Essay on Flood’s Furry | Flood’s Furry Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Flood’s Furry: A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land, which is otherwise dry or not normally covered by water.

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Essay on Flood's Furry

Long Essay on Flood’s Furry 600 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Flood’s Furry of 600 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Floods happen due to many reasons such as heavy rains, melting of snow, high tides, Tsunamis, failure of dams or other structures meant to retain water. Flooding can also occur after natural mishaps such as forest fires, which engulf all vegetation that could otherwise absorb the water.

Periodic floods take place on many rivers, forming a region known as ‘flood plain’. Floods occur when ponds, lakes, riverbeds and vegetation are not able to retain all the water. Water then runs off in large quantities. A flood that arises rapidly, and all of a sudden is called ‘flash flood’. Flash floods result from heavy rainfall over a small area, especially if I’ the area was loaded with water from previous precipitation.

Besides causing loss of life and damage to buildings, floods also destroy bridges, sewage systems, roadways and canals. It affects power transmission. Floods also raise the risk of water borne diseases like typhoid, cholera etc. In the agriculture sector, it drowns farms, preventing sowing and harvesting. The economic effects decline in tourism and there is price rise owing to food shortage. Floods are a major natural disaster in India which occur year after year owing to excessive rains caused by the South-West monsoon which is the sole provider of maximum rains to India. Besides heavy rains, many a times, tropical cyclones occurring during pre and post monsoon time also cause severe damage. Sometimes silting of river beds, deforestation or change in the course of rivers too cause floods or flood-like situation.

In 1979, a man-made flood occurred in Gujarat when Machhu dam bursted causing great destruction. The vast diversity of India, too, geographically causes extreme situations many times. One part of the country suffers from severe famines or droughts while the other part gets destroyed due to floods and over-flow of rivers. Approximately, one-eighth of the total land area of the nation is considered a flood-prone area.

In June, 2013, massive flash floods also called ‘Himalayan Tsunami’, ravaged several villages in Uttarakhand. Thousands perished, still many more went missing, while dead bodies were recovered even till 2014. Floods have affected Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Asom in 2014. Human beings can’t stop the rain from falling or water from flowing. But they can surely adequately prepare and protect them selves so that the disaster can be minimised. Houses can be constructed in such a way that the slope is away from houses. Cracks on walls and floors must be repaired on time.

Service pipes between municipal sewer line and houses must be in good operating condition. Storm drains must be regularly cleaned of debris. Trees and other vegetation must be planted to reduce the velocity of incoming water. Emergency survival kit, that includes non-perishable food, water for drinking and medicines, must be kept ready. In 1954, the government formulated a National Flood Management Programme which included immediate, short-term and long term plans. The immediate goal was to intensively collect data within 2 years of time and execute emergency measures accordingly. The short-term goals were concerned with construction of spurs and embankments.

Long-term flood prevention measures concentrated upon storages and reservoirs being built upon rivers and their tributaries. A great degree of protection can be given to flood-prone areas by implementing these structural measures. Owing to this programme, Bhakra Dam on Sutlej, Hirakud Dam on Mahanadi, Tungabhadra Dam on Krishna, Ukai Dam on Tapi, Konar and others on Damodar have been built.

By adopting various measures such as inter-linking of rivers etc, the damaging effects of floods can be reduced and the excess water instead of being wasted can be used for constructive purposes. Since majority of rural areas are situated near water bodies, optimum flood insurance cover must be provided to the rural inhabitants. India needs to be able to combat the fury of its rivers, otherwise the nurturing rivers would devour everything that comes in their way, when they are in rage.

