Essay on Technology | Technology Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Technology

Essay on Technology: A tiny seed holds the potential to feed an entire family. As the essence and richness of a seed find suitable conditions to germinate, it blossoms into a storehouse of magnanimity. Changes in the society breed in ideas. These ideas find ‘ translation into action in a suitable governance environment. It is this translation that eventually proves the worth of an idea. In cases of ideas enjoying a popular; support, technology acts as a catalyst to enhance the effectiveness of the application of the ideology for the larger good of the society.

Long and Short Essays on Technology for Students and Kids in English

If you are searching for a well-written Essay on Technology in English, then this article provides you with two types of content, a 600 words Long Essay on Technology and another 200-word short Essay on Technology in English. These essays can be used by school children, students and teachers for various activities in schools and colleges.

Essay about Technology

Long Essay on Technology 600 Words in English

Long Essay on Technology is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Ideas have the power to bring revolutions and topple dynasties. Histories of nations stand testimony to the strength that an innocuous idea can gather and the course of destiny it charts for the society. As idea gains popular currency, it can brew, an uprising, or rewrite social contract for the land. They blossom into ideologies, supported by intellectuals and utilized in the minefield of politics by astute leaders. The conviction of a nation in a particular ideology begins to underline the trajectory of its story.

Ideology, just like technology, is the product of mental churning. Science resides in every action and particle of this universe. However, the knack to transform the dreary scientific principles and equations into a tool of technology is the product of an ingenious human mind. While ideologies spurned from the mental hullaballoo have more value connotations, technology as a facilitator devises ways for effective and unbiased distribution of that value in the society. It is the synergy of their constructive mix which has the potential to positively alter the way of life for individuals.

Different schools of thought, backed by intellectuals, are supporters of different ideologies for the conduct of governance of the state. The norms of the social contract in society develop accordingly. These norms define parameters for the conduct of interactions, means of production, economic guidelines, and rules of engagement with the government. In any stable society, the order is dictated by the accepted ideology of state which must result in a minimal incremental enhancement in the quality of life of the citizens. The absence of such enrichment becomes the cause of discontent.

The seeds of change germinate on grounds of discontentment. The “status quo” of the prevailing order and its underlying ideology faces the questions by a rising tide of dissent. Another rung of intellectuals promotes an alternative ideology in this period of societal upheavals. Old orders are broken down. New rules of the game is framed. Structural changes are carried out to facilitate the processes in this new ideological backdrop. Often the heads of tyrants also roll down in such ideological landscape transformation. However, the intention behind all such churnings deserves attention. Ideology fails to strike a chord unless it delivers a hope of a better quality of life for the individual. This hope is the essence of acceptance or rejection of any ideology.

Quality of life of citizens is the litmus test about the effectiveness of any ideology. It is this test which demands a fruitful translation of the tenets of any ideology into benefits for a larger section of the society. An ideology may be perfect in the domain of grey cells but its’ ultimate utility is judged only in harsh domains of ground, realities by the quality of its application. It is this aspect of judgment where the tools of technology step in to complement the ideology. The spread achieved by technology aids the depth of ideology for the benefit of society.

Every ideology has space for a specific technology to breed and deliver accordingly. Technology, as a tool, ensures optimum utilization of resources of that society, within the ideological contours decided by the state. The technologies for better oil exploration in the Gulf nations or bio-fuel development in Brazil developed to deliver prosperity to the societies without challenging the ideological designs of these states. Transcending the borders of ideology, the technology to locate potential fishing banks is helping the capitalist coast of the USA and the communist coastline of Cuba without any distinction.

The tool of technology is apolitical and unbiased. Overages, like a loyal servant of the scientific masters, it has simplified numerous procedures and fives. The very strength of this tool is its neutrality. It has never been subservient to any particular ideology and should not be dragged to deepen the ideological fissures. Rather it must mend fissures and divides of class, gender, race, and religions. The prevailing ideology of any state has marked influence on the nature of, the technology it promotes. Amongst the myriad areas of research, the ideology of the state dictates the priority of focus areas. The bitter ideology of one up man ship during the era of the Cold War led to major advancements in defense technology for both the USA and the Soviet Union.

Huge budget allocations and acumen of scientists was invested in building up the military might of the nation. Space exploration also spurred a race for supremacy and the power blocs focused on outsmarting the other through better technology. The Cold War to establish the supremacy of either capitalist or communist ideology was executed by innovating smarter technology. The triumph of the market-led “choice” model over the “communes” was crystallized by fragmentation of the Soviet Union. Just like technology, ideology to runs its course.

