, these products prove useless in the long run. Similarly, we have witnessed the rise of men donning saffron robes, the so-called ‘Godmen’, claiming to use the masters of supernatural powers. But they are mere mortals like each one of us, who have taken to fooling innocent people in the name of religion and spirituality.

Thus, before making hasty judgements based on what seems to be, one should take time to try and peep behind the facade of make-believe sweetness and politeness. One should use wisdom and discretion to weigh the appearance against what lurks behind as truth. Then only one can learn to differentiate between gold and the rest that glitters as gold.

“Beauty is skin -deep “.

We must remember that the real beauty is the beauty of heart, mind, and soul. In simplicity, lies Godliness. Gold symbolises purity. Let us imbibe it in our character.

All That Glitters is Not Gold Essay Story Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Prismatic – bright spectral colours
  • Beguiling – charming, interesting, pleasing, attractive
  • Swayed – influenced
  • Grave – serious, important, significant
  • Depraved – corrupt, abandoned, perverted, evil
  • Traitors – one who betrays one’s country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason
  • Provocation – aggravation, irritation
  • Gullible – naive and easily deceived or tricked
  • Captive – one held in the grip of a strong emotion or passion
  • Facade – a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant
  • Sycophancy – self-seeking or servile flattery
  • Donning – put on (an item of clothing)
  • Discretion – consideration, judgment, caution, diplomacy
  • Hypocrisy – to pretend to have beliefs, qualities virtues, etc which one does not actually have

Earthquake Essay | Essay on Earthquake for Students and Children in English

Earthquake Essay: On human beings as buildings, bridges, roads, dams, factories, railway lines etc get collapsed. The earthquakes sometimes wipe out towns and cities, entail great loss of human life, animals, property etc.

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Earthquake Essay

Long Essay on Earthquake 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Earthquake of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

The two major earthquakes which took place in Bihar and on the Nepal border in the year 1984 and 1988 stand a testimony to the kind of destruction it can cause, especially to human structures. The 1993 earthquake in Lattur, Maharashtra, the Bhuj; Gujarat earthquake in January 2001 are examples of earthquakes as hazardous and natural weapons of destruction.

The earthquakes that occur in water bodies generate high velocity waves such as Tsunami, causing large scale devastation along the coastal regions. The Tsunami that struck the coastal regions of South-East Asia in December 2005, brought about severe damage along the coastal areas in these regions. In 2011, the most tragic earthquake of magnitude 9.0 (Mw) hit Japan and caused Tsunami which led to loss of more than 15,000 lives in Japan. In addition to loss of life and destruction of infrastructure, the tsunami caused a number of nuclear accidents, primarily due to meltdowns at three reactors in the Nuclear Power Plant complex.

Recent studies by a number of geologists say that the glacial melting, in particular, will unleash pent-up pressures in the Earth’s crust. Dramatic climate shifts of the past have also been associated with spectacular seismic activity. Aside from massive earthquake predictions, they believe we are in for other extreme geological events such as Tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.

In another set of research, geologist Jim Berkland claims to have a formula that uses animal behaviour to accurately forecast earthquakes. Reports also revealed how animals of all kinds throughout the coastal areas of Asia headed for the hills in time to avoid the Asian Tsunami. Some scientists argue that the factors that influence the birth and growth of earthquakes are so numerous and complex that measuring and analysing them is impossible. But they rightly said that what can be done in this modern world where messages can be shared instantly across the globe is, that people after the first tremors itself, can alert the others at some distance away, giving them seconds to brace themselves. But the ultimate goal of accurately specifying the time, location and magnitude of a future earthquake is extremely difficult.

Different cases also illustrate how inaccurate predictions can lead to panic and unnecessary evacuations on one hand, or a false sense of security on the other. And even if the predictions are exact, we would still need evacuation plans and earthquake-proof buildings – and these measures do not depend on prediction.

Even after all the advancement in the technology sector, earthquakes still cannot be predicted with certainty. In order to avoid the casualties we can only take some preventive measures. For instance: we can design our cities to be as earthquake-resistant as possible. Damage to buildings is a serious cause of human injury and death during an earthquake. This earthquake-proof planning and design of buildings can be adopted. People should closely inspect their house and workplace to determine if there are structural dangers.

Expert advice regarding the same would be beneficial. Apart from this, heavy objects from high places should be removed. Special care should be taken with the location of toxic or flammable products to prevent the occurrence of leaks and spills.

Also the exits of the building should be obstacle-free. Most importantly people should be made aware of these measures and also of the way to tackle the calamity. Moreover, it would not be wrong to say that a natural calamity has one strong power: the power to unite the humanity as one. After every earthquake the support and prayers from the non-hit areas is tremendous.