Flood’s Furry Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Precipitation – the amount of rain, snow, hail, etc, that has fallen at a given place within a given period, usually expressed in CQ inches or centimeters of water
  • Silting – to become filled or choked up with silt
  • Devastating – tending or threatening to devastate
  • Debris – the remains of anything broken down or destroyed, ruins, rubble
  • Spurs – a ridge or line of elevation projecting from or subordinate to the main body of a mountain or mountain range
  • Embankment – a bank, mound, dike, or the like, raised to hold back water, carry a roadway, etc
  • Reservoir – a natural or artificial place where water is collected and stored for use, especially water for supplying a community, irritating land, furnishing power, etc

Essay on Biodiversity | Biodiversity Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Biodiversity: If we look around us, we can see variety in everything. We don’t wear the same clothes everyday. We can choose from a variety of cuisines available in a restaurant. We see a wide range of smart phones in the market. Similarly, variety exists in nature too.

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Essay on Biodiversity

Long Essay on Biodiversity 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Biodiversity of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Biodiversity means ‘the variety of life on Earth’. It is the variability of all living organisms-including animal and plant species – the genes of all living organisms, and the terrestrial, aquatic and marine ecosystems of which they are part of. Thus, in essence, biodiversity represents all life.

Biodiversity also includes the structure of the ecosystem and habitats that support essential living resources, including wildlife, fisheries and forests. It composes of ecosystems that maintain oxygen in the air, enrich the soil, purify the water, protect against flood and regulate climate.

Biodiversity in terrestrial areas, known as terrestrial biodiversity, is the highest near the equator due to warm climate and high primary productivity. Marine biodiversity is the highest along coasts as the sea temperature is maximum there.

Diversity of plants and animals yields great benefits to the ecosystem. Diversity of plants results in greater fodder yield, crop production and wood. It also increases the content of organic matter in soil. Diversity of fish increases the output of fisheries. Biodiversity supplies raw materials to the industries namely timber, rubber, oil, dyes etc. Biodiversity boosts leisure activities, such as hiking, bird watching etc. Gardening, fish-keeping, specimen collection, all require biodiversity. It also has an aesthetic and spiritual value.

India contains a great wealth of biological diversity in its forests, its wetlands and in its marine areas. The country is one of the mega biodiversity centres in the world and has two of the world’s 18 ‘biodiversity hotspots’, located in the Western Ghats and in the Eastern Himalayas. The total forest and tree cover of the country is estimated at 23.39% of the geographic area, of which forest cover accounts for 21 %. India is estimated to have 12.5% of the world’s flora and 7.25% of the world’s fauna.

To finance new models for high-value forest conservation in India, through participatory approaches and mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation outcomes, the World Bank has approved of financing from the International Development Association (IDA) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund. The project seeks to demonstrate landscape conservation approaches in the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat and. Askot in Uttarakhand.

Over the last century, a great deal of damage has been done to the biodiversity existing on Earth. Increasing human population, greater consumption levels, and inefficient use of our resources are some of the causes that have led to overexploitation and manipulation of ecosystems. Trade of rhino horn and tiger skin etc has also led to the extinction of species. According to the tiger census report released on 28 March, 2011 by the National Tiger Conservation Authority, the tiger population estimated is 1706. Although the population of tiger has increased over the years, tigers face the threat of being killed for their skin.

Consequences of biodiversity loss are disastrous as disturbance to one species gives rise to imbalance in others. Presently, 57 species of animals and species of about 1500 flowering and non-flowering plants are categorised as critically endangered or very rare species.

Society’s growing consumption of resources and increasing populations have led to a rapid loss of biodiversity, eroding the capacity of Earth’s natural systems to provide essential goods and services on which human communities depend. To enumerate ways of conservation of biodiversity wealth of India it is necessary that we realise the importance of our biological resources for the continued welfare of India’s population. Conservation biology as a science emerged in the mid-20th century as ecologists began to address the issues of deterioration of biodiversity. Gene banks have been established that store collections of specimens and genetic material. Biosphere reserves allow endemic species to thrive in their natural habitats. Wildlife corridors can be created to allow ‘safe routes’ for migratory birds and animals. Judicious use of pesticides in agriculture can allow local populations of organisms to survive.