The entropy in any society is settled when the transition from one ideological contour to another is achieved smoothly. Ideological acceptance and triumph is a contextual concept. It varies from time to time. There is no constancy in its applicability over time and space. Unless the ideology manages to deliver qualitatively to the grassroots, it is bound to crumble in due course. This flexibility to evolution is essential for the survival of any ideology. Technology can likewise be tweaked to deliver fruits of development to the citizens of the society. China’s growth over the past few decades highlights a pragmatic approach of synchronized evolution of ideology and technology. To carry a large population base and deliver growth, it maintained a focus on the rapid development of manufacturing technology.

Technology Essay

Technology related to automation of plants, advancements in assembly-line procedures, workshop, and management technologies led to rapid industrialization. This transformed the huge manpower resource into an asset for the nation and also furthered the ideological tenets of the reigning party. Even the mammoth expenditure on the modernization of military might and infrastructure by China is in line with an eye on the future, where these parameters become critical for claiming global leadership. The Indian society has traditionally been an agro-based primarily rural society.

The growth of our nation is inextricably linked to the development of our villages. This ideological focus always emphasized on agricultural and farm-based technologies. Despite the small size of landholdings, researches in the field of better agricultural tools like combined harvester and threshers, high yielding variety of seeds, economical irrigation technologies, dryland farming methodologies, coastal land reclamation and promotion of alternative livelihood mean for diversification of agriculture have better potential to deliver fruits of development and social justice for a larger base of population.

In the backdrop of socialism as a leading ideology of that time, industrial development relied heavily on foreign collaborations and investments in large scale Public Sector Units (PSUs) and factories. Heavy machinery for bulk production in plants and factories defined the order of the era as the role of the state was considered critical to provide employment opportunities and similar wages. As grains of sand ran down the glass hour, it was realized that PSUs had become white elephants of the Indian economy. Later as the ideological contours ushered in policy support for Information Technology and electronics, technology took no time to gain ground in the market. It soon flooded the market with televisions, Video Cassette Recorders, Audio Players, and other gadgets according to the diktats of policy which pumped sufficient funds accordingly.

The opening of the economy and the market-led growth ideology tempered with a commitment to inclusive growth aims to provide greater goods to greater numbers at the bottom of the pyramid. With such pressing constraints of ideology, technological investments always had a humane concern as its’ guiding light. The affordability issue of high-end technology would introduce the class divide in the user segment and cater only to “haves” of the society. This is where the state must step in periodically with options like the low-cost Aakash tablets. Such subsidized interventions would help in the dissemination of technology to all classes of society and prevent technology from creating a divide in society. This would justify the stated ideological philosophy of “inclusive growth”.

Advancement in satellite technology has added to the delivery of vital services to the’ needy. Resource mapping to decide the best land use, weather forecasting to keep the fishermen off the stormy oceans, soil testing to decide the best choice of fertilizers, telemedicine to deliver healthcare to remotest locations, village resource centers for numerous queries of farmers and tele-education are all highlights of technology delivering social justice in our nation. There have also been instances of clashes between the ideological framework of state and the performance of prevailing technology.

As automation stepped up in factories to improve the economy and efficiency of production, huge workforce had to be laid off. In nations struggling to provide employment opportunities to a burgeoning youth population, automation in wake of globalization was seen as a curse. However, the bigger picture tells a different story. Instead of castigating technology and blaming it for increasing unemployment, a positive view of the situation puts things in a better perspective.

Automation is always the need of time to compete and thrive in a globalized world. It improves the economy of production and helps the industry to survive and perform in the competitive scenario. Better production yields better profits and hence a higher contribution to the growth of the nation. It is the fruits of this growth that percolate to improve the lives of these factory workers and also create more employment opportunities for them. Also, technological changes come as a challenge for the workforce to upgrade their skills and remain relevant in this progressive world. Thus, such technological changes introduce the best use of resources – manpower or capital; create employment in the long run and helps in the qualitative growth of both the individual and the society.

The influence of technology on ideology cannot be ignored either. Technology opens up new vistas and has the potential to give a new course of direction to the prevailing ideologies. In the march of civilization on the face of this planet, the application of science either by accident or design has formed the backbone of progress. The era of nomadic existence of early man transformed into a new ideological framework of settled agriculture after the scientific discovery of fire.

The invention of wheels and its’ application in locomotion further broadened the evolving dimensions of the human thought process. Technology kept opening newer, unknown, and unexplored frontiers for humanity providing it with a continuous challenge to form suitable social norms accordingly. The ideological contours developed thereby gave further impetus to better utilization of resources through technological advancements. The complementarities of these products of human thought processes have led the civilization from one pedestal of development to another.