Along with different governments, WHO, UNICEF, United Nation and people from all across the globe should do every bit they can by donating in various kinds. The dream is to be able to forecast earthquakes like we can predict the weather. Even a few- minutes early warning would be enough for people to move away from walls or ceilings that might collapse or for nuclear plants and other critical facilities to be shut down safely in advance of the temblor. And if accurate predictions could be made a few days in advance, any necessary evacuations could be planned.

Earthquake Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Quaint – strange, unusual, unfamiliar
  • Tremor – small earthquake
  • Intensive – serious, exhaustive
  • Perpendicular – straight
  • Faulting – to shift so as to produce a fault
  • Triggered – caused, produced
  • Testimony – evidence, confirmation, proof
  • Unleash – release, unloose
  • Spectacular – remarkable, striking
  • Seismic – subject to or caused by an earthquake
  • Brace – steady, support, secure
  • Evacuations – clearance, emptying
  • Temblor – shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement, earthquake

Sustainable Development Essay | Essay on Sustainable Development for Students and Children in English

Essay on Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Essay: Sustainable development is a road-map, an action plan, for achieving sustainability in any activity that uses resources and where immediate and intergenerational replication is demanded. As such, sustainable development is the organising principle for sustaining finite resources necessary to provide for the needs of future generations of life on the planet. It is a process that envisions a desirable future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use continue to meet human needs without undermining the “integrity, stability and beauty” of natural biotic systems.

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Sustainable Development Essay

Long Essay on Sustainable Development 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Sustainable Development of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

The concept of sustainable development was popularised in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development. In its report it defined the idea as “Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”, i.e. without stripping the natural world of resources future generations would need.

All too often, development is driven by one particular need, without fully considering the wider or future impacts. We are already seeing the damage this kind of approach can cause, from large-scale financial crises caused by irresponsible banking, to changes in global climate resulting from our dependence on fossil fuel-based energy sources. The longer we pursue unsustainable development, the more frequent and severe its consequences are likely to become. Climate change is one of the hotly contested debates of our times. Studies have shown that at many places around the

Earth, climate change has already started and wreaked havoc on the surroundings. The reason behind such drastic effects is the human claim on the Earth’s resources. Human civilisations have been around for a paltry 12,000 years barely a few seconds on the geological clock. In that short amount of time, we’ve managed to create quite a ruckus, etching our dominance over Nature with our villages, towns, cities, megacities. The rapid increase of human populations has left us battling with other species for limited resources, and the unmitigated burning of fossil fuels has now created a blanket of carbon dioxide around the world, which is slowly but surely increasing the average global temperature.

The time is right to ask ourselves “Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and ailing environment?” If we want to undo the mess that we have made on this Earth, then we need to follow the ideas of sustainable development. Sustainable development promotes the thinking that social, environmental and economic progress, all are attainable within the limits of our Earth’s natural resources. All definitions of sustainable development require that we see the world as a system — a system that connects space; and a system that connects time. When you think of the world as a system over space, you grow to understand that air pollution from North America affects air quality in Asia, and that pesticides sprayed in Argentina could harm fish stocks off the coast of Australia.

Sustainable development constantly seeks to achieve social and economic progress in ways that will not exhaust the Earth’s finite natural resources. The needs of the world today are real and immediate, yet it’s necessary to develop ways to meet these needs that do not disregard the future. The capacity of our ecosystem is not limitless, meaning that future generations may not be able to meet their needs the way we are able to now if we continue to deplete the resources at an unforgiving pace, for growth that is unmanaged and not sustained will lead to increased poverty and decline of the environment.

If one goes deeper into the issue then at one point it will surely be realized that the increasing number of humans on Earth is the main reason behind the destruction of its resources at a rate that cannot be sustained. Therefore, population management has a major role to play before the concepts of sustainable development can truly be realised. And in a country like India, with the second largest population of the world having millions under the poverty line, sustainable development takes a back seat when the question of meeting one’s daily needs arises. No doubt, there are many issues that need to be resolved but if we want to see our progeny on this Earth, we need to take some active and urgent steps and sustainable development is the first step that needs to be taken. If we want to see our future generations progress then we must remember the words of Mr Lester R Brown, who once said:

“We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.”

Sustainable Development Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Sustainable – able to be maintained at a certain rate or level
  • Intergenerational – relating to, involving, or affecting several generations
  • Replication – imitation
  • Envisions – visualisations
  • Stripping – wiping
  • Severe – brutal
  • Wreaked havoc – caused destruction
  • Paltry – worthless
  • Ruckus – disturbance
  • Etching – engraving
  • Scorched – parched {here burned)
  • Impoverished – ruined
  • Attainable – within reach
  • Progeny – forthcoming generations/children

Climate Change Essay | Essay on Climate Change for Students and Children in English

Essay on Climate Change

Climate Change Essay: Climate change refers to a statistically significant variation in either the general state of the climate or in its variability, persisting for an extended period, typically decades or longer.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Climate Change for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Climate Change’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Climate Change of 400-500 words. This long essay about Climate Change is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Climate Change of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Climate Change 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Climate Change of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Change in climate may be due to natural internal processes or external factors, due to persistent changes in the composition of the atmosphere, or in land use brought by humans. Short-term fluctuations like El Nino, represent variation in climate for short temporary periods. On a longer time scale, changes in ocean heat circulation patterns may result in a stronger impact on climate. Variations in Earth’s orbit lead to differences in the distribution of sunlight reaching the Earth in different seasons and at different places on Earth. The solar intensity is also known to affect global climate.