Thus, conservation is not a far-fetched ideal, but the need of the hour. We can no longer afford to sit back luxuriously in our air conditioned rooms, watching nature’s elements getting lost forever. Let’s join hands for a greener Earth and a secured tomorrow.

Biodiversity Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Terrestrial – of or pertaining to land as distinct from water
  • Aquatic – of, in, or pertaining to water
  • Marine – of or pertaining to the sea
  • Aesthetic – pertaining to a sense of the beautiful or to the philosophy of aesthetics
  • Manipulation – skillful or artful management
  • Endangered – threatened with a danger
  • Deterioration – a gradual decline, as in quality, serviceability, or vigor
  • Endemic – natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place, nature
  • Specimen – a sample of a substance or material for examination or study

My Family Essay | Essay on My Family for Students and Children in English

My Family Essay

My Family Essay: We have a small family, consisting of four members. Besides my parents and myself, it also includes my elder sister. We live in a rented house. My parents are planning to buy a flat very soon.

Short Essay on My Family 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on My Family is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

My sister and I go to the same school and she is in the seventh class. The school is close to our house and we walk to it every morning. We are like best friends and rarely fight. My sister loves me a lot and so do I.

My father works as an assistant manager in a bank in Connaught Place. He travels by the metro to get there. He is a very jovial person. We have a lot of fun with him at home.

My Family Essay

He entertains us with his jokes, which are always fresh and funny. But when he is watching a cricket match on TV, he does not like to be disturbed.

My mother, on the other hand, is a serious person. She is a social worker and works for a society for poor women. She is very popular among them. She also loves children very much.

My parents are loving and kind. But they are also quite strict. They give us everything we need but not everything we want. I love my family.

Essay on My Family

10 Lines on My Family

  • I have a wonderful family who stands by my side all the time.
  • Ours is a nuclear family with four members in it.
  • All my family members love respect and care for each other.
  • We all love to spend time with each other.
  • We share all our problems and take suggestions, guidelines from one another.
  • My family is supportive and my parents are close to me.
  • My family has taught me qualities like love, unity, and cooperation among ourselves.
  • We go to tourist places whenever we find the time.
  • The time we get to spend with each other is priceless and I enjoy it very much.
  • Due to the huge support of my family, I live a Joyful and worriless life.

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FAQs on My Family

1.  Why is family so important?

Family is important because it provides love, support, and a framework of values to each of its members.

2. What is a family all about?

Families are a group of related people, generally who live together.

3. What is a family love?

Family love is a special type of love that comes with its unique feelings, behaviors, challenges, and rewards.

4. How does your family affect your life?

Family dynamics significantly impact health in both positive and negative ways. Having a close-knit and supportive family provides emotional support, economic well-being, and increases overall health. When family life is dealing with stress and conflicts you will have negative effects.

Essay on My Favourite Book | My Favourite Book Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on My Favourite Book

Essay on My Favourite Book: I have a number of books in my collection at home but the one I like the most is Panchatantra. Written by Pt. Vishnu Sharma, it contains many interesting stories. My aunt had gifted this book to me on my birthday.

Short Essay on My Favourite Book 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on My Favourite Book is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Each story contains a moral for us. Human nature is portrayed through various animals. The two main characters are Damnak and Sanjivak, the first being a jackal and the second a bull. These stories are in a narrative form and are wonderful.

Essay on My Favourite Book

I like to read and re-read the stories and remember many of them quite well. I narrate them to my friends and to my younger sister.

Though written a long time ago, the stories still seem fresh and are quite amusing. The animals, who are used to portray human nature, keep my interest aroused.

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10 Lines on My Favourite Book

  • Books are a great source of information and knowledge to readers.
  • Reading Books is considered a good habit and increases our knowledge and wisdom.
  • Books give us an insight into our thinking capacity and enhance our vocabulary.
  • My Favourite Book is Noddy Storybook Treasury.
  • This Book includes fantastic stories of Noddy and his toy town friends from Toyland.
  • I read this book during bedtime and all the stories are interesting to read.
  • Book has got amazing collection of stories along with beautiful pictures.
  • Pictures of the book make it even more interesting to read.
  • The book enhances my imagination and takes me to a dreamworld of Noddy and his friends.
  • I love reading storybooks and wish to explore a few other books too.