The world is shrinking. And the global village superimposes an umbrella ideology over the exclusive individual ideologies of nations and societies. A nation can afford to neglect its preparedness for this ideology at its own peril. In the contemporary era, it is the ideology of globalization which has emerged as the major challenge for economies of the world. The internal rules of the game have been altered by each nation accordingly. It was the growing technological advancements that ushered this ideological robe on every nation.

Short Essay on Technology 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Technology is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The sophistication of IT technologies led to shrinking borders and diminishing barriers. Trade found a new platform through portals and e-commerce. Exchange of data and security related challenges assumed global dimensions. As such an era of global hub dawned riding a wave of technological advancements, nations became vary of new opportunities and challenges. Individual ideologies of nations were reframed in the context of the unleashing of global energies. They had to be synchronized with the overarching ideology of globalization.

The competition would value the smart utilization of resources and skills with only the fittest surviving at the end of the day. The tables had been turned this time. This challenge has been thrown at the ideological doorsteps by technology. To sail through this successfully smart society will have to reform on aligning the strengths of ideology and technology. The aim of both these tools of change is to facilitate a simpler way of life and a richer quality of life. The tussle, if any, which surfaces is merely cosmetic and ends up in re-invoking a new stable order of peace, justice, and development of society.

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10 Lines on Technology

  • Technology has become an integral part of industry and livelihood.
  • Technology has completely changed the world and our daily life to a significant extent.
  • Things which we couldn’t even imagine a few years ago have become part of our lives.
  • The technological advancements in information technology have enhanced connectivity.
  • Internet is one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.
  • With the advent of technology, we have reached the moon and set up a human colony on Mars.
  • Technology is not always a boon it even proved to be dangerous at times.
  • The future of technology is bright, and it is improving day by day, simplifying the lives of the people.
  • Do remember that Technology is a Good Servant but a Bad Master.
  • The use of technology should be in a balanced way maintaining the equilibrium between nature and technology.

How technology changed our lives

FAQs on Technology

1.  Why do we need technology?

Technology is important because it makes you feel more secure with every area in life for both personal and business reasons.

2. How technology is useful in education?

The implementation of technology in schools helps close that gap. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.

3. How technology changed our lives?

Our lives are so different when we have modern technology on our side. Technology has changed the meaning of productivity and our lives will be very much different if we have technology on our side.

4. What are the advantages of Technology?

We need technology for plenty of reasons and we have mentioned some of them. They are as such

  • Speed, Efficiency, and Agility.
  • Storage and Sharing.
  • Mobility and Remote Connectivity.
  • Automation.
  • Communication.


Myself Essay For Boy | Essay on Myself for Students and Children in English

Myself Essay For Boy

Myself Essay For Boy: My name is William Jones. My family and friends call me by my nickname, Billy. I am eight years old and I love playing tennis and football. I am tall and have a fair complexion. Blue is my favourite colour.

Short Essay on Myself For Boy 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

My house is near India Gate. My father is a doctor, while my mother is a teacher in my school. She teaches mathematics. She helps me with my homework. We go to school together in the morning.

Myself Essay For Boy

Mary is my younger sister. She goes to a different school. Being the baby of the family, she is everyone’s favourite. We get along very well, though we fight at times like all siblings do.

I love my parents and friends and they love me too.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

10 Lines on Myself Essay For Boy

  • My name is William Jones.
  • I am eight years old and I am tall and have a fair complexion.
  • Blue is my favorite color.
  • Mary is my younger sister. She goes to a different school.
  • We get along well and fight at times like all siblings.
  • My house is near India Gate.
  • My father is a doctor while my mother is a teacher at my school.
  • She teaches Mathematics and helps me with my homework.
  • I love my parents and friends and they love me too.
  • I love playing tennis and football.

Essay on Myself for Boy

FAQs on Myself Essay for Boy

1.  Where can I get 10 Easy Lines on Myself?

You can find 10 Lines on Myself by referring to the above page. Make use of them as a reference on how to frame the essay.

2. What are the things you can cover in Myself Essay?

You can cover in Myself Essay about topics like hobbies, talent, education, and career.

3. How to start writing an Essay?

The best way to start writing an essay is to introduce yourself.

Myself Essay For Girl | Essay on Myself for Students and Children in English

Myself Essay For Girl

Myself Essay For Girl: My name is Nancy D’souza and I am seven years old. D’souza is my surname. I love reading storybooks and playing football.