Volcanic eruptions are also considered to be significant in affecting Earth’s climate, especially those which emit large quantities of SO2 into the stratosphere. This is due to the optical properties of SO2 and sulphate aerosols. They absorb or scatter solar radiation, creating a haze of sulphuric acid. Other than volcanoes, the movement of tectonic plates affects the global and local patterns of climate.

Anthropogenic factors relate to human activities which include burning of fossil fuels, ozone depleting causes, and deforestation. Due to industrialisation and urbanisation, presently, the global atmospheric concentration of carbon-dioxide has increased to 393.69 parts per million (ppm). These could lead to impact on freshwater availability, oceanic acidification, food production, flooding of coastal areas and increased number of water borne diseases associated with extreme weather events.

Glaciers are one of the most sensitive indicators of climate change. Their size is determined by the input of snow and their melting output. Due to rising global temperatures, their size shrinks, leading to escalation of sea levels. The ice on Arctic ocean is also melting rapidly, which is another proof of climate change.

Due to climate change, the distribution and density of vegetation may also be affected. The increase in temperature will lead to early onset of flowering and fruiting, which will affect the life cycles of animals dependent on them. One example is the destruction of rain forests of Europe and America, 300 million years ago. These forests fragmented into isolated ‘islands’, leading to the extinction of many plant and animal species.

India is facing the challenge of sustaining its rapid economic growth while dealing with the global threat of climate change. This threat emanates from accumulated greenhouse gas emissions, generated through long-term industrial growth and high consumption lifestyles. Presently, India is among the top 10 emitters of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in the world. However, it is in India’s interest to ensure that the world moves towards a low carbon future. With changes in key climate variables, namely temperature, precipitation and humidity, crucial sectors like agriculture and rural development are likely to be affected in a major way. As a developing country, India is closely tied to natural resources and agriculture, and water and forestry are climate-sensitive.

To combat climate change, India’s National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) aims to achieve national growth objectives, along with enhancing ecological sustainability that leads to further mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. NAPCC endeavours to deploy appropriate technologies, for both adaptation and mitigation of greenhouse gases and to promote sustainable development.

NAPCC also plans to extend international cooperation for research, development, sharing and transfer of technologies enabled by additional funding. India is a member of the United Nations Framework Convention and intends to cooperate with the-same on Climate Change. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental treaty produced at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), and is informally known as the Earth Summit. The objective of the treaty is to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.

Climate Change Essay

Short Essay on Climate Change 250 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Climate Change is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

The 2011 Annual Conference of the Parties was hosted by Durban, South Africa, from 28 November to 9 December, 2011. In 2012, Earth Summit took place in Rio de Janeiro to secure renewed political commitment to sustainable development; to assess progress towards internationally agreed goals on sustainable development and to address new and emerging challenges. The Summit focussed on two specific themes: a green economy in the context of poverty eradication and an institutional framework for sustainable development.

We, as individuals also can contribute towards lessening our impact on the climate by modifying our transportation modes, energy consumption, eating habits and waste utilisation. Short distances can be covered by walking or cycling or even car-pooling. In place of the conventional light bulbs, LEDs can be used. Electrical appliances should be switched off when not in use.

Our tiny carbon footprint also affects the big picture of climate change. Even though, we might feel that our lifestyle is a small factor, but the choices that we make in our day-to-day life can play a major role in slowing down climate change. Let us all strive for a ‘Cleaner and Greener’ Earth.

Climate Change Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Statistically – pertaining, consisting of, or based on statistics
  • Aerosol – a system of colloidal particles dispersed in a gas
  • Haze – reduced visibility in the air as a result of condensed water vapour, dust, etc, in the atmosphere
  • Tectonic plate – the two-sub-layers of the earth’s crust (lithosphere) that move, float, and sometimes fracture and whose interaction causes continental, drift, earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, and oceanic trenches.
  • Escalation – advance, mount, swell
  • Anthropogenic – caused or produced by humans
  • Emanate – to flow out, issue, or proceeds, as from a source or origin, come forth, originate
  • Deploy – to arrange in a position of readiness, or to move strategically or appropriately
  • Eradication – to remove or destroy utterly