Essay on My Favourite Book

FAQs on My Favourite Book

1. How do you start off an essay about your favourite book?

Write a brief summary of your favourite book in the Introduction for those who might not have read the book followed by a thesis statement. This really works well.

2. How to write an essay about my favourite book?

Firstly, think of the book you like the most and why and explain it with a summary and thesis statement.

3. Why Books are important in our life?

Books play an important role in life gives you knowledge and insights into a happy life with life lessons on love, fear, anger, advice, etc.

4. What can books teach us?

Books can be incredibly powerful and teach you, gives you new perspectives on life.

My Mother Essay | Essay on My Mother for Students and Children in English

My Mother Essay

My Mother Essay: My mother, Mrs. Mary Jhonson is a homemaker and very hardworking. She is always busy and does a lot of work at home. She has a great deal of energy. She is the first one to wake up in the morning and the last one to go to bed at night.

Short Essay on My Mother 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on My Mother is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

She does household chores and helps us with our homework. Sometimes, she tells us interesting stories in the evening. Most of these are tales of heroism and are from religious books.

My Mother Essay

She is a very good singer and has won many awards during her school and college days. I enjoy listening to her. She is very fond of devotional songs, which she sings every morning.

She is a healthy, beautiful, and very cheerful person. There is always a smile on her face and she never complains about anything.

Essay on My Mother

10 Lines on My Mother

  • My Mother is my best friend and I share all my secrets with her.
  • She is a great person who cares for me, protects me from all my problems.
  • She will always care about my health and food.
  • My Mother is the one who connects all our family members.
  • Her love for me is unconditional and sacrifices all her needs and wishes.
  • She works relentlessly to fulfill all our wishes from morning to night.
  • My mother is a hard-working woman who puts extra effort to secure our future.
  • She takes care of our studies and teaches important values of life.
  • Mother Symbolizes love and care and no one can imagine a perfect family without her.
  • She fills the gap in life and without her life seems meaningless.

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FAQs on My Mother

1.  Why mother is important in our life?

Mothers are one of the first indications of the sovereignty of God in our lives. They have a great role to play in our lives and teach us everything to have confidence and belief in ourselves.

2. What is mother in simple words?

Mother is a pillar of strength in everyone’s life. She is the one without whom our life is incomplete.

3. Who is an Ideal Mother?

An Ideal Mother is the one who inculcates the best values in children and has tons of patience to deal with her children’s tantrums.

4. What is a Mother’s Love for her child?

A Mother’s Love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It dares all things and crushes remorselessly all that comes in its path.

Essay on Dog | Dog Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Dog

Essay on Dog: Many animals have proved themselves to be good friends of man. But no animal is as good a friend as a loyal and faithful dog. It is perhaps the most commonly kept pet in the world.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Short Essay on Dog 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on Dog is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

In its friendship with man, the dog plays many parts. As a pet, it serves as a guard and protects the house; it is a companion in loneliness and above all, it becomes a member of one’s family. It has a very strong sense of loyalty and offers unconditional love. Even the dog living on the street develops this sense of loyalty and will bark at any stranger in the area. It is always alert and watchful.

There are various breeds of dogs, like Pomeranians, German Shepherds, Alsatians, Labradors, Great Danes, Poodles, Pointers and Doberman Pinschers, etc. Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell and hearing. As a result, police forces of almost all the countries use dogs to catch criminals.

Essay on Dog

Dogs are generally flesh-eating animals. But they can also live a healthy life on a completely vegetarian diet. Like little children at home, dogs also need a lot of love and care.

Befriending a dog means having a friend for life.