Short Essay on Myself For Girl 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on Myself For Girl is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

My father, Mr. John D’souza is a bank officer while my mother, Mrs. Ellen D’souza is a homemaker. They love me very much and my mother tells me nice stories every day. Every Sunday, we go out for lunch to some nice restaurant.

I am tall and healthy. I have a clear complexion and long hair. My hobbies are reading, listening to music and painting.

Myself Essay For Girl

I study at St. James Junior School. I am in grade second. I like, going to school, it is quite close to my house. My teachers are very nice and make learning easy. I like them very much.

I have many friends, with whom I play in the big park next to my house. We often visit each other’s homes.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

10 Lines on Myself Essay for Girl

  • My name is Nancy D’souza.
  • I am a 7-year-old girl and I am tall and healthy.
  • I study at St. James Junior School. I am in grade second.
  • My father is a bank officer and my mother is a homemaker. They love all of us dearly.
  • My mother tells me nice stories every day.
  • Every Sunday, we go out for lunch to some nice restaurant.
  • I respect all my teachers and I have many friends at school.
  • I love reading storybooks and playing football.
  • My hobbies are reading, listening to music and painting.
  • My teachers are very nice and make learning easy.

Essay on Myself for Girl

FAQs on Myself Essay for Girl

1.  How can I introduce myself in 10 lines in English?

You can introduce yourself in 10 lines by checking out the example provided above.

2. How do I write an essay about Myself?

  • Create a List of Questions.
  • Brainstorm and Outline.
  • Be Vulnerable.
  • Use Personal Examples.
  • Write in the First Person.
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Show Off. But Stay on Topic!
  • Show Personality.
  • Know Your Audience.

3. Where can I download 10 Lines on Myself Essay for Girl?

You can download 10 Lines on Myself Essay for Girl from our page. Use its reference to express your ideas and views to anyone.

Role of Education in Development Essay for Students and Children in English

Role of Education in Development Essay

Role of Education in Development Essay: JP or the souls taking refuge in education, the desire for growth has no boundaries. Above lines from ‘Ulysses’, highlight the thirst of minds which are willing to learn. Education is not a destination, but a journey to be cherished. It is an enriching path, not only in lives of individuals, but also chartering histories of nations and building strong foundations of development.

In a developing society like ours, where an entire generation stands at crossroads of traditional values and western education, it becomes essential to define the parameters of education. For a traditionally rich country like ours, the roots of education can be traced back to compilation of Vedas. British furthered the cause of education in India. Though they introduced the study of English language to meet their administrative needs; it opened up a new world for Indians. It provided us with an opportunity to question our beliefs, our customs and our knowledge and with that questioning, the spirit of education dawned.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Role of Education in Development for Students and Kids in English

In this article, we have provided a detailed essay, a brief essay, and ten lines on the topic, my city, to help students write such pieces in their examinations. Given below is a long essay composed of 500 words and a short essay comprising 100-150 words on the topic in English.

Essay on Role of Education in Development

Long Essay on Role of Education in Development 600 Words in English

Long Essay on Role of Education in Development is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Education has provided light of survival to several nations. Europe could march to development only after Renaissance. Indians could question the evils of sati and caste system only when reformers were exposed to ideas from western world. Even our freedom movement received impetus when we awoke to ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity from American and French revolutions. Though we could successfully overthrow the Britishers, their education system was adopted without questioning. Every society needs to reform the systems to meet some specific needs. However, the colonial education system has left a lot to be desired.

Education is an overall process of not only personal growth but an enriching growth of society and nation. It is the foundation of development of any nation. Educated youth have the ability to think beyond their stagnating lives and contribute to the development of their societies. Education arms individuals with the knowledge of their rights and duties. It is informed citizenry which forms the base for the development of any society. Though the share in GDP may not reflect this reality, we have primarily been an agricultural economy.

India still lives in its villages. The seeds of education must find their way to villages. The ‘Adult Education Programme’ and ‘National Rural Education Programme’ still have long distance to cover. By opening more primary schools in villages, we can not only curb the problem of migration by creating novel opportunities in village, but also educate farmers on knowledge of right seeds and fertilizers. This may lead to better yield and could again push back, the import of wheat and other essential commodities.

The quality of education needs better monitoring in both rural and urban India. Problems of teacher absenteeism in the villages deserve better scrutiny and punitive pleasures to ensure that children gain sufficiently from the time spent in school compounds. Awareness programs for girl child education must be carried out with more zeal and vigour. Along with driving self-sufficiency education provides awareness. This i awareness about the rights creates responsible citizens and responsible citizens can demand responsible and accountable governance.

Education in field of IT has opened galaxy of opportunities in urban India with jobs in software, call centres and BPO’s ushering in a revolution of sorts. The services sector, in this backdrop, is proving a significant contributor to the growth of economy. This knowledge hub has attracted large investments from several countries. The emphasis of government on technical education also highlights the commitment to drive excellence in areas of research and manufacturing.

Education plays a critical role in the democratic set up where an educated voter can make an informed choice. The voice of ballots gets translated into the fate of the voters through the levels of governance delivered. The policies charting the course of development of society get their nod from the representatives of people. Roads, ports, telecom, irrigation, industries, agriculture all demand simultaneous attention for a wholesome and inclusive development. Targeted policies in all these sectors must perform in unison for a balanced development to occur.

More number of higher universities will create a breed of individuals who are capable to chart their future in a growing economy. Education gives a level of confidence which capacitates individuals to compete globally and assert them. Such individuals become national asset with their contribution to the growth story of the nation. Through the entrepreneurial spirit they are able to create jobs and set up corporate empires to employ people. This employment generation goes a long way in raising the quality of life of several families. It is, thus, a positive spread effect which became possible from the seeds of education.

Growth generated by a robust economy has to be translated in overall rising of the standards of people. Often, the fruits of growth fail to reach the bottom of the pyramid. Such accumulation of wealth with few individuals has led to wide gulfs in the society. This trend is alarming and unhealthy for long term sustenance of the system. This balancing of wealth in the society can occur when people imbibe the importance of education to change their fortunes. Education is that vital enabler which can move masses up the social ladder. It helps in upward mobilization of large segments of people who understand its importance and take the rightful refuge.

A holistic development of society is only said to occur when the material wealth is complemented by cultural, social and educational achievements. These are reflected in art, architecture, music, writings and the heritage of that society. All great civilizations of the world, which are remembered as developed, had attained that zenith on basis of importance accorded to education in those societies. The Romans, the Egyptians or closer home Magadha or Indus Valley boasted of rich lineage of scholars and universities which built a solid intellectual foundation and a progressive outlook for the society.

Short Essay on Role of Education in Development 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Role of Education in Development is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Education teaches manner to conduct the way of life which contributes to quality and standard of the individuals. Rich empires may rise and fall in a stroke but those with firm rooted educational groundings have an element of sustainability. This ensures their survival for ages. They derive their vitality from the rich corpus of knowledge, which guides them in survival, even during times of crisis. This knowledge bank, built on educational mantle, enriches the quest for development in such societies.
Education not only provides an opportunity for development in numerous spheres but contributes to the standard of living. Education of our culture and values should not take a back seat in this era of modernization.

For a holistic development, we must encourage at all levels an understanding of our tradition as part of our education. The effectiveness of this can be seen in people to people contacts with our neighboring country, which help us to enhance our international relations. In this era of globalization, we may be tempted to neglect the fundamental. As a nation, we can’t afford to do this at this junction. Education should remain the focus of government, ahead of their political agendas. Not only more policies but their effective implementation is essential in letter and spirit. Some modifications in our educational system is required to encourage talent based and growth oriented teachings. This would be a welcome step. Education for all should be the primary focus as it is the only gateway for sustained development and all round progress of our nation.

Tradition and Modernity Essay |Essay on Tradition and Modernity for Students and Children in English

Tradition and Modernity Essay

Tradition and Modernity Essay: A hurricane of thoughts is troubling a young man as he is struggling to muster courage and refuses to join the family business. Another adolescent girl wants her parents to understand her priority of attending her friends’ birthday bash over attending some ceremony at the temple. Society is alarmed at the increasing incidences of attacks on women and moral policing. At several such crossroads, the individual or the society feels vulnerable and an uncertainty begins to cloud self belief. Decisions struggle to make their way through the maze as the guiding beacon of tradition finds dissenting voice of modernity.

Most of us have been through situations where our genuine queries have been snubbed by the otherwise encouraging elders. Every rational individual attempts to question the logic and reasons behind acts in the society. While most such queries find a reasonable response, some are brushed aside in name of tradition. Over years, we realize that certain thought patterns and actions forming part of our society are carried forward as inheritance. With further understanding, most of us absorb these traditions with ease and perform or subscribe to them with reverence.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Tradition and Modernity for Students and kids in English

Given below is a Tradition and Modernity essay of 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of Classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Essay on Tradition and Modernity

Long Essay on Tradition and Modernity 600 Words in English

Long Essay on Tradition and Modernity is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Traditions vary tremendously depending on the society. They vary from place to place, brewed intricately into the sensibilities of the region. At times, they may not have any superficial scientific rationale but the faith of people decides their longevity for ages. They are passed on from one generation to another and over a period of time they become a distinctive feature of a particular community. The strength of ages bestowed on the traditions gives them sanctity and the belongingness of an individual to the clan is often symptomized by his adherence to the traditions. It becomes a super-identity of the person, separate from his individual skills, achievements and recognitions.

These inherited patterns of thoughts and actions trace their origin to several ages back in the history of time. Any individual growing up in present times would naturally find many of them different from the other activities of his time. Each generation leaves the world as a different place than as they found it. The perceived idea of “modernity” simply arises from the fact that change is the only constant in this universe. Individuals’ sensibilities are linked to the society he grows up in and in the times when the pace of change has intensified by bounds, present day norms often clash with the demands of traditions.

“Modernity” is often perceived in a negative and vulgar fashion by traditionalists. The entire present generation is generalized as “rebels” who are? i “corrupted” under the influence of foreign exposure. They are tarnished with “lack of gravity” in their conduct and thoughts. T raditionalists brand them as free spirited individuals without any respect for tradition and leading a shallow existence under the fa9ade of modernity. With such popular gross generalization, the traditionalists hardly afford a chance to this generation to blend and strike “friendship” with traditions.

Home is the perfect location where friendship between tradition and modernity can seep into an individual. Most of the traditions of religions which survive till date can be traced back to our holy scriptures. They even have some or other scientific rationale mentioned therein. This fact is generally overlooked and the explanations hardly known by the ignorant elders to the querying minds. The very reason of survival of traditions has been their mass acceptance as nothing counterfeit can claim to have such survivability.

Traditions link us to our rich heritage. They involve generations into a big , family bound by an intangible emotional linkage. A set of traditions go on to define the way of life and this cultural connectedness provides a distinct flavor and identity. Every individual must be made aware of this belongingness to a fraternity, which must be a matter of pride and privilege. It is this valued belongingness which is recognized globally as the rich cultural heritage of our nation. It may not have tangible manifestations but the spiritual connectivity which blesses every soul is enlightening.

Traditions must be cherished and never forced upon an unwilling mind. The survival of traditions stands testimony to the feature of flexibility. It must grant freedom to the individual and a choice to disconnect oneself from the bigger identity it imparts. Some rituals associated with the traditions may appear time consuming and impractical to a “modern” mind. Tradition must grant space for every “modern” individual to exercise the choice of following or leaving certain rituals. Rigidity is stiffening. Rigidity breeds discontent.

Modernity is not designed as a natural friend of tradition. Beyond the perceived image of a modern individual created by traditionalists due to a different set of sensibilities of the growing up eras, lies the pragmatic individual. Modernity is reflected in an individual’s outlook. A modern person will have a outlook molded by the state of society he is witnessing. His ideas have been formed in a globalized world – a world which talks of gender equality, extremism and terrorism, nuclear states, electronics and IT sophistications and bridging the class-religion divides. The variations in his thought processes from the ones which are traditionally carried over are bound to exist, but they should not become the reasons of animosity. Rather a blend of traditional wisdom and modern outlook must be aspired for to dispel the anxieties created by any clash of ideas.

A modern individual’s outlook towards people should be free from any prejudice. He must be equipped with a progressive and development oriented attitude towards the challenges of the day like women empowerment, poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, human trafficking or racism. Blend with a scientific temper, “modernity” must attempt to find sustainable solutions to the issues rather than creating an issue in its clash with the traditions. Exercising a fine balance of judgment, “modernity” must use the wisdom and direction of the traditions and customize it to present times to deliver justice for the under privileged sections of the society.

Traditions form an inextricable part of our social fabric. They seep into an individual during his upbringing inadvertently. There are traditions which are specific to family or caste or even to the entire society. While some traditions die down silent death in face of changing times and their rigidity, others blossom and spread over larger domains. Instead of being skeptical, hesitant or ashamed in following norms of tradition, the trend to flaunt and promote the traditional values and customs is beckoning the present generation. Traditional folk music and classical dances are finding popular acceptance at the modern world stage, while traditional dishes of different regions are vetting appetites of communities globally. Ceremonies, like karvachauth, which were limited in their spread, have now been accepted across communities as the mobile present day population interacts with a larger segment of society.

Print, electronic, social and e-media have also contributed to viral spread of traditional customs and values. Bhangra and Dandiya are no more confined to a particular region. Similarly, modernity can never come in the way of us forsaking the celebration of our festivals. Festivals are the celebration of our traditional values and customs. The scale of display and extravagance related to most festivals might change in sync with times but the core ethos of tradition imparts them with the real glow. Modernity has lent festivals a commercial touch but the joy and togetherness associated with them is a blessing of traditions.

Families may spend excessively on decorations and fireworks, in differing capacities, on a Diwali night, but the common thread of family puj a joins them all to the richness of inherited traditions. Without the traditional family rituals, every festival would appear hollow. Modernity has lent a different flavor to the manner of celebration of these festivals but tradition keeps their soul alive. They will continue to symbolize the beautiful blend of these concepts.

The clashes with the modern pattern of approach to the issues have often turned violent and ugly. Traditional wisdom must be a guiding light for the generations and not become suffocating for the individual’s existence at any time. The free spirit of humanity must be respected and individual’s choice to chart his own destiny, even to violation of tradition, must be upheld. In the tradition of following a particular family business, an individual’s passion for some other profession should not be stifled. His “modernity” in this case is his talent or belief in charting his own destiny which must be given a chance.

In case of failure, tradition must welcome back to the folds with open arms and heart. The “youth” like exuberance of “modernity” has to be tempered by sagacity and serenity of “grand father” like tradition. Traditional thoughts or manner of approach to the problems of society will have to be tweaked to suit the present world realities. It must not be taken as blasphemous, rather as a necessity of evolution. Modernity is all about being in step with the changing times constantly evolving and adapting. Traditional authoritarian styles of leadership have evolved to modern participative approach in domain of management styles.

Traditional roles of women in most societies have changed as they begin to take bigger responsibilities and contribute financially for the family. Issues like the same gotra marriages invoking diktats from khap panchayats or the dressing sensibilities of women should not be commanded over individuals in these changing times. Rather, through debates and discussions between generations, a mature consensual social understanding must be sought on these issues. The structure of relationships has also undergone changes. Countries have legalized same sex marriages and societies are becoming more expressive about intricacies of relationships.

Civil societies are becoming more vibrant globally as greater number of people joins the bandwagon of adult citizenry. All these changes are ensuring that the clashes with the traditional structural order and thought pattern are bound to occur. It is the mature manner in which the people and the politicians deal with such clashes that determines the levels of friendship or animosity between tradition and modernity. This phase of societal transition, whereby the pace of change has amplified, demands heightened levels of caution.

Scholars, intellectuals and academicians will have to proactively debate on various burning issues where traditional thinking is at loggerheads with the modern sensibilities. School and universities will have to emphasize on the relevance of respect for tradition along with creating progressive modern individuals. The policy framers and implementers have the biggest challenge on their hands. They have to uphold the traditional wisdom of ages and mould it into a binding factor rather than them becoming a divisive issue. More intellectual churning in society before framing of policies and a transparent democratic implementation of sensitive issues will become a grave challenge. Instances of moral policing by self appointed messiahs of righteousness have to be dealt tyith an iron hand. Also the strength of tradition in imparting spiritual growth and Instilling discipline must be acknowledged and highlighted from diverse platforms.

The need to develop friendship between tradition and modernity is paramount. It will be in interest of individuals, society and the entire nation. As friends, the present generation would be able to carry forward the baton of traditional thought and wisdom to the coming generations. It is a part of inherited responsibility which each of us must undertake with reverence. Also, the present constraints of reality have to be taken into account by smart incorporation of modern variations. Various traditional arts and crafts of our nation provide suitable example highlighting prosperity achievable by this collaboration. They have to be protected from dying a silent death and need the onslaught of neglect in this age of modernity.

Short Essay on Tradition and Modernity 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Tradition and Modernity is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Craft works like silk work of Kanchipuram, patacharita paintings of Odisha, kagzi pottery of Alwar, Jamdani saris of Bengal, bandhini work of Gujarat and numerous others in different parts of the nation are rich embodiments of traditional heritage needing space and platform to prosper. The traditional skill and mannerism of their development is valued globally but only modern means of marketing and financial support can ensure their survival against the reality of globalization.

The traditional silk saris of Varanasi will continue to hold relevance but their market acceptability can be enriched manifold if they incorporate the designs prevalent in contemporary market. Though modernity appears at odds with tradition, it also becomes the vehicle to keep the traditional arts and crafts in commercial demand.

The foundation of traditions lends the much vaunted stability to the edifice, but the design built must be in sync with the present day living requirements. In every domain, whether sports, politics, religion, business or conduct of life, the blend would create a dynamic attitude capable of weathering the strongest of the tempest. As friends who are open to suggestions and correct each other’s mistakes, good points from traditional wisdom can be grasped and inculcated. This will also prevent the repetition of the past blunders and sieve out the possibilities of failure in any venture. With the contours of tradition acting as guidelines, sufficient space for innovation by modernity must be ensured by governance and society for a peaceful, healthy and inclusive development to materialize.

Vocational Education Essay | Essay on Vocational Education for Students and Children in English

Vocational Education Essay

Vocational Education Essay: Unemployment is a major problem that faces the youngmen of our country. The reason for this is that there are jobs but the youngmen qualified for those jobs are not available. Jobs are mainly with the private sector and the employers want candidates who suit and fit their job requirements.

Moreover, it has to be somehow, made to be understood by young men and their guardians that jobs are not and should not be considered as the only means of livelihood. The young should be so qualified as to make their own start in life even with a modest beginning instead of remaining unemployed. This feeling can only come in them when they have received training in a vocation which makes them self-confident and self-reliant.

Long and Short Essays on Vocational Education Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Vocational Education’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Vocational Education of 400-500 words. This long essay about Vocational Education is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Vocational Education of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Vocational Education Essay

Long Essay on Vocational Education 400 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Vocational Education of 500 words that is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

It is therefore necessary that our policymakers should start more and more vocational training institutes. The dignity of labor should be instilled in the minds of young men. Tailoring, carpentry, smithy, motor-mechanism, welding, electrician, T.V. mechanism, training in such trades can make a young man self-reliant and self-dependent. With a little capital loaned out to him from Banks, he can set up his own workshop instead of knocking this door and that for petty jobs. A mechanic can earn anytime more than a clerk only that would need hard physical work.

Importance of Vocational Education

In foreign countries, higher education has been made very costly while vocational training is available at every comer. That is the reason why after 10 or 10+2 the young man prefers to go in for technical training and thereafter sets up his own business. Nothing there is treated as below dignity.

This feeling and sense of dignity of labor has also to be taught to the young man of our country. There are technical hands available even for unlocking locks or moving the grass of the lawn or clearing the blinds of the doors and windows. Of course, their people have a better paying capacity which in our country is also there is a class of society but the willing workers are not there.

Short Essay on Vocational Education 300 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Vocational Education is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Polytechnics were opened but they did not do as much as they were required to do.

What is necessary is a planned manner in which this problem should be tackled. There should be an organization that may collect job-requirements from the private and public sector collate the data and then arranges for imparting technical training accordingly to qualify the Youngman for these jobs. Campus selection may be arranged as is done with engineering colleges of distinction.

In the whole process, the greatest problem that would be faced is finding the duly qualified trained teaching staff for each vocation. But once the schemes get going and catch up and the young man gets attracted to it’ and the parents cooperate the problem of unemployment would get greatly solved. The needy establishments and organizations will get the qualified hands and the qualified hands would get a job.

It is the government which may seriously take up this plan or even invites the private sector to set up such technical institutes. The fee-structure shall have to be controlled and kept within accessible limits of the lower middle class all these efforts if made in the right earnest shall be a great solution to the country’s problems.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

10 Lines on Vocational Education

  • Unemployment is the greatest problem for the young men of our country.
  • The private sector is the major employer but they want duly qualified hands.
  • But the young man must understand that job seeking is not the only means of livelihood. Self-employment should be encouraged.
  • More and more vocational training institutes be started such training taken up by the young man can make himself reliant and self-confident.
  • The dignity of labor this lesson is the first to be learned by the Youngman no job, no work is below dignity as it is in foreign countries.
  • Some organization which may collect data of the type of job- requirements with private and public sector and training in such required fields be imparted.
  • The problem would be of trained technical staff.
  • But once the scheme catches up, it is out of the trainees that teachers would come up.
  • This scheme would provide technically qualified men to the needy organizations and jobs to the needy youngmen.
  • The government should seriously take up this problem; it may even encourage the private sector to set up such technical institutes but with a controlled fee-structure. A great problem in the country would get solved.

Vocational Education Essay Points to Remember

FAQs on Vocational Education Essay

1.  What is meant by vocational education?

Vocational education is education that prepares students for work in a specific trade, a craft, as a technician, or in professional vocations such as engineering, accountancy, nursing, medicine, architecture, or the law.

2. What is the main aim of vocational education?

The aim of vocational education is to train students on skills and technical knowledge.

3. Why is Vocational Education Important?

Vocational Education helps students to perform better in their jobs as they acquire a great learning experience.